POTENTIAL FOR MASS CULTURE OF THE ESTUARINE AMPHIPOD EOGAMMARUS CONFERVICOLUS by JOAN CATHERINE SHARP B.A., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, 1972 B.Sc, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, 1976 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE in THE FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES (Department of Zoology) We accept this thesis as conforming to the required standard THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA March, 1980 (c) Joan Catherine Sharp, 1980 In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for an advanced degree at the University of British Columbia, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for reference and study. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the Head of my Department or by his representatives. It is understood that copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Department of "2-OOLOQ The University of British Columbia 2075 Wesbrook Place Vancouver, Canada V6T 1WS Date P\rw\\ 3Q , R^Q ii ABSTRACT The gammarid amphipod Eogammarus confervicolus (Stimpson) was investigated as a potential mass culture organism, with utility as a diet supplement for artificially reared fish. Suitable conditions for large-scale culture were determined in a series of experiments. E_. confervicolus demonstrated wide salinity and temperature tolerances, with best survival at low salinities (5 - 10^/00) and temperatures (5 - 10 C). Populati on densities greater than 2 mg/1 reduced amphipod growth and survival, although densities may be increased with a flow- through system. .E. confervicolus showed good growth and survival on a variety of algae and associated epiphytes, demonstrating the broad diet of the species. Clumping diatoms or phytodetritus were suggested as suitable foods for mass culture. Maintenance of populations over three generations showed the feasibility of long term culture of this amphipod. Short term growth rates of juvenile coho at 12°C were similar on live amphipods (3.2%/day), freeze-dried amphipods (2.4%/day) and Oregon Moist Pellets (3.1%/day). Protein analysis showed E_. confervicolus to have a well-balanced amino acid spectrum, and proximate analysis indicated that the amphipod was a nutritionally satisfactory component of fish diets. A Leslie matrix model was developed from information about growth, mortality and fecundity of Eogammarus confervicolus under optimal conditions, and was used to test various harvest strategies. Highest yield of the strategies examined was produced by a weekly 41% harvest applied to amphipods between 0.6 and 2.2 mg dry weight. Further experiments testing the predictions of the Leslie matrix model were recommended. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF FIGURES v LIST OF TABLES vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vii 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. DESCRIPTION OF EOGAMMARUS CONFERVICOLUS 5 3. FIELD COLLECTION AND MAINTENANCE 8 3.1 Description of collection site 8 3.2 Collection methods 10 3.3 Maintenance 10 4. REARING CONDITIONS • H 4.1 Introduction 11 4.2 Materials and Methods 11 4.21 Tolerance Experiments 11 4.22 Feeding Experiments 12 4.23 Density Experiments 13 4.24 Long Term Culture 13 4.3 Results 14 4.31 Tolerance Experiments 14 4.32 Feeding Experiments 16 4.33 Density Experiments 22 4.34 Long Term Culture 27 4.4 Discussion 31 iv 5. EOGAMMARUS CONFERVICOLUS AS A FOOD FOR FISH 40 5.1 Introduction 40 5.2 Materials and Methods 40 5.21 Chemical Analyses 40 5.22 Fish Feeding Trials 41 5.3 Results 42 5.31 Chemical Analyses 42 5.32 Fish Feeding Trials 42 5.4 Discussion 47 6. EOGAMMARUS CONFERVICOLUS HARVEST MODEL 51 6.1 Introduction 51 6.2 Development of Model 51 6.3 Results and Discussion 58 7. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS 67 8. LITERATURE CITED 69 V LIST OF FIGURES Page 1. Diagram of adult Eogammarus confervicolus 6 2. Major features of the Squamish estuary 9 3. Mortality at various salinities 15 4. Mortality at various temperatures 17 5. Relationship between head length and dry weight 18 6. Growth in weight and survival on various diets 19 7. Growth in weight at five experimental densities 24 8. Changes in numbers of E_. confervicolus in replicate cultures 29 9. First generation mortality and changes in biomass in replicate cultures 30 10. Frequency distributions of wet weight of coho before and after feeding trials 46 11. Relationship between brood size and dry weight 56 12. Predicted age distribution of harvested fraction with 18% harvest applied to all age classes 61 13. Predicted age distribution of harvested fraction with 40% harvest applied to age classes 0 to 8 63 14. Predicted age distribution of harvested fraction with 41% harvest applied to age classes 9 to 17 64 15. Predicted age distribution of harvested fraction with 90% harvest applied to age classes >17; 15% harvest applied to age classes 0 to 17 65 vi LIST OF TABLES Page I. Growth rates and mortality coefficients for E_. confervicolus reared on various diets 20 II. Significance of differences in pairwise comparisons of mean growth rates on six diets 23 III. Growth rates and mortality coefficients for E_. confervicolus reared at five experimental densities 25 IV. Significance of differences in pairwise comparisons of mean growth rates at five densities 26 V. Growth and mortality coefficients and final densities for three experimental cultures 28 VI. Proximate composition of amphipod sample 43 VII. Amino acid composition of amphipod sample 44 VIII. Comparison of growth rates and initial and final wet weights and forklengths of coho of three diet groups 45 IX. Summary of ANOVA on final wet weights and forklengths and growth rates of coho on three test diets 48 X. Leslie matrix elements 57 XI. Predicted weekly yield from harvest strategies 59 vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many people have contributed to the development of this thesis. I am grateful to my thesis supervisor, Dr. T. R. Parsons, for his encouragement, advice and patience throughout the study. I thank my fellow graduate students, Alan Carruthers and Brenda Harrison, for their very helpful comments on the thesis. Eric Woodsworth and Pam Mace provided cheerful assistance in field collections, for which I am grateful. Thanks are also due to Julie Oliviera, for her identification of algal species. I appreciate the assistance provided by researchers at the West Vancouver Laboratory, West Vancouver. Dr. C. D. Levings was very helpful throughout the project, providing information, equipment and advice. B. Dosanjh gave generous assistance in laboratory analyses. I would like to thank my thesis committee members, Drs. C. D. Levings and D. McPhail for their advice and suggestions in improving the manuscript. Finally, I acknowledge the financial assistance of the National Research Council of Canada. 1 1. INTRODUCTION Cultivation of marine or brackish water invertebrates in large numbers under controlled conditions is of interest both for biological research and for artificial rearing of fish. Many researchers have established breeding populations of crustaceans, either as a preliminary to commercial mariculture or to provide a continuous supply of animals of known physiological status for further experimentation. Fewer than 2% of marine organisms can be reared through their entire life cycle under controlled laboratory conditions (Kinne, 1970). Ryther and Bardach (1968) have summarized the biological characteristics of organisms lending themselves to intensive culture. They should reproduce readily in captivity, and the eggs and juveniles should be hardy and capable of hatching and developing under controlled conditions. They should demonstrate good growth on a wide variety of inexpensive and abundantly available foods, and should be tolerant of high density conditions. Further desirable attributes include wide salinity and temperature tolerances and year-round reproduction with high fecundity (Chang and Parsons, 1975). Several steps must be taken prior to establishment of a large scale culture. Foods of suitable quality to allow reproduction and development of the culture organism must be identified (Nassogne, 1970). The temperatures and salinities allowing best survival must be determined (Sastry, 1970). Sensitivity of the species to high density, and its effects on feeding, growth and behaviour should be assessed (Ryther and Bardach, 1968). There is a need for a suitable organism to be cultivated to serve as a diet supplement for artificially reared fish. The brine shrimp, 2 Artemia salina, is available for this purpose, but at a very high price. Young hatchery-reared fish frequently need live or fresh-frozen invertebrate preparations to stimulate their appetite before they will accept commercial foods (Walker, in Fulton, 1976). With diet supplements of invertebrate preparations added to the standard hatchery diet, Oncorhynchus species have been observed to feed more voraciously and grow more quickly (Brett, 1974). In western Norway, an experimental fishery has been established for the copepod Calanus finmarchicus. Calanus is used as a diet supplement in salmonid rearing, to increase coloration of fish flesh (Heath, 1977). The potential of' the gammarid amphipod Eogammarus confervicolus (Stimpson) for mass culture and its utility as a diet supplement for artificially reared fish was explored in this study. The utility of amphipods as stocking organisms in impoundments and reservoirs has been investigated by several researchers. Ioffe (1972) introduced 49 invertebrate species, including 18 amphipod species, into man-made reservoirs and storage lakes in an attempt to enrich the food supply for commercial fish. The amphipods established themselves successfully and were widely utilized by demersal fish. Fish production estimates for the Tsimlianskoe storage lake before and after introduction of invertebrates indicated that increased growth rate and improved production of commercial fish species resulted from these introductions. Ivanova and Abrosimova (1975) were able to increase carp production at decreased cost per kilogram of product by stocking fish fattening ponds with mysids and gammarid amphipods.
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