Bibliographical Index BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ACCESS TO THIS VOLUME Bacon, Roger. Opus Majus. 305, 322, 345 Basil, Saint. Homilies. 328 Three modes of access to bibliographical information are used Bede, the Venerable. De natura rerum. 137 in this volume: the footnotes; the bibliographies; and the Bib­ ---. De temporum ratione. 321 liographical Index. The footnotes provide the full form of a reference the first Cassiodorus. Institutiones divinarum et saecularium time it is cited in each chapter with short-title versions in litterarum. 172, 255, 259, 261 subsequent citations. In each of the short-title references, the Cato the Elder. Origines. 205 note number of the fully cited work is given in parentheses. Censorinus. De die natalie 255 The bibliographies following each chapter provide a selec­ Chaucer, Geoffrey. Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. 387 tive list of major books and articles relevant to its subject Cicero. Arataea (translation of Aratus's versification of matter. Eudoxus's Phaenomena). 143 The Bibliographical Index comprises a complete list, ar­ ---. Letters to Atticus. 255 ranged alphabetically by author's name, of all works cited in ---. De natura deorum. 160,168 the footnotes. Numbers in bold type indicate the pages on --. The Republic. 159, 160, 255 which references to these works can be found. This index is ---. Tusculan Disputations. 160 divided into two parts. The first part identifies the texts of Cleomedes. De motu circulari. 152, 154, 169 classical and medieval authors. The second part lists the mod­ Cosmas Indicopleustes. Christian Topography. 143, 144, ern literature. 261 Ctesias of Cnidus. Indica. 149 TEXTS OF CLASSICAL AND MEDIEVAL ---. Persica. 149 AUTHORS Dicuil. De mensura orbis terrae. 208, 259 Aelianus, Claudius (Aelian). Varia historia. 139 Dio Cassius. Roman History. 207, 236, 254 Agathemerus. Geographiae informatio. 134, 135, 137, 143, Diodorus Siculus. Bibliotheca. 125 152,153,243 I Diogenes Laertius. Vitae philosophorum. 134, 158 Ambrose, Saint. Expositio in psalmum 118. 237 Dionysius Periegetes. Periegesis. 171, 173 Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica. 158 Aratus. Phaenomena. 141, 142, 165 Einhard. Early Lives of Charlemagne. 469. Aristophanes. The Clouds. 139 Eratosthenes. Geographica (fragments). 154 Aristotle. De caelo. 145, 146, 148 Euclid. Elements. 154 ---. Meteorologica. 135, 145, 153, 248, 249 ---. Phaenomena. 154 Arrian (Flavius Arrianus). Anabasis. 149 Eudoxus. Circuit of the Earth (fragments). 143 --. Indica. 149 Eumenius. Oratio pro instaurandis scholis. 209, 290 ---. Periplus Ponti Euxini. 254 Eustathius. Commentary (on Dionysius's Periegesis). 171, Augustine, Saint. De civitate Dei. 319 266 ---. Confessions. 326 ---. De genesi ad litteram. 319 Frontinus. De agrorum qualitate. 218 ---. Qucestionum evangelicarum libri. 319 ---. De aquis urbis Romae. 232 Autolycus of Pitane. On the Sphere in Motion. 154 ---. De controversiis limitum. 219 Avienius. Arati Phaenomena (translation of Aratus's ---. De limitibus. 202 versification of Eudoxus's Phaenomena). 143 ---. Carmina. 243 Geminus. Introduction to phenomena. 135, 143, 159, 162, ---. Descriptio Orbis Terrae (translation of Dionysius 170, 171 Periegesis). 171 Germanicus. The Phenomena ofAratus (translation of ---. Ora maritima. 150 Aratus's versification of Eudoxus's Phaenomena). 143 513 514 Bibliographical Index Gervase of Canterbury. Historical Works. 288 Propertius. Elegies. 253 Gervase of Tilbury. Otia imperialia. 296 Ptolemy. Almagest (Mathematike syntaxis). 164, 177, 181, Granius Licinianus. Handbook of Roman History. 210 182, 183, 184 --. Geography. 177, 178, 179, 180, 183, 184, 185, Herodotus. History. 125, 134, 135, 136, 149 186,187,188,189,191,192,196,197,198,199,269, Heron. On the Dioptra. 232 270,274 Hipparchus. In Arati et Eudoxi Phaenomena Pytheas of Massalia. On the Ocean (fragments). 150 commentariorum libri. 141, 150, 164, 165 ---. Geographical Fragments; see D. R. Dicks, ed., The Sanudo, Marino. Liber secretorum fidelium crucis. 7, 496 Geographical Fragments of Hipparchus, p. 526 below. Servius. Commentary on Virgits Georgics. 205 Homer. Iliad. 131 Solinus, Gaius Julius. Collectanea rerum memorabilium. 299 --. Odyssey. 163 Strabo. Geography. 125, 132, 134, 136, 137, 140, 143, Honorius, Julius. Excerpta eius sphaerae vel continentia. 144, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 162, 163, 244,255 166,168,169,173,174,175,185,249,252 Hugh of Saint Victor. De area Noe mystica. 335 Suetonius. De vita Caesarum: The Deified Vespasian, 210; ---. De tribus maximis circumstantiis gestorum. 290 Domitian, 254 Hyginus (pseudo-). De metatione castrorum liber. 217 Hyginus Gromaticus. Constitutio limitum. 210, 216 Tacitus. Agricola. 178 --. Annals. 191 Irenaeus. Against Heresies. 336 ---. Histories. 227 Isidore of Seville. Etymologies. 255, 302, 320 Theodosius of Bithynia. De habitationibus liber. 167 ---. De natura rerum. 255, 301, 320, 335 ---. Sphaerica. 167 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summa theologica. 321 Jacobus de Vitriaco. Libri duo, quorum prior orientalis, sive Tibullus. Elegies. 253 Hierosolymitanae: Alter, occidentalis historiae nomine inscribitur. 287 Varro. De re rustica. 205 John of Lydia. Liber de mensibus. 152 ---. De lingua Latina. 205 Julian. Epistles. 254 Vegetius. De re militari. 237 Vibius Sequester. De fluminibus . ... 243 Lambert of Saint-Orner. Liber floridus. 300, 353 Virgil. Aeneid. 251 Livy. History of Rome (ab urbe condita libri). 159, 205 Vitruvius. De architectura. 217, 239, 248 252 Macrobius. In somnium Scipionis expositio. 243, 244, 300, Xenophon.Anabasu.149 353 Mandeville, John. Travels. 321 Marcianus. Periplus maris exteri. 237 MODERN LITERATURE Martianus Capella. De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii. 203, 300,306,353 Acanfora, Maria Ornella. "Lastra di pietra figurata da Mela, Pomponius. De chorographia. 242, 255 Triora." Rivista di Studi Liguri 21 (1955): 44-50. 90, 96 ---. "Singolare figurazione su pietra scoperta a Triora Orosius, Paulus. Historia adversum paganos. 300, 347 (Liguria)." In Studi in onore di Aristide Calderini e Ovid. Heroides. 253 Roberto Paribeni, 3 vols., 3:115-27. Milan: Casa Editrice --. Metamorphoses. 319-20 Ceschina, 1956. 90 ---. Pittura dell'eta preistorica. Milan: Societa Editrice Pappus of Alexandria. Synagoge. 159 Libraria, 1960. 68, 83, 97 Photius of Constantinople. Bibliotheca. 319 Adams, Percy G. Travelers and Travel Liars, 1660-1800. Plato. Phaedo. 137, 138 Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, --. Republic. 137, 138 1962. 10 --_. Theaetetus. 134 Adams, Thomas R. "The Map Treasures of the John Carter Pliny the Elder. Natural History. 202, 208, 209, 242, 243, Brown Library." Map Collector 16 (1981): 2-8. 16 252,253,255 Adler, Bruno F. "Karty pervobytnykh narodov" (Maps of Plutarch. Alcibiades. 139 primitive peoples). Izvestiya Imperatorskogo Obshchestva ---. Nicias. 139 Lyubiteley Yestestvoznaniya, Antropologii i Etnografii: ---. Theseus. 253 Trudy Geograficheskogo Otdeleniya 119, no. 2 (1910). Polo, Marco. [Travels]. 315, 381 46,47,54,65,66 Polybius. The Inhabited World below the Equator Aerts W. J., et aI., eds. Alexander the Great in the Middle (fragments). 162 Ages: Ten Studies on the Last Days of Alexander in Pomponius Mela. See Mela, Pomponius. Literary and Historical Writing. Symposium Proclus. In primum Euclidis Elementorum librum Interfacultaire Werkgroep Mediaevistiek, Groningen, 12­ commentarii. 159 15 October, 1977. Nijmegen: AHa Nijmegen, 1978. 333 Bibliographical Index 515 Agius, George, and Frank Ventura. "Investigation into the supplement. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1962. Updated by Possible Astronomical Alignments of the Copper Age Current Geographical Publications: Additions to the Temples in Malta." Archaeoastronomy 4 (1981): 10-21. Research Catalogue of the American Geographical 83 Society. New York: American Geographical Society, Alavi, S. M. Ziauddin. Geography in the Middle Ages. 1938-78; Milwaukee: American Geographical Society Delhi: Sterling, 1966. 294 Collection, 1978-. 31 Allen, John L. "Lands of Myth, Waters of Wonder: The Amodeo, Tony. Mapline 14 (July 1979). 203 Place of the Imagination in the History of Geographical Anati, Emmanuel. "Rock Engravings in the Italian Alps." Exploration." In Geographies of the Mind: Essays in Archaeology 11 (1958): 30-39.95 Historical Geosophy in Honor ofJohn Kirtland Wright, ---. "Les travaux et les jours aux Ages des Metaux du ed. David Lowenthal and Martyn J. Bowden, 41-61. New Val Camonica." L'Anthropologie 63 (1959): 248-68 and York: Oxford University Press, 1976. 10 plates I-LIV. 95, 96 Almagia, Roberto. "Una carta della Toscana della meta del ---. La civilisation du Val Camonica. Paris: B. Arthaud, secolo XV." Rivista Geografica Italiana 28 (1921): 9-17. 1960. English edition, Camonica Valley. Trans. Linda 480 Asher. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961; reprinted, ---. "Un'antica carta topografica del territorio London: Jonathan Cape, 1964. 70, 71, 78, 95 veronese." Rendiconti della Reale Accademia Nazionale ---. La stele di Bagnolo presso Malegno. 2d ed. Brescia: dei Lincei: Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche Camuna, 1965.87,88 32 (1923): 63-83.479,488,498 ---. II masso di Borno. Brescia: Camuna, 1966. 70, 75, ---. Monumenta Italiae cartographica. Florence: Istituto 95 Geografico Militare, 1929. 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 498 --. "Magourata Cave." Archaeology 22 (1969): 92­ ---. Monumenta cartographica Vaticana. 4 vols. Rome: 100.89,93 Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1944-55. 8, 301, 332, ---. "Magourata Cave, Bulgaria." Bollettino del Centro 374, 379, 406,40~409, 419,421,429,430,435,436,
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