DOCUMENT RESUME BD 115 9530 95 CE 005 848 TITLE Metric Education. An Annotated Bibliography for Vocational, Technical and Adult Education. Bibliography Series No. 26. INSTITUTION Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Center for Vocational and Technical Education. SPONS AGENCY Bureau of Occupational and Adult Education (DREW /OE), Washington, D.C. REPORT NO VT-102-344 PUB DATE 74 GRANT OEC-0-74-9335 NOTE 154p.; For related document, see CE 004 827 EDRS PRICE 10-$0.76 HC-$8.24 Plus Postage _DESCRIPTORS Adult Education; *Annotated Bibliographies; Audiovisual Aids; Indexes (Locaters); Information Sources; *Metric System; *Reference Materials-; *Resource Guides; Technical Education; *Vocational Education. ABSTRACT The annotated bibliography is designed to help vocational, technical, and adult education teachers and others. locate available materials on metric education. Each cited item is available from a supplier or'an information system. It is organized into three sections: instructional materials, reference materials, and resource lists. The instructional materials section is organized by material type: instructor guides, student materials, and audiovisual materials. Each citation provides information on possible use; for example, educational level indicated in parenthesis at the end of each citation and content indicated in the annotation. Included in the reference materials section are items on general metrication, impact on education, metrication of business and industry, impact on consumers, international systems of units (SI), converting from customary to metric units, national and international standards, and bibliographies. The lists of resources in section 3 are designed to help the user locate organizations, publishers, suppliers, and resource persons who may be helpful in developing or selecting curriculum materials. Names, addresses, and available materials and services are given.(Author/NJ) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired, by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy availableNevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy, reproductions ERIC 'makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not *.responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. ************************************************************************ US DE PAR"MENT OF HEALTH EOUCAT,ON i WELFARE 1..5.7.IHAtoeSTI,IUTE Of EOUCATION .MF'.' PEEN REPRO D.'ED AS cECE .c FRO,/ RE R>Oh :c oRe-,ch IA' ON ORCtorr C'S N'S 0 . E.. OR OP NONS S'A'E O NO' NE'ES`,=g+ REPsiE NS'T.,'E 0, Bibliography Series No. 26 ,(0,:c.^ PO. METRIC EDUCATION An Annotated Bibliography for Vocational, Technical, and Adult Education I, The Center for Vocational Education The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 43210 --17 1974 (02--344) I This publication was developed pursuant to contract No. OgC-0-74-9335 with the Bureau of Occupational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. However, the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the U.S. Officeof Education and no official endorsement by the U S. Office of Education should be inferred. YI DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states.No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the bene- fits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.There- fore, the Vocational Education program, like every prograrrior activity receiving financial assistance from the Departrnent of Health, Education, and Welfare, must be operated in compliance with this law. ... ., FOREWORD Metrication is occurring in our nation. Certain sectors of society are converting more rapidly than others, with business and industry in the forefront. Some major industries have nearly completed the process, while others are rapidly following suit. Educational practices must change to accommodate these developments and to prepare stu dents to function adequately as citizens and workers. The Center for Vocational Education is dedicated to make useful and vital information accessible so it may be used to improve school practices. Finding and using relevant information frequently is a major task for curriculum specialists, teachers, administrators and students. This bibliography should be of assistance in meeting immediate metric education needs in vocational, technical, and adult education. We are indebted to Gloria S. Cooper and Joel H. Magisos, co-directors of the project, to Mary Kathryne Baratta, Richard A Dieffenderfer and Edward F. Hauck, research specialists, to Anne E. Stakelon, program assistant, and to Jacqueline Parris, project secretary, for their efforts in compiling the bibliography. ) . Appreciation is extended to all agencies, public and private, which cooperated by submitting materials and useful information. We especially wish to thank the NSF;RANN Metric Conversion Study, University of Minnesota, the Center for Metric Education and Studies, Western Michigan University, The National Bureau of Standards, Metric Information Office, The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the American National Metric Council, the ERIC Clearinghouse on Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education, The Ohio State University, The Ohio Department of Transportation, Metric Highway Project, Mechanical Engineering Department, The Ohio State tint versity, The Cooperative Extension Service and School of Home Economics, The Ohio State University. Special thanks-go to M. Eldon Schultz, Regional Program Officer, Region V, for his support and cooperation in providing leads and materials for the adult education component of our bibliography. Robert E. Taylor Director The Center for Vocational Education .., TABLE OF CpNiENTS PAGE FOREWORD Ili TABLE OF CONTENTS v INTRODUCTION 1 SECTION ONE. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS sl- Instructor Guides 6 Student Materials 13 Self-directed Student Materials 13 .,, Teacher-directed Student Materials 24 Audio-visual Materials 32 Films / 32 Film Loops 37 Videocassettes 40 Filmstrips 45 Transparencies, Transparency Masters, 35mm Slides 46 Audio-recordings 50 Multimedia Kits 52 Charts and Posters, 62 Metric Converters and Devices 70 . , w SECTION TWO: ReFERENOg MATERIALS General Metrication 74 Impact on Education 80 Metrication of Business and Industry 84 J v 4 PAGE ,. , Impact on Consumers . .1 91 International System of Units (SI) 92 Converting Customary/Metric Measurement Units 95 National and International Standards 99 Bibliographies 102 SECTION THREE: RESOURCE LISTS Directory of Publishers and Suppliers 106 State and Local Resource Persons 116 U.S. Organizations: Their Periodicals and Metric Resources 126 Foreign Metric Conversion Boards and Associations: Their Periodicals and Resources 129 EXES Author Index 133 . Title Index 135 Producing Agency Index 140 .0 1 EDUCATIONAL LEVEL INDEXES Occupational Cluster Index 145 General Metric Instructional Materials Index 147 1 Adult Basic Education Index 149 N vi --) INTRODUCTION This bibliography is designed to assist vocational, technical, and adult education teachers and others locate available materials on metric education. The cited materials will help educators acquire metric Skills for themselves and create learning opporkmities for others. The resources in this bibliography will help the user become familiar with current metric activity and gain some sense of its impact on vocational, technical, and adult education curricula. Organization of the Bibliography The bibliography is organized so that teachers can find appropriate materials to meet thneeds of their stu dents. Each item is cited and annotated in a manner to help the user decide whether he wants to obtain it for actual use. Each item is available from a supplier or an information system. Materials from foreign sources were not in cluded because of the potential difficulty users would have in obtaining them. The three sections of the bibliography are. Instructional Materials, Reference Materials and Resource Lists. These sections and several subdivisions are shown in the Table of Contents on pages v - vi. Instructional Materials The items in the Instructional Materials section were selected from a much larger group of materials based upon their potential for infusion in vocational, technical, and adult education curricula. Organization of the section is based upon the types of materials. instructor guides, student materials, and audio- visual materials. Each citation provides information on possible use, for example, educational level indicated in parenthesis at the end of each citation and content indicated in the annotation. Reference Materials The items in the Reference Materials section were selected from among available literature on various aspects of metrication based upon passible usefulness to vocational, technical, and adult educators. Included are parts on . general metrication, impact on education, metrication of business and industry, impact on consumers, international system of units (SI), converting from customary to metric measurement units, national and international standards, and bibliographies. Resource Lists The lists of resources
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