IS~WEEK I'VE TEXAS January GOT -21,1993 IT! News Comment Viewpoint Of Local Interest Starscope Backstage Hot Tea You're inuited: Winter 'Wonderland ;iRSVP GAY; CRUISES• 1 'Bfact & White 'Baff Date: !fritfay January 22, 1993 'Benefiting: Hlo/ 'Wellness Center :reaturing: Music by fJJJJon Sims GREAT GAY TRAVEL ADVENTURES Houston, Texas :4RSVPSEASPIRIT .£RSVPCRUISES 7 day cruises Mare Dancers Caribbean Paradise Caribbean Adventure 7 day vacations March 7·14, '93 Weekly departures Dec.19, '92 - Apr.3, '93 U.S. and British Virgin Islands Mexican Riviera Suggestea attire: March 27- April 3, '93 East Coast Discovery 7 & 8 day vacations Greek Isles r:Biack; 'lie Weekly departures June 1o-seot. 13, '93 September 6-13, '93 Jacksonville to Charleston (& rev8l'se) Mexican Riviera - Thanksgiving or Charleston to D.C. (& reverse) November 20-27, '93 D.C to Boston (& reverse) Boston to New York (including P-Town) be creative with 'Black; & White New York to Boston (including P-Town) AUSTIN Creative Tvl Ctr 512·331-9560 @rrl1\D!l.~ Call Your Travel Agent, FREE 800·473-5929 ® Brochures of RSVP SeaSpirit ~ ill£rnilIIT9~ HOUSTON Vacations and RSVP Cruises Advance Damron Vacations 800·695-0880 . -IIu-~CIL fdiuL- ••• 713-682-2002 are available now, 713-789-7500 Cmu-~~u.(), .. Woodlake Tvl 713-840-8500 SAN ANTONIO 'AMERICAN' 800-397-8497 211 West 4th • Ylustin • (512}320-8823 - E)i(J!AE55 First Class Travel [E]l!\ ac- 210-341-6363 · THURS , DONNA DAY'S •••••••••••••••••• TALENT NIGHT 11:00PM •••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• 18+ NO COVER 9-10PM $1 WELL DRINKS 9PM-2AM •••••••••••••• vmmoge 5ltqltld[j 3911 CEDAR SPRINGS • DALLAS· 214.380.3808 19 93 CELEBRATE THE CHINESE NEW YEAR 97TII ANNUAL SOUTHWESTERN EXPOSITION AND LIVESTOCK SHOW January 22 through February 7, 1993 Welcome to Fort Worth and the Legendary 651 Club "Where the Wild West begins" For 23 Years THE PLACE TO MEET II:! FRIDAY, JANUARY 22ND Before and After the Rodeo and Expo "Country Gentleman" MARK YOUR CALENDARS SID AND MAKE YOUR PLANS NOW SPENCER Live In Concert Friday.january 22 FCRT WCRTH with Two Shows 651 S. Jennings 3903 CEDARSPRINGS • Dallas ,<J< (214) 380-3808 10PM& 12Midnight 817/332·0745 TEXAS Volume 18,Number 45 January 15-21,1993 CONNECTIONS page 44 15 NEWS Houston Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus Elects New Officers LOCAL NAMES & NUMBERS IN YOUR AREA CODE! 27 COMMENT Letters to the Editor State/AC/P . ress 35 OF LOCAL INTEREST State I A.C. I Press 39 BACKSTAGE Jo Anne Worley in Hello, Dolly! at Houston's Music Hall OK (405) TX (214/903) GJ ~ 41 VIEWPOINT Stakes Are High As March on Washington Approaches by Derek Charles Livingston (918) (409) OK @ TX ~ 44 COVER FEATURE Kent Steigerwald of Austin Photos by Rex Martin (501) TX (512) 1(210)\1] AR @ 47 STARSCOPE The LastQuarter Moon BringsForgiveness and Understanding AL (205) 51 SPORTS Dallas Independent Volleyball Association to Hold Clinics TX (713) 1II 0 55 HOT TEA Fort Worth Gears up for 97th Annual Livestock Show & Rodeo (601) (806) MS 1II TX 0 68 OBITUARIES LA (318/504) 1II TX (817) III 71 CLASSIFIED 78 GUIDE Texas Business/Club Directory TX (915) [1] TWT (This Week In Texas) is published by Texes Weekly TImes Newspaper Co .•at 3300 Reagan Street In Dallas. Texos 75219 and 811West helmer in Houston. Texes nOO6. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those at TWT or of Its staff. Publication at the name or photograph of any person or organization In articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any Indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription • rates: $69 per year. $40 per half year. Bock issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1993 by Texas Weekly Times NewspaperCo. All rights reserved Partial orcomplete reproduction of anyodvertisement, news. article crfectcre. copy Of photograph from 1WT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay 8t Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20,000 PUBLISHER DALLAS OFFICE ALAN GELLMAN HOUSTON OFFICE 3300 Reagan Street 811Westheimer, Suite 106 EDITOR Dallas, Texas 75219 RICHARD HEBERT Houston, Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214)520- TWIT Houston Fax (713)527-TWIT COMPTROLLER (214) 521·0622 STEVEMILES (713) 527·9111 ARTDIRECTORRichard Bong • GRAPHIC ARriSTSSteve Pardue, Chris Patterson ASSISTANTEDITORBob Dineen • SPORTSEDITORBobby Miller • DISTRIBUriONClifford Plummer CONTRIBUriNG WRITERS PhilJohnson. Bobby Mayes, David Meunier, Jazz Paz.Michael K.Wilson STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS Graham. Larry Graham. Rex Marlin, Michael McKinney, Roger Stabel NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR· Steve Miles. (214) 521·0622 • FAX 520·TWIT Adverllslng rates are available on request from the salesperson In your nearest city. Austin - Rex Marlin (512) 443-7568 • Dallas/Fori Worlh - Steve Miles (214) 521-0622 Houston/Galveston - Steve Nally (713) 527-9111 • San Antanlo - Paul Briner (210) 614-1348 CLASSIFIEDADVERriSING • Dallas Bob Dineen • Houston Brian Keever TWT© 1993 Texas Weekly rimes Newspaper Company SHANERUFF,PRESIDEN/TCEO / DIRECTOR ROYKLAUS/ CO-DIRECTOR Represented Nationally by Rlvendell Marketing, lnc, 8:00 PM NO COVER TO OVER-STUFF? ~ REEf ....•• ~ - - - National Leather. Association: Houston Anniversary Weekend Friday. January 15 * BENEFITING HOUSTON CHAPTER OF T.G.R.A. TGIFriday Weekend Warm-up. Start the * SPONSORED BY MIKE ROMERO, MR. T.G.R.A. 1993 weekend with a BANG! Doors open at 7. AND VIRGIL BURKE, MR. BRB 1992 No Coyer lil 9. Saturday. January 16 LEATHER & FLESH Doors open at * * * * * * * 9p.m. No Coyer all night long for Men in Chaps & Leather Jock Straps. Bare as much as you dare! Clothes check FRIDAY & SA TURDA Y ---- available. Lone Star Male Revue SUNDAY Sunday. January 17 Pool Tournament 5pm LOADING DOCK '93 7pm-~iI Lasagna Feast 5 - Bpm The Warehouse Party of the Year! An Variety Show Bpm official NLA: Houston Anniversary Weekend event. No coyer wjth your run MONDAY & TUESDAY Qin.. Houston's Hottest Music. Houston's Wheel of Cash Hottest Men. Free buffet at midnight. 10:30 - 11:30 - 12:30 WEDNESDAY Monday. January 18 Male Strip Contest MAN'S MAN NIGHT I Clubber's Night. with Dyan Michaels 10:30pm 9p.m. No Coyer for local bar & restaurant THURSDAY personnel or club members wearing their Video Classics 9pm pins or colors, Nightly: CAGEDHEAT/MEN Always: The Lowest Regular Drink BEHINDBARS - Go-Go Studs! Prices & The Sexiest Men In Houston! Shameless MEN from all over the 90 cent well drinks Southwest STRIP & STRUT in our $1.50 beer $2.00 Call Famous Cages for your pleasure & $1.00 schnapps entertainment!! , 710 Pacific Street • Houston, TX 77006· 713/523-0213 CLUB BODY !" •• CENTERD 2616 Swiss • Dallas • (214)821-1990 STEP-AEROBIC CLASSES ~ondays,VVednesdays and Fridays6-7P~ Thursday MONDAYZ PAULETTA'S JANUARY TALENT NIGHT MARTINI FINALS with MADNESS Special Guest Sheena Angelica ~ Newcomer e of the Year ABSOLUT Wednesday $3MARTINIS 50~Well Drinks 25~Draft ~2Longnecks --;:r.;::~ ~~~ 55 LOCKERSPECIAL • Your Choice • ~ ••••_~_.•.........•.~----..•. .r.., ~~ .....,..._ Monday· 8 AM-MIDNIGHT With T-back drawings Wednesday· 4 PM-MIDNIGHT Open Daily at 7pm COMING JANUARY 26TH NEWCOMER OF THE YEAR 1/2 PRICE ROOMS Happy Hour Until10pm Tuesday· 4 PM-MIDNIGHT YOUTH RATE56.50 LOCKER ANYTIME for 18-23 Year-Old with 1.0. 3913 CEDAR SPRINGS SPECIALS GOOD IN DALLAS ONLYI DALLAS WHEN IN HOUSTON 214.380.3808 1430 N. Main • San Antonio VISIT CLUBHOUSTON (210) 225-7330 2205 FANNIN· 17131659-4998 TWT JANUARY 15 - JANUARY 21 1993 PAGE 13 HOUSTON CAUCUS ELECTS NEW OFFICERS, BOARD MEMBERS Passes Motion Calling on City To Join in Colorado Boycott. HOUSTON - The city's Gay & Lesbian that were directed against us in the No- Political Caucus kicked off the new year vember elections by the religious right. I by electing officers and board members at think we were taken by surprise by them. its January 6 meeting. Members also took "We need to make sure that we take a up a mix of old and new issues that will pro-active rather than a reactive stance, keep the organization very busy in 1993. and we need to get ou r message across to mainstream Houston." Bacon said the gay and lesbian com- munity's relationship with city government in general, and the Houston Police Depart- ment in particular, would remain a Caucus priority this year, as would the issue of zon- ing. He added that the Caucus would be involved in screening candidates for the race to fill the Senate seat left vacant by HorJO~K~IHOrNluHfI Lloyd Bentsen. Bacon did not rule out the possibility the group would take an official stand on zon- ALL NEW SHOW HGLPC officers for 1993 are [1·rJsecretary Rabble Cava· ing at some point, and he appointed Rob naugh, president Chris Bacon, vice-president Rennie Trozzl and treasurer Patrick McKee. TWT NEWS photos. Bridges chairofa committee to study the matter. The Caucus has scheduled a spe- With nearly 150 Caucus members cast- cial open meeting on zoning forWednes- ing ballots, Chris Bacon defeated Norm day, January 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Mont- Thompson to win reelection as president, rose Palace. and Rennie Trozzi, who ran unopposed, The night of the election meeting, ac- won a second term as vice-president. Rob- tivist Ray Hill distributed copies of a pro- bie Cavanaugh, also unopposed, was posed resolution opposing zoning as it is elected secretary, while Patrick McKee currently being considered. The resolution defeated incumbent Scott Tillinghast to also called for a binding referendum on the take the treasurer's post. issue. Board Chair Kevin Davidson was re- New board member Liz Shuler said she elected to Board Seat 1, while Liz Shuler, t formerly Caucus secretary, was elected to Seat 4. David Fowler took Seat 5 and Phil Batdorf, Caucus representative to the Les- bian/Gay Rights Lobby of Texas, won Board Seat 6.
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