Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 6, Number 22, June 5, 1979 , Zionists tied to 'Nazi' organizing Last week, our COUNTERINTELLIGENCE Report Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and Society of Jesus,. they presented Part One of an expose on the Zionist lobby's conspired to found the KKK's predecessor, the Knights links to the Nazi Party and the Ku Klux Klan, prepared 9f the Golden Circle, as a key instrument of the British by Scott Thompson in collaboration with members of the oligarchy's policy of dividing the U.S. through civil Middle East and 90unterintelligence staffs of the war. John Wilkes Booth, assassin of President Abraham Executive Intelligence Review. Lincoln, was a KGC member. With Lincoln's death, That connection broke on the pages of the Philadel­ the KKK was founded to help keep the nation in phia press, which reported that the "James Guttman" turmoil. who applied for a permit on Feb. 15, 1979 to hold a A similar Zionist lobby parentage can be found in combined demonstration of the !jazi Party and the Ku the pedigree of most Klan and neo-Nazi groups active Klux Klan in Philadelphia was really Mordecai Levy, a in the U.S. in the 1960s. One notable case among many leader of the New Jewish Defense League and the Anti­ (see, "The Anti-Defamation League: Britain's Zionist Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. Gestapo," EIR, Vol. 5, No. 30) is that of the American The leader of Philadelphia's American Jewish Com­ Nazi Party. According to sources privy to the founding mittee, the primary organizer of the counterdemonstra­ of the American Nazi Party, George Lincoln Rockwell tion, was Q. close friend of "James Guttman" / Mordecai was on the ADL payroll. His American Nazi Party, the Levy. first neo-Nazi group to openly organize around an As Part One documented, the U.S. Zionist movement anti-Semitic program after World War II, was a front has financed every supposed instance of Nazi-Klan racist for the Zionist Lobby. violence, including "Operation Skokie," the plan for a Rockwell was handpicked for his role as the ADVs Nazi march through the predominantly Jewish neighbor­ "Fuhrer" while he was employed by William F. Buckley hood of Skokie, Ill. That march was organized by Nazi to help found National Review magazine. Funding for leader Frank Collin who, born Frank Cohn, is the son Rockwell's American Nazi Party reportedly came from of a concentration camp survivor and an American leading ADL-connected "Our Crowd" New York Zionist leader. banking families such as the Strauses, who are better Besides maintaining the capability for domestic known for their controlling interest in Macy's depart­ violence, the intent of the Zionist Lobby is to maintain ment store, and Benjamin Freedman, from the U.S. the political isolation of the American Jewish community subsidiary that produces Lux Soap for the Anglo­ in order to secure their support for the expansionist Dutch Unilever Corporation. plans and fascist economic policies of the Zionist Israeli "Washington Merry-Go-Round" columnist Drew government. Pearson ran public relations for the ADL by building up the Nazi Party's image as a major public menace, while maintaining friendly phone contact with Rock­ Part II: The Nazis in America­ well. Pearson reportedly assigned his young. protege, Anglo-Zionist cult An Jack Anderson, as his official'liaison to the Nazis. The There is nothing new in such treasonous Zionist lobby ADL picked up the tab for Anderson's expenses. activities as the Mordecai Levy affair. Two of the One of Rockwell's first assignments was to distribute leading founders of B'nai B'rith-namely Confederate literatllre bearing a large swastika in Miami Beach, an Secretary of War Judah P. Benjamin and Bernard act which prompted an influx of funds into the ADL's Baruch's grandfather, Dr. Kutner Baruch,--were instru-. coffers from a terrified Jewish population looking for mental in founding the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan "protection" from the Nazis. Rockwell's assignment in 1865� (See "The Rothschild Roots of the Ku Klux was merely a more sophisticated variant of a. long­ Klan," EIR, Vol. 5, No. 39.) Earlier, with agents of the standing practice. According to r.eliable sources, former I June 5-June 11, 1979. EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW Counterintelligence 31 © 1979 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. ADL general counsel Arnold Forster was, arrested for the Nazi Holocaust which, in its latest variation, was painting swastikas on a synagogue in Utica, N.Y. in fostered by the Most Venerable Order of the Knights the I 940s. of St. John of Jerusalem. This semi-secret society is a A ·similar modus operandi is believed to have been chivalric order headed by Britain's Queen Elizabeth II employed in founding Frank Collin-Cohn's National and associated with the Anglican Communion. Socialist Party of America, the catalyst for "Operation The second influence is self-styled Nazi hunter Skokie." According to U.S. intelligence sources who Simon Wiesenthal, whose collaboration with fascist live in the Chicago area, not only was much of the European aristocratic circles recently earned him an NSPA's membership drawn from the Zionist lobby­ award from the Dutch monarchy. founded American Nazi Party, but the NSPA also The Holocaust was a taboo subject in Zionist Lobby received funding from the ADL. Furthermore, as many circles until the early 1960s and it did not become a as six of the secondary leaders of this Nazi organization major focus until almost 30 years after World War II were agents of the Treasury's Department of Alcohol, ended, for two reasons. The first is that leading British Tobacco and Firearms. It is believed that Mordecai Hofjuden (court Jews) and their U. S. "Our Crowd" Levy's role as a "leading coordinator" for the Collin­ auxiliary were in essential agreement with the British Cohn Nazis may have begun when he and other oligarchy's geopolitical doctrine to turn Germany into members of a terrorist cell known as the New. JDL a proxy marcher lord state under Adolf Hitler for the were ostensibly organizing "anti-Nazi" resistance to drive east into the Soviet Union. This agreement the plaimed Nazi march through Skokie, Ill. included support, until at least 1940, for the blitzkrieg The New JDL, which has claimed credit for a wave economy designed by Warburg family protege and Nazi of bombings against Egyptian and Soviet Embassy Finance Minister Hjalmar Schacht. The end result of officials in New York, is believed to have originated Schacht's economic policies· was the death of 20 million with a small group organized by Mordecai Levy to people who were ground up in concentration camps conduct the December 1975 LaGuardia Airport bomb­ producing weapons for the Nazi war machine. ing which killed seven people and injured 40 others. On a lower level, as Ben Hecht documents in According to one intelligence source, Levy may have Perfidy, his searing indictment of the Zionist lobby as functioned as an undercover ADL controller of the complicit in the death of the Jews of Hungary, such group. Zionist leaders as David Ben Gurion (who later Known New JDL members in addition to Levy engineered the Eichmann trial to create sympathy for include Irv Rubin, Victor Vancier and Bruce Berger. Israel's expansionist plans) actually collaborated with Vancier and Berger were arrested in a combined the Nazis to save handfuls of Zionist Jews while letting counterterrorist effort by the FBI and the New York others (the non-Zionist, non-"elite") be destroyed. The Police Department's Arson and Explosives unit on Dec. Zionists conducted their own racial purification pro­ 18, 1978 for conspiracy to bomb the Egyptian Tourist gram. Office at Rockefeller Center in New York. Vancier and As a result, Holocaust studies did not become an Berger have also been charged in an embarrassing issue until the Duke of Gloucester and other members incident which involved firebombing the Brighton of the Royal Family instructed the Episcopalian Beach home of an elderly Jewish woman who lived Cathedral of St. John in New York to sponsor an next door to an Egyptian embassy official. International Symposium on the Holocaust on the Among those involved with Vancier, Berger, and "30th Anniversary of Auschwitz" shortly after the 1973 Levy in "Operation Skokie," according to court Yom Kippur war. Since then, with input from the ADL documents filed by two factions contending for control and other Zionist organizations, there has been an over the JDL, were dissident leaders Simon Greenstein outpouring of materials on the Holocaust ranging from (a.k.a. Saymon Grynszthan, who also organized JDLers study programs for school children, to the television in New York for a planned counterdemonstration to series commissioned by Irwin Sigelstein of NBC, to the . Levy's Philadelphia Nazi 'rally), Sanford Goldstein, and creation of a President's Commission on Holocaust Bonnie Pechter. Pechter was briefly named leader of Studies at the request of White House domestic policy the JDL after Kahane, and became notorious for chief Stu Eizenstat. calling upon hundreds of JDLers to descend upon At the hands of British psychological warfare Skokie in order to tear Collin-Cohn's Nazis "limb from experts, Holocaust studies have been twisted into the limb." means to recruit an entire generation of Jewish youth around a cult of Stoicism and death. The result is essentially undifferentiable from the Jonestown People's Part III: The "Holocaust" cult Temple cult or the Nazi Deathshead SS units. The "anti-Nazi" Freikorps deployed against the Klan Sophisticated models of the Zionist ideology were and Nazi puppets are members of a cult which has two developed by Hannah Arendt, Kurt Lewin, Bruno main features.
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