•••• Greater Newark's Hometown Newsr 86th Year, Issue 41 @ 1996 October 11 , 1996 Newark, Del. • 50¢ Improving THis WEEK traffic . IN SPORTS could NEWARK take years CONQUERS By MARY E. PETZAK NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER VIKINGS; Aped strian alkway in th nar­ row asho Mil l Road und rp m.:-. c.:o ul d b th firsr . rep in impro in& BUT MUST traffic 1 rohl ·ms on N wark's st­ ern side but th re's -; till a long wa. to go. 7'Arc w going to solve BATILE Towing at the parking lot of the library Avenue Professional Building has caused expensive headaches for par­ N wark's probl ms on inter~ec.:ti o n ents and teachers at nearby Newark High School. at a tim ?" a~k d Jim T IT , WM. PENN. 17 hr sler\ rc1 res ntati ' on tlic We . tern Newark raffi · Relief Committee. "We could b h re for Towing flattens ocketbooks year:-. and years and years." IN LIFESTYLE At th fir:-. t meeting of the c m mitt ·e this ' eek. chair Nan cy By MARY E. PETZAK Th pa rent sa id th y wcr t< ld Ewing onl y Turner I d tho. e an nding in draw­ releas d ca rs betw' n 7 a.m. and 6 p.m . because they inn up a li~t of "pr blcm ur Js·' in HAUNrED NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER had pr bl ms wi th fights rher when ar. were Newark. "Thi s will give u ' so m - pick d up at night. thing to think abo ut," ~ aid Turner. ARENTS AND TEACHERS at Newark Hi gh 'My hu . hand had to go to work the next day." Areas id ntifi~d in add iti on t HAPPENINGS chool hav b en co mplaining th at parking for said th paren l. ''We had to make sp ial arrang - th asho Millunderpa. · included: P. ome . choo l event. is hazardou s to their wall et. ment. to get th car back during th day. Wh at do • Hill. ide and West Main trect. Wh en th lot at the hi gh sc hoo l is full during you do if you can 't take time off to go get yo ur car?" which does not have enough turn ­ PlANNED . chool m etin g and athl eti c vents, stud nts and Roc k, an employe · of wing Tow in g nfirm d ing radius fo r tru cks; parent s ha e been p rking in th e lot f th e Library th times wh n th comp any is p n and al. o sa id • a. ho Mill and Barksda le roa ds; Avenu e Prof , i nal Building nex t to the hi gh that at $85 a tow th y were "th e ch apest tow in g • Casho Mill and Elkton road s IN NEWARK choo l :H the orn er of Library and Delaware company around.'' where a traffi li ght wo uld he lp ; avenue .. Accordin g to on parent, who did not want . However, accordin g to a part -tim empl oyee wh • Suuth oll e :re Avenue wh re to be named it co t $ 5 to get their car back after a an wered the phon,e at Bryan Towing on P opl e AREA. 8 occor ga me but that wa on ly the beg inning. Drive, that ornpany charge· on ly $75 to tow car. , tant conge tion: ··we went down to Ewi ng Towing on Elkton Road from private lots. You can also pi ck up ca r ~ any time, • hri . tin a Parkway whi ch com­ a oon a we knew the car wa. towed," sa id the par­ day r ni ght , if you ca ll ahead of time, ac ·ord in g to mittee members wou ld lik ex t nd ­ ent . "We had money with u , even though w the employee. ed to Rout e 273 : thou ght $85 wa. a lot, and there were . everal Mi chae l arr, vice-principal at Newa rk Hi gh IN THE NEWS employee there but they wouldn' t I t us hav the See TOWING, 5 ...,_ See TRAFFIC, 12 ...,_ car." TEACHER Governor drops in OF THE \EAR for press-side c at WAS "bring-the-governor-to­ on tru tion along along Route 896, AT McVEY work-d~y " at the Newark Post on Carper said , "I know that these issues EOct. 4 when Thoma. Carper go ri ght to the heart of where you live dr pped by to chat with the staff. and Del DOT is supposed to be th e ELEMENTARY. 3 Go . Carper wanted to know what xperts so I ve asked Anne anby to wa ''hot'' in the Newark area and jok­ meet with the r sidents." ingly remarked that he had never Gov. Carper noted that th new heard of the "bypa. s." paint fac ility at hrysler's ass ·mbly INDEX Ace rding to Go . Carper DeiDOT plant here will mean jobs during and after the work i. complete. "Pl ant NEWS 1-5 sec retary Anne Canb is not con- in ed that a bypass is the answer to manager Jim Wolfe told m a criti al POLICE BLOTIER 2 Newark '. traffic problems and . aid · reas( n hry. ler lik e. thi s loca ti on is the way th e govemor of Delaware 6 other traffic improvements were al OPINION being con idered. works with them," . aid Go v. arper. LIFESTYLE 8 ''The problem with a bypa i. "We're known for the fact that if we Maryland,' the governor aid. "The hear about a bu siness interest d in THE ARTS 9 . Cecil C unty Commissioner have relocating, we'll go and et th m!' LUNACIES 11 been presented a ' the problem, but Carper, who is runnino for re-elec­ I've nl.o di ·cussed thi. in pa. sin g tion aga in st state treasurer Jc n t DIVERSIONS 10 with Governor Glendenning (of Rzewnicki , . aid h has bee n both 1 CROSSWORD PUZZLE 11 Maryland) and he s not behind it coach and quarterbac k in hi . career as either.' a legi lator 'and governor. "As g ve r­ OBITUARIES 22-24 A ked about repeated request. that nor J get t be quart rback and ca ll the NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY KELLY BENNE1'T play. for aw hil ," snid Go . arper. "I SPORTS 17-21 he come an~ talk w,jth r~ . ident. about Gov. Carper shared some of his views with the Newark Post ' t f f f I • r h :~ staff fast Friday. • . CLASSIFIEDS 25-32 PAt.~. ~ • · ~\\AKK Po"' • Oc IOJU· R II , It96 Visit us on the World Wide Web NEWARK PosT ·:· POLICE BLOTTER Can we help? • Police Blotter is compiled each week from man tried to top the u pect fr m driving driver of one car got out, he was maced and hit rh e files of Lhe Newa rk Pulice Deparrmenl, away. Th susp ct drov into the devel pmcnt in the head with a beer bottle by one of the occupants of a third vehicle. When someone Offices: The paper ' ottice,s are located conve ­ The New Castle ounry Police Deparrmenr of our Seasons , taking the man's -week - ld in the first vehicle pointed what appeared to be niently In the Robscott Building , 153 E and the Delaware State Police h staff writer s n wh wa . trapped in th rearseal of the car Ches tnut Hill Rd ., Newark, DE 19713. Office Mary E. Petza/.... at the tim . After a h rt tim , the suspe t a handgun at the man in the road, he jumped hours are 8:30a .m. to 5 p.m. weekdays . abandoned the car and fl ed n ~ t. The hild back in his car and drove into the College Square Shopping Center. His vehicle was pur- Phone : (302) 737-0724 wa& not hann d. Anyone with infonnation i. Gore store burglarized a. ked to call police at 32 -4411 or 1- - IP- ued and pinned in by the other two car at Facsimile : (302) 737-90 19 3 33. which point the gun was discharged into the e-mail: newpost(Q)dca .net Newark Police rep rt that n ct. 8 at air. The trapped man accelerated and rammed ab ut Y:30 p.m . two susp cts stol clothing On the Internet: http ://ncbl.com/posV one of the cars to escape. Poli ~ found one of and camping gear va lued at over $2,400 from Car "picked up" during the suspect vehicles with rearend damage. The To subscribe: Call 737-0724 or 1-800 -220- th or Apparel enter in uburban Plaza on vehicle with the weapon, which police sa id 3311 . Cost is $15.95 per year to Ne w Castle party lkton Road. Witnesse& said the susp ts was a starter pistol, left the scene but wa later Coun ty addre sses. To begin a subscri ption , shattered th e stor 's glass window befor n ct. 6 about I : a. m. the owner of a located. Police said warrants were pending but simply call. remov ing the items and fl ee ing in a gr y or 1994 Ford scort told p l r e that unknown no one had been charged as yet. To place a classified: Call 1-800-220-1230 blue van.
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