GARY JOHNSON EDITOR RANDY RICKMAN PUBLISHER LIAM MARLAIRE ASSISTANT EDITOR 1C L-TOpinionEmail Voice of the People letters to [email protected] SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2020 LeaderTelegram.com Include your name, address, daytime phone number LOCAL VIEW Ill-defined ‘defunding’ pitch ill-advised rotests likely were inevitable — and war- ranted when peaceful — after a Minne- P apolis police officer’s inexcusable actions on May 25 resulted in the death of George Floyd. However, just as riots and lootings cannot be condoned, neither can defunding police depart- ments. Yet that’s precisely what a majority of Minneapolis City Council members are pursu- ing in their market. “We committed to dismantling policing as we know it in the city of Minneapolis and to rebuild with our community a new model of public safety that actually keeps our community safe,” Lisa Bender, council president, told CNN. Added Jeremiah Ellison, a city councilman, via Twitter: “We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. And when we’re done, we’re not simply gonna glue it back together. We are going to dramatically rethink how we approach public safety and emergency response.” VOICE OF THE PEOPLE What “defunding” means varies widely. For many it’s allocating some resources away from City Council on wrong There are only a few simple rules healthy coping skill. Retailers are for controlling the spread of the one of the most important lines of policing and toward social services. Other side of chicken issue virus now. Social distancing, wear- defense in keeping tobacco out of groups are promoting more drastic measures. The Eau Claire City Council set ing a mask, washing your hands the hands of youth. Camden, N.J., was one of the nation’s most a bad precedent by approving the — these are not oppressive. If you Thank you, retailers, for keeping violent cities when it dissolved its police depart- chicken license at its meeting on consider yourself a responsible yourself and others safe. Together, ment in 2012 to combat corruption. June 9. The applicant had been person or have a connection with a we can prevent the tobacco indus- “Now,” according to a CNN report, “the city’s raising chickens in the city with- theological faith — if you are your try from making lifelong customers out a license. She is in the process crime rate has dropped by close to half. Officers brother’s keeper — then do the out of Eau Claire County youth. of complying with city and health right thing, be true to who you say host outdoor parties for residents and knock on BRUCE KING department regulations. But in you are. Follow the rules of love for Alliance for Substance doors to introduce themselves. It’s a radically the meantime, she doesn’t have a others and be a real neighbor. Abuse Prevention chair different Camden than it was even a decade license and the chickens are still BILL ELLMANN ago.” there. Ladysmith Protesters should Ojii BaBa Madi, Camden resident and a The applicant hasn’t conformed practice social distancing church minister, told CNN the community to the law for chicken keeping, e.g., Saints quarterback having a license before acquiring has right to his opinion Many of us have time on our approach to policing has improved dialogue be- the chickens. The neighbors don’t hands during this pandemic. Five tween police and city leaders and the city does I have always loved quarterback thoughts crossed my mind that I approve of having chickens in Drew Brees, especially after his feel safer. But he did not advocate for abolishing proximity to their properties. So, by submit for your perusal. New Orleans Saints defeated Brett No. 1: The same folks heading police altogether in Camden, a far smaller mar- what criteria did the council make Favre and the Minnesota Vikings in ket than Minneapolis with significantly different its decision? the wrong way down the marked the 2009 NFC Championship game. grocery aisle probably drove their demographics. Even with the council action, the Brees, in a recent interview with license won’t be issued until regula- car to the store. “I would prefer to nail down some best prac- Yahoo Finance, stated his opinion No. 2: The Packers should have tices for policing as it should be,” he told CNN. tions have been met. How long will on respecting our country and this take? What if they aren’t met? an advantage in a season where Adds Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., chairwoman the American flag (tinyurl.com/ COVID-19 is still a factor. The de- Will the chickens be removed? Will y746vqvn). If you haven’t already of the Congressional Black Caucus, in a CNN it be left to the health department fense has practiced social distanc- seen it, take a minute to watch the ing for over a decade. interview: “I don’t believe that you should dis- to deal with the situation? interview. His comments were very band police departments. But I do think that, in Don’t ask permission; do what No. 3: Speaking of social distanc- heartfelt and sincere. Offensive? ing: The media was outraged when cities, in states, we need to look at how we are you want then ask forgiveness. Not Seriously? kids were on the beach at spring the way to run a city. Brees has faced severe criticism spending the resources and invest more in our break and protesters in Michigan KATHLEEN MITCHELL from teammates, other athletes and communities.” who met at the state capitol didn’t Eau Claire the sports media and has subse- • • • social distance, but when thousands quently apologized. Why? I’m sure What happened to Floyd in Minneapolis was of protesters hit the streets of L.A., Precautions against most Americans would agree with horrific. And statistics show there is racial bias virus not oppressive his sentiments. Agree or disagree, D.C., Minneapolis and Portland, in some police departments. Christy Lopez, a Please tell me why the dominant doesn’t the man have a right to hardly a word is mentioned about Georgetown Law School professor and co-direc- religion in our country has been express his opinion? it. tor of the school’s Innovative Policing Program, unable to mobilize more effectively DAVE ROHOLT No. 4: The downside to warmer argues that we have come to “over-rely” on law against the COVID-19 virus. Yes, Eau Claire weather is that more tattoos are Christianity has espoused, no built, visible. enforcement. Vaping, smoking No. 5: When Minneapolis dis- “We ask police to take accident reports, re- its moral and ethical force in the world as a “love your neighbor” of utmost concern today mantles its police department, res- spond to people who have overdosed and arrest, idents who have a problem with a theology. During these challenging times, rather than cite, people who might have inten- burglary or rape in their household Most of us have bought into this the Alliance for Substance Abuse should call Jussie Smollett. tionally or not passed a counterfeit $20 bill,” she ideology as a rule for our lives. And Prevention and Wisconsin Wins MICK CONROY writes in a Washington Post piece. “We call po- it is a sound theology not only for would like to say thank you to the lice to roust homeless people from corners and Christians. In fact, the Talmud, the retailers of Eau Claire County. We Eau Claire doorsteps, resolve verbal squabbles between Qu’ran and other great religions know that during this challeng- Trump’s lack of family members and strangers alike, and arrest have taught the same message. ing time of COVID-19, retailers religion on display recently children for behavior that once would have been Now we have a great pandemic. are under more stress. Tobacco We are a community of people who This is quick and simple. I handled as a school disciplinary issue. retailers and employees who check share common values. But do we? IDs of their customers are faced challenge President Donald Trump “Police themselves often complain about hav- When we see people, our neigh- with unique physical distancing to find 2 Corinthians in the Bible. ing to ‘do too much,’ including handling social bors, defying the best advice for challenges that can affect not only When he was a candidate he quot- problems for which they are ill-equipped. ... It is protecting each other, how can this their business and income, but ed from it. Anyone who has spent clear that we must reimagine the role they play be? We call ourselves Christian, but their mental, spiritual and physical even a year or two in church would in public safety.” are we? health. have heard Second Corinthians At the local level, Eau Claire Police Chief Matt When people flaunt the recom- COVID-19 and vaping/smoking (Corinthians II) quoted from the Rokus recently outlined steps the department is mendation of the professional pub- cigarettes can be damaging to lung New Testament. lic health experts, and do it their health. Youth are experiencing Trump’s raising his hand with undertaking to prevent brutality and build trust: way, how can this be a real and stress with changes in routine and the Bible to tout his religiosity is • Hiring the right people. honest expression of our Christian, separation from friends and it is blasphemous. Pure and simple. • Making certain officers are properly trained. Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, more important than ever for them CARTER SMITH • Accountability and transparency. etc., faiths? to not turn to tobacco as an un- Eau Claire • Proper review of use of force situations.
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