Newsletter of the Thomas Jefferson Democratic Club ~ 9lume)., Issue I in:n"nH l)fGITA L EDITIO\***** Spring 20 15 TJ ready for 2015 after successful 2014 Victorious TJ candidates now assume their offices Feb. 4, Brooklyn, N.Y. - Celebrations, installa­ tions and inaugurations dominated the early months of 2015 , the result of the Thomas Jefferson Club's sweeping victories in state and city elections this past year. Last September, the TJ Club engineered a landslide primary victory for our State Senator Ian Gaynor John Sampson. Facing opposition from powerful outside forces, including the Mayor, a powerful Swear Words union and the media, the TJ Club managed to Roxanne Persaud gets sworn in as the 59th A.O. 's new Assembly­ guarantee a senatorial victory for our candidate. member by Justice Lara Genovesi on January I Ith (above). Judge In the general election, all TJ Candidates won Genovesi had herself been sworn in as Justice of the Supreme Court their respective offices. Mr. Sampson easily on February 5th by Kings County Clerk Nancy Sunshine (below). defeated his Republican opponent, as did Roxanne Persaud, who is the first woman and Guyanese American to become the 59th Assembly District's assemblymember. Hakeem Jeffries decisively won his second term as representative for the 8th Congressional District. In judicial races, our former law chair and daughter of our late leader Tony Genovesi, Lara Genovesi, coasted to victory in her Supreme Court election. Joining her were Justices Evelyn Laporte, Wavny Tousaint and Kathy King. Judges Andrew Borrok and Joy Campanelli also won their Civil Court races. Though 201 5 is not anticipated to be a very active campaigning season, the TJ Club will be ready for any challenges that come our way. □ The Brooklyn Eagle Photo m,1 . ~br 3Jrffen~onian ~prin~ 21) I~ Support your Captain by Signing Co-Founding TJ Club Leader a Petition this June Shirley Weiner Dies The annual ritual of obtaining petition signatures to Long-time TJ Club membe~s were ~d~ened ~y the get candidates on the primary ballot commences June 2nd. news of co-founding leader Simley Weiner s passrng m This year. the TJ Club is seeking to get our countywide April. , . civil court judge candidate Genine Edwards, our judicial A formidable presence, Ms. Wemer s involvement 111 convention delegates and our committee on vacancies local politics began soon after moving into the Boul~v.ard candidates, on this year' s primary ballot. Houses in East New York .• taking on the local poltt1cal Relatively speaking, this is a ·'slow" year considering establishment when community concerns, like proper street the number of candidates on our petition, but it is still lighting, paved streets and the creation of sufficient schools, necessary to obtain petition signatures for those candidates went largely ignored. and it is essential for the democratic process. Obtaining In 1956 and 1958, she ran unsuccessfully for d1str1ct signatures allows qualified candidates to pursue elective leader with Mike Defeo and then successfully with Meade offices. Judicial delegates vote on Democratic Party Esposito in 1960. After assuming the district's Democra!ic nominees for judge and committee members to fill leadership that year. both Ms. Weiner and Mr. Esposito vacancies vote on candidates to fill an office that suddenly opened up their 5th Assembly District headquarters on becomes vacant, ensuring that our district does not go Pennsylvania Avenue in East New York. unrepresented. After redistricting in 1964, the 5th A.O. became the The role the Thomas Jefferson Club plays in this 39th, and the district's borders shifted west, now process is crucial. The TJ Club's activist branch is encompassing most of Canarsie and relinquishing most of comprised of our captains. The captains have a long East New York. Soon after, the TJ Club moved into its tradition that go way back to our club· s early days under current headquarters at 77 Conklin Avenue. former leader. Meade Esposito. Conceived as inter­ Ms. Weiner's tenure as female leader occurred during mediaries between the community and the people elected the Club's most influential period in New York politics. to represent them, the captains got to know the people in With Mr. Esposito assuming the county leadership in 1969. their Election Districts. Any issues that a constituent felt Ms. Weiner's position achieved even greater prominence. needed to be addressed were conveyed to the captain and During the late 1960's and throughout the 1970's, the TJ then relayed by the captain to the local elected official. Club was regarded as the center of political power in When election time came, the captain would go back to Brooklyn at a time when clubhouse politics still played an the constituent for their signature on a petition in order to influential role in local and national elections. patronage qualify that elected official for the ballot. This created a jobs and community affairs. bond between the elected official and the constituent that Ms. Weiner stayed on as the female district leader until guaranteed adequate representation. If the offici~I wanted 1984 and served as a deputy county clerk in Kings County to stay in office, that official needed to be attentive to the until the mid l 980' s. o community's needs. The captain system was, and for the most part still is, exclusively used by the TJ Club, since very few clubs tion season. These meetings are listed below and will be have the people-power to sustain such a system. Our held at 77 Conklin A venue: captains are just as important to the TJ Club toda~, as they were back in those early days. Our captains work 1 Law Committee Meeting: Thursday, May 28 \ 7:30 PM . extremely hard getting thousands of signatures for our The TJ Club' s legal branch, this meeting is open to all candidates. Working as unpaid volunteers, they often attorneys admitted in New York. brave harsh weather conditions, physical exhaustion, and 51 rude treatment from unreceptive residents. Captains Meeting: Monday, June 1 , 8:00 PM. If you are So if you are a voter, sign one of those green sheets a captain or wish to become one, this meeting is mandatory. for your captain. If you are someone seeking to become a captain or hoping to get involved in some way, th~n come Inspectors Meeting: Wednesday and Thursday, June I om th down to the TJ Club and join us. Several meetings are and 11 , 7 PM. You must attend one of these two meetings scheduled in the coming weeks in preparation for this peti- if you wish to work as a poll inspector. o l',-mftrr.r,800~ ~ffiH«.NlI!iJi Frank's Golden Anniversary in Politics District Leaders frank Seddio Roberta Sherman President Henry Bolus Councilmemhcr Ian Gaynor Alan Maisel March 22nd, Mill Basin - Friends and supporters packed the El .\ssemhl~ member Caribe in Mill Basin on Sunday, March 22nd to honor Frank Seddio on his 50th anni versary in pol itics. All in attendance were treated to Roxanne Persaud a buffet breakfast and a speech from the honoree on his long career State Senator in politics. What began as an invitation from a family member in 1965 to .John Sampson attend a meeting at the Thomas Jefferson Club's then new Congress members headquarters in Canarsie, blossomed into a career filled with many Hakeem .Jefferies distinguished accomplishments. From District 18 manager to state assemblyman, Surrogate Court judge to Kings County leader, Frank Y\'ette Clark displayed an occupational versatility unparalleled in the political LS. Senators world. His friends look forward to another fifty. □ Charles E. Schumer Kristen Gillibrand County Dinner at Kings Theatre attracts Editor hundreds, including Governor and Mayor Ian Gaynor April 30th, East Flatbush - Amidst the elegance and grandeur of the newly renovated Kings Theatre, the Kings County Democratic Party hosted a spectacular dinner that was Address: attended by hundreds of people. Perched at a podium atop the 77 Conklin Annue, theatre's impressive staircase, our county leader, Frank Brooklyn, '.\Y t 1236 Seddio, rallied the party faithful and introduced the many dignitaries in attendance. Phone: ( 718) 6-t9-7830 Governor Andrew Cuomo made a guest appearance and was immediately swarmed by many in attendance, E-Mail: including the local media. who were on hand to report on the T.JDemClubra gmail.com event. Mayor Bill deBlasio also arrived to show hi s support fo r the Kings County Democrats and voice hi s progressive ~ Like us on Facehook " : Thomas .lrfferson lkrnocratic Cluh platform . o Thomas .Jefferson Democratic Club 77 Conklin A\'cnue Brooklyn, NY 11236 . VOL 2. ISSllE I ;:-:,;,,-,;: DI(; ITAL EDITI 0:\* ,;,,-, -;, ,., Spring 2015 LPC0\11\G EVE\TS H.r!!ular mrl'lin!!, an· rhur,tLt\ ni!!hh at thr LI Cluh , tartin!! at S l'\I. \ll 1t1 l'l'tin!!, li,tl·d bl'lm\ \\ ill hl• hl'ld at -- (1111!-lin \ \ l'lllll', unll'" ,tatl·d otlHT\\ i,l·: La\-\ Committee \lcetino~ T.I Cluh's Trip to Alhan~ Thur,da~ . \la~ 28th. - l'\I T ul·,da~ . .hflll ' 9th, 6:30 \ \I tR-..\ I''" \l:I\ :?S1 Captains \lceting Inspector·, \lceting \londa~ .. l111H' ht. S l'\I 1Lm Committl'l', - l'\1 1 \\ l'dlll',da~ and Thur,da~ . .l unl' 10th and I Ith. -r l'\I First da~ to sign petitions Tul·,da~ . .Jum · 2nd Petitions Due at T.J Club Thur~da~ • .lun r 25th. Ill l'\I ~ Please cut here and return with your membership fee ~ JOIN THE THOMAS JEFFERSON CLUB NOW!!! Thomas Jefferson Club Membership Form Please send to: Thomas Jefferson Democratic Club, 77 Conklin Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11236 (Please print legibly) Name: --------------- ------- Address:---------------------- Telephone: __________Cell Phone: ____________ E-Mail:_________________ _ D I want to join the Young Dems (Please check box if you are under 30 years old) Membership Fee: □ Single ($15.00) □ Family Member ($20.00 per family) Contribution: $------------ .
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