"Preserving Our Printed Agricultural Heritage" Hawai'i - Kingdom, Republic and Territory Bibliography of Agricultural and Rural Life Literature to 1945 University of Hawai'i at Manoa Library Rankings: 1. Very important historical title 2. Definitelyworth preserving 3. Worth Preserving, if possible 4. Not worth preserving Eileen Herring February 1999 Revised with rankings, April 1999 Preserving Hawaii's Agricultural Literature - Bibliography Agricultural Economics Monographs & Theses Ranking Hawaii. An integral partof the United States enjoying the guiding influence and protection of 2 the flag. [Honolulu]: Governor's Office, [1923]. 60 p. Beal, Charles L. Hawaiiansecurities; a valuable guide for those who desire to invest in bonds, with reliable information. 2nd ed. Honolulu: Robert Grieve Printing Co., Ltd., 1904. 24 2.5 p. Carefully compiled by Chas. L. Beal. Presented with compliments of the Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd. Cheever, Henry Theodore. Life in the Sandwich Islands: or, The heartof the Pacific, as it n/a was and is. New York: A S. Barnes, 1851. 355 p. The Appendix, pages 305-317, gives statistics of exports and imports for 1850. (E. Herring) Microfilm: University of IVlichican Library Dillingham, Benjamin Franklin. Report of Benjamin F. Dillingham on the cost of production of sisal fibre by the Hawaiian Fibre Company, Limited, with an estimate of the profits 1.66 connected therewith. Honolulu, T.H.: Hawaiian Gazette Co., 1903. 11 p. Enock, Charles Reginald. The tropics: their resources, people and future, a description of the tropical lands of Africa, Asia, Central and South America, Australasia and the Pacific; their natural products, scenery, inhabitants, and industries, and the possibilitiesof their 2 future development. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1915. 466 p. Hawaii Produce Market. Hawaii Produce Market, Ltd., a cooperative: articlesof 2.66 incorporation, by-laws, marketingagreement and membership list. [Hilo?], 1944. 52 p. Hawaii. Legislature. Conservationof Hawaii'snatural resources. Beforethe Legislature, 1909. Addresses by the governorand his conferees who attended the governor's conference with the President in Washington, D.C., in May, 1908, and by others. Honolulu: 2 Hawaiian Gazette Co., 1909. 21 p. Published also in Hawaiian, with title: Ka malama ana o ko Hawaiimau waiwai. Hawaii. Milk Commission. Reportof the MilkCommission to the Governorof Hawaii, 3 February 1st, 1917. [Honolulu]: Printed by Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 1917. 20 p. Hawaii. Territorial Marketing Division. Report of the Superintendent of the Territorial Marketing Division to the Governorof the Territoryof Hawaii for the period ending 3 December 31, 1916. Honolulu: Mercantile Printing Co., 1917. 15 p. Territorial Marketing Division of the Board of Agriculture and Forestry; changed to Territorial Market Commission in 1918 Hawaiian Colonization Land and Trust Company. Great land colonization scheme, Island of 1.66 Oahu, HawaiianKingdom. Honolulu: Advertiser Steam Print, 1885. 14 p. President, James Campbell.?? 1 Preserving Hawaii's Agricultural Literature - Bibliography Ranking Hawaiian Colonization Land and Trust Company. Great land colonization scheme, Island of Oahu, Hawaiian Kingdom. Preliminary prospectus. Honolulu: Hawaiian Gazette Pub. Co., 2 1885. 26 p. Map in pocket; President, James Campbell. Hawaiian Trust Company. Hawaiian stocks and bonds; detailed informationon all the stocks and bonds listed on the Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange. Statistics of the sugar industry. Production of pineapples and rubber. 3rd ed. Honolulu: Mercantile Printing Co., 2.33 Ltd., 1909. 52 p. Cover title. Earlier editions compiled by C.L. Beal under title: Hawaiian securities. n/a Hino, Kenneth S. Hawaii's trade with Australasia. B. A, University of Hawaii, 1927. 22 I. Honolulu. Milk Commission. Reportof the milk commission to the governorof Hawaii, Nov. 3 14, 1910. Honolulu, 1910. 10 p. Hosmer, Frank Alvan. Conditions and needs of Hawaiitoday. Amherst, Mass.: Carpenter 3 and Morehouse, 1905. 11 p. "Read at Lake Mohonk Conference, Oct. 19, 1905." n/a lwai, Charles K. The rice industry in Hawaii. M. A, University of Hawaii, 1933. 88 p. Lind, Andrew William. An island community; ecological succession in Hawaii. Chicago, Ill.: n/a The University of Chicago Press, [1938]. 337 p. Reprinted: Greenwood Press (New York), 1968 Lund, August Soren Thomsen. An economic study of the coffeeindustry in the Hawaiian 2 Islands. Cornell University, 1937. 263 p. 2.66 Shibayama, Tokuzo. Yashi no kareha. [Honolulu, Hawaii?], [1942]. 116 p. Economics of coffee (p. 42--45)and sugar (p. 48-51) Smith, Jared Gage. The big five[a brief historyof Hawaii's largest firms]. Honolulu: The 2.5 Advertiser Pub. Co., 1942. 32 p. Tyau, Luke Mayo, The ricegrowing industry in Hawaii. B. S., University of Hawaii, 1918. 38 n/a p. University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Agricultural Extension Service. Census of truck crops 2.33 produced in Hawaii. Jan.-May, 1936. Honolulu, 1936. 24 p. Vossion, Louis Pierre. Les iles Hawai', ou Sandwich, en 1896; /eur situation commercia/e, 2 industrielle et financiere. Paris: Aine, 1898. 22 p. At head of title: En Oceanie. "Extrait du Moniteur officiel du Commerce du 2 decembre 1897." 2 Preserving Hawaii's Agricultural Literature - Bibliography Serials Ranking 2 Market notes and comments. [Honolulu], 3 vols. ([1928-1930]). Alternate Title: Marketing information Continued by: Weekly market review Weekly (irregular) [Nov. 1928]-Oct. 30, 1930. Issues for Nov.-Dec. 1928 have also caption title: Marketing information. No issues published June-Aug. 1929; one issue published in Sept. 1929. Issues forNov. 23-Dec. 15, 1928 also numbered: no. 3-no. 6. Compiled by H.C. Wong. Hanson, Kenneth I. Economics. [Honolulu]: Agricultural Extension Service, University of 2.5 Hawaii, 3 vols. 1938. Some forms in English and Japanese. "Agric. Ext. Ser. Club Mat. 1929-39"--Spine. Contents: Harvesting, grading and packing -- Farm accounting program -­ Marketing club program. Hawaii Produce Market. Annual reportof the Hawaii Produce Market. A cooperative 2 association on the Islands of Hawaii. Hilo, 2 vols. (1944-1945). Annual reportspublished for 1943-1944. Report for 1943 is 1st. Hawaii. Bureau of Customs. Reportof the Collector-Generalof Customs. Honolulu, 29 vols. 3 ([1873?]-1900). Alternate Title: Custom house statistics "Annual compilation of quantitites, values, and duties on imports. Domestic export quantitites and values shown for wool, hides, calfskins, cattle, bones and horns, tallow, sheep skins... " (Ranching in Hawaii, 1988) Hawaii. Department of Agriculture. Market News Service Branch. Honolulu wholesale 2 prices eggs, poultry, pork, beef and rice. [Honolulu], (1936-). Alternate Title: Honolulu prices: wholesale eggs, poultry, pork, beef and rice 3 Hawaii. Farm Loan Board. Report. Honolulu, 15 vols. (1920-1959). Reports for 1923, 1925, 1927, 1929, 1931, Jan. 1-Aug. 25, 1933 not published? University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Agricultural Extension Service. Weekly market review. 1.66 Honoluly, 6 vols. (1931-1936). v. 1-6, no. 20; Jan. 8, 1931-May 14, 1936. Continues: Market notes and comments Merged with: Market letter Continued by: Weekly market letter University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Agricultural Extension Service. Farm economic notes. 2 Honolulu, (1934-?). University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Agricultural Extension Service. Market letter. Honolulu, 1 1.66 vol. (1936). v. 1, no. 1-5; Mar. 24-Apr. 21, 1936. Merged with: Weekly market review Continued by: Weekly market letter 3 PreservingHawaii's Agricultural Literature - Bibliography Ranking University of Hawaii {Honolulu). Agricultural Extension Service. Weekly market letter. Honolulu, 2 vols. (1936-1937). 1.66 v. 6, no. 21-v. 7, no. 35; May 19, 1936-Aug. 31, 1937. Union of: Weekly market review and Market letter Continued by: U.S. Bureau of Agriculture Market News Service Federal-Territorial weekly market report University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Agricultural Extension Service. Estimate of truck crop 1.66 production in Hawaii. Honolulu, 5 vols. (1936-1941). v. 1-5; Jul. 1936-June 1941 Alternate Title: Hawaii agricultural production Continued by: Agricultural Outlook University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Agricultural Extension Service. Steamer unloads of some 2 agricultural products on the Honolulu market. Honolulu, (1936-?). Alternate Titles: Steamer and plant unloads at Honolulu Steamer, plane, and truck unloads of fresh fruits and vegetables at Honolulu Steamer unloads at Honolulu Steamer unloads of certain farm products at Honolulu Steamer unloads of certain island products at Honolulu First issue is quarterly; all later issues are monthly. Most numbers omit issuing office University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Agricultural Extension Service. Monthly summaryof 2.66 unloads of certainagricultural products at Honolulu. Honolulu, 13 vols. (1937-1952). Monthly Sept. 1937-Sept. 1952; Suspended: Dec. 1941-May 1945 Alternate Title: Summary of unloads of certain agricultural products at Honolulu Continued by: Honolulu unloads of fruits, vegetables, and livestock products Published in cooperation with: United States Dept. of Agriculture University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Agricultural Extension Service. Agricultural outlook. 2 Honolulu, (1941-1956). v. 6-20 no. 7; July 1941-January 1956 Continues: Estimate of truck crop production in Hawaii Continued by: Agricultural production and outlook University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Agricultural Extension Service. Statistical memorandum. 2 Honolulu, 2 no. (1945). No. 1-2; May 1945. No. 1. Hawaii commercial crop
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