Ete Te Я •V Si N Prigi , Ms

Ete Te Я •V Si N Prigi , Ms

•EK'S C ' ETE TE ß •V SI N PRIGI , MS THE The Showcose %. Editorials Column Comment Editor Speaks Complete Short Story V Shows This Week Miss Rheincjoldat Police Ball JUNE 9, 1957 VOL. XXIX, No. 23 Whalesin the SwimmingPool? •' - " .": .•. ß•.' .• ' •.:<.ii!!!!!:,,• ,. ß - . ..-..ß: ß ß ß .. ' . jr. ß: . ß . .: , D;:i:ii:./-..•...i'11 , ,.ß ..: •.-- •...... .! ¾<::{-:-....-;'¾•>.• .-.. .•. .. <..- '""'::.Z'•:!:: F::.-: ß ß ..... .:.?•.-•?!??:.. ...... ...... • -, . ß :11•;i• .....•.: ß:'::-•:.•, .. ß . .. .... ß.. ß • ..... '-!•!:. •"'& ....-.. :.:.."' • :.!:i:½ •':.'?-::.'k.•'. ß .. .•*. ß _.•...<.ß -.•.;....... ..::.%.:.:...:.:. ...:..; ß,•- , ß ß'•. .:. ... ....... •'. -.'--& .?-.::-:.•,!i;-'.-.".?i•........ .L•'• ß .... ". ",,. .-'y' . .---::•:>.::•:i-.-:•:::'.. >.j!:.•:;-"• ß ß -•- . -. 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Television's "House Party" Monday thru Friday, normally finds the fishing better in the Pacific Ocean than in his California pool. PUBLICß SERVICE ::f:-".-':::.::.::.:.:.::::.. •'- /...' 'i:.';" '• ===========================ß ================================================================== :.:.:-.. ::: '"':' . :.::..?;::.• . ..................•:!:i:::'?:-:....................... ::.::..:.:.:-::.::..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ........ "::.:::;,:::-':':":-: '"':......... ' ............:::-:.......... :.:::'.-:• ........................................... ',:;•':::.-'.-.-::: ..... ½:-'....................... Informal Dress Suit ::K-:-:.'-:::::._ "':::- ß . "' :.,.::::' ' :.::<.•';..'.::'•.:<<':::4::'.•.:•<•.'.':-.,..'::.•::'.':::: •:::::-., ':::::::::::..•::::""&::K:: ......... ";:---'.':.:i:•'":'........ 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',, .....A ==================================================-;---:';::-:::::::::::::::::::::: :.;:"•........ ::::::::::::::::::::::: ;•,',-j' ,. ß ,.,: %,• ;,•:::•.::-:'<::;::•y•..;.•:::.':.-'_.:.-t.•_:.;.•'::!:;:•:::•}::.::::,- ß-... ß ß 'Tvc Got A Secret" panelists Ilenry Morgan (left) and !Cullen (center) had their •ardrobe.,, •tuietly raided to provide'. SEEING EYE DOG•He.nry Bosch, a 7th grade student of . Vera Ellen ;•ith l•er secret. 1!er dress was made from one of Bill Cullefts suits and the accessories (gloves, flox• rs in the hair) "-..•,. Kinnelon, poses .with Hannah, a Gernmn Shepherd he raised were mad from a shirt and tie of Morgan's. The gentlemen' •lr0r..•a•.,Seeing Eye, of Morristown. guessed the secret but their clothes were •ot replaced (CB .-- Television Network, _1•edn.e 'day.s;) ... •-•""'•;' •= . -ß "'- •,,......... --•,.----.-a,•,,.. ,_-•....,•.?•. • . .,....... '-' ,. Published Weekly by THE CHRONICLE COMPANY 170-172 Butler Street - - - Paterson, Ne•v Jersey LAmbert 5-2741 VINCENT S. PARRILLO, Managing Editor Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1928, at the Post Office at Patersonl N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. JUNE 9, 1957 - Vol. XXIX, No. 23 ß Single Copy 5 Cents $3.00 a Year By Mail ::::. iiii!. ': -...:.-.: CONTENTS ..-.-. ....................... .... ............. .._._.. ß FEATURES ,. .... ..... .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ß . ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:• 14 Complete Short Story .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ..................... "' ß '"' ':i:i:i:•:i:i:!:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i: ..... .:i:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:i:i:i:•:i:•:i-':' " : :" ' • il -::if!.............. DEPARTMENTS ::::!:!::!:::: .-.-:-. ß ... CgOWNINC_r•B•rbara Bodie, M•ry-like Qu 'en of lhe P' Diocese, is .shown above as sh- crowned the lalue of

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