Russians on Russian Music, 1880-1917: an Anthology Edited by Stuart Campbell Index More Information

Russians on Russian Music, 1880-1917: an Anthology Edited by Stuart Campbell Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 0521590973 - Russians on Russian Music, 1880-1917: An Anthology Edited by Stuart Campbell Index More information INDEX Absolute music 13 Coriolan 135 Acts of the Apostles 44 Quartets 256 Alexander I, Russian emperor 33 Ruins of Athens 118 Alexander II, Russian emperor 81 Symphony no. 1145 Alexander III, Russian emperor xii Symphony no. 2145 Alyab’yev, A. A. 144 Symphony no. 3 (Eroica) 22, 39, 145 Amvrosy of Optina 65 Symphony no. 4153 Andersen, H. C. 223, 251 Symphony no. 531, 135 The Snow Queen 251 Symphony no. 6155, 239 Angela da Foligno 81 Symphony no. 731 Antipov, K. A. 133, 138–41 Symphony no. 831 Symphony 133 Symphony no. 980, 81, 82, 122 Arensky, A. S. 40, 138–42, 148, 181, 205 ‘Wellington’s Victory’ 22 A Dream on the Volga 142 Belaieff, M. P., music publisher 95, 132, 143, Marguerite Gauthier 139 144 (see also Belyayev) String Quartet op. 11 138–41 Bellini, V. 29, 49 Suite 133 I Puritani 29 Symphony no. 1138 La sonnambula 29 Artem’yeva-Leont’yevskaya, Z. N. 221 Bel’sky, V. I. 66, 85, 88, 253 Asaf’yev, B. V. xii, xiv, 234 Belyayev (Belaieff), M. P. xi, xii, 95, 132, 155, Auber, D.-F.-E. 27, 49 162–3 Belyayev circle/Belyayevites 163–4, 235, 246, Bacchanalia 203 248 Bach, J. S. 43, 46, 49, 139, 165, 173, 186, Benois, A. N. 209 205, 227, 235–6, 252, 256 Berlioz, H. 10, 18, 53, 129, 234 Balakirev, M. A. 14, 42, 43, 46, 50, 53, 129, L’Enfance du Christ 94 132, 133, 137, 138, 148, 161, 163, Harold en Italie 10 184, 187, 235 Lelio´ 10 Islamey 99 Romeo´ et Juliette 10, 97 Musical picture: 1,000 years 96 Bılin¨ ı¨ 253 First Russian Overture 96 Bizet, G. 253 Symphonic poem: Rus’ 96 Carmen 79, 253 Symphony no. 1238 Blaramberg, P. I. 133 Symphony no. 2129–30 Symphony 133 Tamara 97, 130 Blumenfeld brothers 163 Balakirev circle 162–3, 248 Blumenfeld, Felix 101, 133, 138, 154, Balakirev school 230, 248 163 Bayreuth xiv Blumenfeld, Sigismund 163 Bayreuthomanes 140 Bol’shoy Theatre 18, 24, 178, 182, 184 Beethoven, L. van 16, 18, 22, 31, 39, 50, 74, Borodin, A. P. xiii, 25, 93, 95, 132, 134, 135, 135, 141, 150, 159, 165, 176, 183, 137, 138, 150, 151, 152, 163, 185, 186, 190, 227, 235–6, 238, 240, 256 195, 214, 229, 230, 247, 250 259 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521590973 - Russians on Russian Music, 1880-1917: An Anthology Edited by Stuart Campbell Index More information Index Borodin, A. P. (cont.) Durer,¨ Albrecht 192 Contribution to the collective Paraphrases Dyutsh, G. O. 163 94 In the Steppes of Central Asia 92–3, 94, Edition Russe de Musique xii, 206 136 Eighteenth century, music of the 44 Mlada 25 Engel’, Yu. D. xii, 129, 170, 178, 200, 221, Prince Igor xi, 25, 94, 100, 116, 122, 150, 222 238, 254 Evenings of Contemporary Music xi, 221 Peasant chorus 238 Polovtsian Dances 134 Feeries´ 212 The Sleeping Princess 114 Fet, A. A. 16 Songs 94, 104, 134 Fichte, J. G. 201 String quartet in A major 93–5 Field, J. 45 String quartets 104 Findeyzen, N. F. xiv Symphonies 93, 94, 104 Free School of Music xi, 6, 42, 43 First Symphony 93 Second Symphony 94, 102, 108, 110 Galler, K. P. 30 Bortnyansky, D. S. 9, 193 Gartman, Viktor 130 Bossuet, J.-B. 81 Genesis, book of 241 Brahms, J. 149, 231 Glazunov, A. K. xi, xii, 7, 100, 102, 124, Butomo-Nazvanova, O. N. 221 132, 133, 135–8, 142, 144, 163, 164, Byron, Lord 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 33 167, 176, 182, 187, 188, 189, 190, Manfred 10, 11, 15 209, 232, 233, 239, 242–3, 246–8, Byronism/Byronists 181, 185 249, 250 Ballade 144 Camilla Varano, Princess of Camerino 81 Ballets Catherine, Russian empress 33 Barıshnya-krest’yanka¨ (Les ruses Catherine of Siena 81 d’amour) 144 Catholic Church/Catholicism 4, 81, 84 Raymonda 144, 146 Chaliapin, F. I. xiii, 179 The Seasons 144 Cherepnin, N. N. 148 Ballet Suite 144 Cherubini, L. 49 Suites from the ballets 144 Chopin, F. 164–6, 177, 182, 199, 200, 225, Carnaval Overture 144, 150 226, 234–5, 236 Characteristic Suite 137, 144 Prelude in C minor 177 Chopiniana 144 Church of the Saviour ‘On the Spilled Fantasia op. 53 144 Blood’: see Parland, A. A. The Forest 137, 144 Circle of Lovers of Russian Music xii, 129 First Greek Overture 134, 137, 144 Classicist(s)/classicism 45, 181, 214, 253 Second Greek Overture 137, 144 Compositio 52 The Kremlin 144 Cui, Ts. A. xii, xiv, 23, 132–8, 153, 163–4, Marches 144 200 ‘From the Middle Ages’ 144 Piano pieces 143 Dante Alighieri 14, 179, 180, 183 Piano Sonata no. 2 247 Purgatorio 45 Poeme` lyrique 100, 144, 146 Dargomızhsky,¨ A. S. 29, 30, 32, 54, 56, 76 Quartets 143 The Stone Guest 49, 178, 179 Rapsodie orientale 144 Davıdov,¨ K. Yu. 133, 134 Reverieˆ orientale 134, 144 Debussy, C. xiv, 162, 166, 185, 186, 214, Scene` de Ballet 144 217, 225, 228, 229 The Sea 144, 150, 159 Diaghilev, S. P. xii, xiii, xiv, 209 Serenades 144 Directorate of the Imperial Theatres xii, 47 Solemn Overture 144 Dobroveyn, I. A. 232 Songs 256 Donizetti, G. 8, 32, 52 Spring 144 Lucia di Lammermoor 32 Sten’ka Razin 137, 144 Dumas-pere` ,A.28 First String Quartet 137 260 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521590973 - Russians on Russian Music, 1880-1917: An Anthology Edited by Stuart Campbell Index More information Index Second String Quartet 136, 137 Ippolitov-Ivanov, M. M. 168 Symphonies 144, 247 Isaiah, the prophet 172 Symphony no. 1145–6 Ivan the Terrible, tsar 19 Symphony no. 2 137, 145, 151–2 Ivanov, M. M. 23 Symphony no. 3145, 150, 152–3 Symphony no. 4 150, 152, 189 Jesus Christ 78, 80, 201 Symphony no. 5 150, 153–4 Josquin des Prez 5 Symphony no. 6154–5, 156 Jurgenson, P. 3, 139, 207, 209, 219 Symphony no. 7155–7 Triumphal Procession 144 Kalinnikov, V. S. xiv, 148, 200 Waltzes 144 Symphony no. 1145 ‘Glazunovism’ 248 Kanonarkh 196 Glebov: see Asaf’yev, B. V. Kapella xii, 1, 6, 9, 43, 138, 141, 162 Glinka, M. I. 2, 4, 21, 22, 24, 29, 30, 46, 50, Karamzin, N. M. 33 53, 54, 67, 102, 105, 112, 120, 124, Karatıgin,¨ V. G. xii, xiv, 159, 213, 224, 129, 133, 138, 160, 164, 168, 176, 227 181, 183, 184, 224, 234, 235, 236, 237 Kashkin, N. D. xii, 168 Jota aragonesa 92, 101, 134 Kastal’sky, A. D. xii, 195, 244, 251, 255, Kamarinskaya 56, 144 257–8 Night in Madrid 101 Kerzins, A. M. and M. S. xii Operas 24, 88, 161 Khomyakov, A. S. 171–4 A Life for the Tsar 4, 28, 52, 224, 249, Khvoshchinsky 232, 247 252 Kliros 80, 195 Ruslan and Lyudmila 47, 50, 102, 114, Kolomiytsev, V. P. 130 115, 118–20, 123, 124 Konyus, G. E. 205 (see also Overtures 144 metrotectonicism) Sacred music 4 Korovin, K. A. 128 Songs 28 Koussevitzky, S. A. xi, xii, xiii, 205, 207, 213 Gluck, C. W. 23, 46 (see also Edition Russe de Musique) Gnesin, M. F. 221, 222, 223, 232, 233 Kremlin xii Songs 232 Cathedral of the Dormition xii, 196, Goethe, J. W. von 43, 48 257 ‘Gross ist die Diana der Epheser’ 44 Kreyn brothers, A. A. and G. A. 232 Gogol, N. V. 16, 19, 141, 243 Kruglikov, S. N. xii, 102–24 Gombert, N. 5 kuchkistı¨ 163, 164, 214, 235 (see also Mighty Gounod, C.-F. 30, 31 Handful, Balakirev circle) Grands operas´ 253 Kukol’nik, N. V. 24 Grechaninov, A. T. 148, 168, 237 Kuper, E. A. 130 Praise the Lord 171 Greek tragedy 71 Lacordaire, H. 81 Gregorian chant 52 Laroche, G. A. xii, xiv, 13, 40, 45, 138, 150, Gretry,´ A.-E.-M. 37, 49 168, 169, 181 Gurilyov, L. S. 27 Lasso, Orlando 5 Gutheil, A. 175 Last Judgement 203 Lavrov, N. S. 101 Halevy,´ F. 49 Leitmotives 61, 62, 107, 201, 253 Handel, G. F. 43, 49, 53, 77, 139 Lermontov, M. Yu. 97, 249 Hanslick, E. 13, 40, 45, 52 The Demon 249 Vom musikalisch-schonen¨ 13, 54 Tamara 98 Haydn, F. J. 46, 139, 238 Liszt, F. 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 44, 46, 48, 49, 53, Hegel, G. W. F. 18 101, 133, 145, 151, 164, 177, 226, Hugo, Victor 28, 48 234–6 (see also Weimar School) Dante Symphony 10 Icon-painting 78, 82 Faust Symphony 48 Impressionist(s) 166, 185, 213, 214–15, 216, Gran Mass 8 218, 219, 228, 229, 230 Mephisto Waltz 97, 226 261 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521590973 - Russians on Russian Music, 1880-1917: An Anthology Edited by Stuart Campbell Index More information Index Liszt, F. (cont.) Marenzio, Luca 5 Rhapsodies 97, 99 Mariinsky Theatre 24, 102, 133, 212 The symphonic Liszt 129 Orchestra of the 92, 134 Symphonic poems 48 Marx, Adolf Bernhard 45 Lodızhensky,¨ N. N. 163 Die Lehre von der musikalischen Lomakin, G. A. 6, 8 Komposition 45 Lubok: see popular print illustration Mary, Mother of God 78 Lyadov, A. K. xi, 97–9, 100, 132, 133, 148, Massenet, J. 159–67, 185, 221, 226 Herodiade´ 78 Arabesques 161 Marie-Madeleine 81 Baba-Yaga 164, 167 Medtner, N. K. 182, 185–93, 222, 231 Bagatelles 132–67 Dithyrambs 189 Ballade in the Olden Time 161 Folk-Tales 189, 190, 191 Biryul’ki (‘Spillikins’) 100, 161, 167 Novellas 189, 191 From the Book of Revelation 165 Sonatas 189, 190 Cantata in memory of Antokol’sky Sonata no.

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