VOLUME 13 - O / t u T t O ^ NUMBER 184 Washington, Tuesday, September 21, 1948 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT pose of screening at the local board those registrants who may have certain speci­ CONTENTS EXECUTIVE ORDER 10001 fied physical or mental conditions which THE PRESIDENT disqualify them for service in the armed Prescribing or A mending P ortions of the forces. Executive Orders Page Selective S ervice R egulations and D i ­ recting the S election of P ersons for § 628.2 Registrants to be given medi­ Lawson, Lawrence M.; exemption Induction Into the Armed F orces and cal interview, (a) When the local board from compulsory retirement for Their Induction is of the opinion that a registrant who is age---------------- -------------------- 5485 Selective Service regulations, pre­ By virtue of the authority vested in me in a class available for service has one or more of the obvious defects or mani­ scribing or amending, and di­ by Title I of the Selective Service Act of recting the selection of persons 1948, approved June 24, 1948 (62 Stat. fest conditions listed in Part 629 of this chapter it shall order the registrant to for induction into the armed 604), it is ordered as follows: forces and their induction____. 5473 . 1. I hereby prescribe the following por­ present himself for medical interview at a specified time and place by mailing tions of the regulations governing the EXECUTIVE AGENCIES administration of Title I of the said Act, to such registrant a Notice to Registrant to Appear for Medical Interview (SSS which shall constitute portions of Parts Agriculture Department 628,629, 631, 632, 641, and 642 of Chapter Form No. 220). (b) When a registrant who is in a Proposed rule making : VI of Title 32 of the Code of Federal Tobacco auction markets; ref­ Regulations, such regulations to be class available for service claims that he has one or more of the obvious defects or erendum re proposed desig­ known as the Selective Service Regula­ nation: tions: manifest conditions listed in Part 629 of this chapter the local board shall order Lyndon, Ky------------ --------- 5495 Part 628—P hysical E xamination him to present himself for interview with West Jefferson, N. C________ 5495 MEDICAL INTERVIEW BY LOCAL BOARD the medical advisor to the local board at Rules and regulations: Sec. V '- • V the time and place specified by the local Grapes, Tokay, in California; 628.1 Purpose of médical Interview. board by mailing to such registrant a limitation of daily shipments- 5485 628.2 Registrants to be given medical inter­ Notice to Registrant to Appear for Medi­ Sugar determinations; redesig­ view. cal Interview (SSS Form No. 220). nation of sections__________ 5485 628.3 Duties of medical advisor to local (q) When, because of a physical or board. Alien Property, Office of 628.4 Duties of local board. mental'condition, a registrant is unable 628.5 Transfer for medical interview. to personally present himself for medical Notices: interview, a reputable physician may file Vesting orders: ARMED FORCES PHYSICAL EXAMINATION an affidavit, or an authorized representa­ Bauer, John______________ 5500 628.10 Who will be examined. tive of a Federal or State agency may file Dierichs, Emmy____________ 5498 628.11 Order to report for armed forces phys­ an official statement with the local board, ' Haimerl, Joseph, and Paul A. ical examination. stating (1) the character of the condition F. Warnholtz_______ 5499 628.12 Postponement of armed forces phys­ ical examination. or defect, (2) that the physician has per­ Hartl, Carl________________ 5502 628.13 Preparing records for a group ordered sonal professional knowledge thereof, or Hitschmann, Joseph . _____ 5500 to report fear armed forces physical that the representative has official Huning, Otto, and Ida Nie- examination. knowledge thereof, and (3) that the reg­ meyer__________________ 5503 628.14 Transfer of registrants for physical istrant is unable to personally present Kohler, William Bruno_____ 5504 examination. himself for me'dical interview due to the Loskant, Irmgard J________ 5500 628.15 Transfer for armed forces physical character of the defect or condition. examination directed by Director Lotterhofer, Anna C________ 5501 of Selective Service. The local board shall refer such affidavit Nakamura, Kiyo___________ 5501 628.16 Duty of registrant to report for and or official statement which it receives to Neuland, Fritz (Siegfried)__ 5501 submit to armed forces physical the medical advisor to the local board for Peterson, Magda___________ 5504 examination. review. 628.17 Forwarding registrants for armed Schlachter, Edward________ 5499 forces physical examination. § 628.3 Duties of medical advisor to Schmidt, Herman._________ 5502 local board, (a) When the registrant is ACTION TAKEN AFTER ARMED FORCES PHYSICAL Sitzljerger, Lina______________ 5501 referred to the medical advisor to the Toda, Shotaro_____________ 5502 EXAMINATION local board for medical interview, the 628.25 Disposition of records. medical advisor shall make only such ex­ Werner, Vroni, and Wilhelm 628.26 Action when registrant’s status not amination as he deems is necessary to Werner_________________ 5504 determined. determine whether the registrant has Windisch, John George_____ 5499 MEDICAL interview b y local board one or more of the disqualifying defects Ziegler, Frank, et al— _____ 5503 § 628.1 Purpose of medical interview. or conditions listed in Part 629 of this Army Department A medical interview of certain regis­ chapter. No laboratory or X-ray work Rules and regulations: trants by the medical advisor to the local shall be authorized but reports of labora- Anchorage regulations; miscel­ board shall be accomplished for the pur­ (Continued on p. 5475) laneous amendments_______ 5488 5473 5474 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Communications Com- Pase Selective Service System— Con. Pase FEDERAL^REGISTER mission Rules and regulations—Continued \ 1934 ¿y Disqualifying obvious defects r <snnto* Rules and regulations: Organizations, practice and pro­ and manifest conditions------ - 5488 cedure; revision of forms----- 5494 Notice______________________ 5488 Physical examination------------ 5488 Federal Power Commission Quotas and calls------------------- 5488 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Notices : and days following,official Federal holidays, Hearings, etc.: State Department by the Division of the Federal Register, the Interstate Natural Gas Co., Rules and regulations: National Archives, pursuant to the authority Inc___ _______ ... _______ 5496 Functions and organization----- 5486 contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ New Orleans Public Service, proved July 28, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Inc__ __________ ___ :------ 5496 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch, 8B ), under regula­ CODIFICATION GUIDE tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Northern States Power Co— 5496 mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Federal Trade Commission A numerical list of the parts of the Code tion is made only by the Superintendent of Proposed rule making: of Federal Regulations affected by documents Documents, Government Printing Office, published in this issue. Proposed rules, as Rayon, nylon and silk convert­ opposed to final actions, are identified as Washington 25, D. C. ing industry trade practice The regulatory material appearing herein is such. keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, rules____________________ 5495 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Immigration and Naturalization Title 3— The President Pase Chapter II—Executive Orders: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Service amended June 19, 1947. 9988 (amended by EO 10001)... 5473 The Federal Register will be furnished by Proposed rule making: 10001___________-.____________ 5473* m ail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Immigrant students; qualifica­ 10002.________ _____________ 5485 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ tions necessary for schools, . vance. The charge for individual copies collegeò, academies, semi­ Title 7— Agriculture (minimum 154) varies in proportion to the naries, or universities to be Chapter I—Production and size of the issue. Remit check or money approved as institutions of M arketing Administration order, made payable to the Superintendent learning_____ _____________ 5494 (Standards, Inspections, of Documents, directly to the Government Marketing Practices) : <' Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Interior Department There are no restrictions on the republica­ See also Bureau of Land Manage­ Part 29 — Tobacco inspection tion of material appearing in the Federal ment; Bureau of Reclamation. (proposed) (2 documents)__ 5495 Register. Rules and regulations: Chapter VÏÏI—P roduction and Delegations of authority: M arketing Administration Bureau of Land Management, (Sugar Branch) : , Director; functions with re­ Part 802—Sugar determina­ tions_____________________ 5485 Now Available spect to various statutes (2 documents)--------- ----.----- 5493 Chapter IX—P roduction and Bureau of Reclamation;' sale M arketing Administration UNITED STATES and lease of certain houses, (Marketing Agreements and GOVERNMENT apartments and lands in Orders) : Boulder City, Nev------------ 5493 Part 951—Tokay grapes grown MANUAL in California______________ 5485 Interstate Commerce Commis­ Title 8— Aliens and Nationality 1948 Edition sion Chapter I—Immigration and Nat­ Rules and regulations: (Revised through June 30) uralization Service, Depart­ Car service;' free time reduced ment of Justice: Published by
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