POST-GAME NOTES Oakland Athletics Baseball Company 510-638-4900 | Athletics.Com | @Athletics

POST-GAME NOTES Oakland Athletics Baseball Company 510-638-4900 | Athletics.Com | @Athletics

POST-GAME NOTES Oakland Athletics Baseball Company 510-638-4900 | | @athletics OAKLAND ATHLETICS (0-3) VS. HOUSTON ASTROS (3-0) SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 2021 — OAKLAND COLISEUM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E Houston 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 9 13 1 Oakland 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 Win: Lance McCullers Jr. (1-0) Loss: Cole Irvin (0-1) Save: Brooks Raley (1) Game Time Temperature: 60 First Pitch: 1:07 pm Time of Game: 3:24 Attendance: 5,803 OAKLAND NOTES HOUSTON NOTES • The A’s have started the season 0-3 for the eighth time in Oak- • The Astros have started the season 3-0 for the eighth time in land history but the first time since 1996. club history, the first time since 2017. • Cole Irvin made his A’s debut and allowed four runs on seven • Yordan Alvarez hit his first home run of the season in the fifth hits in 4.1 innings for the loss…Bassitt took the loss on Thursday inning, a three-run shot off Lou Trivino…he now has 29 home and Luzardo did so last night and this marks the just the third runs and 88 RBI over the first 92 games of his career…only three time in Oakland history A’s starting pitchers have taken the loss players in Major League history have more RBI over their first 92 in each of the first three games…the other two times were in games: Walt Dropo (95), Rudy York (94) and Joe DiMaggio (90). 1985 (Codiroli, Krueger, Young) and 1973 (Hunter, Odom, Holtz- • Chas McCormick had a RBI double in the ninth inning off Rey- man). min Guduan for his first Major League hit. • Lou Trivino struck out a career-high tying four batters (fifth • Lance McCullers Jr. yielded just one run in 5.0 innings of work time, previous: Aug. 18, 2020 at Arizona)…logged 2.2 innings, for the win…he is now 6-2 with a 3.83 ERA (23 er in 54.0 ip) in 10 which was the third longest outing of his career (3.0 twice). career regular season starts against the A’s…is 3-0 with a 4.22 • Reymin Guduan had three wild pitches in the ninth inning to tie ERA (10 er in 21.1 ip) in four career starts in the Coliseum. the Oakland record for most wild pitches in a game by a reliever • Houston starting pitchers are 2-0 with a 1.84 ERA (3 er in 14.2 (Fernando Arroyo, July 4, 1982 vs. Texas). ip) over the first three games and have 15 strikeouts in 14.2 in- • The A’s bullpen has allowed 10 runs in the ninth inning over the nings. first three games…allowed just nine runs in the ninth inning all • Houston has scored at least eight runs in each of the first three last year. games for the second time in club history (2001). • The A’s have allowed at least eight runs in each of the first three games for the fourth time in Athletics history (1927, 1994, HOME RUNS 1996). 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