[1239] Queensland Government Gazette Environment and Resource Management PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 351] Friday 7 August 2009 [No. 98 Land Act 1994 3 An area of about 1180 m2 being part of Owen Street abutting OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURE Lot 172 on SP161486 (parish of Salisbury, locality of Craiglie) and NOTICE (No 29) 2009 shown as Lot B, proposed permanent road closure on Drawing Short title CNS09/055. (2009/006367) 1. This notice may be cited as the Objections to Proposed Road 6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ&DERROWXUH2I¿FH Closure Notice (No 29) 2009. 4 An area of about 2.38 ha being part of Willetts Road abutting Application for road closure [s.100 of the Act] Lot 200 on LX277 (parish of Conondale, locality of Bellthorpe) 2. Applications have been made for the permanent and temporary and shown as Lot 1 on AP17626 in the Department of Environment closure of the roads mentioned in the Schedule. and Resource Management. (2008/009540) Objections 6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ,SVZLFK2I¿FH 3.(1) An objection (in writing) to a proposed road closure 5 An area of about 3.2 ha being the road separating Lot 238 on mentioned in the Schedule may be lodged with the Regional Service CA31519 from Lot 240 on CA31519 and Lot 242 on CA31612 Director, Department of Environment and Resource Management, (parish of Clarendon, locality of Spring Creek) and shown as DWWKHUHJLRQDORI¿FHIRUWKHUHJLRQLQZKLFKWKHURDGLVVLWXDWHG road proposed to be permanently closed on Drawing 09/217. (2) Latest day for lodgement of objections is 17 September (2009/005306) 2009. 6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ0DU\ERURXJK2I¿FH (3) Any objections received may be viewed by other parties 6 An area of about 1.1 ha being part of the unnamed road interested in the proposed road closure under the provisions of separating Lot 10 on RP224731 and Lot 3 on RP223031 (parish the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (the FOI Act). If you lodge of Gutchy, locality of Kanigan) and shown as road proposed to be an objection, please include in your objection letter whether you permanently closed on Drawing 09/221. (2009/005396) would like to be consulted if this issue becomes the subject of an 6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ1DPERXU2I¿FH access request under the FOI Act. 7 An area of about 7039 m2 being the temporarily closed road Plans off Espin Road adjoining the southern boundary of Lot 11 on 4. Inspection of the plans of the proposed road closures may RP219908 (parish of Maroochy, locality of Bli Bli) and shown be made at- as road proposed to be permanently closed on Drawing 09/188. (a) the Department of Environment and Resource Management (2009/005130) Offices at Cairns, Townsville, Caboolture, Ipswich, 6RXWK:HVW5HJLRQ:DUZLFN2I¿FH Maryborough, Nambour, Warwick and Monto; and 8 Areas totalling 1624 m2 being the road adjoining the eastern E WKH/RFDO*RYHUQPHQW2I¿FHVRI&DLUQV7RZQVYLOOH boundary of Lot 92 on RP814052 (parish of Goondiwindi, locality Moreton Bay, Lockyer Valley, Fraser Coast, Sunshine of Goondiwindi) and shown as Parts A and B, road to be closed Coast, Goondiwindi, Southern Downs and North (permanently) on Drawing DD2009/040A. (2009/001549) Burnett; 9 An area of about 2.98 ha being part of Old Stanthrope Road for a particular plan in that district or that local government area. abutting Lot 58 on ML127 (parish of Wildash, locality of Morgan SCHEDULE Park) and shown as road to be closed (permanently) on Drawing PERMANENT CLOSURE DD2008/273. (2008/008467) 1RUWK5HJLRQ&DLUQV2I¿FH TEMPORARY CLOSURE 1 An area of about 1.37 ha being the temporarily closed 6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ0RQWR2I¿FH road abutting Lot 2 on RP746436 (parish of Grafton, locality of 10 Areas totalling about 2.7275 ha abutting the southern and Gordonvale) and shown as road proposed to be permanently closed south eastern boundary of Lot 152 on YL841 (parish of Cannindah, on Drawing 09/042. (2008/008111) locality of Bancroft) and shown as Parts A and B, road proposed to 1RUWK5HJLRQ7RZQVYLOOH2I¿FH be temporarily closed on Drawing 09/229. (2007/008862) 2 An area of about 1730 m2 being part of Poinciana Street ENDNOTES and Brampton Avenue abutting Lot 99 on SP211269 (parish of 1. Published in the Gazette on 7 August 2009. Coonambelah, locality of Cranbrook) and shown as Lot A, proposed 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. permanent road closure on Drawing CNS09/042. (2008/000614) 3. The administering agency is the Department of Environment and Resource Management. 1240 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 98 [7 August 2009 Land Act 1994 Land Act 1994 REOPENING OF TEMPORARILY CLOSED ROAD NOTICE TEMPORARY CLOSING OF ROADS (No 26) 2009 NOTICE (No 13) 2009 Short title Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Reopening of Temporarily Closed 1. This notice may be cited as the Temporary Closing of Road Notice (No 26) 2009. Roads Notice (No 13) 2009. Reopening temporarily closed road [s.107 of the Act] Roads to be temporarily closed [s.98 of the Act] 2. It is declared that the areas of land comprised in the former Road 2. The roads described in the Schedule are temporarily Licences mentioned in the Schedule are reopened as road. closed. SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 1RUWK5HJLRQ&DLUQV2I¿FH North Region, Cairns Office 1 An area of about 8094 m2 abutting the north eastern corner of Lot 20 1. An area of about 7430 m2 now established as Lot A on SP188489 being the road separating subdivision 20 of portion 25 from on AP20039 (parish of Hull, locality of Granadilla) in the VXEGLYLVLRQRISRUWLRQH[FOXVLYHRIDVWULS¿IW\OLQNVZLGHDORQJLWV Department of Environment and Resource Management. northern alignment, being the land contained within former Road Licence (2005/005096) No. 3912, (parish of Johnstone). (2007/011237) 2. Areas totalling about 8840 m2 now established as 6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ.LQJDUR\2I¿FH Lots A and B on AP19827 (parish of Johnstone, locality of 2 An area of about 5059 m2 being the western part of the road separating Nerada) in the Department of Environment and Resource Lot 3 on RP904873 from Lot 10 on BO9, being the land contained within Management. (2007/007476) former Road Licence No. 2607, (parish of Cushnie). (2009/004533) ENDNOTES ENDNOTES 1. Published in the Gazette on 7 August 2009. 1. Published in the Gazette on 7 August 2009. 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. Assembly. 3. The administering agency is the Department of Environment and 3. The administering agency is the Department of Resource Management. Environment and Resource Management. Place Names Act 1994 PLACE NAME PROPOSAL NOTICE (No 11) 2009 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Place Name Proposal Notice (No 11) 2009. Notice of Place Name Proposal [s.9 of the Act] 2. Notice is given that Stephen Robertson, Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade intends to proceed with a proposal to name the place set out in the Schedule. Display of plan 3. A plan illustrating the proposal may be viewed at the Department of Environment and Resource Management, Ground Floor, &HQWHQDU\6TXDUH%XLOGLQJ&XUULH6WUHHW1DPERXUWKH6XQVKLQH&RDVW5HJLRQDO&RXQFLO&DORXQGUD2I¿FH2PUDK$YHQXH&DORXQGUD the Landsborough Museum, 4 Maleny Street, Landsborough and at the Maleny Library, Coral Street, Maleny. Submissions 4. Individual submissions in writing, either in support of or against the proposal, may be sent to the Regional Service Director, South (DVW5HJLRQ1DPERXU2I¿FH'HSDUWPHQWRI(QYLURQPHQWDQG5HVRXUFH0DQDJHPHQW32%R[1DPERXU4ZLWKLQPRQWKV from the day of this publication. SCHEDULE Geog. Co-ords Plan Name Feature Local Government Area Lat. S. Long. E. No. Remarks :DONHU+LOO +LOO 6XQVKLQH&RDVW5HJLRQDO&RXQFLO ¶´ ¶´ 431 1HZ)HDWXUH ENDNOTES 1. Published in the Gazette on 7 August 2009. 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 3. The administering agency is the Department of Environment and Resource Management. 4. Datum of Co-ordinates:- Geocentric Datum of Australia 94 5. File Reference - NAM/011654 Place Names Act 1994 PLACE NAME DECISION NOTICE (No 24) 2009 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Place Name Decision Notice (No 24) 2009. Notice of Place Name Decision [s.11 of the Act] 2. Notice is given that Stephen Robertson, Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade has decided to name the place set out in the Schedule. SCHEDULE Geog. Co-ords Plan Name Feature Local Government Area Lat. S. Long. E. No. 'RRPDGJHH /RFDOLW\ 6KLUHRI'RRPDGJHH ¶´ ¶´ 431 ENDNOTES 1. Published in the Gazette on 7 August 2009. 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 3. The administering agency is the Department of Environment and Resource Management 4. Datum of Co-ordinates - Geocentric Datum of Australia 94 )LOH5HIHUHQFH431 7 August 2009] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 98 1241 Acts Interpretation Act 1954 Place Names Act 1994 PLACE NAME DECISION (AMENDMENT) NOTICE (No 14) 2009 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Place Name Decision (Amendment) Notice (No 14) 2009. Notice of Amendment of Place Name Decision [s.24AA of the Acts Interpretation Act 1954 and s.11 of the Place Names Act 1994] 2. Notice is given that the Place Names Decision Notice (No 13) 2001 published in the Gazette on 25th May 2001 at page 273 431 LVDPHQGHGE\RPLWWLQJWKHGHWDLOVLQ6FKHGXOHDQGLQVHUWLQJWKHGHWDLOVLQ6FKHGXOH SCHEDULE 1 Geog. Co-ords Plan Name Feature Local Government Area Lat. S. Long. E. No. Remarks 1LFKROVRQ /RFDOLW\ 6KLUHRI%XUNH ¶´ ¶´ 431 SCHEDULE 2 Geog. Co-ords Plan Name Feature Local Government Area Lat. S. Long. E. No. Remarks 1LFKROVRQ /RFDOLW\ 6KLUHRI%XUNH ¶´ ¶´ 431 %RXQGDU\FKDQJH YLGH431 ENDNOTES 1. Published in the Gazette on 7 August 2009. 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly.
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