Vol. 69, No. 21 www.cherrypoint.marines.mil May 26, 2011 Marines bid Palmer goodbye Community gathers to remember fallen friend CPL. BRIAN ADAM JONES MCAS CHERRY POINT Bagpipes wailed “Amazing Grace” as pallbearers clad in dress blues led Lt. Col. Ben- jamin J. Palmer’s coffi n down the aisle of the chapel at Ma- rine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, N.C., during a memo- rial service May 23. As their shrill notes reso- nated off the small church’s walls, soft sobs from loved ones spilled over the melody, offering a sad harmony. Hundreds from the local CPL. BRIAN ADAM JONES and military communities The Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point community gathered in honor of the for- honored Lt. Col. Benjamin J. Palmer during a memorial mer commander of 2nd Low service at the air station chapel May 23. Palmer, the former Altitude Air Defense Battal- commander of 2nd Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion here, ion, who was killed in action was killed in action in Afghanistan May 12 as a result of enemy small-arms fire. in Helmand province, Af- ghanistan, while supporting “He was absolutely what 28 chaplain, said Palmer was Operation Enduring Freedom a warrior should be,” Young a good spirit who took care of May 12. said. “He was everything a the Marines under his charge. Fellow service members, Marine should be. There’s no “The service showed how friends and family fi lled every easier way to say it.” much of a tightly knit family space the chapel offered, over- Young said while it was a we are here,” Hammen said fl owing onto the front lawn, personal honor for him to be afterward. “Lt. Col. Palmer watching the service from able to escort Palmer’s body never seemed to be fazed by video screens outside. back to his family from Af- good or bad news. He was Majs. Michael S. McFad- ghanistan, he still needed a bit even-keeled and really did den and Peter B. Young, who of closure to say goodbye to care for his Marines.” served as Palmer’s executive the man he had grown close to Roughly a dozen members and operations offi cers with over the last eight years – the of the Patriot Guard Riders 2nd LAAD, delivered tearful memorial service offered him provided an escort for the and personal eulogies. that opportunity. hearse to and from the funeral McFadden described Palm- “It was a great opportunity home in nearby New Bern, CPL. BRIAN ADAM JONES Pallbearers bring the coffin of Lt. Col. Benjamin J. Palmer into the Marine er as a Marine’s Marine with to get 500-plus people all in N.C. Corps Air Station Cherry Point Chapel May 23. More than 500 members of a screaming fl at top and huge one place to celebrate his life,” “It’s an absolute honor to the local and military communities gathered to bid farewell to the beloved smile, eliciting a brief yet pre- Young said. be a part of this,” said Craig Marine who was killed in action in Helmand province, Afghanistan, May 12 cious collective chuckle from Navy Lt. Eric P. Hammen, while supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. the crowd of mourners. the Marine Air Control Group See PALMER page A3 CNATT teaches best practices PFC. CORY D. POLOM shops into cleaner, safer and more time ef- MCAS CHERRY POINT fi cient workspaces that will better prepare The process of Lean Six Sigma is used the students and help them learn faster.” by major businesses and manufacturing Weikert said CNATT instructors decid- companies worldwide. The students of ed on fi ve different personnel that would the Center for Naval Aviation Technical make up the Cherry Point LSS Team. The Training Marine Unit Cherry Point are team inspected several shops and decided beginning to get their fi rst glance at what what could be changed and cleaned up to they will see in the near future when the better the workshop productivity. workshops are cleaned up with AIRSpeed “We found old parts and garbage just 5s design principles. lying around all over the workshops,” The fi ve “S” are: sort, set in order, said Weikert. “We went into two different LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI shine, standardize and sustain. The Ma- workshops, and as a team decided what Staff Sgt. Scott R. Beebe, right, a former drill instructor, talks with Sgt. Johnathan rines of CNATT took it one step further could be saved or used around the rest of B. Davis, left, and Cpl. Cory J. Vore, center, about the possibilities of being a drill and added a sixth “S’’ for safety. the building and everything else we sent instructor after the first-term alignment plan brief at the station theater May 11. “CNATT students are taught about to the defense reutilization management Lean Six Sigma and AIRSpeed 5 because offi ce to be sent to other units that might it is what they will see in their job fi eld,” fi nd a better use for the materials.” Retention specialists educate said Gunnery Sgt. Timothy W. Weikert, After excess debris was removed and the communications and navigation staff workshops were cleaned up, items were noncommissioned offi cer in charge of Marines on opportunities CNATT. “We began turning the work- See CNATT page A9 LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI all of the fi rst-term Marines, so they can MCAS CHERRY POINT make a sound decision on whether they Main gate to close for construction Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point re-enlist or not, and if they re-enlist, see and 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing career if they want to stay in their same military Cherry Point’s Main Gate will close on Memorial Day weekend for repaving of planners held a fi rst-term alignment plan occupational specialties or branch out and the road surface. The closure will be effective from 6 p.m. Friday until 6 p.m. on brief May 11 in the station theater for Ma- try something new,” said Sgt. Jason W. Memorial Day. Roosevelt Boulevard will be closed from the Main Gate to the “C” rines who must decide whether or not to Piliaris, the career retention specialist for Street traffi c light, and all Main Gate traffi c will be routed through the Cunningham re-enlist during fi scal year 2012. Marine Attack Squadron 223. “We need Gate on Highway 101. The career planners educated the Ma- good, well-rounded Marines if you really rines on how they can become successful want to stay in. Do good on your fi tness Please be alert for temporary traffi c patterns, fl aggers, construction signs and un- in life, whether they make a career out of tests, rifl e range and be competitive.” even road surfaces. Pass and ID and the visitor parking lot will remain open during the Marine Corps or go back to civilian Like any job, Marines will have to Pass and ID’s regular business hours. life. “The importance of the brief is to inform See FTAP page A9 Local MCAA chapter gives to injured Marines PFC. CORY D. POLOM chapter president. “His vision was for their families when the Marine is hospital- that reason we greatly appreciate the do- MCAS CHERRY POINT professional military education, plus a fun ized or in need of assistance with a medi- nations and support from the Cherry Point The Marine Corps Aviation Association organization that would better our Marine cal situation. For example, they helped MCAA. We feel honored and thankful that recently hosted a golf tournament at Cher- Corps and Marines.” a Marine who stepped on an improvised they thought of this organization to give ry Point’s Sound of Freedom Golf Course, “Where else can you sit down with a explosive device. The Marine lost both his back to.” raising $7,000 that the organization do- group of men and women who served in legs and had his arm amputated above the Cooper said the Cherry Point chapter of nated to the Semper Fi Fund for injured Vietnam and Korea and learn from them?” elbow. He and his wife were given help the MCAA is planning to do more events Marines. Cooper asked rhetorically. “We use our from the Semper Fi Fund with child care in the future to raise money for the Semper The MCAA started in the early 1970s meetings every month to interact with our cost as well as helping them pay for family Fi Fund and the Marines it helps. and is a nonprofi t organization. The Cherry legends of Marine Corps aviation. It also to come out and see them.” “Our golf tournament was a great suc- Point chapter of the MCAA was re-estab- helps us remember our heritage.” Barbra L. Roberson, the east region com- cess,” said Cooper. “If it wasn’t for the lished by Lt. Col. Scott A. Cooper at the Cooper said he feels the MCAA is a munity events planner with the Semper Fi drive and motivation of Gen. Davis, it request of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing great organization that helps with remem- Fund, said the Cherry Point MCAA’s con- would not have been as successful as it Commanding General Maj. Gen. Jon M. bering not only the Marines of the past but tributions go a long way. was. His force of personality has rejuve- Davis. also takes care of the Marines and their “As much as these American heroes nated the Cherry Point MCAA. He is defi - “Gen. Davis came to me and told me families today.
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