THE CORPORATION OF T H E C I T Y O F BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA 2016-2020 City of Port Coquitlam Financial Plan www.portcoquitlam.ca/budget Table of Contents Introduction Reader’s Guide 1 2016-2020 Capital Program City Profi le 2 Introduc on 132 Financial Plan Overview Financial Summaries 133 Infrastructure Categories 136 2016 Budget Message 8 Funding 138 Plan Background 9 Opera ng Impacts of the Capital Program 138 Future Outlook 11 Project Details by Category 139 Expenditure Levels 12 Tax Impact 13 Appendices Restricted Reserves 15 Appendix A – Business Planning and Budget Consolidated 2016-2020 Financial Plan 16 Guidelines 180 Appendix B – Financial Plan Development Revenues and Timetable 181 2016 Revenues 18 Appendix C – Financial Management Policy 182 Property Tax 18 Appendix D – Corporate Strategic Plan 187 User Fees 20 Appendix E – Organiza on and Commi ee Structure 191 Interest Income 21 Appendix F – Organiza on Chart and Staffi ng Levels 192 Grants in Lieu of Taxes 22 Appendix G – Municipal Funds 193 Appendix H – Glossary 194 Enhancements, Savings and Service Level Changes Overview 24 Enhancements 24 Savings and Effi ciencies 26 Department Business Plans Introduc on 28 Offi ce of the Chief Administra ve Offi cer 30 Corporate Support 34 Development Services 49 Engineering & Public Works 64 Solid Waste U lity 84 Water U lity 87 Sewer U lity 92 Finance 97 Fire & Emergency Services 101 Human Resources 109 Recrea on 113 RCMP 127 City of Port Coquitlam Reader’s Guide The Reader’s Guide is intended to provide the reader with a 2. Revenue brief descrip on of the contents of each major sec on of the This sec on provides an overview of the sources of document. revenue for the City and policies around how the City acquires the funds needed to pay for the numerous The Financial Plan provides detailed funding requirements services it provides. over the next fi ve years and also serves as: 3. Savings and Service Level Changes • A Policy Document, that outlines the fi nancial policies This sec on contains a summary of all of the opera ng (Appendix C) that guides the development of the plan; savings and service level changes which were adopted by • An Opera ons Guide, that helps staff manage day- Council for the 2016 fi scal year in order to balance rising to-day opera ons by providing fi nancial and policy costs with community priori es. Departments were informa on and by iden fying fi nancial and staffi ng asked to propose effi ciencies that could be sustained resources available to provide services; and over me. • A Communica ons Device, that gives all readers a 4. Departmental Business Plans comprehensive look at the services provided by the City This sec on includes Business Plans for each City and the costs and revenues related to those services. department and the RCMP Detachment. The Business Plans contain informa on about the department its fi ve- The fi nancial summaries within this document detail the year fi nancial plan and related strategies and goals for City’s total budget for the fi scal year of 2016. This includes 2016. Financial informa on for major non-department the addi on of one- me expenses and decision packages budgets is also listed here. endorsed by Council. However, the subsequent years of 2016-2019 include only a “base”. The base budget refl ects 5. Capital Program revenue and expense required to maintain the same levels This sec on contains a summary of all of the capital of service (including infl a onary costs) as provided in 2015, expenditures budgeted for the 2016-2020 period. as well as any known changes due to growth and/or service Also included are individual project descrip ons. level changes approved by Council. Departments were asked to iden fy funding sources for these projects as well as include the ongoing opera ng Document Organization costs. The document is separated into six major sec ons. 6. Appendices Explana ons of each of these sec ons are as follows: This sec on includes a variety of informa on that may be useful to Council or the public in assessing the 1. Overview fi nancial plan proposal and/or understanding the City’s This sec on is intended to provide the reader with an fi nancial situa on, policy and prac ces. understanding of the City’s overall fi nancial posi on and highlights cost drivers and issues with the proposed 2016-2020 Financial Plan. 2016-2020 Financial Plan 1 City Profi le City Snapshot Located in the heart of Metro Vancouver, British Columbia Incorporated 29.17 km2 1913 March 7, 1913 total land area 2015 DEMOGRAPHICS GOVERNANCE 61,000 3,438 271 23,300 people business licences hectares of parks private City Council & trails dwellings WHAT PORT COQUITLAM IS KNOWN FOR Leader in waste Traboulay Family-friendly PoCo Pride management PoCo Trail 7 members of Council provide leadership, set policies and establish budgets Structure Chief Administrative Offi cer Hometown of Using Quaint downtown & Corporate Support Terry Fox technology to small-town charm Development Services engage citizens Engineering & Public Works Finance Port Coquitlam is a happy, vibrant, safe community with Fire & Emergency Services VISION healthy, engaged residents and thriving businesses, supported by sustainable resources and services. Human Resources Recreation We strive to do it right by researching, planning, MISSION building and executing well-balanced solutions. RCMP 2 City of Port Coquitlam City Profi le Economic Snapshot CONSTRUCTION PERMIT VALUE Total $ value – new construction BUSINESS STATISTICS Total $ value – improvements $120 million Business licences issued $100 million 3,117 Source: 2011 Bylaw $80 million 2012 3,204 Services $60 million 2013 3,178 $40 million 2014 3,261 $20 million 2015 3,438 $0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 1000 2000 3000 Top sectors based on 2015 licences NEW CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS 2015: 2015: $94.2 MILLION $12.7 MILLION Institutional Institutional Structure or ($9 mill) Multi-familyy ($1.3 mill) Home-based General Out-of-town pool ($0.09 (764) (761) Gen. Contractor mill) ($52.9 mill)) Multi-family Industrial ($0.45 mill) (664) Industrial ($4.5 mill) Single/two ($14.8 mill) family ($1.6 mill) Commercial ($3.5 mill) Accessory ($0.07 mill) Manufacturing Professional Retail Accessory Commercial (250) Person (196) (169) ($0.2 mill) ($4.8 mill) Single/two family ($13.7 mill) RESIDENT STATISTICS Port POPULATION AND DWELLINGS Coquitlam BC Source: Statistics • 93% are Canadian citizens Population in 2011 56,342 4,400,057 Canada - 2006 • 29% were born outside of Canada Population in 2006 52,687 4,113,487 and 2011 Census Note: Census • 68% say English is mother tongue 2006 to 2011 population change (%) 6.9 7.0 population estimates are not consistent with municipal Total private dwellings 2011 21,533 1,945,365 and regional • Average no. of persons/family: 2.7 estimates. Total private dwellings 2006 19,689 1,788,474 • 78% of homes are owned Population density per sq. km 2011 1,931.3 4.8 Population density per sq. km 2006 1,826.4 4.4 • 90% at same address 1 year ago Land area (square km) 29.17 922,509.29 • 63% at same address 5 years ago AGE DISTRIBUTION • 55% have some post-secondary education Ages Male Female % % * Percentage distribution All 28,035 28,310 100.0%* 100.0%* • Median household income: based on 0-14 years 5,115 4,695 17.4% 15.3% published $72,563 totals, both 15-24 years 4,240 3,695 14.1% 13.2% sexes. Source: • 66.2% are employed Statistics 25-44 years 7,655 8,140 28.0% 29.0% Canada - 45-64 years 8,435 8,680 30.4% 29.0% 2011 Census. 65+ years 2,605 3,105 10.1% 13.5% Source: Statistics Canada, 2011 2016-2020 Financial Plan 3 City Profi le City Services City Council represents the ci zens of Port Coquitlam, provides leadership, establishes City policies and priori es, and reviews and establishes budget levels. Repor ng directly to Council is the Chief Administra ve Offi cer (CAO). Seven City departments report to the CAO: • Corporate Support • Development Services • Engineering & Opera ons • Finance • Fire & Emergency Services • Human Resources • Parks & Recrea on Policing Services are provided by the Coquitlam RCMP. The City of Port Coquitlam is strategically located in the heart of Metro Vancouver, B.C. 4 City of Port Coquitlam City Profi le Community Budget Priorities The City once again had a high level of public par cipa on in These themes emerged from the results: its budget consulta on process in 2016. • 73% of taxpayers believe they are ge ng good value for their tax dollars. In February, the City mailed highlights of the proposed • Ci zens are most sa sfi ed with these City services: fi re budget to every home and businesses and provided and emergency, parks and trails, policing, and waste addi onal budget informa on in print and online to collec on. encourage public feedback. In total, 476 people fi lled out • Ci zens are very pleased with the level and type of surveys or provided other forms of feedback. budget informa on provided to them. Residents were asked whether they feel they are ge ng • The condi on of City roads and the amount of li er in good value for their dollar for City services, as well as the City are signifi cant concerns. targeted ques ons related to budget decisions for 2016. • There is a strong desire for sidewalk and crosswalk improvements across the City. • Ci zens would like to see food, music and entertainment fes vals in Port Coquitlam.
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