A A Newspaper PRICE With A Constructive PER COPY CZSS Â.O STAk O Afc.g MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1951 Dr. Albert Dent Named To Administrative Board NEW YORK CITY—The Ford Foundation's Fund for the Ad­ vancement of Education announced Thursday a $2,280,000 fel­ lowship program to increase the teaching competency of younger RailroadWorkers• • IH college instructors and ease the effect of mobilization on college WASHINGTON. D. C. — TMi K and university faculties. government Wednesday punctured The program will be nationwide and will be directed by a its io per cent pay increase tar- committee of sixteen college and university presidents and deans, inula by approving a 'slx-cent hour­ Dr. Clarence II. Faust, president of the fund said. He also esti­ ly boost for one million railroad mated that as many as 500 fellowships may be awarded for the workers and President Truman prepared to ask Congress today at academic year 1951-52, depending on the quality of the appli­ Friday for tighter food price con­ cations and the extent of National lead. trols. ■ ■ a PRESIDENT DENT ON Economic Stabilizer Johnston'c NATIONAL COMMITTEE approval of the wage hike-lor il'S. i Among the members of the Na­ non-operating rail brotherhoods : tional Committee for Administra­ was the government’s first retreat tion of the fellowships is President on wages. '1 Albert W. Dent, of Dillard Univer­ Officials said it will be up to sity, New Orleans, La., and an the Incoming 18-man wage stablll- alumnus of Morellouse College, At­ zatlon board to establish a ’ hiw. lanta, Ga liold-the-line policy on pay in­ The Fund for the Advancement creases. ' ■ of Education which lias offices In Administration sources' stated : New York and Pasadena, Calif, was established last week by the FoYd that Mr. Truman, In his alleges-, , Fotfhdatlon with an initial grant tions to Capitol HUI, will lay par­ of $7,154.000. The foundation Is ticular stress on what he considers NEW YORK — New Yorkers the need to change provisions tor one of tlie nation's wealthiest edu­ will have an opportunity to hear a cational agencies. first-hand report on the investiga­ controlling farm prices to order/ "MISS MEHARRY OF 1951". TWO MAJOR OBJECTIVES tion oi courts martial In Korea by check food price-rises. B Beauteous Miss Perceida Neb- Dr. Faust explained that the fel­ Thiirgood Marshall, special counsel The present law says that farm ; leth, Junior student in School lowship program has two major of the National Association for the prices cannot be controlled, so Jofijf , ? of Nursing at Mebarry Medical objectives: Advancement of Colored People, on The above scene was laid to' the commission.pi Memphis. as they are below parity—a calcu-t College, was recently crowned First, It is anlmed at making con­ Sunday, May 8, at 8 P M., at the home of President and Mrs. W. S. The queen and her .attendants lated fair return to farmers. - structive use of the present na­ Abyssinian Baptist Church. Davis, Tenn. State College, when were caught in the campus soolal “Miss Meharry of 1961" at lhe they were hosts at dinner honor­ annual Mebarry Coronation Ball tional emergency period by en­ whirl of colorful events planned abling a large number of younger The meeting Is under the joint ing Miss Alberta Marie Mickens oi for their entertainment.. The din­ teachers to Increase their skill in sponsorship of the New York branch Memphis, Tenn,, and her atten­ ner in the Presidents palatial home undergraduate instruction. of the NAACP, of which Lindsay dants who were guests of the col­ climaxed the round activities on Happy Through • ; Second. It is Intended to assist White Is president; and the Abys­ lege for the weekend tlirougli Mon Monday evening, and the trio de­ colleges to keep a substantial num- sinian Town Hall Forum, of which day. ■::,-, ' parted for Memphis at ter. o'clock 'Golden Age Clubs' the Reverend David Llcorlsh -is Miss Mickens, lovely and viva­ that night. (Contlnued On Back Page) chairman. cious, won- the title of the New Seated: left to right: Miss Doro­ GREENSBORO, N„ C. —Soror Bronze Queen of the City Beauti­ thy. Bailey, attendant; Miss Alber- Vashti Goodman, National ' chair­ ful Commission over thirty two a Marie Mickens, the new Bronze man of La Cherrios’ - one of Zetai Fisk U. To Study Southern Jubilee Essay other beautiful contestants in tho Queen; Miss Ethel Loir, Isabel, at­ Phi Beta’s National Projects proud­ Dr. Odum Sees Stronger annual Paint-Up, Clean- Up. Fix- tendant.. Standing ore Dr. aiid Mrs. ly announces that Chapters are how Up campaign conducted by tin- Davis busy organizing 'Golden Age” Clubs Contest Set to their various communities'.-"-’. Labor Policies, Practices Mrs Oooclman said in her recent South Under Integration Bulletin to Chapters. Today there NASHVILLE Tenn—(S N S'—A no .axe to grind except—the inte­ Dividend Checks On Cl is much work being done with .thé study Into the policies .and practices rest of the South.” To be based on ATLANTA.-GEORGIA. -(SNS1- aged so as to help perserve their followed by management and labor case studies In selected southern A southern sociologist has called for a swift end to racial personalities, keep them happy leng­ to the employment ef Negroes in ,provide information on a subject The Cotton Maker's Jubilee is barriers as an investment that would bring the South increased then their lives, and direct their southern ;industry,; conducted- by often debated but never fully do, In s u ra nee Bei ng Mai led presenting its annual Etssay Con­ prosperity. creative energies. Let us join to the National Planning. Association's cumented—the' personnel. practices test Thursday, May 10, at 8 p nri., and keep up with the trend of the Committee of the South,'has the and problems of business concerns to Booker T. Washington High Dr. Howard Odum, a native of Monroe, Ga., and professor The first checks for the second to make inquiries about the divi­ times. Programs can be developed assistance of- the. Race Relations in southern areas. The study ’s School Auditorium of sociology at the University of North Carolina, issued a chal­ special dividend of $685,000,000 dend before they receive their in the Homes for the Aged andW Department- -of the American Mis­ made possible by a $30,000 grant This contest Is the educational lenge to Dixie to find a remedy for "an inexcusable situation with be paid to holders of some 8,000,000 checks However, after a policy- the communities by our Zêta wie sionary Association. at Fisk Univer-, from the Carnegie Corporation to GI Insurance policies were placed feature of the Cotton Maker’s Ju­ reference to brutalities, injustices, inequalities and discrimina­ holder has received his check and men. Leaders may be secured for slty, . thé NPA Committee of the South. bilee. in the mail today. he has a question about the pay­ Religious Services to the Homes John Hope II, industrial relations The Committee is composed of lif- tion." Veterans Administration said the ment, lie should write to the VA once weekly. Plan now through Since Memphis is-the largest mar efforts of Southerners and the consultant of the AMA's Race Re­ ty-six leaders to southern educa­ etlng center in the world, subject The noted student of southern checks covei dividends due on some district office bundling his account. classes to Arts and Crafts to bring lation Department, is serving as re­ tion, agriculture, business, finance, attitudes and problems recommend­ "coercive" efforts of federal legis­ of the National Service Life In­ The district office to which he an Exhibit to the Boule. Take those for the. Essay Contest will be "King lation. search 'associate—together with goernment industry labor press and Cotton Around the World " Over 25 ed three other steps the region surance policies with anniversary should write Is identified in print­ who arc able to the Movies ortco Don Dewey of Duke University—to radio. should take in an address before Dr. Odum suggested that a com­ dates falling during the’.month ot ed material accompanying each weekly furnishing transportation » city and county schools will take January. The anniversary dute of a Calvin: B? Hoover, Director of Re­ part in the contest The object of the Southern Sociological society In mission of Southerners be establish­ search of the Committee of tin Mr. Hopes contribution in this Atlanta Friday night. ed to work out “agenda tor nego­ policy Is tlie anniversary of the date (Continued On Back Page) the feature is to tell the many ways He called for "Operation Equal on which it originally became effec­ South and Chairman of the Depart­ enterprLse wlll be through case stud­ cotton is used and why we cele­ tiations and speeitlcatlons for fu­ ----------------------- ;----------------------- r? ment of Economics at Duke. ies Of- racial employment policies Opportunity” In the region, Imme­ ture achievement on the total tive. brate it There will be 1st, 2nd, diate provisions for non-segregatlon An insured should not expect to The first study of its kind, this ana practices to major southern 3rd prizes given to the students front.” Investigation is undertaken to throw industries His background and ac­ In all universities on lhe graduate receive a dividend check until se­ Beautiful Club writing the best essays The win­ and professional levels;, and "swift” In lhe field of equalizing educa­ veral months after the policy anni­ light on the long-range efforts to complishments will equip him for ner will not be announcel until tional facilities alone, he stated, secure more effective use of man­ the task.
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