Printed on Recycled Paper Recycled on Printed 2010) (Rev. Parks State California 2007 © Railway, ca. 1900 1900 ca. Railway, Gravity car on Mount Tam’s Scenic Scenic Tam’s Mount on car Gravity (415) 388-2070 (415) the automobile and the construction of of construction the and automobile the soon after the arrival of Europeans. Europeans. of arrival the after soon 94941 a C alley, v Mill cars were popular until the advent of of advent the until popular were cars language. However, their way of life changed changed life of way their However, language. ighway h Panoramic 801 The Scenic Railway’s famous gravity gravity famous Railway’s Scenic The a rich culture and a complex and intricate intricate and complex a and culture rich a Mount Tamalpais State Park State Tamalpais Mount Woods, and then back to Mill Valley. Valley. Mill to back then and Woods, Lake County tribes. The Coast Miwok had had Miwok Coast The tribes. County Lake Mill Valley to the summit, down to Muir Muir to down summit, the to Valley Mill resources, such as high-grade obsidian from from obsidian high-grade as such resources, gravity cars allowed sightseers to travel from from travel to sightseers allowed cars gravity edwoods.org/csp r SaveThe beads, trading them for locally unobtainable unobtainable locally for them trading beads, Muir Woods at an exhilarating 12 mph. The The mph. 12 exhilarating an at Woods Muir They made baskets and clamshell disk disk clamshell and baskets made They ® carried passengers down the mountain to to mountain the down passengers carried gathered flora, marsh plants and shellfish. shellfish. and plants marsh flora, gathered gravity and a brake, special open-air cars cars open-air special brake, a and gravity animals and deer, collected acorns, and and acorns, collected deer, and animals tram filled canyon of Muir Woods. Requiring only only Requiring Woods. Muir of canyon filled These California Indians hunted small small hunted Indians California These the top of the mountain to the redwood- the to mountain the of top the ™ Discover the many states of California. of states many the Discover throughout present-day Marin County. County. Marin present-day throughout line was designed to transport visitors from from visitors transport to designed was line Europeans arrived, living near water sources sources water near living arrived, Europeans www.parks.ca.gov times within 200 yards. In 1907 a gravity car car gravity a 1907 In yards. 200 within times Tamalpais for thousands of years before before years of thousands for Tamalpais 711, TTY relay service relay TTY 711, Bow Knot,” the track paralleled itself five five itself paralleled track the Knot,” Bow The Coast Miwok lived on or near Mount Mount near or on lived Miwok Coast The U.S. the outside 653-6995, (916) World.” In the section known as the “Double “Double the as known section the In World.” Native People Native 777-0369. (800) call: information For it the title of “Crookedest Railroad in the the in Railroad “Crookedest of title the it ory IST h L ra CULTU 94296-0001 a C Sacramento, purchase additional state park land. park state additional purchase equivalent to 42 complete circles, earning earning circles, complete 42 to equivalent . Box 942896 Box . o P. orchestrated a grassroots campaign to to campaign grassroots a orchestrated the railroad had to negotiate 281 curves, curves, 281 negotiate to had railroad the temperatures in the 50s; fog is common. is fog 50s; the in temperatures S ark P e T a ST a NI or LIF a C Conservation Club. These organizations organizations These Club. Conservation Valley to the summit was so steep that that steep so was summit the to Valley and cities of the bay. the of cities and 80s. Fall and winter can be cool, with with cool, be can winter and Fall 80s. of several hiking clubs led by the Tamalpais Tamalpais the by led clubs hiking several of a hotel and restaurant. The slope from Mill Mill from slope The restaurant. and hotel a in alternate formats by contacting: by formats alternate in warm, with average highs in the 70s and and 70s the in highs average with warm, park was later enlarged through the efforts efforts the through enlarged later was park scenic mountaintop and the Summit Tavern, Tavern, Summit the and mountaintop scenic This publication is available available is publication This 388-2070. 415) ( Francisco, and the hills hills the and Francisco, Spring and summer temperatures are are temperatures summer and Spring help create Mount Tamalpais State Park. The The Park. State Tamalpais Mount create help completed in 1896, carried visitors to the the to visitors carried 1896, in completed need assistance should contact the park at at park the contact should assistance need the east bay, and Mount Diablo. Diablo. Mount and bay, east the donated 200 acres of land in Steep Ravine to to Ravine Steep in land of acres 200 donated The Mount Tamalpais Scenic Railway, Railway, Scenic Tamalpais Mount The Prior to arrival, visitors with disabilities who who disabilities with visitors arrival, to Prior Marin County hills, San Francisco Bay and and Bay Francisco San hills, County Marin hills, Mount Diablo, San San Diablo, Mount hills, Marin County conservationist, and his wife wife his and conservationist, County Marin the top of the mountain in 1884. 1884. in mountain the of top the California State Parks supports equal access. access. equal supports Parks State California Farallon Islands 25 miles out to sea, the the sea, to out miles 25 Islands Farallon in 1912. In 1928 William Kent, an ardent ardent an Kent, William 1928 In 1912. in developed, and a wagon road was built to to built was road wagon a and developed, Tamalpais’s 2,571-foot peak includes the the includes peak 2,571-foot Tamalpais’s sea, the Marin County County Marin the sea, Tamalpais Conservation Club, organized organized Club, Conservation Tamalpais for recreational purposes. Trails were were Trails purposes. recreational for The breathtaking panorama from Mount Mount from panorama breathtaking The The oldest of these citizen groups is the the is groups citizen these of oldest The gold discovery, used Mount Tamalpais Tamalpais Mount used discovery, gold animal species. species. animal Farallon Islands out to to out Islands Farallon mountain and keep it open to the public. public. the to open it keep and mountain population exploded after the 1848 1848 the after exploded population environment for a wide array of plant and and plant of array wide a for environment enthusiasts have worked hard to protect the the protect to hard worked have enthusiasts Residents of San Francisco, whose whose Francisco, San of Residents these ridges and slopes to create a diverse diverse a create to slopes and ridges these On a clear day, view the the view day, clear a On ailway r Scenic Tamalpais Mount hike its trails. Generations of Mount Tam Tam Mount of Generations trails. its hike with solemn redwood groves intersect intersect groves redwood solemn with State Park State Tam,” to relish the spectacular views and and views spectacular the relish to Tam,” for high-quality outdoor recreation. outdoor high-quality for and oak woodlands. Deep canyons filled filled canyons Deep woodlands. oak and “coast mountain.” mountain.” “coast breathtaking. is the mountain, affectionately called “Mount “Mount called affectionately mountain, the cultural resources, and creating opportunities opportunities creating and resources, cultural with chaparral-covered ridges, grasslands grasslands ridges, chaparral-covered with roughly translated means “bay mountain” or or mountain” “bay means translated roughly Over the years, millions have flocked to to flocked have millions years, the Over diversity, protecting its most valued natural and and natural valued most its protecting diversity, Tamalpais attention with its sweeping hillsides cloaked cloaked hillsides sweeping its with attention Miwok word word Miwok -us), which which -us), pie (tam-al- tamalpais the 2,571-foot peak peak 2,571-foot the to preserve the state’s extraordinary biological biological extraordinary state’s the preserve to fforts e Conservation County . Mount Tamalpais captures our our captures Tamalpais Mount . San Francisco. Francisco. San This was later changed to the the to changed later was This education of the people of California by helping helping by California of people the of education T rises majestically from the heart of Marin Marin of heart the from majestically rises mountain mountain Car Barn on East Peak. East on Barn Car La Sierra de Nuestro Padre de de Padre Nuestro de Sierra La he panorama from from panorama he Mount to provide for the health, inspiration and and inspiration health, the for provide to Bridge, Mount Tamalpais State Park Park State Tamalpais Mount Bridge, Fages and Father Juan Crespí, named the the named Crespí, Juan Father and Fages car replica is displayed at the new Gravity Gravity new the at displayed is replica car The mission of California State Parks is is Parks State California of mission The N orth of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Gate Golden Francisco’s San of orth In 1770 two explorers, Captain Pedro Pedro Captain explorers, two 1770 In gravity A 1922. in Boulevard Ridgecrest Our Mission Our The STaTe Park Today and shooting stars. Spotted coralroot, fetid animal Life sleeping platforms and an Amateur Astronomers allow visitors to use Now one of the oldest and most popular adder’s tongue and Pacific trillium are Raccoons, gray foxes, squirrels, bobcats, outdoor barbecue, but no their telescopes for stargazing. units of the California State Park System, the among the plants that hide in the deep coyotes, black-tailed deer, and, occasionally, running water.
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