"To face reality squarely; not to seek the line of least resistance; to call things by their right names; to speak the truth to the masses, no matter how bitter it may be; not to fear obstacles; to be true in little things as in big ones; to base one's program on the logic of the class struggle; to be bold when the hour of action arrives-these are the rules of the Fourth International." No. 33 � ...... 2011 For Joint Arab-Jewish Class Struggle to Smash Zionism! Israeli Apartheid & Palestinian Oppression Shulamit Aloni is a former leader of Israel's liberal one report,Aloni describes traveling on one of the "Jewish Meretz party who served as education minister in Yitzhak only" roads that crisscross the West Bank: Rabin's Labor-led goverrunentin the early 1990s. Her ideo­ "Wonderful roads, wide roads, well-paved roads, bright­ logical commitment to Zionism has not, however, prevent­ ly lit at night-all that on stolen land. Whena Palestinian ed her from candidly discussing the Israeli state's brutal drives on such a road, his vehicle is confiscatedand he is treatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. In sent on his way. 2 Peter Beinart, former editor of the New Republic,a jour­ nal well known as an apologist for Israeli crimes, offend­ ed many of his erstwhile allies when he observed that in the U.S. today there is "an American Zionist movement that does not even feign concern for Palestinian dignity and a broader American Jewish population that does not even feign concern for Israel." Beinart blamed the pow­ erful American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and its ilk,for whom "theHol<;> caust analogies never stop, and their message is always· the same: Jews are licensed by their victimhood to worry only about themselves." He also observed that rather than checking their liberalism at Zionism's door, "many young Jews have checked their Zionism instead" (New Yo rk Review of Books, 10 June 2010). However, the traffic has not been entirely one way. In "The Lede," a New Yo rk Times blog, Robert Mackey reports that some leading figuresin the European far right are lin­ PALESTINIANMONIToR.ORG ing up in support of Israel: "Geert Wilders, whose anti-immigrant party supports Israeli settlers attack Palestinian woman in Hebron the government of the Netherlands, said in a speech "On one occasion I witnessed suchan encounter between this month in Tel Aviv, 'Jews need to settle Judea and a driver and a soldier who was taking down the details Samaria,' using the ancient Hebrew name for the West beforeconfiscating the vehicle and sendingits owner away. Bank.He added, 'Without Judea and Samaria, Israel can­ 'Why?' I asked the soldier. 'It's an order-this is a Jews­ not protect Jerusalem.' only road', he replied. I inquired as to where was the sign "Mr. Wilders told Reuters, 'Our culture is based on Chris­ indicating this fact and instructing [other] drivers not to tianity, Judaism and humanism and [theIsraelis] are fight- use it. His answer was nothing short of amazing. 'It is continued on page 9 his responsibility to know it, and besides, what do you want us to do, put up a sign here and let some antise­ mitic reporter or journalist take a photo so he that [sic] can show the world that Apartheid exists here?' ... "Indeed Apartheid does exist here." Contents -"Yes, There is Apartheid in Israel," Counter Punch, IsraeliApartheid & Palestinian Oppression . 1 8 January 2007 On 'Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions' . 3 Aloni is of course dismissedby Zionists as a"self-hating" Mass Revolt in Egypt . 29 Jew, but this smear (and its equivalent-"anti-Semitic") to Capitalist Austerity & Ireland's Election . 31 describe those who object to Israeli crimes is increasingly Anti-Imperialism & the WSM . 33 losing impact. The ritual incantations-that Israel is "the 'Defiance of unjust laws' . 35 only democracy in the Middle East," that it possesses "the Defend NorthKorea!. 38 most moral army in the world," etc.-become more ludi­ ICL's Mea Culpa on Haiti . 39 crous witheach atrocity. Comrade Bill Savery . 40 Norman Finkelstein's defense of Palestinian rights and IG Ignores ILWUPort Shutdown . 40 his exposure of what he terms the "Holocaust Industry" & have always been particularly galling to America's power­ Killer Cops Democrats. 41 ful "Israel Lobby." In an outrageous act of academic censor­ Mobilizing for Mumia . 43 . 44 ship, Finkelstein was denied tenure at DePaul University Down With the G-20!. & in 2007 after arch-Zionist Alan Dershowitz orchestrated a LTF the General Strike . 54 grotesque slander campaign against him. But such desper­ Que Faire? . 55 ate measures have failed to reverse the shift in popular Class Struggle in France . 56 opinion, as Finkelstein himself recently observed in an interview: "Ifyou are, as I am quite frequently, speaking at college campuses in the United States, it's quite clear that sup­ 1917 port among Jews for Israel has dried up. Editorial Board: C. Lichtenberg, B. Logan, T. Riley . "You'll find there is a handful of people that you might Signed articles or letters do not necessarily represent the call the Hillel faithful, who will still have some public viewpoint of the International Bolshevik Te ndency. events in support of Israel, but barely anybody shows Subscription: U.S. $10 I 4 issues up for them,and when critics of Israeli policy speak, the Order from/pay to: 'Hillel faithful' no longer really show up to protest, to BT, Box 332, Adelaide St. Stn., demonstrate, to shout down, to hand out leaflets,because theyrealize how isolated theyare." Toronto, Canada MSC 2J4 closing date: 25 February 2011 -"It Wasn't a War," ZNet, 5 August 2010 3 On the 'Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions' Campaign Strategies for Palestinian Liberation IBT participates in mass labor/community picket of Israeli Zim Lines ship Zim Shenzhen, Oakland, 20 June 201 0 The Israeli ruling class and its international allies are law, including human rights prohibitions against discrimi­ increasingly apprehensive about the growing "delegitima­ nation" ("Separate and Unequal," 19 December 2010). tion" of the Zionist state due to widespread revulsion at its Appealing to the imperialist predators, who have aided bloody crimes. From the construction of an Apartheid Wall and abetted lsrC;leli crimes at every turn for decades, to sud­ (aka "separation barrier") cutting off the occupied West denly "ensure respect for international law" is delusional. Bank, to the December 2008 /January 2009 massacre in Gaza, But the very fact that such appeals are being made within to the murder of nineactivists aboard the Gaza relief flotilla the bourgeois human-rights establishment is worrisome to on 31 May 2010: the depravity of the Zionists has drained the Zionists.A related, but even greater, concern is the recent whatever sympathy still existed for "poor little Israel." growth of the "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions" (BDS) Amnesty International has been advocating an arms campaign on campuses in NorthAmerica and elsewhere. embargo on Israel since January 2009. In a recent report, The origins of the BDS initiative can be traced to a 2004 the New York-based Human Rights Watch concluded that opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which "there appears to be no legal justification for Israel's differ­ noted that Israel's infamous "separationbarrier" in the West ential treatmentof Palestinians, which breaches Israel's obli­ Bank is "contrary to international law," and proposed that gations under international law, violating the prohibition the parts of the wall built inside the Occupied Territories against discrimination as well as a host of associated rights" should be dismantled and that Palestinians negatively and proposed that the U.S. "consider suspending financing affected by it be compensated. The ruling was initially to Israel in an amount equivalent to the costs of the Israeli greeted with enthusiasm by activists for Palestinian nation­ government's spending in support of settlements" in the al rights, who hoped that it might force Tel Aviv to change West Bank. The group also suggested that Washington look its policy. But, predictably enough, both Israel and its sup­ more closely at tax breaks for donations to Israeli settlement porters in the "international community" were completely construction projects to see if they "are consistent with gov­ indifferent to the judgment. On9 July 2005-ayear after the ernmental obligations to ensure respect for international ICJ opinion-170 organizations of "Palestinian civil sod- 4 Zionist ruling class. According to Mustafa Barghouthi, head of the Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees: "Boycott is the best way of changing the balance of forces. Military force will not work, because of the imbalance of forces, but also because it is not right. I don't think Israel will change its policy unless it hurts, and BDS will hurt it" (TheNation, 28 June 2010). Noura Erakat, a human-rights attorney, explains: "The tripartite strategy of boycott, divestment and sanc­ tions is rooted in econoin:ic logic: Israel must comply with international law because non-compliance is too politically and economically costly to maintain. Divest­ ment pressures institutions with stakes in Israeli compa­ nies, or in companies that sustain Israeli human rights abuses, to drop their holdings. Boycotts encourage con­ sumers to 'let the market decide' upon justice by refus­ ing to buy goods made by companies that benefit from the occupation or inequality in Israel. Sanctions, on the other hand, are trade restrictions imposed by govern­ ments upon others." GETTYIMAGES -Middle East Report,S ummer 2010 Amman, Jordan, May 201 O: demonstrators burn Zionist flag and Israeli produce boxes Each element of the BDS strategy, by itself, is simply utopian; taken together, they express and reinforce the ety" called for a new political strategy explicitly "inspired debilitating illusion that the institutions of monopoly capi­ by the struggle of South Africansagainst apartheid": talism and global imperialism can be employed as tools of "We, representatives of Palestiniancivil society, call upon liberation for the oppressed.
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