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The itinerary and dates of travel as well as the type and extent of the services Rocky's are tailor-made to individual specifications. Train and CALI PORN IA hotel reservations are made and confirmed prior to departure. In this folder are detailed four of the most SUGGESTED popular and rewarding two-week vacation itineraries into Great Northern Railway territory. ITINERARIES The cost of these various programs, detailed on GO VIA PACIFIC NORTHWEST—RETURN WITH STOPOVER IN LAS VEGAS the insert sheet, is governed by the class of railway for Pre-arranged and Reserved travel selected Coach or Pullman) and the type of hotel INDEPENDENT TRAVEL Sur, Santa Barbara Mission, Malibu Shore, Santa Monica. and room chosen. Itinerary No, 5 Overnight CASA MUNRAS in Monterey and MIRAMAR To arrange for one of these "independent" vaca- SUMMER VACATIONS Many wonderful itineraries can be built from the numerous in Santa Barbara. Meals at delightful restaurants. Frequent tions. call in person, telephone, or write to the repre- and varied features available over the "Grand Circle Route" picture stops. sentative shown in the box below. He will want to have • to California. Here is a sample program which many trav- the following information] Glacier-Banff-Lake Louise elers will enjoy. TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY LOS ANGELES and Southern California. Trip to DISNEYLAND on a half-day. Free 1. Full names of the persons traveling. relationship if • FRIDAY Leave CHICAGO Great Northern Railway's pertinent to Family Plan railway fares, ages of children Great Dome EMPIRE BUILDER, 2:30 PM CST. After- railway side trip to SAN DIEGO is available. Time to (if any). Glacier-Banff-Lake Louise-Jasper noon along scenic, historic Mississippi River. Twin Cities, explore Hollywood, Restaurant Row, visit friends. 2. Date trip is to start. together with any adjustments in • evening. THURSDAY Leave 8:00 AM I.as Vegas Holiday Special the itinerary which personal inclinations might require. Pacific Northwest-Banff-Lake Louise SATURDAY - En route across Montana and circle of glori- with Buffet breakfast and lunch arriving LAS VEGAS For mid-summer travel it might be well to suggest ous Glacier National Park. 2:45 PM. Overnight reservation your choice of famous alternate starting dates, if possible. "strip" hotels. 3. Class of railway travel desired. If Pullman indicate type SUNDAY-MONDAY —SEATTLE, Wash., in the evergreen of room preferred. Most summer trains carry a choice Pacific Northwest-California-Las Vegas PACIFIC NORTHWEST. 4-hour "Land and Water" tour FRIDAY All day at leisure in LAS VEGAS! Sun, swim- of roomette Ismail room for one), double bedroom, of highlights by motor and steamer. Full day Cruise on ming pool, downtown, time for "dinner show." Depart double compartment. bedroom suites for 2, 3 or 4. Puget Sound to old-English VICTORIA, Canada with CITY OF LOS ANGELES 10:50 PM. 4. Indicate preference in hotels— superior. medium. guided tour of Butchart's famous gardens. economy; as well as type of room—single, twin- SATURDAY-SUNDAY—En route through Salt Lake City bedded. double bed. TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY Morning train to PORT- and western ranch country of Wyoming. Arrive CHICAGO When all is complete and final cost established, LAND, Oregon. Overnight. 5-hour drive along expansive (Union Station) home again after a grand vacation Columbia River, visiting Shrine, Multnomah Falls, Bonne- I L59 AM CST. confirmation and final itinerary will be sent to you along ville Dam. Full day scenic trip on SHASTA DAYLIGHT with procedure for finalizing arrangements. Plan and through high timber, around Mt. Shasta to Oakland. Motor EXAMPLE OF COST WHICH act now for a memorable worry-free vacation in the across Oakland Bay Bridge to SAN FRANCISCO. glorious American and Canadian west.
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