E950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 4, 2007 TRIBUTE TO ‘‘EL CONGRESO DE doubtful that Lou Papan ever regretted a sin- lation to improve public instruction for disabled LIDERES DE PUERTO RICO’’ gle highly publicized speeding ticket he re- students, require reporting of child and elder ceived. Those tickets earned him the nick- abuse and establishment of childcare centers HON. LUIS G. FORTUN˜O name ‘‘Leadfoot Lou.’’ for families with business before the courts. OF PUERTO RICO This personal dedication translated into pub- He also authored legislation to help firefighters IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lic and private activities geared to helping suffering from life-threatening illnesses as a other families facing similar challenges. The result of exposure to toxic chemicals on the Thursday, May 3, 2007 creation of ‘‘John’s Closet,’’ a unique organiza- job. Lou Papan played a key role in estab- Mr. FORTUN˜ O. Madam Speaker, I rise tion that collected clothing for disabled and lishing and expanding California’s public trans- today to pay tribute to an outstanding group of poor children, was but one example of how portation agencies, carried legislation to en- young leaders, ‘‘EI Congreso de Lideres de Lou Papan shouldered his community’s con- sure reliability of regional water delivery sys- Puerto Rico,’’ whose work should serve as an cerns in order to help make everyone’s life tems, and submitted bills aimed at encour- example to us all. Throughout their years of just a little better. aging conservation and recycling, among hard work and dedication this group of stu- Madam Speaker, Lou Papan was born in many other contributions. Lou Papan also dents has forged an exemplary path towards Springfield, Massachussetts, as Elias served as the Chairman of the Banking and the future. We all know the importance of Papandricoupolos. His parents were Greek im- Finance Committee, where he spearheaded strong leadership and the benefit it can be- migrants and his own name was accidentally efforts to support independent banking institu- stow our society, and as we move towards the changed to ‘‘Louis’’ by a doctor who did not tions. future, it is reassuring to know that admirable recognize the original name on a form. Lou In 1996 he was granted the Ellis Island leadership is alive and well in the lives of our Papan spoke only Greek when he began ele- Medal of Honor given by the National Ethnic younger citizens. It is of great importance to mentary school. Coalition of Organizations to ethnic Americans recognize the work of those young leaders As a young man, Lou Papan served in the who have made significant contributions to this who continuously demonstrate their worth to U.S. Army. Family lore has it that fellow sol- country. the community by helping others achieve their diers kidded the young man about the length In another effort to recognize his public potential, as they strive to fulfill their dreams, of his last name, saying that the 16 letters service, the California Legislature renamed a and enrich our society. nearly wrapped all the way around his helmet. section of Highway 1, from the Daly City bor- In 2006, the Puerto Rico State Legislature He later earned a degree in economics from der south through the City of Pacifica along recognized their outstanding service and con- Syracuse University and during the Korean the scenic coast, as the ‘‘Louis J. Papan High- tributions as part of the ‘‘Week of Business War, was an officer in the Air Force. He then way.’’ He is given credit for successfully secur- and Professionals.’’ In 2006, ‘‘EI Congreso de went to Georgetown Law School. His govern- ing funding to purchase beachfront property in Lideres de Puerto Rico’’ expanded their efforts ment service continued with the FBI, which Pacifica for the State Parks system. globally and across our Nation by helping to sent him to San Francisco where he met his Madam Speaker, Lou Papan lived a big, at establish a sister organization, ‘‘The Congress wife and where he settled. times boisterous life. His dedication to public of Leaders of Florida.’’ The Puerto Rico Madam Speaker, Lou Papan left the FBI to service speaks for itself and his impact on the Chamber of Commerce has awarded this embark on a business career that was highly people and politics of California are now part group with the Zenit Award, declaring them successful in banking, insurance and real es- of history. He is survived by his daughters the Best Education and Leadership program of tate. He was a co-founder of the Peninsula Virgina ‘‘Gina’’ Papan and Diane Papan, son- Service to the Community. Bank of Commerce. His first elected office in-law Dan Latini and granddaughter Alexa I ask my fellow Members of Congress to was as a member of the Daly City Council. In Papan Latini. join me in recognizing this group of young 1972, he took the leap to the California State His daughter Gina says her dad ‘‘was the leaders and encouraging them to continue Assembly. real deal.’’ Madam Speaker, I agree whole- their work for a better tomorrow. May we all Lou Papan’s political career is full of dy- heartedly with that assessment. Lou Papan learn from their example, hard work and dedi- namic successes as well as controversial was a unique and dynamic personality who cation to our future. emotions. His legacy is one of ‘‘hardball poli- made his mark on his home, his county, his f tics’’ in which legislators were strongly encour- state and his country. I urge my colleagues in aged to support the political policies of their the House of Representatives to join me in A TRIBUTE TO LOUIS J. PAPAN party. Known as ‘‘The Enforcer’’ for his ability recognizing the contributions of this fellow poli- to shepherd votes, Lou Papan’s shadow was tician and servant of the public. HON. TOM LANTOS cast large in Sacramento, over both oppo- f OF CALIFORNIA nents and supporters. PAYING TRIBUTE TO PAUL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES His political goal to become a State Senator was never realized, although he tried on two WORKMAN Thursday, May 3, 2007 occasions. Madam Speaker, this gregarious, Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, I rise with sometimes garrulous politician left the State HON. JON C. PORTER sadness today to share with my colleagues in Assembly in 1986 to run for State Senate. He OF NEVADA the House news of the death of a California failed in that effort, but in 1996, he easily re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES public servant from my home district. Lou captured his former Assembly seat. As a foot- Papan, known as the ‘‘Dean’’ of the California note to his legislative legacy, Lou Papan be- Thursday, May 3, 2007 State Assembly, died unexpectedly on Satur- came one of the longest-serving politicians in Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today day, April 28, 2007. He was 78 years old. recent California history, having served time to honor my good friend Paul Workman who Lou Papan was practically a force of nature both before and after voters approved term was named the Small Business Administra- in state and local politics. His distinguished limits. As the Chairman of the powerful As- tion’s Financial Services Champion of the life’s work included service to his country as a sembly Rules Committee, Lou Papan wielded Year for the State of Nevada. member of the Armed Forces, his professional considerable power over the day-to-day activi- Paul, who serves as Executive Vice Presi- career with the FBI, a successful banking and ties of the California Legislature. His position dent and Director of Sales for Business Bank business experience and ultimately, serving and political style often resulted in decidedly Nevada, has worked in the banking industry two decades as a State Assemblyman from mixed reviews, but almost everyone agreed for more than 30 years. Paul’s experiential un- California’s 19th District. that he was an effective leader. derstanding of the banking world has led him Madam Speaker, this big, burly bear of a It was during his Assembly tenure that the to become an integral component of the Busi- man was also known for his enormous heart California Capitol Building was renovated and ness Bank of Nevada leadership team. Busi- and his devotion to his family. The father of a upgraded through a six-year, $67 million effort. ness Bank of Nevada, considered one of the seriously disabled son, Lou Papan was well A plaque bearing his name testifies to his suc- best performing independent banks in Nevada known along Highway 80 as he commuted be- cessful oversight of that project. and throughout the country, operates through tween Sacramento and Millbrae, making a Madam Speaker, it is difficult to capture a 7 branch offices in the state, Loan Production point of being home every night to help his life of public service in these few short words, Offices in Arizona, and is in its 12th year of wife Irene with the added complexities of life but let me say that during his 20-year career operation. parents of seriously ill children often face. in the California Assembly, Lou Papan cham- In addition to his professional work, Paul John died in 1981 at the age of 21 and it is pioned the causes of children, including legis- has remained active in civic endeavors for the VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:17 May 05, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03MY8.036 E04MYPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC74 with REMARKS May 4, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E951 past 3 decades.
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