Site Record Form Fire Disturbance

Site Record Form Fire Disturbance

312 Appendix A C: SITE RECORD FORM LAND USE LANDFORM GEOLOGY HORIZONTAL ELEVATION GRANITOID LANDFORM FLORISTICS SIGNIFICANT SPECIES FIRE DISTURBANCE JOHN HUNTER BOTANY DEPARTMENT, UNE Floristics & Biogeography of the Granitic Outcrop Flora of the New England Batholith 313 Appendix A Granitic Outcrop Flora Survey fokt 7, Vhottet Total Site No: 1 4 5 6 7 8 10 Total Department of Botany, UNE. Armidale NSW 2350. (067) 732340 Floristics & Biogeography of the Granitic Outcrop Flora of the New England Batholith 314 Appendix B W.P G.P. Anonymous Address Address Address Re: Granite Outcrop Vegetation Dear Mr Anonymous, I am a Doctor of Philosophy student in the Department of Botany at the University of New England, studying the Floristics and Biogeography of the Granite Outcrop Flora of the New England Batholith. What this entails is finding out what plants occur on the most exposed granite domes and pretty much trying to find out which outcrop areas are more related to each other. In other words which areas share the same species and why (i.e. is it related to the type of granite, or altitude, or weather etc.). Also how these plants got to these hostile environments. In short, the plants on these exposed areas may be different to those in the surrounding forest vegetation. So I am looking at the outcrops as if they are islands in a sea of forest and trying to understand how these plants can colonize such places and survive there. The area that I am looking at extends from Girraween National Park in Queensland in the north and Moonbi and Attunga State Forest in the south, and from Ashford in the west to Gibraltar Range in the east. In total, about 24 areas will be sampled. My interest in contacting you about this is that I have found, via aerial photographs and topographic maps, that you have some granite outcrops on your property. Essentially, I wish to ask permission to enter you property and sample these places. All I would need to do is place (depending on the size of the outcrop) a few 32 x 32 m quadrats (essentially squares marked out with measuring tapes) and identify what plants occur there. In some instances, I would need a sample of each species to help identify the plants back at the laboratory. This work will occur some time over the next year to a year and a half, but only a few days or less will need to be spent in any one place. Because this work is being carried out for the university, I will be completely covered by their insurance at all times. That is all that is needed. To make things easier for everyone I have included a small questionnaire and a self addressed return envelope that I ask for you to fill in for me please. If you have any questions please dont hesitate to contact me at anytime. Thankyou for you time and I hope you will give me permission. Yours Sincerely, John T. Hunter Department of Botany University of New England Armidale, NSW 2350 Ph: (067) 722 662 Floristics & Biogeography of the Granitic Outcrop Flora of the New England Batholith 315 Appendix B Address of landholder Name Please tick the appropriate box: I do not give permission for you to work on our property If you ticked the above box forget the next questions and please mail this letter back to me and I will not contact you any further on this matter. I wish to have more information before I decide I do give permission for you to work on our property I wish to be contacted before you enter the prope Please contact me by mail or by phone 0n I would like to know what you find on our land I would like to know what you find in the area I would like to know any information about these plants (usefulness, weediness, poisonous etc) I would like to know what was concluded from the study Thankyou again ! Floristics & Biogeography of the Granitic Outcrop Flora of the New England Batholith 316 Appendix C Full floristic dendrogram of all surveyed sites, both of outcrops and the surrounding flora. Dendrogram Total Floristics of all Granite Flora Kulczynski association and Flexible UPGMA Sites with anomalous distributions within the dendrogram or on the ordination Figure 3.1 are highlighted by bolding and italics see section 3.3. 0.2340 0.5352 0.8364 1.1376 1.4388 1.7400 1 AT10A ( 1) AT20A ( 2) MB10A ( 367) MB20A ( 368) MB2OB ( 369) MB20C ( 370) MB2OD ( 371) MB20E ( 372) MB2OF ( 373) I I MB30A ( 374) MB3OB ( 375) I I MB30C ( 376) BH10A ( 54) BH80A ( 66) KP1OA ( 349) TT320A ( 458) EC10A ( 176) EC20A ( 177) EC30A ( 178) EC4OB ( 180) EC40A ( 179) EC50A ( 182) EC60A ( 183) EC70A ( 184) EC80A ( 185) 1 I WB4OB ( 490) I I I EC40C ( 181) II KP20A ( 350) i 11 ML10A ( 377) ML1OB ( 378) ML1OD ( 380) ML10C ( 379) SR100A ( 397) SR110A ( 398) 1 SR90A ( 425) WB60A ( 493) I I WB6OB ( 494) 1 I I WB6OD ( 496) I 1 I I WB60C ( 495) I I 11 PM10A ( 388) PM50A ( 392) PM5OD ( 395) PM30A ( 390) PM40A ( 391) I I _ PM20A ( 389) PM5OB ( 393) 1 PM50C ( 394) I I PM60A ( 396) IB10A ( 300) IB1OB ( 301) IB40C ( 309) IB1OD ( 303) 1 IB10E ( 304) I I 1 Floristics & Biogeography of the Granitic Outcrop Flora of the New England Batholith 317 Appendix C IB40A 307 ) IB40B 308) IB1OC 302) IB20A 305) IB50A 310) IB80A 313) IB70A 312) IB8OB 314) IB30A 306) IB60A 311) FR100A 186) FR100B 187) FR60A 211) FR140A 191) FR150A 192) I FR70A 212) I I FR7OB 213 ) I I I FR1OB 205) I FR30A 208) I SR10A 405) t I SR7OB 420) I I I FR110A 188) FR90A 215) I FR50A 210) I FR10A 204) FR80A 214) I I FR40A 209) I I FR120A 189) YH10A 518) YH30A 520 ) 1 I YH3OB 521) I YH40A 522) I FR190A 198) FR200A 206) I I YHWOA 519) I I I FR180A 197) I FR130A 190) WB70A 497) I WB7OB 498) WB70C 499) I I ML30A 382) I WB50A 491) I WB40A 489) I 1 WB5OB 492) I i_ WB80A 500) I W1390A 501 ) I I WB10C 485) I WB20A 487) I WB1OD 486) I WB30A 488) I I I WB100A 473) WB120A 475) I WB110A 474) I WB130A 476) FR160A 193) FR160B 194) _ FR160C 195) FR170A 196) FR20A 207) I ML20A 381) I I BH1FE 52) Floristics & Biogeography of the Granitic Outcrop Flora of the New England Batholith 318 Appendix C FR1FA 199) IB1FE 299) BH1FF 53) EC1FF 175) MB1FA 361) MB1FB 362) FR1FB 200) FR1FC 201) FR1FD 202) FR1FE 203) WB1FA 477) WB1FB 478) WB1FC 479) WB1FD 480) WB1FE 481) I I IB1FA 295) IB1FC 297) IB1FD 298) IB1FB 296) MB1FC 363) MB1FD 364) MB1FE 365) MB1FF 366) WB1FF 482) YH1FA 513) YH1FB 514) YH1FC 515) YH1FE 517) I I YH1FD 516) HC12OA 252) WB1OA 483) HC1FA 262) HC1FB 263) HC1FC 264) HC1FD 265) HC1FE 266) HC1FF 267) SR1FA 399) SR1FB 400) SR1FC 401) SR3OA 407) WW1FB 503) SR1FE 403) KP1FA 343) KP1FB 344) 1 KP1FC 345) 1 I KP1FE 347) KP1FF 348) KL1FA 325) KL1FB 326) ► KLIEG 331) KL1FC 327) KL1FD 328) KLSOA 341) KL1FE 329) KL1FF 330) KL9OA 342) KL1OA 332) KL2OA 333) KL2OB 334) KL3OB 336) I I Floristics & Biogeography of the Granitic Outcrop Flora of the New England Batholith 319 Appendix C KL4OA 337) 1 KL7OA 340) 1 1 KL50A 338) K.L 60A 339) KL3OA 335) WW1FC 504) WW1FD 505) WW/FE 506) 1 HC100A 250) HC80A 293) 1 HC90A 294) 1 I HC30A 275) HC3OB 276)_I HC4OD 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BR160A 100) ( 1 BR160B 101) I I I BR110A 84) BR5OB 131) BR50C 132) BR5OD 133) 1 BR5OE 134) BR170C 104) BR170D 105) BR17OF 107) BR170E 106) 1 I BR110C 86) 1 BR110F 89) I 1 BR110D 87) I 1 BR110E 88) 11 I BR140A 93) I BR180D 111) 1 I BR190A 114) I I I GR100A 216) GR100B 217) 1 GR1000 218) GR110B 223) I I GR110A 222) 1 1 GR120A 224) 1 1 GR100D 219) GR100E 220) I 1 GR100F 221) I I I GR10A 239) I GR140A 226) GR150A 228) I I GR150B 229)1 I_ I Floristics & Biogeography of the Granitic Outcrop Flora of the New England Batholith 322 Appendix C GR140B ( 227) GR1OB ( 240) GR60A ( 246) GR40A ( 244) 1 GR50A ( 245) 1 I GR2OB ( 242) I GR30A ( 243) I I GR70A ( 247) GR80A

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