TUGBOAT Volume 38 (2017), Number 2 BIULETYN GUST Zeszyt 25 TUG@BachoTEX 2017 Conference Proceedings TUG 2017 110 Conference sponsors, participants, program 114 Jean-Michel Hufflen / TUG@BachoTEX 2017 General Delivery 116 Janusz Nowacki / Calligraphy by Barbara Gali´nska 118 Maciej Rychły / Released sounds 125 Boris Veytsman / The state of TEX Futures 126 Hans Hagen / Children of TEX 141 Luigi Scarso / MFLua 0.8—Prologue Survey 145 Michał Gasewicz / Off topic (completely): Many faces (and types) of beer 147 Jean-Michel Hufflen / History of accidentals in music Methods 157 Willi Egger / Bookbinding workshop: Making a portfolio 159 Barbara Beeton / Debugging LATEX files — Illegitimi non carborundum Typography 165 Kumaran Sathasivam, S.K. Venkatesan, Yakov Chandy / Revealing semantics using subtle typography and punctuation 171 Boris Veytsman and Leila Akhmadeeva / To justify or not to justify? Why bad typography may be harmful for your readers 173 Boris Veytsman / Making ltxsparklines: The journey of a CTAN contributor into the world of CRAN Education 175 Petr Sojka and V´ıt Novotn´y / TEX in Schools? Just Say Yes: The use of TEX at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Graphics 185 Takuto Asakura / Implementing bioinformatics algorithms in TEX—the Gotoh package, a case study Software & Tools 188 Norbert Preining / updmap and fmtutil — past and future changes (or: cleaning up the mess) 193 Siep Kroonenberg / TLaunch, the TEX Live Launcher for Windows 197 Sigitas Toluˇsis, Ar¯unas Povilaitis, and Valentinas Kriauˇciukas / Xdvipsk: Dvips ready for OpenType fonts and more image formats Fonts 202 Jerzy Ludwichowski / GUST e-foundry current font projects 203 Hans Hagen / Variable fonts 208 Bogusław Jackowski, Piotr Strzelczyk, Piotr Pianowski / Parametric math symbol fonts A A L TEX 212 LATEX Project Team / L TEX news, issue 27, April 2017 213 Frank Mittelbach / LATEX table columns with fixed widths Macros 214 V´ıt Novotn´y / Using Markdown inside TEX documents 218 Grzegorz Murzynowski / GMS, the “General Meta-Scenarios”: A proper extension to the l3expan package of the expl3 bundle and language, two years later Bibliographies 238 D´avid Lupt´ak / Typesetting bibliographies compliant with the ISO 690 standard in LATEX 245 Jean-Michel Hufflen / MlBIBTEX now handles Unicode Publishing 249 Lolita Tolen˙e / TEX user habits versus publisher requirements 255 Marcin Borkowski / Ten years of work in Wiadomo´sci Matematyczne — an adventure with LATEX and Emacs hacking Production Notes 263 Karl Berry / Production notes Abstracts 264 Streszczenia 270 TUG@BachoTEX 2017 abstracts (de Souza, Egger, Hagen, Hoekwater, Izaola, Kwiatkowska, Ludwichowski, Miklavec, Mittelbach, Reutenauer, Scherwentke, Thiriet, Tomaszewski, Twardoch, Vieth) 273 Die TEXnische Kom¨odie: Contents of issue 2/2017 Book Reviews 274 Charles Bigelow / Review and summaries: The History of Typographic Writing — The 20th century Volume 2 (ch. 1–5), from 1950 to 2000 280 Boris Veytsman / Book reviews: What Is Reading For? and Some Reflections on Reading and Writing, Culture and Nature, & Sorting Things Out by Robert Bringhurst 282 David Walden / Book review: Paper: Paging Through History by Mark Kurlansky Hints & Tricks 284 Karl Berry / The treasure chest Cartoon 285 John Atkinson / Word on the street News 286 Calendar Advertisements 287 TEX consulting and production services TUG Business 288 TUG institutional members Polska Grupa U˙zytkownik´owsystemu TEX TUG Board of Directors (gust.org.pl) † Donald Knuth, Grand Wizard of TEX-arcana Biuletyn Polskiej Grupy U˙zytkownik´owSystemu Boris Veytsman, President ∗ TEX (ISSN 1230-5630) is published by GUST. Arthur Reutenauer∗, Vice President Zeszyt 25. Karl Berry∗, Treasurer Susan DeMeritt∗, Secretary TEX Users Group (tug.org) Barbara Beeton TUGboat (ISSN 0896-3207) is published by TUG. Johannes Braams Volume 38, Number 2. Kaja Christiansen Taco Hoekwater TUG individual memberships Klaus H¨oppner 2017 dues for individual members are as follows: Frank Mittelbach Regular members: $105. Ross Moore Special rate: $75. Cheryl Ponchin The special rate is available to students, seniors, and Norbert Preining citizens of countries with modest economies, as de- Will Robertson tailed on our web site. Also, anyone joining or re- Herbert Voß newing before March 31 receives a $20 discount: Raymond Goucher, Founding Executive Director † Regular members (early bird): $85. Hermann Zapf (1918–2015), Wizard of Fonts Special rate (early bird): $55. ∗member of executive committee Members also have the option to receive TUGboat †honorary and other benefits electronically, for an additional See tug.org/board.html for a roster of all past and discount. present board members, and other official positions. Membership in the TEX Users Group is for the calendar year, and includes all issues of TUGboat for Addresses Electronic Mail the year in which membership begins or is renewed, TEX Users Group General correspondence, as well as software distributions and other benefits. P.O. Box 2311 membership, subscriptions: Individual membership carries with it such rights Portland, OR 97208 [email protected] TUG U.S.A. and responsibilities as voting in elections. All Submissions to TUGboat, the details are on the TUG web site. letters to the Editor: Telephone [email protected] TUGboat subscriptions +1 503 223-9994 Technical support for TUGboat subscriptions (non-voting) are available to Fax T X users: organizations and others wishing to receive TUG- +1 815 301-3568 E [email protected] boat in a name other than that of an individual. Web The subscription rate for 2017 is $110. Contact the tug.org Board of Directors: tug.org/TUGboat TUG institutional memberships [email protected] Institutional membership is primarily a means of showing continuing interest in and support for TEX c and the T X Users Group. It also provides a dis- Copyright 2017 Polska Grupa U˙zytkownik´ow systemu E TEX and TEX Users Group. counted membership rate, site-wide electronic ac- cess, and other benefits. For more information, see Copyright to individual articles within this publication remains with their authors, so the articles may not tug.org/instmem.html or contact the TUG office. be reproduced, distributed or translated without the authors’ permission. Trademarks For the editorial and other material not ascribed to a Many trademarked names appear in these pages. If particular author, permission is granted to make and there is any question about whether a name is or is distribute verbatim copies without royalty, in any medium, not a trademark, prudence dictates that it should provided the copyright notice and this permission notice be treated as if it is. are preserved. Permission is also granted to make, copy and distribute translations of such editorial material into another [printing date: August 2017] language, except that the TEX Users Group must approve translations of this permission notice itself. Lacking such Printed in U.S.A. approval, the original English permission notice must be included. 2017 TUG@BachoTEX Conference Proceedings TEX Users Group • Polska Grupa U˙zytkownik´ow systemu TEX Thirty-seventh annual TUG meeting • XXV GUST conference Bachotek, Poland April 29–May 3, 2017 Biuletyn Polskiej Grupy U˙zytkownik´ow Systemu TEX ZESZYT 25 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE TEX USERS GROUP TUGBOAT EDITOR BARBARA BEETON VOLUME 38, NUMBER 2, 2017 PORTLAND,OREGON, U.S.A. PROCEEDINGS EDITORS TOMASZ PRZECHLEWSKI KARL BERRY BOGUSLAW JACKOWSKI JERZY LUDWICHOWSKI TUG@BachoTEX 2017 — Premises, predilections, predictions 38th Annual TUG meeting • XXV GUST conference April 29–May 3, 2017 • Bachotek, Poland Organizers Polska Grupa U˙zytkownik´owsystemu TEX(GUST), gust.org.pl • TEX Users Group (TUG), tug.org Organizing committee (GUST) Jolanta Szelaty´nska, Chair • Marek Czubenko • Janusz Gumkowski • Bogus law Jackowski • Jerzy Ludwichowski Program committee Bogus law Jackowski, Chair • Jerzy Ludwichowski, Co-chair • Ryszard Kubiak, Secretary • Karl Berry • Hans Hagen • Mojca Miklavec • Boris Veytsman Sponsors • Die Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TEX e.V. (DANTE), www.dante.de • 7bulls, 7bulls.com • Information & Communication Technology Centre, Nicolaus Copernicus University, www.uci.umk.pl • PARCAT Product Information Management, parcat.eu • Frans Goddijn • Siep Kroonenberg • Sebastian Kr¨uger • Frank Mittelbach • Volker RW Schaa • Martin Schr¨oder • Boris Veytsman • Alan Wetmore Participants Leila Akhmadeeva, Bashkir State Medical University, Michał Gasewicz, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Ufa, Russia w Toruniu, Uczelniane Centrum Informatyczne, Takuto Asakura, Department of Bioinformatics, and Toruń, Poland Systems Biology, Faculty of Science, The University Frans Goddijn, The Netherlands of Tokyo Eimantas Gumbakis, VTeX, Vilnius, Lithuania Nelson H. F. Beebe, Department of Mathematics, Janusz Gumkowski, GUST, Toruń/Warszawa, Poland University of Utah, USA Hans Hagen, PRAGMA ADE, Hasselt, The Netherlands Barbara Beeton, American Mathematical Society, USA Taco Hoekwater, Bittext, The Netherlands Piotr Bolek, 7bulls.com sp. z o.o., Warszawa, Poland Karel Horák, Academy of Sciences, Marcin Borkowski, Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki, Institute of Mathematics, Praha, Czech Republic Poznań, Poland Jean-Michel Hufflen, FEMTO-ST DISC, France Andrzej Borzyszkowski, Instytut Informatyki, Gdańsk, Andrzej Icha, Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku, Poland Instytut Matematyki, Słupsk, Poland Gyöngyi Bujdosó, Faculty of Informatics, Zunbeltz Izaola, Books in Bytes, Spain University of Debrecen, Hungary Bogusław Jackowski, BOP s.c., Gdańsk,
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