Index Abau Island (Map p.184), 83, 188 Ariotti, Severine (‘Harry’), 223 Abel, Charles, 178-81, 189 Armed Native Constabulary, see Police Aborigines (of Australia), 163; on boats in Armidale, 194 New Guinea waters, 6; and Australian Armit, Lionel, 206, 245 miners, 10, 19, 61, 76, 81; compared Armit, William, 121, 142, 143, 153; with Papuans, 77, 81; with Clark, 88, 95 biography, 163 Adau River (Map p.184), 183, 184 Arnold, George, 167, 188, 189, 223, 259 Ade, 108 Asiba Creek, 116 Africa, 6 ,81 Auerback, Edward, 150-1, 221, 255-6 Age, 81, 97 Australian investment, 59 Agunomi, 139 Australian Labor Party, 181, 207 Aiga, 93 Australian Mandated Territory, 257, 260 Ai-i-ia, 216 Australian miners, attitudes, v, 10-11, 18; Aikora River, 138, 144, 161, 195; gold see also particular goldfields found on, 119, 120, 125; violence on, Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary 135-6, 137; mining on, 146; miners and Force, 257 women, 159 Australian newspapers, 56, 76, 113; see also Air services, 171, 237, 265 particular newspapers Aitcheson, J., 166 Australian Parliament, 163, 169, 207-9 Aiv Avi River, see Arabi Aviri, Constable, 224 Albatross, 53, 54 Awala River (Map p.184), 260 Alcohol, prohibition of, 60-1 Alexander, Bill, 87-8 Babaga, 34, 38, 46 Alhoga, 36 Babila, 133 Alice Meade, 6 Bagalina, 66 Alice River, 221 Baibara Island, 85 Amau (Map p.184), 189 Baiwa, 127, 143 Amburo, 104, 105, 106 Bakeke, Sergeant, 106, 133, 154, 171 Ambush Point, 90 Bakem, William, 20 Ana Creek (Map p.29), 28, 40, 42 Bamu River, 157, 210, 212 Andersen, Thomas, 83, 148 Baniara, 43 Anderson, Neil, 85 Barigi, Sergeant, 106, 167, 171 Anga speakers, see Kukukuku Bariji River, 129 Angau (Australian New Guinea Bartle Bay (Map p.84), 85, 86 Administrative Unit), 46, 71 Bartlett, Reverend Harry, 46 Anglicans, see Missionaries Barton, Francis, 156, 165, 168, 184 Anglo-German boundary commission, 141-2 Barua, 187 Anjiga, 108 Baseta, 143 Annie Brooks, 6 Basilisk, 90, 178 Anopheles, 130 Batchelor, Egerton, 207-9, 217 Aposi (Map p.98), 100, 106 Batong, 261 Arabi (Map p.200), 197; prospecting on, 219, Batow, 154 224; Germans on, 227; Kukukuku, 233, Bauwaki language, 183 242, 243, 245, 246, 248 Bêche-de-mer, 21, 53 Arbouin, Charles, 42 Beaver, Wilfred, 145, 234 285 BLACK, WHITE AND GOLD Beda (Neneba), 142; meet foreigners Brown River (Map p.77), 77 peacefully, 116; feed miners, 127, 186, Bruce, William, 129, 154 257; attacked by Elliott, 133-5, 172; Buchanan, W.E., 61 change culture, 269 Buhutu (Map p.177), 43, 178, 180 Belfield’s Gully, 228 Bukaua, 262 Bell, L.L., 136 Bulega, 46-7 Bellamy, Rayner, 131, 132, 150, 156; Bulldog, 237, 250 biography, 163-4, 165 Bulldog, 197, 209, 211, 218, 220, 228, 229, Bete, 203 237, 245 Bethune, Albert, 230, 249 Bulldog Track, 237 Beya, 106 Bulolo (Map p.255), 142, 228, 256-8, 265, 266 Bi (Queen Bee), 179, 181 Bulwa, 266 Bia, Corporal, 106, 129, 165 Bumbu, 262 Biagi, see Mountain Koiari Buna (Map p.91), 108, 130, 131, 143, 150, Biawaria River, 139 153, 155, 165, 169, 171 Billy Bong Creek, 26 Bundowi, ‘Mary’, 246 Billy the Cook’s, 156, 176 Burfitt, George, 46 Binamarien, 261 Burfitt, Henry, 24 Binandere, 93-4, 145; warfare, 92-4, 104, Burns, miner, 116 107-9, 135, 269; attack Clark, 94-5, Burns Philp, 55, 62, 86, 114 144; and John Green, 95-106; and Busai (Map p.51), 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 65, 192 missionaries, 109-10; relations with Butler, John, 137, 220 Beda, 116; and deserters, 148; as police, Butterworth, Archibald, 97, 99-100, 105 155, 161-2 Bwagabwaga (Map p.29), 36, 37, 38 Biowa, 13 Bwagaoia (Map p.29): anchorage, 30, 32, 34; Black River, 221 administrative centre, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, Blackenbury, James, 135, 168 44, 46, 47 Blayney, Joseph, 119, 183, 184, 238 Boer War, 34, 106, 162, 172 Cadigan, Johnny ‘Fiji’, 88 Bogi, 123, 124, 125, 129, 130, 132, 145, 153, Cairns, 3, 10, 29, 176, 197, 205, 261 169; station opened, 122; Bogi-Yodda Cairns Argus, 88 track, 127, 130, 149 Cairns prospectors, 86, 87, 88, 93, 96 Boie, 148 Caledonian mine, 22 Boiomea, 54 Calico, 144 Bokina, Corporal, 137 Calvados Chain (Maps pp.4, 8), 2, 9, 35, 46, 47 Bonagai, 58, 66 Cameron, Cyril, 245 Bongata, 108 Cameron, John, 19 Booth, Charles, 257 Campbell, Alexander, 186, 214; on Sudest, Booth, Doris, 257 23, 24; on Misima, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40; on Bougainville, 5, 71, 263, 266 Woodlark, 56, 57, 58, 63, 65, 70, 72; and Bourke’ (Bjornquist), Peter, 259 recruiting, 68, 150-1; at Milne Bay, 181 Bousimai, 94, 99, 103-8 Campbell, William, 22, 32 Bowden, Norman, 199 Campion, Tom, 122-3, 126, 143 Bowden, William, 67 Campions Beach, 119 Bowler, Michael, 180 Canada,156, 260 Bramble, 5, 6 Cape Arkona (Map p.255), 254, 256 Brammell, Bertram, 202, 214 Cape Nelson (Map p.91), 90, 93, 148, 150, 165 Brandon, W., 243 Cape Possession, 234 Bridge, Captain Cyprian, 7, 53 Cape Rodney, 185 Brierly Island, 5, 6, 7 Cape Vogel, 162 Brisbane, 39, 113, 167 Capital punishment, 20, 34, 46, 47, 53 Brooker Island, 6, 13, 14, 30 Cardwell, 76 Brough, Dr C.A., 119 Carlow, James (Jimmy the Reefer), 40 Brown, Reverend Herbert, 236, 249 Carvey, Patrick, 24 Brown, Louis, 31 Cashman, James, 29 286 INDEX Cassowary Creek (Map p.200), 219, 220, Crowe, Matt: on the Waria, 102, 138; on the 225, 229 Yodda, 120, 144, 169, 171; biography, Castleton, Claud, 216, 217 192-3, 257; on the Lakekamu, 194-8, Catholics, see Missionaries 219, 238, 239, 240; on the Markham, Caution Point, 90 221, 254 , 255; death, 259-60 Ceara, 8 Cuthbert, Freddie, 41 Central Division, 223 Chalmers, Reverend James, 7, 12, 232-3 Dabney, Martin, 115 Champion, Herbert, 246 Dagomi, 13 Champion, Ivan, 37 Daisy, 6 Charters Towers, 86 D’Albertis’s Attack Point, 223 Chester, Henry, 80 Dambia, Constable, 166-7 Chester, H. Neville, 33, 34, 38, 39 Dammköhler, Wilhelm, 254 China, 5 Dandata, 94 Chinese, 6, 10, 18, 21, 27n., 78 Darling, Arthur, 138, 140, 158, 193; Chirima River (Map p.91), 112, 116, 118, biography, 255-6 127, 135, 136, 173 Daru, 221, 223 Chisholm, Arthur, 257, 258 Davies, Dave, 100-2, 113, 171, 203, 209, Chisholm, Frederick, 218, 223, 225-7, 242-5 223, 259 Christie, Jack, 87 Davitt, Thomas, 143 Clara Ethel, 56 Dawari Odari, 93 Clark, George: leader Cairns prospectors, 86; Deakin, Alfred, 61, 180 Milne Bay, 87-8; on Mambare, 94-6, 104, Debera, 105 105, 107, 110n., 112, 123, 144, 155, 172 Deboyne Islands (Map p.29), 31, 35, 40 Clark Fort, 112 Dedele (Map p.84), 83-4, 148 Clarke, Sir Rupert, 221 Degen, August, 40 Clayton, Captain Francis, 31 Delaney, James, 135 Cloudy Bay (Map p.84), 85, 127, 148, 183, de Moleyns, Richard, 125-6, 127 184, 185 D’Entrecasteaux Islands (Map p.66), 4, 5; Clunas, Alex, 99, 112, 118, 119 as source of labour recruits, 42-3, 45, Clunas and Clark, storekeepers, 144, 145, 66-9, 152, 184, 185, 210; see also 148, 150, 167, 168, 193 Gosiagos and particular islands Clunas, Hugh, 169 D’Entrecasteaux, J. A-R. Bruny, 29 Clunn’s Hotel, 10, 156 Desertion by labourers, 69, 147-52, 211-14, Clyde River (Mambare), 90 235 Coleman, miner, 140 Detzner, Hermann, 226-7 Colemans Creek, 58 Dexter, Henry, 182 Collingwood Bay, 49 Diamond, H.M.S., 12, 31 Collomb, Monseigneur Jean, 50-1 Didiam, 247, 248 Combley, Nurse, 201 Dikoias (Map p.51), 65, 70, 72 Companies, see Goldmining companies Dobu Island (Map p.66), 23, 69, 127, 156 Conde Point, 20 Dobuduru, 132 Cooktown, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 29, 32, 55, Dogi, 93 56, 77, 80, 81, 83, 85, 86, 87, 95, 176, Dogura (Map p.84), 86, 109 185, 199 Domara (Map p.84), 83-5 Cooktown Courier, 10, 11, 20 Domata, Village Constable, 137 Cooktown Creek, 40 Donabai, Constable, 131 Cooktown Independent, 101, 113 Dorevaide, 184, 188 Coppard, Charles, 39 Double Crossing, 144 Coral Haven (Map p.8), 5 Douglas, John, 6, 11, 13, 30-1 Coral Sea, Battle of the, 47 Dowell, Peter, 202 Coranderrk, 97 Doyle, Andy, 260 Cosmopolitan Hotel, 25, 156 Dredging, 225, 228, 237, 266 Coutance, Louis, 5 Driscoll, Edward, 140 Craig, Captain J.C., 9, 12, 13, 25 Drislane, Tom, 95, 97 287 BLACK, WHITE AND GOLD Dumai, 100-6 passim Fishermans Island, 204 Dunantina River, 268 Fletcher, Henry, 206, 223 Durietz, William, 160 Flint, Leo, 188 Dutch New Guinea, 266 Fly Gully, 228 D’Urville, J. Dumont, 5 Fly River, 81, 152, 221-3, 224 Duvira, 106, 107 Flynn, Errol, 262 Foley, J., 157 Eastern Highlands, 268 Fonu, Constable, 224 Eaus (Map p.29), 43 Forbes, Henry, 9, 12, 13 Ebora (Map p.29), 40 Ford, Jerry, 216 Ede, Richard, 54, 259 Forrest King, 9 Edie Creek (Map p.255), 258-9, 262, 265, 266 Four Mile, Sudest Island, 2 Edmunds, Harry, 157, 164 Four Mile, Yodda, 144 Efogi, 212 Freddy, 29 Eia River (Map p.91), 91, 93, 137 Fry, miner, 100, 113, 172 Ekau-hu, Constable, 228 Fuyuge, 116, 135, 269 Elema, 236; see also Moveave-Toaripi Elliott, Alexander, 163, 172; appointed to Gabagabuna, 185 government service, 122; investigates Gadara, 102 killing of Campion and King, 122-3; Gadsup (Gazup), 261 at Bogi, 129, 150, 154-5; at Beda, 133-4; Gadugadu track, 265 at Tamata, 135; on Yodda, 143, 145 Gaiboa, 20 Elliott, Robert, 118, 119, 171, 203, 219-20 Gaina, 98-9 Ellis, George, 257 Gallagher, James, 63 Emanboga, Corporal, 154-5 Gallagher, Martin, 168 Emily, 6, 9, 12 Gallagher, Mat, 63 Endong, 261 Gamundu, 138, 139 English, Albert, 183, 184, 187 Ganai (Map p.184), 186 Eni, 149 Ganuganuana, 160 Eoro, 189 ‘Gap’ (Kokoda Trail), 105, 130, 153, 171 Eraga, 93 Garaina, 138 eravo, 232 Garbutt, H., 230 Ericksen, Charlie, 136, 159, 259 Gazelle, 52 Ernst, Carl, 40 Geelong, 80 Erskine, Commodore James, 7 Gelua, 203 Eruwatutu (Map p.98), 95, 96, 99 Gemaruya, 98 Ewarupa, 214 Gensiko, 261 Ewena, 45 German New Guinea, 53, 101, 109, 138, 139, Ewia, 9 141, 162, 167, 219, 221, 223,
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