BULLETIN (New Series) OF THE AMERICANMATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 32, Number 4, October 1995 GALOIS REPRESENTATIONS AND MODULAR FORMS KENNETH A. RIBET Abstract. In this article, I discuss material which is related to the recent proof of Fermat's Last Theorem: elliptic curves, modular forms, Galois representa- tions and their deformations, Frey's construction, and the conjectures of Serre and of Taniyama-Shimura. 1. Introduction This article is a revised version of the notes which were distributed at my Progress in Mathematics lecture at the August 1994 Minneapolis Mathfest. When I was first approached in 1993 by the Progress in Mathematics committee, I was asked to discuss "the mathematics behind Andrew Wiles's solution of the Fermât conjecture." As the reader is no doubt aware, Wiles had announced in a series of lectures at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences that he was able to prove for semistable elliptic curves the conjecture of Shimura and Taniyama to the effect that all elliptic curves over Q are "modular" (i.e., attached to modular forms in a sense which will be explained below). Fermat's Last Theorem follows from this result, together with a theorem that I proved seven years ago [62]. At the time of the Mathfest, however, a gap which had appeared in Wiles's work had not yet been repaired (see [33]) —Fermat's "Theorem" was still a conjecture. Nevertheless, it was readily apparent that the methods introduced by Wiles were significant and deserving of attention. Most notably, these methods had been used to construct for the first time an infinite set % of modular elliptic curves over Q with the following property: if E\ and Ei are elements of %, then E\ and Ei are non-isomorphic even when viewed as elliptic curves over the complex field C (see [69]). In my lecture at the Mathfest, I stressed this achievement of Wiles and discussed the analogy between the Taniyama- Shimura conjecture and conjectures of Serre [74] about two-dimensional Galois representations. As I began to revise these notes, I found that the situation had changed dramatically for the better. Wiles announced in October 1994 that the bound he sought in his original proof could be obtained by a method which circumvented the Euler system construction [34]. This method arose from an observation that Wiles made early in his investigation: the required upper bound would follow from a proof that certain Hecke algebras are complete intersection rings. This statement about Hecke algebras is the main theorem of an article written jointly by Richard Taylor and Andrew Wiles [87]; these authors announced their Received by the editors November 22, 1994, and, in revised form, April 2, 1995. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 1IF, 11D. This work was to some extent supported by NSF grant #DMS 93-06898. ©1995 American Mathematical Society 375 376 KENNETH A. RIBET result at the same time that Wiles disseminated a revised version of his original manuscript [90]. It is premature to undertake a detailed analysis of the results of Wiles and Taylor-Wiles. The aim of this survey is more modest: to present an introduc- tion to the circle of ideas which form the background for these results. Because of the intense publicity surrounding Fermat's Last Theorem, a good deal of the material I have chosen has been discussed in news and expository articles which were written in connection with Wiles's 1993 announcement. Among these are the author's news item in the Notices [65] and his article with Brian Hayes in American Scientist [30], two pieces in the American Mathematical Monthly [13, 28], the report by K. Rubin and A. Silverberg in this Bulletin [68], a long sur- vey by H. Darmon [14], an article for undergraduates and their teachers by N. Boston [6], and an elementary article by A. Ash and R. Gross [1] which discusses conjectured reciprocity relations between algebraic varieties and auto- morphic forms. Books containing articles related to Fermat's Last Theorem are soon to appear [10, 55]. Furthermore, two videotapes related to Fermât have been in circulation for some time: a 1993 lecture by the author is available from the AMS [66], and the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute has been distributing a videotape based on the July 1993 "Fermât Fest", which was or- ganized by the MSRI and the San Francisco Exploratorium. Readers may also consult material available by gopher from e-math.ams.org. In view of the burgeoning literature in this subject, I imagined these notes mostly as a somewhat biased guide to reference works and expository articles. In the end, what I have written might best be characterized as an abbreviated survey with a disproportionately large list of references. 2. Modular forms We begin by summarizing some background material concerning modular forms. Among reference books in the subject, one might cite [36], [53], and [79]. Also, several books on elliptic curves contain substantial material on modular forms; in particular, Knapp's book [35] has been recommended to the author as a good source for an overview of the Eichler-Shimura theory relating elliptic curves to certain modular forms. For a first introduction to modular forms, a fine starting point is [72, Ch. VII]. The modular forms to be considered are "cusp forms of weight two on T0(N) ", for some integer N > 1. Here, T0(N) is the group of integer ma- trices with determinant 1 which are upper-triangular mod A^. A cusp form on this group is, in particular, a holomorphic function on the upper half-plane %f consisting of complex numbers with positive imaginary part. These functions are usually presented as Fourier series Y^=\ anQn , where q := e2niz. For the forms which most interest us, the complex numbers a„ are algebraic integers; frequently they are even ordinary integers. The weight-two cusp forms on To(A^) are holomorphic functions f(z) on the complex upper half-plane ß?. One requires principally that f{z) dz be invariant under r0(N), i.e., that /(z) satisfy the functional equation GALOIS REPRESENTATIONS AND MODULAR FORMS 377 for all ( , ) e Tq{N) . (In particular, one has f(z + b) - f(z) for all integers b.) In addition to the holomorphy and the functional equation, one imposes subsidiary conditions at infinity [79, Ch. 2]. The group Tq(N) acts on %f by fractional linear transformations, with a b\ .. c dJ acting as az + b Z H-> --. cz + d The invariance of f(z)dz means that f(z)dz arises by pullback from a dif- ferential on the quotient Y0(N) := Tq(N)\^ . This quotient is a non-compact Riemann surface with a standard compactification known as Xq(N) . The com- plement of Y0(N) in X0(N) is a finite set, the set of cusps of X0(N). The conditions on infinity satisfied by a cusp form require the differential on Yq(N) associated to f{z) to extend to Xq(N) . This means simply that f(z) is re- quired to vanish at the cusps. Let us identify the space S(N) of weight-two cusp forms on Tq(N) with the space of holomorphic differentials on the Riemann surface Xq(N) . Then S(N) has finite dimension: dimS^/V) is the genus of the curve Xq(N) . This integer may be calculated easily via the Riemann-Hurwitz formula (applied to the covering Xq(N) -» X0(l) which corresponds to the inclusion of T0(N) in r0(l) ). For example, dimS(yV) is zero for N < 10 and is one for N = 11 . (See [79, Ch. 2].) In order to present an example of a non-zero cusp form, we will exhibit a non-zero element of the 1-dimensional space 5(11). Namely, consider the formal power series with integral coefficients ^2anXn which is defined by the identity oo oo XY[(\ -Xm)2{\ -XUm)2 = Y,anXn. m=\ n=\ It can be shown that the holomorphic function ^2a„q" (with q — e2mz ) is a cusp form h of weight two on To(l 1), i.e., a generator of the 1-dimensional space 5(11), cf. [79, Ex. 2.28]. One has h{z) = n(z)2n( 11z)2, where i/(z), the Dedekind »/-function, is the standard example of a modular form of weight 1/2. For each integer n > 1 , the n th Hecke operator on S(N) is an endomor- phism Tn of S(N) whose action is generally written on the right: / >-+f\T„ . The various Tn commute with each other and are interrelated by identities which express a given T„ in terms of the Hecke operators indexed by the prime factors of n. If p is a prime, the operator Tp is defined as a composite ß°a, where a: S(N) -* S(Np) and ß: S{Np) -» S(N) are standard homo- morphisms, known as "degeneracy maps". In terms of Fourier coefficients, Tp is given by the following rules: If p is not a divisor of N and / — J2 anqn , then /| Tp has the Fourier expansion ^anpq" + p^anq" If p divides N, then f\Tp is given by J^li anpOn ■ The Tn have a strong tendency to be diagonalizable on S(N) : for n prime to N, T„ is self-adjoint 378 KENNETH A. RIBET with respect to the Petersson pairing on S(N) and is therefore semisimple [79, §3.5]. The elements of S(N) having special arithmetic interest are the normalized eigenforms in S(N) ; these are the non-zero cusp forms / = Yl,an<ln which are eigenvectors for all the T„ and which satisfy the normalizing condition a\ — 1 .
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