S ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! S ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! -MAYIBUYE NUMBER 8 Seld o I -- 1984 YEAR OF THE WOMEN .et us make our country u overmable T'4E enemy of ourjpeople, the Pretoria relime, Is busy carrying out Its protau me of Implementing the provisions of Its new apertheid constitution. The friend and itment of theblood-thlr"t generals . i the so-clled South African Defence Force. 3.W. Botha, has been Installed as Pmosdent of racist South Africa. He will proceed to appoint various persns to h cabinet and to his ministerial councils, all of which will be preded over by Botha's war-council, the so-called State Security Coun cif t- or the la:ist rJers or our toulntry, in terms of the iirplulnenitalion of its consli itilionl schemes, Ihingls are Iivrefore pr('xeediwl k:tordinq to plan. I he douirualion ,ji our country, by a small baind ol lanatical racist tyrants is Leing further refiled, reinforced and strenghtened. rhe question that faces the democratic movement of our country is whether, from our point of view, things are proceeding according to plan? Are we achieving our objectIve ind making our country Edti aL .......p2 I MK[ ............7 ZANU-F ...... P 7 ungovernable? Are we dial lenging in action, the right of the apartheid regime to ruls! our country? Can we truly say we have mounted such an offensive that the enemy finds it difficult to stop our forward march ti libeiation? ENIEMY LOST We take opportunity once more to . lte our so-called Coloured and Indian corpatriots for th ir 'yvewrw,:n,+ ing rejection of t-ha's apartheid oinstitution. fIhe enemv lost We won an history /i'tory. I his tait is od rnijr imtwt: to the delonhlp me lt Of 0(ir 0,lhenrive txJay and will similarly be ol najor importance in the Itirther inlensification of our slruggle tomorrow. fIle key thing is that in our planning, in our thinking, in our mobilisation we must proceed from the basis that we inflicted a humiliating defeat on our enemy. We registered a victory whicl Botha and de Klerk themselves had to acknowledgu as such. so PF.RCN In what did that victory consist? What are Its zomponent parts? Of course this victory is characterised oy the fact that more -than 81/i* of the "Co!oured" anO Indian sections of the black people of our country stated away from Botha's polling booths as a conscious and orclanised w-l of wjjct.iiA the constitution of INh, oppressors. Bit from the point of view ol the, future, it is nece.xiry that we analvse and under stand properly the in plic',itions of this lmive boycott, of the apartheid elections. By rejecting the racist constitution, we were. reject;M the kind of society which that constitution reflected and seeks to entrench. We were-saying no to apartheid society. We were saying we reject white minority rule. We were demontrating our opposition to the lVits * -,.r 11 I students stA their * ,part l'i I .UiIdl .)rli ,.t it. If it, ";roijp Aiet,- w- v'ud titt -tornstralinlg otti )pposit;oIo to ti entire a:! tlwJ%:i *;ysi with I' ; i hI iiit ').at' c . tlt,, its slpel expltil'1,141 ol the blk wiople, its tyr. ;,,=' Ias(:isl rule diKI it: . ies.', against the prop!e ol :ittlm ern At rica. As a consciot.s poltilic1 at and in an otganised manner. 4 million South Atricans joined together to reject everything that Botha stands for, to declare their (M)itosiCONTINUED PAGE 4. YE Mayibays pole z NMI, THE racist regime 'has re-ieved a stinging slap in the face. All efforts of the BothaMatan clique to co-opt the Coloured and Indian communities and make them partners in maintaining a system of national oppression and exploitation have been met with a solid wall of resistance by our pete. ,)..:ite all efforts todivide. intimidate, entice and herd our people into thinking as racially compartmentalsed grotjus, the resounding mass .camabign against the 'tricameral parliament' has demonstrated that the different comimunities of. our country think as one people, see our .country as an undivided South Africa and are acting in unity. The Botha-Malan clique has had its mask torn off its face. Botha talks of disappointment, of ti-e election results demonstrating that our people* are" 'not ready to exercise their constitutional rights'. Other spokesmen of the regime talk of the results as a setback and describe the ferment, the militancy and anger sweeping through o,-r country as constituting a 'revlutiona. !/ situation'. in othcr %virJs. the enemny ha beeo foicecd to c -nc!)de d.afeat. hI' the midst of the %.r.. ckc-e o5 " irrigues, tici;d is. are;ady, taiking of another 'new dispensation', of some further tinkerings aimed at gaining some token credibility. This time a "dispensation" for "urban" Africans. it is clear that the BothaMaan clique, augmented by the tiny band of totally discredited stooges, like the Hendrickses, the Rajbansis and Poovalingams, will push ahead to perpetuate their lies, to increas repression anld prolong the life of apartheid and white minority rule. I he tasks before ot or nnla have never oen as clear & now. We have to move ahead. correct our mistakes, do away with weaknesses, fortify and extend our resistence. Let us by a campaign of systematic isolation of the stooges in every sphere of our lives show them that we shall not tolerate their presence in our midst. Let the convening of the 'tri-cameral parliament' be a demonstration of our will tn carry forward 'otir offensive At the pame time, let us carefully take stock of the points at which we need to strengthen our resistance, of the section of our people that need to be drawn into the Mainstream of the struggle. In particular, let us ensure that the participation of our workers in the mass battles that lie ahead is strengthened, that the militancy of our students youth and women is sharp-ened and that our communities in the towns and the cotntryside stand fast together, to confront the enemy on all fronts. And let us grasp more firmdy one of the fundamental lessons of the history of the long march of our people tc freedom. Even in the present campaign, the regime has once again, demonstrated its resuve to o'e repression i.iT;datort, and terror, the naked force of its police, army and the State, to hang on to power. The way for.ward to victory is the ever increasing combination of' united action by our mass"' and organised ravolutionary* violence under the leadership! -of the ANC and Umkhontc We Sizwe. People's War is thej way to victory. We ca i ut adl people in all; .hir formations to unit . to maim ay ottel pt to toisc the racial pariament on us z" resounding declaration of our, resolve to defeat the racisf regime. Forward to Peoples' Power! The world TEis with us T onstiuion of the BotheAun regime hes not only been rejeced by the people of South Afria theiselhs but has been rejected by the whole world. The United Nations Security Council was specially convened in August to take its stand on the apartheid constitution. In the resolution. passed, the racist constitution was declared" nti an d void". All member states voted for the resolution with the exception of Britain and the United States, the closest allies of South Africa, which abstained.. The O.A.U* Liberation Committee voiced the total support of the African continent for our cause, when it condemned the constitution as just a window dressing by 'Botha, and declared its continued support for the liber'ation movement. * The Anti-Apartheid movements of Britain, the Netherlands, France, U.S.A., Scandi navia, Japan, Federal Repub.ic of Germany, Italy, and other European countries. expressed their.total rejection of the contitution and called on their governments to stop their economic and political support which strengthens the Pretoria regime. The government of India, on its behalf, and on behalf of the Non-Aligned Move- ment, of whidi it is chairman, condemned the racist ploys to co-opt certain sections of the oppressed people as co-oppressors of the African majority and called on the Coloureds and Indians not to vote on August 22nd and 28th. The Socialist International which met in Tanzania, in August, added its voice to the worldwide condemnation of the apartheid plans to deceive the world by bringing into being a constitution that excludes the majority of the people of South Africa. Through the United Nations and as individual states, the socialist states gave their pledge to continue their unsweri! support for the liberation movement of South Africa, led by theANC, until the criminal Botha regime is removed from power and a democratic and nonracial state is created in its place. There is no doubt that all peace-loving and democratic peoples of the world are with us in our just struggle for the seizure of political power in South Africa from the apartheid criminal regir--. Untons pntest again Botha's.Yit in June A fitting Commemratin THE spirit of August 9, 1956, which drove 20,000 women marching to the Union Buildinp against the hated pass lawi, lives on in the hearts of our women unquelld Each year, in the last few ywas, has seen uspjmn nearer to the orai. ationd capacity we had when we marched on Pretoria in 1956. In this Year ot the Women it was especially fitting that this memorable day should be as widely celebrated as it was, both inside and outside our country.
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