• 0(1 G:!J.EWS TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 2000 THE DEPAUW THE DEPAUW TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 2000 ,..3 • • • 006;'7 • ! • • • THE DEPAUW "Paradise Lost" finds a favorable follOWIng • • Tue5liay, March /4, 2000 • Vol. /48, /ssue 36 • o Kristen Wong demi-god named Maui Toguchi also led the audi­ ment, thereby glvmg the desert. The selection includ­ • ed the most popular local Dates and events • (hence, the name of one of ence in a brief tutorial on a United States the islands as • One of the lesser-realized the eight islands), is said to local dialect of the territory. dishes of islanders. from around DePauw • • VI facts about the island of have fished the Hawaiian Hawaiian Islands, pidgin. "I liked how they "The food was 'ono' (deli­ • University of Literary Magazine TODAY : EdlDr In CIlW MaN Sa.lIolO Hawaii is the nature of its Islands out of the Pacific. The language arose out of explained how the U.S. just cious)!" exclaimed senior ~£dIIDr MiclltItEvons and Hawaii native Jeremy • Noon. McDermond Lecture Series: : statehood. Hawaii Club Train explained the sig­ the intermingling of races took Hawaii without per­ • California-Irvine accepting submis- alIoI CcpJ £dIIDr Sari Bel president, sophomore nificance of the traditional on plantations. Toguchi mission," said sophomore Rafal, in pidgin. Mark Filippell '75, managing director : """ £dIIDr Cissio Trueblood and manager, mergers &acquisitions :• Larissa Train, and the Hula Dance to the explained that plantation Karina Carrera. "It happens Junior Abdir Salah professor to speak sions llI*lioI! Eftn DI'Ild Copple Hawaiians. Senior Regina proprietors mainly wanted to a lot of indigenous popu­ agreed that the presenta­ p/oup, McDonald Investments, Inc. : r....£dIIDr Mop. Hockley members of Na Hoa Aloha lations." tion was a worthwhile use Union Building Ballroom. : $jlortI £dIIDr Jon Cf\l1Il 0' Hawaii offered an expla­ Toguchi offered information workers from different cul­ Spires Intercollegiate The Paradise Lost pre­ of a Friday afternoon. •7 p.m. Duplicate Bridge. Union : Join AAAS, the office of I'bc*e.~ £dIIDr SliplJoJIie J.uch nation Friday afternoon. about the many different tures, so that groups would Literary Magazine is not be able to communicate sentation concluded with "My favorite part of the Building. IIoY Room. : multicultural affairs, the accepting poems, stories, 1 IleoIp £dIIDr, Kkn B9usqu.l "Paradise Lost" touched on races intermixed in Hawaii. 0nIne £dIIDr ~r. Chou.er the many different pieces of The reason for the multicul­ with each' other. Restricting ethnic food from Hawaii for presentation was the ques­ • black studies department, artwork, and other items of • ,,:." Mort «eppler Hawaiian history and cul­ tural society stems from the language was an effort to those in attendance, includ­ tion and answer [session], TOMORROW . • and counseling services in interest. Drop submissions ,GiIIillIct'EdIiW'11eio; Go>'o\li •12:30 - 1:30 p.m. THE HUMP. • welcoming Dr. Joseph L. ture, particularly its annex­ 19th century, she explained, prevent revolts. The lan­ ing rice, pancit, chicken because it helped destroy • off in the English depart­ t;Aalt.H... E'AIlaf~T~'l\11lttaftet ation to the U.S. when sugar cane and guages however, inter­ adobo, lumpia, haupia, the misconceptions r had of Bring your lunch. Union Building. • White of the University of ment office or at Mason 309 ,'AUt ilIiIf, ~ AiMndi MillOr' Terrace Room 110A. • Approximately 30 people pineapples were popular twined, and gradually, the mochi, and macaroni salad. Hawaii," he said. "I also • California-Irvine. At 7 p.m. by March 14th or call Peter r; ·...f_~~S~% , liked Regina's pidgin •3 p.m. Student recital. Performing • in the UB Ballroom, Dr. &n~ ~ ~&Ilbisij attended the presentation, exports. These two crops workers had a communica­ Pancit, a Filipino dish that • Molfese at x5299. £dIIDr}SiaJl which was held in Durham were available on the tion link. Revolts'still even­ consists of brown colored lessons. It was very similar Arts Center, Thompson Recftal Hall. • White will speak about his Questions? E-mail " <11< ~ ~ EII%a~ Poj)ti • /·x<;~~Sor.nwn House. Freshman Missy islands; therefore, many tually ensued. "rice" noodles and vegeta­ to Ebonies." •3 p.m. Tennis 'IS. University of • book, "Black Man ,}' • [email protected] McGraw described the ori­ plantations were estab­ Freshman Bianca bles, can be served with or "I think lthe presenta­ Inaianapolis. Blackstock Courts. • Emerging: Facing the Past Also, Fall 1999 issues are , ,,' 'fCOF; Eftn Jefllca Sc!1Ilb • " 1 Edlar'fnMirtluI hie ~ gin, according to history lished. The proprietors of Bullock spoke about the without meat. Chicken tion] was really good: •3:30 p.m. Performing Arts Series • and Seizing a Future in in and are available. To "'~:' • ' ''',.' " and myth, of the Hawaiian the plantations needed overthrow of Queen Adobo (cooked chicken in agreed freshman Jonathan Event: Edward Auer, Brahms Recftall. • America." He will discuss reserve a copy, e-mail . , • ~....., Karen BiMDUSe Islands and the culture of cheap labo~ and depended Liliuokalani, the last soy sauce), lumpia (egg roll· Torres. "I learned a lot Performing Arts Center, Thompson • the psychological and social [email protected]. • MIl.,.r ~ Bobzien its people. The Hawaiian on immigrants from other monarch to rule the then­ like finger foods), and hau­ about [Hawaiian] history, Recftal Hall. • challenges in life, interven­ Copies will also be avail­ ~ • J Alit. M JlIian Bocle people, according to myth, countries, namely, Japan, called Kingdom of Hawaii. pia (coconut desert) are also their culture, and their lan­ •9 p.m. Late Night Perks. Hartman • tions in education, mentor­ able in the English depart­ , M~ AIlsa!le)lGW • iI" " . guage, which separate them Center, multi-purpose room. • ing, and fatherhood train­ are the descendants of two China, Portugal, and the The Queen was forced to Filipino dishes. Mochi is a • ment office. deities, Wakea and ·Papa. A Philippines. sign an annexation docu- sticky, sweet Japanese from other cultu • ing designed to facilitate THURSDAY • the empowerment of black • 1 p.m. WTIS .00 Slide Show • males. Dr. White says he Delta Sigma Theta rehearsal. Julian Science & believes that the problem Mathematics Center audrronum. of race in America needs to Week begins today Starry Night •3 p.m. Student Recftal. Performing be resolved through a dia­ Arts Center, Thompson Recftal Hall logue among all ethnicities, Jpin Delta Sigma Theta •4 p.m. "Philosophy of Biolilgi." before black men may tonight from 8-10 p.m. at Todd Grantham, '87. All are welcome. assume their rightful place the AAAS House for Delta East College, room 106. : • at all levels in American Cinema, as they view a .•8 p.m. Undergraduate: history. His book is avail: movie depicting the role of Communication Honors Conference: : • able in the University black women in film. "Is the Cyberworld's Bark Worse : bookstore and library Wednesday, Dr. Marcelle Than its Byte? Managing Radical : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. Change in Communications." Ben :• Bagdikian, dean emeritus, School of : Journalism at California·Berkeley, •: author of The Media Monopoly. East : College, Meharry Hall. FRIDAY am us •9 a.m. McDermond Lecture: a brief look at what's going on ElizabeUi Owens, '89, director of mar­ keting, American lronhorse. Center An unidentified but who were implicated. for Contemporary Media, Watson Human error is cause authorized user of the News that a cheating Forum. course computer improp­ incident occurred at MIT • 10 a.m. Prop/ess reports due of supposed MIT erly sorted grades, caus­ appeared both on National •3 p.m. Tennis (m) 'IS. IUPUI-fort ing students' names to be Public Radio and in The , ~ Edli4(1n CIIItf,176;! 658-5973 '" Wi!'jne. Blackstock Courts. cheating scandal associated with other stu­ Boston Globe. '. e'd~per.~.edIl., Moore Theater echoed last night with the deep voices •3 - 5 p.m. Web Design Workshop : dents' grades. In his e-mail, Sauer News Editlijo (76S) 658-59721 : for Instructional Sites: Informational : • " ;<,*.;,.' ~ '" CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Last Thursday, powev­ said that his suggestion .' .-"""'PIpef.dfPII/W.edu·. ofwell-known actors Roscoe Lee Browne and and Instructional Design. Contact : Last week's reported er, Lodish announced to that the errors resulted ..QPlnloIl EditOr (765) 658-5~5 kjkirk or c1smfth. : incident of cheating in his lecture audience that from human error were opIiIIoi10_pef.dtpauw.edv Anthony Zerbe. The two actors perfonned several •6:30 p.m. Shabbat Worship, Rabbi : Cell Biology (7.06) turned an unknown individual Felture. Edijo, (765) 658-597U . deleted by Globe editors, _r.depauwAd~ scenes, monologues and read poems to a gathered Buz Bogage. Religious Ufe Center. : out to be a computer sort­ had broken into the and that quotes attributed {eo\IJ"s@..... •7:30 p.m. Performing Arts Series : ing gli tch, according to course's computer system to MIT spokesperson Ken $plf1s Editor (765) 658-59741'< " audience. The annual tour titled "Behind The Broken Event: Edward Auer with Patricia : S{!OIls.g.....paper.di~."'.t . Professor Harvey Lodish, and raised the scores of Campbell were incorrect. 0, < Jones, plano, Brahms Recital II. : who teaches the course. two students while lower­ .- .,.,;:; ,~ <~, H!'oti< I, , Words," will include question and answer session "The end result was a , ~ptiom (7~51658-599f "" Performing Arts Center, Thompson : Lodish,.who declined to ing those of several other prominent and misleading today at 10 a.~. with the actors. After their perfor­ Recital Hall. : comment further, told MIT students. ~*~~~1!~"W·df~~U • story that impugned the ·.,rMYer1lil~1 (76Sr~59n ;f;:..!, •8 p.m. Latino Film Festival, spokespersons that the The discovery that the integrity of MIT under­ '.adveltijr.e@• ..,spaper,~.pa ....teiU ' mance last night, the actors met with the audience to "LaGrimas Negras" (Biack Tears). changing of exam scores in incident was simply an graduates," Sauer said. , ,'F... (765) 658-5991 / .} .. .... ~' 1\' l ' answer some questions and to sign autographs.
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