Cover image illustrates a non-specific windfarm Non-Technical Summary Preface 1. This document comprises a Non-Technical Summary (NTS) of the Environmental Statement (ES) Addendum produced to provide an update to the original Halsary Windfarm ES (hereafter referred to as the 2009 ES). The 2009 ES was prepared in support of a planning application to construct and operate a new windfarm development at Halsary Forest, Caithness. The ES Addendum provides an update to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) contained within the 2009 ES and is not a stand-alone document. The ES Addendum and this NTS should therefore be read in conjunction with the 2009 ES, including all Figures and Technical Appendices, and the 2009 ES NTS. 2. The revised Development comprises a 15 turbine windfarm with an installed capacity of up to 34.5 Megawatts (MW). 3. The ES Addendum comprises the following documents: • A Non-Technical Summary; • The Environmental Statement Addendum main report and appendices; and • Landscape and Visual Assessment Figures. 4. Further copies of these documents or further information on the proposed windfarm may be obtained from: ScottishPower Renewables (UK) Limited 2nd Floor (New Building Cathcart House Spean Street Glasgow G44 4BE Tel: +44 (141) 568 2000 5. The Non-Technical Summary is available free of charge. A printed copy of the ES Addendum can be purchased from the Applicant at a cost of £200. In addition, all documents are available in an electronic format (as a PDF) on CD/DVD for £8.00. 6. The ES Addendum is available for viewing by the public during normal opening hours at the following locations: • Planning & Development Service, The Highland Council, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, IV3 5NX; • Caithness Planning and Building Standards Office, Market Square, Wick, KW1 4AB; • Thurso Service Point, Council Offices, Rotterdam Street, Thurso, KW14 8AB; and • Caithness Horizons, Old Town Hall, High Street, Thurso, KW14 8AJ. 7. Comments on the planning application can be submitted through the E-Planning website at http://wam.highland.gov.uk/wam/or forwarded to the address below: Head of Planning and Building Standards, E-planning Centre, The Highland Council, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX. Page 1 Halsary Windfarm Environmental Assessment Addendum December 2012 Non-Technical Summary Non-Technical Summary Non-Technical Summary 1.0 Introduction 8. In November 2009, ScottishPower Renewables (UK) Limited (SPR) submitted a planning application to construct and operate a new windfarm development at Halsary Forest, Caithness (‘the Development’) (see Figure NTS-1). The Development comprised an 18 turbine site with an installed capacity of up to 41.4 MegaWatts (MW). 9. Following submission of the planning application, discussions were held with a number of consultees and further information and clarifications were provided by SPR. As a result of these consultations, amendments have been made to the Development. 10. Additionally, SPR has been notified of an intended extension to the existing electricity substation at Mybster, immediately adjacent to the north-west corner of the Development site. As this land will be controlled by the electricity network operator, the Development site red-line boundary has been varied to exclude it. 11. The ES Addendum summarised here has been produced to provide an update to the original Halsary Windfarm ES (Ref. NTS-1) (hereafter referred to as the 2009 ES) and takes into account the consultation discussions and the consequent design changes. The ES Addendum presents the design changes made, identifies where design changes have a material effect on the original assessments, and presents revised assessments where necessary. This NTS document accompanies the ES Addendum and should be read in conjunction with the 2009 NTS. 2.0 ES Addendum 12. The ES Addendum provides an update to the EIA contained within the 2009 ES and is not a stand-alone document. The purpose of the ES Addendum is to: • Describe the revisions to the Development proposals; • Summarise changes to planning policy, legislation and guidance since submission of the 2009 ES; • Provide the additional environmental baseline information requested by the statutory consultees following submission of the 2009 planning application; • Identify the requirement for additional cumulative assessment; • Review and revise the EIA in light of the points highlighted above; • Recommend mitigation for additional adverse effects identified; and • Report how the revisions and additional information collected alter the assessment of residual effects and the conclusions of the EIA presented within the 2009 ES. 13. The following chapters contained within the 2009 ES were reviewed and revised as part of this ES Addendum: • Chapter 1: Introduction; • Chapter 2: Assessment Methodology and Significance Criteria; • Chapter 3: Consultation Summary and Design Evolution; • Chapter 4: Project Description; • Chapter 5: Planning Policy Context; • Chapter 6: Landscape and Visual; • Chapter 7: Ornithology; • Chapter 8: Ecology; Page 2 Halsary Windfarm Environmental Assessment Addendum December 2012 Non-Technical Summary Non-Technical Summary • Chapter 9: Traffic, Access and Transport; • Chapter 10: Archaeology and Cultural Heritage; • Chapter 11: Noise; • Chapter 12: Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Geology; • Chapter 13: Land use, Socio-Economics and Recreation; • Chapter 14: Other Issues; and • Chapter 15: Residual Effects and Conclusions. 2.1 Assessment of Residual Effects 14. Since submission of the 2009 ES, the EIA regulations have been consolidated and updated. The assessment contained within the ES Addendum has been carried out in accordance with The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (Ref. NTS-2) (hereafter referred to as ‘the EIA Regulations’). 15. Each of the technical chapters within the ES Addendum (chapters 6 to 14) contain a detailed assessment of both positive and negative effects arising from the revised Development, taking into consideration any additional baseline studies undertaken and changes to legislation, policy and guidance. Additional mitigation measures for each area of environmental effect are set out (where applicable) and an assessment of the residual significant effects is presented within the relevant technical chapters. 16. Residual effects are defined as those significant effects that are predicted to remain following the implementation of the stated mitigation measures. Moderate and major effects are considered significant for the purposes of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations (Ref. NTS-2). 2.2 Cumulative Assessment 17. Cumulative assessment considers incremental changes caused through the combination of effects from other past, present or reasonably foreseeable developments with the windfarm. The schemes considered within the cumulative assessment presented in the 2009 ES submission were: Causeymire Windfarm extension (consented) and Spittal Hill Windfarm (application). The Causeymire Windfarm Extension remains unbuilt but the development still has consent. The cumulative assessments relating to this development reported within the 2009 ES are therefore still valid. Since the submission of the 2009 ES, the Spittal Hill Windfarm has been subject to Public Inquiry and has been refused consent. Cumulative impacts associated with this development therefore no longer require to be considered within the ES. 18. A search was undertaken to identify any additional non-windfarm schemes considered to require cumulative assessment since the 2009 ES was submitted. No additional schemes were identified. 19. On 25th July 2012, a planning application for Bad a’ Cheò Windfarm, adjacent to the operational Causeymire Windfarm, was submitted to The Highland Council (THC). This application was made subsequent to the 2009 Halsary Windfarm application and the Bad a’ Cheò Windfarm Environmental Statement considers the cumulative effects of the Halsary Windfarm. Given the status and timing of the two applications, it has been agreed with THC that there is no requirement for this ES Addendum to include the Bad a’ Cheò Windfarm within the revised cumulative assessment, except with regard to cumulative noise effects. 20. In addition to the overall cumulative scenario, the baseline situation for cumulative assessment of other windfarms within a 15km radius (as agreed with THC) of the Page 3 Halsary Windfarm Environmental Assessment Addendum December 2012 Non-Technical Summary Non-Technical Summary Development has changed. New guidance on landscape and visual assessment (LVA) methods for cumulative assessment of windfarms has also been published (Ref. NTS-3). A revised LVA cumulative assessment, to take account of the revised cumulative situation and most recent guidance, has therefore been undertaken within the ES Addendum. 21. The changes to the cumulative windfarm situation are as follows: • The Olgrinmore, Bower, Durran Mains, Hill of Lieurary and South Shebster windfarm applications have been refused; • Spittal Hill Windfarm was refused following a public inquiry; • Dunbeath Windfarm was refused planning permission but the decision has been appealed by the applicant and they are now awaiting a decision on the appeal from the Scottish Government; • Permission has been granted for Burn of Whilk and Stroupster windfarms; • Baillie Windfarm was consented and construction has begun; and • Construction of Camster Windfarm has begun. 22. In addition, the following windfarms have come into the
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