NEWSLETTER issued by the Council of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs Nobel Peace Prize 1995 The Ninth and Tenth Pugwash Quinquennia 1997 –2007 Sixth Supplement to the History of the Pugwash Conferences Volume 44 ½ Number 2 ½ October 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS NOTE TO THE READER . 1 PUGWASH MISSION STATEMENT . 3 GOALS OF PUGWASH IN ITS TENTH QUINQUENNIUM , 2002-2007 . 4 PRINCIPLES , S TRUCTURE AND ACTIVITIES OF PUGWASH FOR THE TENTH QUINQUENNIUM (2002-2007) Officers and Members of the Pugwash Council for the 1997-2002 Quinquennium . 12 Officers and Members of the Pugwash Council for the 2002-2007 Quinquennium . 15 NATIONAL GROUPS . 18 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT/YOUNG PUGWASH . 18 PUBLICATIONS . 19 Publications List, 1997-2007 . 20 REMEMBERING PUGWASHITES WHO HAVE DIED 1997 –2007 . 24 In Memoriam . 25 PUGWASH MEETINGS, 1957 –2007 . 26 PARTICIPANTS IN PUGWASH MEETINGS, 1957 –2007 . 39 Pu gwash Calendar of Pugwash Meetings . Inside back cover Volume 44 ½ Number 2 October 2007 Cover photo: On the porch of Thinker’s Lodge, Pugwash, Nova Scotia, July 2003. Editor: Jeffrey Boutwell Sitting: M.S. Swaminathan, Joseph Rotblat, Ruth Adams, Patrick Boyer Standing: Raymond Szabo, Bryan Jamieson, Margaret Eaton, Giovanni Writing and Research: Brenciaglia Sandra Ionno Butcher Sally Milne Claudia Vaughn Design and Layout: Anne Read Printing: Cardinal Press Fredericksburg, Virginia Note to the Reader his special issue of the Pugwash Newsletter follows of the Pugwash Newsletter , ten years ago, the sadness is in the tradition of earlier “quinquennial” editions, that we have lost many of the Pugwash Greats—those Twritten by Joseph Rotblat. These earlier publica - who set the organization’s trajectory. Joseph Rotblat, Ruth tions provided five-year updates to his 1972 history of the Adams, Martin Kaplan, and others urged us not to seek Pugwash Conferences, Scientists in the Quest for Peace the answers as to why Pugwash was so successful by (MIT Press) . Together, that body of literature remains the reading through the papers presented at the meetings, or most comprehensive source for the overview and activities through the Council Statements. They encouraged us to of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. understand the network, to consider why most Pugwash The last such quinquennial update was done in 1997, two Conferences had purposefully scheduled free time and years after the award of the Nobel Peace Prize jointly to what seemed to be luxurious excursions, why the meetings Rotblat and to the organization he helped to guide so were held in out-of the-way places. It was all designed to successfully through the tricky days of the Cold War and provide space for people from diverse perspectives and the initial post-Cold War period. backgrounds to get to know one another, to provide This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the first opportunities to break past organizational and national Pugwash Conference, hosted in July 1957 by Cyrus Eaton positions, to find a common humanity that propelled at his residence in the idyllic town of Pugwash, Nova participants toward solutions to thorny problems. Scotia. That scientists gathered there from East and West, So this listing of meetings and participants does matter, across political divides, was the result of a 1955 appeal greatly. But not as much as the fact that the spirit is still issued by 11 world-class scientists, including two of the alive today and thriving. Pugwash continues to bridge most eminent thinkers of the 20 th century, Albert Einstein areas of confrontation: in Kashmir, in the Koreas, in the and Bertrand Russell, whose names are forever associated Middle East. Some of the activity is happening below the with the “Russell-Einstein Manifesto”—the charter, if you radar, as it did in 1967 when a Pugwash initiative became will, of the now well-established Pugwash network. It part of back-channel negotiations during the Vietnam urged people to think in new ways and to remember their War. The agenda is broader than it was in 1957, but the humanity. It reminded us all that we must find non-violent core values have never changed. When science has the means to settle conflicts, because in a nuclear age we potential to challenge life as we know it on this planet, cannot risk any further use of nuclear weapons. then scientists have a responsibility to speak, to provide This current publication is dry on one level. Only the solutions, to move decision makers to responsible policies. seriously detail-minded person will read it straight The activities of the past ten years have continued the through. Someone without the experience of having tradition of holding an annual conference every year apart attended a Pugwash Conference or a Pugwash Workshop from 2001 (subsequent to the September 11 terrorist or Symposium will wonder what the fascination is with attacks on New York and Washington, DC), with two who-attended-what-meeting-when. But really, between conferences being held in 2002. They were held in Lille - these lines, and traced across the various numerical meet - hammer (Norway 1997), Jurica (Mexico 1998), Rusten - ings, lies the magic. Whatever success Pugwash can claim burg (South Africa 1999), Cambridge (UK 2000), Agra to have had in moving governments and institutions (India 2002), San Diego (USA 2002), Halifax and toward greater sanity in the realm of nuclear, chemical, Pugwash (Canada 2003), Seoul (South Korea 2004), biological, and conventional arms control and disarma - Hiroshima (Japan 2005), and Cairo (Egypt 2006). ment emerges from the web of contacts laid out here in a In the past 10 years, there were 79 workshops in addi - somewhat dry statistical way. Any example it may be able tion to other symposia, consultations, and joint meetings. to set for those urging the social responsibility of scientists There also were special Memorial Meetings for Joseph can be found in the moral stature and bravery of the men Rotblat and Ruth Adams held in London, Washington, and women who together have defined the Pugwash spirit Moscow and many other cities. There was a special 50 th for the past fifty years and who continue to do so. Anniversary Workshop entitled “Revitalizing Nuclear Since the publication of the last quinquennial edition Disarmament” held in conjunction with the Middle Pugwash Newsletter SPECIAL EDITION , October 2007 1 the world that are too often talked about, but not included in discussions. The current Pugwash leadership, led by Secretary-General Paolo Cotta- Ramusino, has prioritized meetings to help defuse tensions in nuclear hot-spots, where political disagreements could lead toward the use of Sally Milne in the London nuclear weapons. All of this is offfice in the Pugwash spirit. The lists that follow are by no means complete, and we Mimma de Santis and Claudia Vaughn in the Rome office apologize in advance for anticipated inaccuracies. We rely on your goodwill to point out errors, omissions, and addi - Powers Initiative led by Douglas Roche. It took place at tions that can help make this as accurate as possible. Thinkers Lodge, site of the first meeting in 1957, at The form in which the Pugwash history will be told in Pugwash, Nova Scotia (July 2007), which addressed the the future is evolving, though these lists will forever be the fundamental aim of Pugwash – the elimination of nuclear underpinning. And yet, mere statistical overviews are not weapons worldwide. Details of all these meetings are given enough. Joseph Rotblat knew this, and asked for more. At in the List of Pugwash Meetings , 1957-2007 and the his request, Sandy is currently researching a full-length names of participants are included in the List of Partici - history of Pugwash and is also writing shorter length pants in Pugwash Meetings , 1957-2007 . Further material issues of the Pugwash History Series. Sally and Robert on these activities can also be found in the July 2007 Hinde have just co-edited with colleagues a book about special 50 th anniversary issue of the Pugwash Newsletter . Joseph Rotblat, containing essays written by many In 1970, Pugwash made a conscious decision to estab - Pugwashites around the world ( Joseph Rotblat: Visionary lish a student network. The fact that Pugwash exists half for Peace , Wiley Press, 2007). a century past its founding is in no small part due to its We thank Jeffrey Boutwell for editing this special issue ability over the years to bring in younger people. One could of the newsletter, and we urge everyone to consult the say that Russell himself placed a priority on engaging special July 2007 issue of the Pugwash Newsletter and the younger people, since Joseph Rotblat, the youngest signa - Pugwash website for more information on all the 50 th tory of the Manifesto, was instantly given an important anniversary activities taking place in 2007. In addition to role and served as chair of the press conference in July everything else Jeffrey does for Pugwash, he has been the 1955 that released it. Likewise, Joseph Rotblat in turn driving force behind the upgrading of the Pugwash publi - encouraged young people and acted as a faithful mentor to cations and web site in the past decade, and for that we all Student/Young Pugwash over many years. This spirit lives owe him our thanks. Claudia Vaughn has been invaluable today throughout the Pugwash network . in helping to sort through the participant lists. It is We have been limited by time and technology for this primarily through her careful and dedicated work over the edition of the newsletter. Those of you who are familiar past decade, and that of her colleagues in the Rome office, with Joseph Rotblat’s format for such publications may be that we are able to track such involvement at all.
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