“ YOUNG ISRAEL OF HOLLYWOOD-FT. LAUDERDALE Rabbi Yosef Weinstock, Senior Rabbi Rabbi Adam Frieberg, Assistant Rabbi Rabbi Edward Davis, Rabbi Emeritus Dr. P.J. Goldberg, President 3291 Stirling Road, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 954-966-7877 email: [email protected] www.yih.org SHOFTIM 7 ELUL 5778 AUGUST 18, 2018 TORAH READING Deuteronomy 16:18 HAFTORAH Isaiah 51:12 Nach Yomi : Jeremiah 21 Daf Yomi : Menachos 8 SHABBAT TIMES Candle Lighting 7:15 & 7:37 p.m. Shabbat Ends 8:34 p.m. Bat Mitzvah of Shoshana Weinstock. Mazel Tov! Welcome to all newcomers, visitors and guests 2 OUR YIH FAMILY…. Mazel Tov: Shoshana Weinstock upon today’s celebration of her Bat Mitzvah. Mazel Tov to Friday Night Shoshana’s parents Rabbi Yosef & Rebecca Weinstock, grandparents Martin & 7:00pm Minchah/Maariv Main Sanctuary Marsha Schenker and Dr. Alan & Joan Weinstock, and the entire family. Shoshana will deliver a Dvar Torah at the conclusion of the 9:00 a.m. minyan in 7:00pm Sephardic Minchah/Maariv Library the Sanctuary, followed by Kiddush in the Social Hall. 7:15pm & Candle Lighting Rabbi Edward & Meira Davis and Fred & Lori Wittlin on the birth of their 7:37pm granddaughter, Penina Malka, to Gabi & Rena Wittlin. Marci Pachter on the recent marriage of her daughter Jordana to Dr. 7:45pm Minchah/Maariv Beit Midrash David Schmelzer and to David's parents Dr. Victor & Susan Schmelzer of Columbus, Ohio. Shabbat Morning Ari & Cheryl Pearl on their son Mikey’s engagement to Rachelli Goldberg, 7:00am Shacharit Minyan Main Sanctuary daughter of Rabbi Efrem & Yocheved Goldberg of Boca Raton. 8:00am Shacharit Minyan Room 1 & 2 Welcome New Members: 8:15am Parsha Shiur with Rabbi Adam Frieberg Beit Midrash Vernon & Ingrid Dorfman, Karen Katz, Moti & Elke Press. 8:45am Beit Midrash Minyan House 9:00am Shacharit Minyan Main Sanctuary 9:00am Games Rooms & Shabbat Groups Rooms 1,2,3,4 & 6 9:00am Sephardic Minyan Library No Parsha Classes with Rabbi Yitzchak Salid this Shabbat THANK YOU TO OUR SHABBAT SPONSORS 9:30am Teen Minyan Room 5 Beit Midrash Cantor Uri & Judy Aqua in honor of Danny’s 30th birthday. 10:09am Latest Shema Time .May he go from strength to strength ילך מחיל אל חיל Minyan Kiddush 10:10am The Rest of the Story: Understanding the Social Hall 8:00 a.m. Minyan David & Arlene Goldberger to commemorate the yahrzeit Haftarah Rabbi Yitzi Marmorstein Kiddush (in the of his mother Shari Goldberger, Charna bat Yaakov. 10:30am Nursery 3 Group Chapel Modular this Alan & Brenda Pritzker to commemorate the yahrzeit of Shabbat) their son Shmuel Chaim. 10:45am Sefer HaMitzvot Shiur, Rabbi Moshe Parnes Beit Midrash Stan & Marla Frohlinger to commemorate the yahrzeit of her father Sidney Corush, Yehoshua ben Moshe. Robert & Debbie Hirsch to commemorate the yahrzeit of his father Murray Hirsch, Moshe ben Aryeh, 19th of Elul. 9:00 a.m. Minyan Rabbi Yosef & Rebecca Weinstock in honor of their Kiddush daughter Shoshana’s Bat Mitzvah Main Sanctuary will be locked while the Torah is being read, during Mussaf Kedusha, and while Rabbi is speaking All other Kiddushim Shabbat Sponsors Group & Seudah Shlishit Contact Gerald Mayerhoff [email protected] or David Lasko [email protected] for an aliyah or kibbud at any of the minyanim 3 4 Shabbat Afternoon D’var Torah : Rabbi Yosef Weinstock 6:20pm Gemara Shiur on Gittin (in Hebrew) Beit Midrash At the end of Parshat Shoftim we learn about the Eglah Arufah (“axed heifer”) ritual. If a 6:35pm Daf Yomi Library body is found outside of town and the murder remains unsolved, then the elders of the closest two cities gather for a ceremony, part of which includes the following declaration: 6:50pm Rabbi Weinstock’s class. Topic: Celebrating Main Sanctuary ז ְו ָע ֖נּו ְו ָ ָֽא ְמ֑רּו יָ ֵ֗ דינּו ֹ֤לא ָ ָֽש ְפכ ּו ֶאת־ ַה ָָּ֣דם ַה ֶּ֔זֶה Bat Mitzvah: In History, Halacha and And they shall announce and say, "Our hands did not ְו עי ֖נינּו ֹ֥לא ָר ָֽאּו: ".[Hashkafa shed this blood, nor did our eyes see [this crime 7:35pm Teen Minchah Room 5 The Talmud in Sotah (45b) wonders: do we really think that these leaders were somehow 7:35pm Minchah Main Sanctuary involved in this murder?! And if not, why must they deny any involvement utilizing such After Minchah Gemara Shiur with Rabbi Jonathan Hirsch Beit Midrash stark terminology? The Talmud explains that the leaders are denying having any knowledge of this individual visiting their town. For had they been aware of this visitor, they would 8:34pm Maariv Main Sanctuary have been sure to provide him with accommodations, food for the trip and “levaya”, an 8:34pm Teen Maariv Room 5 escort for part of the way upon leaving the city. Our tradition emphasizes the importance of this escort: “Anyone who escorts his fellow four cubits – he does not suffer harm.” “One Immediately Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 5 min. class Library who hosts guests but does not escort them is considered as though he kills them.” after Maariv Maimonides (Laws of Mourning) writes: “This practice was instituted by Avraham Avinu, who would invite guests, feed them, and Dvar Tefila then escort them…. The value of hosting guests exceeds that of greeting the Divine A weekly insight from the siddur to help enhance our prayer experience Presence, and escorting guests is even greater than hosting them.” “I heard the following parable from my master (the Baal Shem Tov). A great king once Through the mitzvah of escorting guests, the Torah is teaching us that how we do mitzvot is announced that any request presented to him would be granted. Many people came with just as important as fulfilling the mitzvah in the first place. When we escort our guests, we petitions; some asking for silver, some for gold, some for high positions. But there was one demonstrate that our concern for them doesn’t end when they leave our home. The way we wise man who made a very different request. He asked the king if he could have permission complete the mitzvah sheds light on the entire interaction. By going the extra mile (or at to speak to the king three times each day. The king was very pleased with this unusual request, seeing that this wise man valued conversation with the king even more than gold least 4 cubits) by escorting our guests we exhibit a sincere love for the mitzvah and a sincere and riches. He therefore decreed that when this wise man would have access to the king, he affection for our guest. would pass through and have access to all the king’s treasuries, taking whatever he desired without restraint.” The mitzvah of “levaya” can inform our understanding of many mitzvot and challenge us to (And so it is with prayer.) pay more attention to the “how” and not just the “what”. When we give charity to a poor ~ Rabbi Yaakov Yosef of Polonoye person or organization, do we do so begrudgingly? Or do we do so with empathy and a Toledot Yaakov Yosef, Va’etchanan (Warsaw, 1881) smile? The way we give tzedaka sheds light on our essential attitude towards the mitzvah. At the end of Shabbat minyan, do we leave early or start talking in shul before the service is Shabbat Safety, Security & First Aid over? Or do we maintain our respect for our Sanctuary, our tefilah and our fellow prayer “Safety & Security is everyone’s responsibility. If You See Something Say Something!” participant until after Adon Olam? The way we end our davening reflects on our overall Talk to the President, Rabbis, or Executive Director. attitude towards prayer. In the same vein, I am a fan of “keeping the song going”. When AED (Automated External Defibrillator) & other first aid equipment in closet next to Social there is congregational singing (ie for Kedusha and Hallel) if the tune and the context allows Hall. for it, I encourage us to continue the niggun just a little bit beyond the words. In this way we In an effort to improve our Security, please do not congregate in and near the SECURITY show our true feelings, and our affection for enhanced prayer in shul. TENT. Our Security teams needs to stay focused while they are on duty. Bring questions or concerns to the attention of the Shul Security committee and Board of Directors. Elul is the last month of the year. Tradition has it that if utilized correctly, Elul can make up Shabbat Crossing schedule: Stirling Road at SW 33rd Avenue for and repair the mistakes we’ve made during the previous 11 months. As one focus, let us Hollywood Police will control the light this Friday 7:00-11:00pm. Shabbat 7:45am-12:30pm commit to ensuring that we not only fulfill the technical details of mitzvot but do so with the & 6:30-9:30pm. A custodian will manually change the light between 6:50 & 7:10am. right attitude. Like escorting guests, let’s make sure to end mitzvot on a high note, thereby Important Notice for your safety: When crossing Stirling Road, make sure to always showing our true feelings of love and appreciation for our religious and spiritual lives. wait until cars stop by the light before crossing 5 6 UPCOMING AUGUST EVENTS See flyers DATE TIME & PLACE WEEKDAY DAILY MINYANIM August 19-24 Sun. 7:15, 8:00, 9:00am, Mon. & Thurs. 6:15, 7:15, 8:00am, Tues., Wed. & Fri. 6:15, 7:30, 8:00am THIS WEEK 8:15 p.m in the Making the Machzor More Meaningful by Minchah/Maariv: 7:40pm Rabbi Weinstock Wednesday Chapel Aug.
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