80 years of watching the evolutionary scenery ERNST MAYR Having reached the rare age of 100 years, I find myself in There are a multitude of reasons why so many controver- a unique position: I’m the last survivor of the golden age sies about evolution emerged during that period. For in- of the Evolutionary Synthesis. That status encourages me stance, the philosophy of science at that time was totally to present a personal account of what I experienced in the dominated by physics and by typology (essentialism). years (1920s to the 1950s) that were so crucial in the history This philosophy was appropriate for the physical sciences of evolutionary biology. but entirely unsuitable as a foundation for theories dealing Evolutionary biology in its first 90 years (1859 to the with biological populations (see below). Perhaps more 1940s) consisted of two widely divergent fields: evolu- important was the fact that the paradigm of Darwinian tionary change in populations and biodiversity, the domains evolution was not a single theory, as Darwin always insis- of geneticists and naturalists (systematicists), respec- ted, but was actually composed of five quite independent tively. Histories covering this period were usually written theories.* Two of these were readily accepted by the by geneticists, who often neglected the evolution of bio- Darwinians: the simple fact of evolution (the “non-cons- diversity. As I am a naturalist, I consider this neglect to tancy of species” as Darwin called it) and the branching be a grave deficiency of most historical treatments. theory of common descent. The other three—gradual evolu- Curiously, I cannot pinpoint the age at which I became tion, the multiplication of species, and natural selection— an evolutionist. I received all of my education in Germany, were accepted by only a minority of Darwin’s followers. where evolution was not really controversial. In the gymna- Indeed, these three theories were not universally accepted sium (equivalent to a U.S. high school), my biology until the so-called Evolutionary Synthesis of the 1940s. teacher took evolution for granted. So, I am quite certain, Superimposed on these conceptual differences were others did my parents—who, to interest their three teenage sons, that arose because of the preferences of evolutionists in subscribed to a popular natural history journal that ac- different countries. The evolutionary theories considered cepted evolution as a fact. Indeed, in Germany at that time there was no Protestant fundamentalism. And after I had entered university, no one raised any questions about evolution, either in my medical curriculum or in my pre- parations for the Ph.D. Those who were unable to adopt creation as a plausible solution for biological diversity concluded that evolution was the only rational explanation for the living world. Even though creationism was not a major issue, evolu- tionary biology was nonetheless badly split by controversies. The disagreements concerned the causation of evolutionary change and the validity of various theories of evolution. I was a beneficiary of the furor, a bystander during the numerous clashes between supporters of the oppos- ing theories favored during the first decades of the 20th cen- tury. Ernst Mayr passed away on 3 February 2005. From Mayr, Science 305, 46–47 (2004); reprinted with permission from AAAS. Ernst Mayr CREDIT: ERNST MAYR LIBRARY/MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, HARVARD UNIVERSITY Journal of Genetics, Vol. 84, No. 1, April 2005 91 Ernst Mayr valid in England or in France were rejected in Germany theories of the saltational Mendelians, and established the or the United States. One powerful author in a particular basis for the origin of a rigorous school of mathematical country often could determine the thinking of all his fellow population genetics, culminating in the work of R. A. Fisher, scientists. Finally, different evolutionary theories were J. B. S. Haldane, and Sewall Wright. Most important, this often favored by scholars in different branches of biol- new school of population geneticists fully accepted natural ogy—say, genetics, or developmental biology, or natural selection—and that permitted a synthesis. history. To understand what happened during the Evolu- Several historians have mistakenly thought that this tionary Synthesis, one must be aware of the sources of synthesis within genetics had solved all the problems of disagreement during that earlier period. It was my good Darwinism. That assumption, however, failed to take account fortune that I became acquainted with most of the major of an important gap. One of the two major branches of schools of evolutionary thought of the first third of the 20th evolutionary biology, the study of the origin of biodiversity, century and was therefore able to compare their claims. had been left out of the major treatises of Fisher, Haldane, In 1925–26, I prepared for my Ph.D. at the Natural History and Wright. Actually, unknown to these geneticists, the Museum of Berlin. Even though it was part of Berlin’s problems of the origin of biodiversity had already been Humboldt University, this museum had its own faculty solved in the 1920s by several European naturalists, most and student body. This separation resulted in the develop- important among them, Moritz Wagner,* Karl Jordan,* ment of two branches of evolutionary biology. The labora- Edward Poulton,* Chetverikov and Erwin Stresemann. tory (experimental) geneticists in the University studied Thus, evolutionary biology around 1930 found itself in the processes taking place in a single population—in a a curious position. It faced two major seemingly unsolved single gene pool. Their emphasis was on gradual evolu- problems: the adaptive changes of populations and the tionary change in a phyletic sequence of populations. The origin of biodiversity. Two large and very active groups of museum naturalists, including myself, were much more evolutionists worked on these problems. One of these interested in a different aspect of evolution, the origin of groups consisted of the population geneticists. As summa- biodiversity, and particularly the origin of new species rized in the works of Fisher, Haldane, and Wright, this and higher taxa. We studied the process of speciation and group had solved the problem of gradual evolution of the transition from species level evolution to macroevolu- populations through natural selection. But they had not tion—in other words, the origin of new types of organisms made any contribution to the problem of how species arise and the evolution of higher taxa. (speciation)—that is, to the problem of the origin of bio- We naturalists thought that evolution was indeed a gra- diversity. The other group of evolutionists consisted of dual process, as Darwin had always insisted. Our material the naturalists (taxonomists). Although unaware of the provided hundreds of illustrations of widespread species solution to the problem of gradual adaptive evolution, that gradually changed throughout their geographic range. they had solved the open problems of the evolution of By contrast, most early Mendelians, impressed by the biodiversity through the contributions of the European natura- discontinuous nature of genetic changes (“mutations”), lists Wagner, Jordan, Poulton, Stresemann and Chetverikov. thought that these mutations provided evidence for a salta- Thus, by 1930, the two great problems of evolutionary tional origin of new species. biology had been solved, but by different groups whose When Mendel’s laws were rediscovered in 1900, there accomplishments were unknown to one another. was widespread hope that they would lead to a unifica- As a student in Germany in the 1920s, I belonged to a tion of the conflicting theories on speciation. Unfortu- German school of evolutionary taxonomists that was un- nately, it turned out that the three geneticists most interes- represented in the United States. Our tradition placed ted in evolution—Bateson, DeVries, and Johannsen— great stress on geographic variation within species, and were typologists and opted for a mutational origin (by particularly on the importance of geographic isolation and saltation) of new species. Worse, they rejected gradual its role in leading to the origin of new species. It accepted evolution through the natural selection of small variants. a Lamarckian inheritance of newly acquired characters but For their part, the naturalists erroneously thought that the simultaneously accepted natural selection as facilitating geneticists had achieved a consensus based on saltational gradual evolution. We decisively rejected any saltational speciation, and this led to a longlasting controversy bet- origin of new species, as had been postulated by DeVries. ween the naturalists and the early Mendelians. Fortunately, there was one evolutionist who had the The naturalists were unaware that there were other background to be able to resolve the conflict between the geneticists—like East, Castle, Baur, and Chetverikov— geneticists and the naturalists. It was Theodosius Dobzha- who may have been a majority. Their interpretation of nsky.* He had grown up in Russia as a naturalist and beetle small mutations and gradual evolution was completely taxonomist, but, in 1927, he joined Morgan’s laboratory compatible with the theories of the naturalists. Beginning in America where he became thoroughly familiar with in 1910, the work of the Columbia University group in population genetics. He was ideally suited to show that New York under T. H. Morgan led to a refutation of the the findings of the population geneticists and those of the 92 Journal of Genetics, Vol. 84, No. 1, April 2005 Ernst Mayr European naturalists were fully compatible and that a have had a major impact on the Darwinian paradigm. First synthesis of the theories of the two groups would provide came Avery’s demonstration that nucleic acids and not a modern Darwinian paradigm, subsequently referred to proteins are the genetic material. Then in 1953, the dis- as the “Evolutionary Synthesis”. covery of the double helix by Watson and Crick increased What is particularly remarkable about this new para- the analytical capacity of the geneticists by at least an digm is its stability.
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