- CHARTISTS OF THE EMPIRE 10 ^ — a5^W^j TZV FjHSBUEY., - - Nottin gham Juj . .:. ;_. ;:-.:.. w^ ir..,.. .. ,. * f 2Stb . /^ ^ a.. i i Tho hour appoi nted by the returning officer for^ th«-^ • ^ c ,{ Psar Fbiexiis, nomination of the candidates for tiits borough was nine? f ' of Dus!nesjf incr eased broemy the o'clock on Wed nesday moridng ; at which tim j tho the to "*? » become hustings erected on Islingto n-green were vi-ry lni ly e 60 6 - at- *inir ^P'" 1 °^ * P !^ *° tended by the committees Land Plan and friends of Me«t» Dan- "^ f our glorious , I steal a mo- combe and Wuklty, ossess on oar position ^ °to put Ptt '" P ' °f Mr Puncombe was not present , lut n certificate was pects her e. Last night (Tuesday) we thoirn , and afterwards read to the meeting, from Sf J *f as ' our old '39 meetings in themarket- Elmore, his pnjeii-lon, stating that ho was too ill to at- ^ e of from bronchitis , in. countless thousands , to receive our lend, as he was suffering " much ^" ""of creased ty his recent exerti ons in the House of Com. f^nn the People's Friend ; and a glorious AND NATIONAL TRADES' mons," but which might be moored " by a few mouths' {S numbers enthusiasm and JO URNAL. fnjr it w'as. fbr , , care and changecliange oforair. air. "- is day (Wednesday ) we met the foe The usual prelimina ry proceedings hartng been gona V- **?!/ Th VUJ A n O'Connor * - 510- LONDON. SATURDAY JULI ¦ p«.™ vmn efficer , the more immediate battle- Hobho use, Gisborne , , ~ . - 31,r \m * ¦ ¦ ^~ through by the returni ng t*B " - ; Tivt'. ShHHug * and Sixpence per Quart e commenced by * Walter, jun., were proposed as can- r business of the day was / JPjohn whoWOO wouldWould refuse tri p littla fmm aon1. tU«t- ».:i! I onfni-wrf ll I i In n forward to propose Mr ^ . Hall full of nation 's ride , and such the littl e from each that will enforced their glorious prin ciples upon those partie s gang to Mr V. Kniobt , who came **? tesjto a p make » " d»^the .hireling their diat ely iB frontof thevhusti ngs Thomas Slingsby Duucomo e as a fit and proper person N ; . up the whole ? We have received a wheat another time would not listen to them , and its end- »wino t , was usurp ed J to the at the good men of Notting ham never he- they have made a notartn. Air " B?. whom 8ro V» be found 'tbe exclusion of electors , by a mass of to repr eient the borough of Finshnry in Parliament. Ho verb ati m report of Mr O'Connor 's splendid favourab le impression 'on public 0 rter aad th p c?aouem *,;wheso 'l l enjoyed. O'Connor s speech was such an oninion.^ Tbe returning S-Ku iA™ " ' 9?- > « n^ «uuandifor-iw- noisy vocifer ations, throug hout tbe day felt sure that the electors , when tbey reviewed the past V ': . ' ¦ oratio n which won officer acknowledged that rowaW e ally, James Mitc hell' - served only rVSv ¦' ' was never heard her e and never ex- you the triump h and him Mr Linne y was returned . to protect the proceedings, and to conduct of their representati ve? , weuld all agree that tion as , by show of hands , and the P" h Tins the urse of prev ent all those the election, and which will appear in full in anonncement , was received tiJiSfpr e pH^ T P the Whigiand who add ressed 'th e- olectors fro m bei ng periectly they had discharged their duties in the most i xemptary jL&anywhere. It beat his last admirable with tremendous »p- th * ss- of- the Leasuer at their command; ar e K-: the next numb er of the Northern Star, and p'ause. As usual, the teporter of * Birmin gham m heard , even by those who occupied positions nearest mann er, which had entitled tliero not only to thanks for ^TtQ nothing, and , thou gh it lasted over two the T7-i ,ean9 .. , v!)5«>, tbe -characte r of Mr to ^ every man who has the ride of seeing : his Journal ' laid down bis pencil whilst Linney was BWest. Mitchell, *• .tho speakers. •ho pngt, batbut also to confidence for the future. (Clictrre .) the att ention never abated. p partic ahuly, being a new convert Mr Jonbs They Sna rights advocated with unflinching honest y, speakin g. and possessing all the arde nt Lumv. pro posed Lord J. Russell ' in- a had been tit * staunch supporter s of public right * was a slashe r ; and , thou gh a poor man, I As soon as tbe zealihatconv erff speech of some length-,, which was partly interrup ted, and public liberty . (Cheers.) A$ to Mr Buncombe ,, It will treas ure that number to the last hour of meetin g for nominatin g candid ates pnld ootbavegotthecastigationthatHohhouse was over, the following anno uncement was made— h and in somejmrts totally inaud ible ; as a specimens/© t wenty years ago he fought tbe battle of the constitutioa I his existence. a»itt take the conclusion. In at Hertford Ij Gisborne received for all they are worth. ' Noticb, Mr Linney, the Pa riiamentarv repres ent- £J!SV'J3SS tbe name of all those great , wher e he not only gnro his talehta to tho ! prin ciples.with whicbi the cause , but also tho- ! were compelled to listen inbr eathless " HURRAH FOR NOTTINGHAM ative of th e men of Dudley, will addres s a publi c naire of the noble lord spent a larga fortune in securi ng iflnait ies < J meeting, at tbe •ss was associated—in the name of civil and religious rights and libertie s of his fellow-snbj-cts. (Clieers.y literall < FOR WALTER AND O'CONNOR Old Dock, when be will discuss tho But surchara^™ges, coming from-that **"quar ter , Cce, while I y thought the workies are liberty, ;'gu9tly understood and imparti ally carried From that time to the present he had always been found! rights of the working -classes." received for their juai value by the people of Stocfc ' have gone mad with delight We have «<FOR THE LAND AND THE CH AR" Mr Chance, of Stourbridge wag animoas ly port. Jlowever v outran the name of public educa tion extended advoca ting the cause ' of his poorer brathren , and they gfflii nu it i&nccotsary to put the people on e ' reporter to give « TER! " called to the chair , he dwelt at ^ Wk .*?. a'l c|asses-«f the community, without.re - had only to compare tbe princ iples which prevailed when . jn gaged a a verbatim report of great length; on the! th eir guard against these mean- and dastardlV rehe- inability of Mr Benbow furence to relisibus.opi nions-i n the name of eleo- Mr Duncombe commenced life with those which were in jat irill be conside red a portion of the coun- We are all used up, but, now that the work is , and the fitness of Mr Lin- cades, so tha t tbey may know- how to treat them J ney to represent the tora lreform , by which the masses of this country had the ascendant now, iu order to appreciate the service* . , s ' liter ature ; and it not bein g possible to done, we may rest. town of Dudley, after whiolvbe should tney ever dare in any other olaco (here tbev ' I t s * intr oduced Mr Linney to addr ess the meeting. Mr dare not) to come before the public ; beerit rjiised to the - privileg esof self-governmenWri he had rende red to the people. Mr Xnlgbt concluded - e and entire in thi s week' Your friend and Servant It-should bo pft£ the name of i>y •ire it *h°l s Star, , Linn ey ably exposed tbe wrongs which working-men licly known that one of them worthies, the greatchar ter of refor m, under which proposin g Mr T . S, Buncombe as a candida te for tho Mitchel l was wey were now representati on |flfl anxious that it should not be mutilated , Jaues Sweet. are unju stly subj ected t0j and contended , that Char- proved to be a '* Tory tool" upon a late assembled tq. exercise the franchise , of Finsbury. ,(Cheers .) occasion, and and of which the noble lord , : Mr C. SiuaoEOM prop ose deferring: its publication till next Goose-gate, Nottingham. tute/atid it alone, is the only balm which will cure has now. been engaged for several weeks doing was tho father—in -the came forward to second the nomina- ffe the name of free trade an d of-thwe tion^ , He said when it shal l go to the world as the their wounds and restore them to a healthy state of servile "jobs " of the Whigs- such as distribu ting . prin ciples whicbJiad it must be a saliifeation to the e!eetor» leek, jmt earn ed this ooant ry thro ugh a of Finsbur y that they society. ¦ billa and cirolars —and has also been so meah as to per iod of emer- would at leas* understand what jfcv; Notti ngham Manifesto of popular opinion. I ' " gency ami difficulty^ of an the princi ples of j . HALIFA X. offer.his services to the Chartis ts, if they we' extreme char acter , with the candidate were. He coul d not say tg£rt that no pen can give a descri ption of election jaotooittiw uld pay the revenue umhjjttted —ih the name the same of most of tbe electors in tbe kingdom.
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