C12108 Waitaha Hydro Natural Character, Landscape and Visual Amenity Assessment PREPARED FOR WESTPOWER LIMITED BY BOFFA MISKELL LIMITED • DECEMBER 2013 Waitaha Hydro Natural Character, Landscape and Visual Amenity Assessment Contents Figure 1: Scheme Location Plan 1 Figure 2: Land Cover of the West Coast Region 2 Figure 3: Conservation Areas of the West Coast Region 3 Figure 4: River Gorges and Hot Springs of the West Coast Region 4 Figure 5: Land Cover Plan 5 Figure 6: Catchment Areas 6 Figure 7: Morgan Gorge Area 7 Figure 8a: Waitaha River Flow Photographs, Looking Downstream 8 Figure 8b: Waitaha River Flow Photographs, Looking Upstream 9 Figure 9: Powerhouse Site, Planting Rehabilitation 10 Site Photograph 1 11 Site Photograph 2 12 Site Photograph 3 13 Site Photograph 4 14 Site Photograph 5 15 Site Photograph 6 16 Site Photograph 7 17 Site Photograph 8 18 Site Photograph 9 19 Site Photograph 10 20 Site Photographs 11 - 13 21 File Ref: C12108_001_Waitaha_Site_Location_Plan.mxd File Ref: C12108_001_Waitaha_Site_Location_Plan.mxd Ross Township File Ref: C12108_001_Waitaha_Site_Location_Plan.mxd Insert: South Island of New Zealand Ross Township File Ref: C12108_Waitaha_Hydro_Graphic_Attachment.indd Insert: South Island of New Zealand Ross Township Insert: South Island of New Zealand Tasman Sea Waitaha River Catchment Tasman Sea Tasman Sea Waitaha River Catchment Waitaha River Catchment Christchurch City Christchurch City Hokitika Gorge Christchurch City Mikonui River Hokitika Gorge Hokitika Gorge Mikonui River Mikonui River File Ref: C12108_001_Waitaha_Site_Location_Plan.mxd Ra 0 45 90 180 km n Hokitika River gi R to 0 45 90 180 km Ross Township an t R g o Hokitika River a Kowhitirangi i R Insert: South Island of New Zealand 0 50 100 200 km n to a g t n Hokitika River i o g to R e to a R n a g Tasman Sea n e g e W Waitaha River Catchment a i t W a h a SH6 a Waitaha W i t a R a Christchurch City h i i ve t SH6 a Waitaha a h R r Hokitika Gorge SH6 a Waitaha i ve R P i r u ve Mikonui River r c K r P e o u k l l a Lake Ianthe/P r K c R p u o a e a Matahi r k t K l a Lake Ianthe/c l n a h e o R g p k a i 0 50 100 200 km l a e Matahi l a t ( Lake Ianthe/ Hokitika River a L R p n a h it a g Matahi t i t a l n e ( e h L D g W i it i e ( t c L l a k e i it t D i a e t W l t ic Bon e Mt Allen a R ar Ra D a k n W it R i i g i a dge e c iv e a k t Bo a e R nar it i Mt Allen Ra a e r n R ) i ge t dge Bonar R Mt Allen a R H iv ang R i itc e e dge h r iv in ) e H Ran Waitaha r k it ge ) e Urquhart Knob ch H Cr e in R itc las ange hin ug ek Scheme UrquhartLocation Knob Ivory RDoa r e k nges C e Urquhart Knob gla Morgan Gorge Glacier Cr e Mt. Ashmere ou Scheme Location Windhover Gorge Ivory las D Waitaha Gorge W ug MorganKiwi Gorge Flat Ivory aitah Ivory GlacierLake Do Alluvial Fan Windhover Gorgea R Mt. Ashmere WaitahaGlacier Gorge iver Lake Ianthe/ Morgan Gorge Windhover GorgeKiwi Flat Waitah Ivory Lake Mt. Ashmere Alluvial Fan a R Matahi Kiwi Flat Waitaha Gorge Wait iver Alluvial Fan aha W Ivory Lake Harihari R h ivirer C SH6 l W i n o Harihari h g u i C W r W n SH6 l i h n o Harihari i a t r C g t u y SH6 l i e n W S WAITAHA RIVER CATCHMENT o r n g u a t tr W t y e n S e S a a t m r m t y y t e th re r S S R yth Rang a tr m ange Sm e m S e yt m am h R yth Rang yt ange Sm e h R h Rang ange Smyt e Wanganui River Morgan Gorge Wanganui River Wanganui River Harihari This graphic has been prepared by Boffa Miskell Limited on the specific instructions of our Client. It is solely for our 0 2 km General Works Location PROJECT NAME Clients use in accordance with the agreed scope of work. This plan has been prepared by Boffa Miskell Limited on This graphic has been prepared by Boffa Miskell Limited on Any use or reliance by a third party is at that partys own Scheme Location Legend WAITAHA HYDRO PROJECT NAME the specific instructions of our Client. It is solely for our the specific0 instructions of our Client. It is5km solely for our 0 2 km GeneralTunnel Alignment Works Location risk. Where information has been supplied by the Client or Data Sources: Waitaha Hydro Site Location Plan This graphic has been prepared by Boffa Miskell Limited on Clients use in accordance with the agreed scope of work. ° Client’s use in accordance with the agreed scope of work. the specific instructions of our Client. It is solely for our obtained from other0 external sources, 2 km it has been assumed Map sourcedGeneral from Topo50 Works Map.1:150,000 Crown Location Copyright@ A3 Reserved. PROJECT NAME Figure X Any use or reliance by a third party is at that partys own Legend NZNZ State Highway Highway Centrelines Centrelines (Sept (Sept 2011) 2011) Any use or reliance by a third party is at that party’s own that it is accurate. No liability or responsibility is accepted Legend Tunnel Alignment Figure 1: Scheme Location Plan Clients use in accordance with the agreed scope of work. risk. Where information has been supplied by the Client or Map sourced from Topo250 Map. Crown Copyright Reserved. Waitaha Date:Hydro dd MonthSite Location2012 | Revision: Plan 0 risk. Where information has been supplied by the Client by Boffa Miskell Limited for any errors or omissions to the ° Any use or reliance by a third party is at that partys own 1:150,000 @ A3 obtained from other external sources, it has been assumed NZRECLegend Data Sources: WatershedsTunnel from Alignment sourced1:150,000 from MfE,@ Crown A3 Copyright Figure X or obtained from other external sources, it has been extent that they arise from inaccurate information provided NZwatershedsWaitaha State Catchment Highway Centrelines (SeptWaitaha 2011) Hydro Site Location Plan risk. Where information has been supplied by the Client or that it is accurate. No liability or responsibility is accepted | Date: December 2013 | Page: 1Plan | Prepared for XXXXX by Boffa Miskell Limited assumed that it is accurate. No liability or responsibility by the Client or any external source. Reserved Date: dd Month 2012 | Revision: 0 obtained from other external sources, it has been assumed by Boffa Miskell1:150,000 Limited for any@ A3errors or omissions to the Figure X is accepted by Boffa Miskell Limited forwww.boffamiskell.co.nz any errors or Projection:Data Sources: NZNZGD NZGD State 2000 2000 New New Highway Zealand Zealand Transverse Transverse Centrelines Mercator. Mercator (Sept 2011) ocean Author: [email protected] | Checked: XXX XXXX that it is accurate. No liability or responsibilityWanganui is accepted River extent that they arise from inaccurate information provided watershedsWestland District Boundary Date: ddPlan Month prepared 2012 for Westpower | Revision: Limited 0 Boffa Miskell LimitedPlan Prepared for XXXXX by Boffa Miskell Limited by Boffaomissions Miskell to Limited the extent for any that errors they orarise omissions from inaccurate to the Data Sources: by the Client or any external source. www.boffamiskell.co.nz extentinformation that they ariseprovided from by inaccurate the Client information or any www.boffamiskell.co.nzexternal provided source. Projection:watersheds NZGD 2000 New Zealand Transverse Mercator ocean Plan Prepared forAuthor: XXXXX [email protected] by Boffa Miskell Limited Author: | Checked: [email protected] JB | Checked: XXX XXXX by the Client or any external source. www.boffamiskell.co.nz Projection: NZGD 2000 New Zealand Transverse Mercator ocean Author: [email protected] | Checked: XXX XXXX This graphic has been prepared by Boffa Miskell Limited on the specific instructions of our Client. It is solely for our 0 2 km watersheds PROJECT NAME Clients use in accordance with the agreed scope of work. Any use or reliance by a third party is at that partys own Legend ocean Waitaha Hydro Site Location Plan risk. Where information has been supplied by the Client or ° obtained from other external sources, it has been assumed 1:150,000@ A3 territorial_authorities Figure X that it is accurate. No liability or responsibility is accepted Date: dd Month 2012 | Revision: 0 by Boffa Miskell Limited for any errors or omissions to the Data Sources: extent that they arise from inaccurate information provided Plan Prepared for XXXXX by Boffa Miskell Limited by the Client or any external source. www.boffamiskell.co.nz Projection: NZGD 2000 New Zealand Transverse Mercator Author: [email protected] | Checked: XXX XXXX File Ref: C12108_Waitaha_Hydro_Graphic_Attachment.indd File Ref:File C12108_017_A3P_LCDB3_WestCoast.mxd Ref: C12108_017_A3P_LCDB3_WestCoast.mxd LegendLegend TerritorialTerritorial Authorities Authorities NZ RegionalNZ Regional Councils Councils UpperUpper Waitaha Waitaha Catchment Catchment Extent Extent PermanentPermanent snow snow and and ice ice AlpineAlpine vegetation, vegetation, gravel gravel and and rock rock NativeNative shrubland shrubland fernlands fernlands IndigenousIndigenous forest forest ExoticExotic shrubs shrubs and and shelterbelts shelterbelts ExoticExotic forest forest TussockTussock grassland grassland LowLow producing producing grassland grassland HighHigh producing producing grassland, grassland, crops crops and and vineyards vineyards River,River, lakes lakes and and wetlands wetlands CoastalCoastal and and estuarine estuarine Urban,Urban, man-made man-made environment environment BullerBuller District District GreyGrey District District ors or omissions to the extent that they arise from inaccurate information provided by the Client or any external source.
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