IIKA INITIATES! NOW YOU CAN WEAR A III{ A BA.DGE ORDER IT TODAY FROM THIS OFFICIAL PRICE LIST- PLAIN -UNJEWELED Sister Pin or No. 0 No. 2 No. 3 Plain Be vel Border................... ....................................................... $ 5.25 $ 6.50 $ 9.00 Nugget or Engrdved Border ................................................. ....... 5.7 5 7.00 10.50 Nugget or Engraved Border with 4 Pearl Points........ 7.50 B.75 12 .00 S. M. C . Key ............................................................................ SB .50 S CARP FULL CROWN SET JEWELS No. 0 No. 2 No. 21/, No. 3 Pearl Border ................. ............................ ................. $ 11.50 s 16.00 $ 19.50 $ 22 .50 Pearl Border, C ape Ruby Po ints....... ..................... 11.50 16.00 19.50 22.50 P.earl Bo rder, Ruby or Sapphire Po ints ................ 13.25 17 .50 22 .50 27.50 Pearl Border, Emerald Points ... ·-··························· 16.50 22.00 25.00 30.00 Pearl Border, Di amond Points ................................ 39.50 52.75 62 .50 Bl.50 No.2 c~ . SeT Pea rl and Sapphire Alternating ............................ 16.50 21.00 25.00 30.50 PLAIN PEARL N o. 2 Pea rl and Ruby Alternating ....... .. .... 16.50 21.00 25.00 30.50 Pearl a nd Emera ld Alternating ............................. IB.OO 24.00 30.00 35.00 ~ I Ct. SeT Pearl Diamond Alternating 64 .50 BB .50 105 .50 140.50 and i L"RC I!. All Ruby Border........ IB .OO 23.00 30.00 32 .50 ····················· ~--~' •' Ruby Border, Diamond Poi nts ................................ 44 .00 59.00 73.00 91.50 .. " Ruby a nd Dia mond A lternat ing ·························- 70.00 94.75 11 6.00 150.50 Emerald and Di a mond Alternating ...................... 74.00 99 .25 15B.OO Di a mond Border, Ruby Poi nts ................................ 91.25 126.25 15 1.50 204.50 Diamond Bo rder, Sapphire Points............ ............ 91.25 126.25 151.50 204.50 Diamond Bo rder, Emerald Points .................... 94 .50 129.50 207 .00 All Di amond 116.50 160.00 191 .50 25B.50 Pledge Buttons ..... .. .................... $6.00 per dozen G old Pi Recognition Button ............................. $0 .75 each GUARD PIN PRICE LIST Sing le Double Letter Letter Pl ain ........ ························ ....................... $2 .25 $ 3.50 Crown Set Pea rl.. .. 6.00 10.00 The regulations of your Fraternity require that no piece of jewelry b e delivered by the Official Jewelers without first receiving an Official Order signed by your Chapter Secretary. This applies not only to Badges, but to Pledge Buttons, Recognition Pins, and any jewelry mounted with the Pi Kappa Alpha coat of a rms. In orde r to secure COAT OF ARMS GUA RD S prompt delive ries, be sure and obtain your Official Ord er a t the time your order is placed. Miniature, Yellow G old.............. ...................................... $2 .75 Scarf Size, Yellow G old.. .................................................................... 3.25 Be sure to mention the name of your Chapter when ordering a guard for Send Today for Your Free Copy your pin. ALL PRICES SU BJECT TO 20% FEDERAL TAX of "THE GIFT PARADE" Send Your Orders To Your Official Jewelers BURR, PATTERSON & AULD CO. ROOSEVELT PARK, DETROIT 16, MICHIGAN 1870 AMERICA'S OLDEST FRATERNITY JEWELERS 1948 + A OTHER convention has come and gone. As usual, they a re in­ AND spiring meetings-cement to strengthen ~HI~lll ll IAM~ND break:>; heat to temper to new rigidity OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY a nation-wide o rganization. Founded at the University of Virginia, March I , 1868, hy Julian Ed,,•ard Inspira tion came from the pre~ e n ce of Wood, Littleton Waller Tazewell, J ames Benjamin Sclater, Jr., Frederick Southgate Taylor, Robertson Howard, and William Alexander. such distinguished persons as Dr. George J . BLANFORD TAYLOR, EDITOR Summey. a m ember of the Fraternity for HARRY E. HEATH, JR., AssociATE EDITOR 79 years; Charle E . Payne, the last sur­ Office of Publication, 114 East Second Street, Little Rock, Ark. viving member of old Epsilon chapter. and "Uncle Billy" Briscoe, who has a · Changes of address and subscriptions should be sent to Robert D. Lynn, Executive Secretary, 1294 Union Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Both old and whole aimful o[ convention ervice new addresses should be given. Life subscription $10 for those initiated stripes. before Sept. I, 1927. Per year, $2. Alumni rate, per year. $1. If they had not been the beneficiarie11 Articles and photographs for THF. SHtEL,D AND Dt AMOND are cordiall y invited and should be addressed to J. Blanford Taylor, P.O. Box 148, DeLand, Fla. of Pi Kappa Alpha, they long ago would have la id aside such childish things. But Volume LVIII, No. 1 SEPTEMBER, 1948 there is more to Pi Kappa Alpha than making the team, going to a dance or THE SHIELD AND DIAMOND is published tour times a year at 11 4 East Second St., Little Rock, winning a campus election. These men Ark., in September, December, March and June by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Entered are examples to the active chapter dele­ as second class matter, Oct. 14, 1937, at the Post Office at Lillie Rock, Ark., under Act of gates. They are the inspiration to seek March 3, 1897. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section out all the benefits-and enjoy them to 1103,.Act of Oct. 3, 191 7, authorized June 16, 191 8. the fullest degree. CONTENTS - phi phi kappa alpha - The h eat to temper Pi Kappa Alpha + UKA Business into the hardness necessary to press t~ Operating Funds Voted a t Convention___________________________ _______________________ 2 ward lead ership in the entire college Three New Faces on Supreme CounciL__________________________________________________ 3 fraternity field came day after day as the active cha pter delegates sat sid e by Delega tes Like Leadership SchooL________________________ -------------------------- 4 side with delegates from alumni chap­ Eightieth Anniversary Convention in Pictures.. ______________________________________ 5, 6, 7, 8 ters and en acted legislation for the bene­ A Salute to Pi Kappa Alpha ....------------------ ------------------------------------------------- 8 fit of all members of the Fraternity, not New National H eadquarters in Pictures..______________________________________________ 9 a chosen few. There was the give and take until the balance was equalized and Marsh all Local Joins Pi Kappa Alpha ................................................................. 10, II at the end of the convention all looked + UKA Spotlights back over the week's work and said "Well d one." Book to Be Published in Braille _______________________________________________________________________ 12 - phi phi kappa alpha - U. S. Jaycees Honor Dr. Hingson____________________________________________________________ 13 There were joyful times. There were Georgia Honors Professor Owens.._________________________ _____ __ _________________________ 17 times of sadness. Busy m en who hav<! given many hours to insure forward Brittons of Alabama ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 steps for Pi Kappa Alpha sometimes Ben Graf Henneke of Tulsa.______________ ___________ _____________________________ _____________ 22 sh ed tears at the thought of giving up Wayne Fisher Ge ts Rumania n PosL .. ----------- ------------------------------------------ 35 a task they loved. They were happy in the knowledge that results of the activity Airplanes to Antiques.............. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 of the last two years were worthwhile. To the editor who has received many • nKA Departments benefit in his year of service, received All-Pi Kappa Alpha Football Team__________________________________________________________ 18 the greatest gift of all-life itself. Chapter Eternal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.:._______ __ 20 - phi phi kappa alpha- With the school term well under way, Perma nently Pinned ------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 active chapters are busy seeking out Directory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 those to whom such fellowship will be appreciated. Truly, it is an honor and a privilege to be invited to join Pi Kap­ supervised a survey which revealed tha t pa Alpha. The pass ing years prove that campus publications should be u sed b y beyond question. advertisers seeking to reach the collegi­ + PI KAPPA ALPHA's new --IIKA-- ate market. president, Andrew H . Knight, of Bir­ --IIKA-- • AMBASSADOR CAVENDISH mingham, Ala., is pictured on the front • EW president of the W. CANNON, .AT, who is in the thick of cover. the diplomatic struggle in Yugoslavia, Meridian, Mi s., Alumni Association of --IIK A-- recently took time out to send his $10 Millsaps College is H arvey T . Newell, • DR. CHILTON R. B usH, AA, to the National Office in Memphis for h.ead of the Institute for Journalistic Jr., AI, who is cha inna n of the 1948 na­ a Life ubscription to THE SHIELD AND Studies a t Stanford University, r ecently tion a l ritual committee. DIAMOND. I Convention Votes More .Operating Funds + MoRE operating r e v e nc~ e Gordon offering the invoca tion. Before T he afternoon was devoted to com· and a larger House Commi sion fund the co nvention work got under way, mittee e ions and a barbecue in Big were e tablished at Salt Lake City b y delegates from the South, led by a group Cottonwood ca
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