COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2017 SESSION OF 2017 201ST OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 52 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their seats. But in the interim, it is perfectly appropriate for The House convened at 11 a.m., e.d.t. anybody to take guests to come see other parts of the chamber. I am fine with that. So we are going to be at ease at this time. Representative Cruz, you can speak now, if you would like, THE SPEAKER (MIKE TURZAI) or if you want to wait until we are all back, it is up to you. You PRESIDING want to wait. Okay. So, Representative Cruz, you will be our first order of business, sir. Thank you to members and guests. PRAYER So the House will stand at ease. Members, we are not called back to order just yet, but we HON. WILLIAM C. KORTZ II, member of the House of will be at 11:45. So for all members in the Republican and Representatives, offered the following prayer: Democratic Caucuses, we will be calling the House into order at 11:45 a.m. and then we will proceed with our formalities and Good morning, everyone. voting. Please join with me in reciting the Lord's Prayer: The hour of 11:45 a.m. having arrived, the House will once Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy again come to order. kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Members, I would ask you to please take your seats. Please Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, take your seats. as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, FILMING PERMISSION and the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen. The SPEAKER. We have a request, folks. They are guests of PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Representative Jordan Harris. Jennifer Ruiz and – I believe I am saying this right – Tierra Prickett are here with the Health (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and Partners Plans from the Mandela Washington Fellowship in visitors.) Philadelphia. They are being granted permission to take still photos, videotaping, and videotaping with audio. So they can The SPEAKER. Thank you, Representative Kortz. come on to the House floor. They have our permission to come on to the House floor during session. JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED LEAVES OF ABSENCE The SPEAKER. Without objection, the approval of the Journal of Tuesday, September 12, 2017, will be postponed The SPEAKER. We are going to turn to the respective until printed. whips. The majority whip requests leaves of absence for Members and guests, for those of you who are not typically Representative Daryl METCALFE of Butler County for the day in our chamber, we have both a Republican and a Democratic and Representative Jim CHRISTIANA of Beaver County for Caucus and both chambers meet on their own oftentimes before the day. Without objection, those will be granted. or after coming to the floor. The Republican Caucus is still in a The minority whip requests leaves of absence for Mary Jo meeting. It should not be much longer. We are going to be at DALEY of Montgomery County for the day, Flo FABRIZIO of ease for a short period of time. So I would invite everybody to Erie County for the day, Mark ROZZI of Berks County for the please stay on the floor while we are at ease, but they should be day, Kevin HAGGERTY of Lackawanna County for the day, back on the floor here shortly and we would continue to move Jared SOLOMON of Philadelphia County for the day, Curtis forward with our business here. THOMAS of Philadelphia County for the day, and Steve As we are at ease, if anybody wishes to take the guests KINSEY of Philadelphia County for the day. Without objection, around the chamber, please feel free. I will give you the those leaves will be granted. permission to do so. Just once we come back up and I bring us back into order, I would ask everybody to please again take 1436 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE SEPTEMBER 13 MASTER ROLL CALL EXCUSED–13 The SPEAKER. We are going to proceed to a vote on the Cephas Fabrizio Haggerty Rozzi Christiana Gabler Kinsey Solomon master roll. I would ask members to please proceed to vote. Daley Gillen Metcalfe Thomas English LEAVE OF ABSENCE LEAVES ADDED–6 The SPEAKER. Representative CEPHAS has requested to Evankovich McClinton Vazquez Wheeland be placed on leave. Without objection, that will be granted. That Jozwiak Schlossberg is Representative Cephas has requested to be placed on leave. LEAVES CANCELED–11 MASTER ROLL CALL CONTINUED Cephas Evankovich Kinsey Vazquez Christiana Gabler McClinton Wheeland The following roll call was recorded: Daley Jozwiak Schlossberg PRESENT–189 The SPEAKER. One hundred and eighty-nine members have Baker Emrick Lawrence Ravenstahl voted on the master roll. We do have a quorum. Barbin Evankovich Lewis Readshaw Barrar Evans Longietti Reed Benninghoff Everett Mackenzie Reese Members, I know we have important work to do, but we do Bernstine Farry Madden Roae have many resolutions today and there are many members that Bizzarro Fee Maher Roe wish to speak on the resolutions. So I am going to go right into Bloom Fitzgerald Mako Roebuck those. Boback Flynn Maloney Rothman Boyle Frankel Markosek Ryan Bradford Freeman Marshall Saccone CALENDAR Briggs Fritz Marsico Sainato Brown, R. Gainey Masser Samuelson Brown, V. Galloway Matzie Sankey RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO RULE 35 Bullock Gergely McCarter Santora Burns Gillespie McClinton Saylor Ms. PICKETT called up HR 457, PN 2328, entitled: Caltagirone Godshall McGinnis Schemel Carroll Goodman Mehaffie Schlossberg A Resolution recognizing the week of September 18 through 22, Causer Greiner Mentzer Schweyer 2017, as "Youth 2 Youth: Partners 4 Peace Week" in Pennsylvania. Charlton Grove Metzgar Simmons Comitta Hahn Miccarelli Sims Conklin Hanna Millard Snyder On the question, Cook Harkins Miller, B. Sonney Will the House adopt the resolution? Corbin Harper Miller, D. Staats Corr Harris, A. Milne Stephens Costa, D. Harris, J. Moul Sturla (Members proceeded to vote.) Costa, P. Heffley Mullery Tallman Cox Helm Murt Taylor Cruz Hennessey Mustio Tobash LEAVE OF ABSENCE CANCELED Culver Hickernell Neilson Toepel Cutler Hill Nelson Toohil The SPEAKER. Representative Kinsey is on the House Davidson Irvin Nesbit Topper floor. He should be placed on the master roll. And I did not see Davis James Neuman Vazquez Representative Kinsey earlier. He should actually be placed on Dawkins Jozwiak O'Brien Vitali Day Kampf O'Neill Walsh the earlier vote. He should be marked in the affirmative on the Dean Kaufer Oberlander Ward earlier vote. It was my fault. So Representative Kinsey should Deasy Kauffman Ortitay Warner be marked as present for the earlier vote, and he is also on the DeLissio Kavulich Pashinski Warren master roll. That is my fault. Delozier Keefer Peifer Watson DeLuca Keller, F. Petrarca Wentling Dermody Keller, M.K. Petri Wheatley Diamond Keller, W. Pickett Wheeland CONSIDERATION OF HR 457 CONTINUED DiGirolamo Kim Pyle White Donatucci Kirkland Quigley Youngblood The SPEAKER. Does anybody wish to speak on HR 457? Dowling Klunk Quinn, C. Zimmerman Representative Tina Pickett, on the resolution. Driscoll Knowles Quinn, M. Members, if you can please take your seats. Members, please Dunbar Kortz Rabb Turzai, Dush Krueger Rader Speaker take your seats. Ellis Kulik Rapp Representative Pickett is recognized. Ms. PICKETT. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. ADDITIONS–0 Mr. Speaker, I rise today to thank my colleagues for their support of this resolution. This seeks to honor a number of NOT VOTING–0 young people in Pennsylvania, young people who have been dealt some of life's harshest circumstances and are working very hard to confront the challenges before them. 2017 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE 1437 HR 457 recognizes next week, September 18 to 22, as Briggs Fritz Marshall Saccone "Youth 2 Youth: Partners 4 Peace Week" in Pennsylvania. This Brown, R. Gainey Marsico Sainato Brown, V. Galloway Masser Samuelson initiative, which seeks to prevent violence in Pennsylvania and Bullock Gergely Matzie Sankey around the country, is spearheaded by Job Corps students. Burns Gillespie McCarter Santora These students, who are often from low-income households, are Caltagirone Godshall McClinton Saylor enrolled in the U.S. Department of Labor's Job Corps program Carroll Goodman McGinnis Schemel Causer Greiner Mehaffie Schlossberg to obtain hands-on training. Job Corps is the nation's largest Charlton Grove Mentzer Schweyer technical training program for students between 16 and 24 years Comitta Hahn Metzgar Simmons of age. I think it is remarkable that we have so many students, Conklin Hanna Miccarelli Sims some of whom are with my local Job Corps program in Sullivan Cook Harkins Millard Snyder Corbin Harper Miller, B. Sonney County and some of them who are here with us today. They Corr Harris, A. Miller, D. Staats want to be part of the solution rather than adding to the Costa, D. Harris, J. Milne Stephens problem. Costa, P. Heffley Moul Sturla During the last few years, we have seen the toll that violence Cox Helm Mullery Tallman Cruz Hennessey Murt Taylor takes on our youth. I not only speak of physical violence, either Culver Hickernell Mustio Tobash in our streets or in our schools, but victimization that takes place Cutler Hill Neilson Toepel over the Internet. Instances of cyberbullying are growing at Davidson Irvin Nelson Toohil alarming rates and with deadly consequences. Davis James Nesbit Topper Dawkins Jozwiak Neuman Vazquez Mr. Speaker, that is why I am so glad the Youth 2 Youth: Day Kampf O'Brien Vitali Partners 4 Peace program does exist.
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