Supplement JI5O. % to Cije Palestine (Battit Bo. 626 of m September, 1936. AGREEMENT BETWEEN SYRIA AND PALESTINE TO FACILITATE THE MOVEMENT OF CERTAIN ANIMALS FROM ONE TERRITORY INTO THE OTHER FOR THE PURPOSES OF GRAZING AND WATERING. BY VIRTUE of the provisions of Article III of the Bon Voisinage Agreement between Syria and the Lebanon and Palestine dated the 2nd February, 1926, and notwithstanding anything contained in Arrêtés Nos. 112/LR and 36/LR of the High Commissioner of the French Republic for the States of the Levant under French Mandate, it is hereby agreed between His Majesty's High Commissioner for Palestine and the Consul-General of France as representative of the High Commissioner of the French Republic for and on behalf of the territory of Palestine of the one part and the territories of the Lebanon and Syria of the other part as follows :— WHEREAS it is necessary to regulate by agreement certain questions of veterinary sanitary control in respect of the movement of certain animals in the Sub-Districts of Acre and Safad and the kazas of Tyre, Merjayoun, Kuneitra and Hasbaya. 1. The Syrian, Lebanese and Palestinian owners of farms within the Sub- Districts of Acre and Safad and the kazas of Tyre, Merjayoun, Kuneitra and Has• baya shall be allowed to pass freely with their animals across the frontier with a view to proceeding to any of their respective lands or watering places; provided : (a) that each owner or his herdsman accompanying the animals is in possession of an identity card in the form set out in the schedule hereto establishing that his village of origin is one of the villages within the Sub-Districts of Acre and Safad and the kazas of Tyre, Merjayoun, Kuneitra and Hasbaya — 1049 — — 1050 — entitled to benefit from the provisions of the Bon Voisinage Agreement, and indicating the number of animals of each kind (cattle, sheep, goats, horses, mules, donkeys and camels); and that (b) each animal is marked by a metal ribbon or button of identification. 2. When an owner of lands on one or the other side of the frontier, or his herds• man, cannot drive his flocks or herds directly to the lands mentioned in the identity card without grazing and resting them en route, he may graze and rest them for a period not exceeding 12 hours in any one place while proceeding to such lands. 3. When an owner, or his herdsman, is found grazing his animals, after their arrival at the destination indicated in the identity card, on lands not belonging to such owner, he shall be liable to the payment of quarantine fees and his animals shall be subject to the provisions of any animal quarantine regulations in force. 4. Identity cards shall be issued by the Orncier des Services Speciaux in the case of Syria and the Lebanon, and by the District Officers of Acre and Safad in the case of Palestine in the form scheduled to this agreement. 5. The identity cards will be issued in the name of the proprietors. If such proprietors employ shepherds or farmers, they may on request be issued with as many cards as they have employees. Bach card will bear the name of the shepherd or farmer and the number of animals in his charge. 6. Identity cards shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of the signature of the present agreement and shall be produced on demand to any Police or Veterinary Officer. 7. Any disputes that may arise as to the interpretation of the agreement or the enforcement of its terms, shall be settled directly between the competent officers of the Government of Palestine and of Syria and the Lebanon or any officers duly authorised to act on their behalf. 8. This agreement shall remain in force for one year from the date of its signature. IDENTITY CARD ISSUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT. I HEREBY CERTIFY that....... (insert name) of village in owns lands on the other side of — 1051 the frontier in , and in virtue of the agreement, etc., he is authorised to move his animals, described below, and the natural increase thereof, to such lands. Kind of Animals Number in words. The animals mentioned above bear a metal ribbon on their right ear with the letter " " thereon. Signature of Issuing Officer Date NOTE : (1) This card is valid for one year as from the date of this agreement. (2) If any animal of those described above is found outside the boundaries of the lands belonging to the above-mentioned, it will be considered as contravening this agreement. D'AUMALE Consul-General of France for and on behalf of the High Commissioner for the States of the Levant under French Mandate. A. G. WAUCHOPE 22nd August, 1936. High Commissioner for Palestine. • (A/152/33). CURFEW ORDER. IN ACCORDANCE with regulation 10 of the Emergency Regulations, 1936, I, J. E. F. CAMPBELL, District Commissioner of Jerusalem District, hereby require every person within the area of Jerusalem District described hereunder to remain within doors between the hours stated hereunder as from the date of this Order and until further notice. If any person within the said area is or remains out between the hours stated hereunder without a permit in writing from the District Commissioner or some per• son duly authorised by him, he shall be guilty of an offence against the Emergency — 1052 — Regulations and shall be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding LP. 100 or to both such penalties. Between the hours of 7 p.m. and 4.30 a.m. along the railway to a distance of 500 metres on each side of the line (excluding the village-built-on areas); between the hours of 7 p.m. and 3.30 a.m. within an area extending for 500 metres on either side of the Jerusalem—Jaffa Road from Jerusalem Municipal Boundary to kilometre 27 and within an area extending for 500 metres on either side of the Jerusalem—Nablus Road from the Jerusalem Municipal Boundary to kilometre 42 on the Nablus Road (excluding the Municipal Area of Ram- allah and the village-built-on areas); also between the hours of 7 p.m. and 4.30 a.m. upon the area extending for 500 metres outwards from the fence sur• rounding the Broadcast Transmitting Station at Ramallah. J. E. F. CAMPBELL 26th August, 1936. District Commissioner, Jerusalem District. PUBLIC HEALTH (PHARMACY) ORDINANCE, 1921. REGULATIONS MADE BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 43A. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 43A of the Public Health (Pharmacy) Ordinance, 1921, as enacted in section 2 of the Public Health (Pharma• cy) (Amendment) Ordinance, 1930, the High Commissioner has made the follow• ing regulations :— ­These regulations may be cited as the Pharmacists (Notifica ־Citation. i tion of Address) Regulations, 1936. Notification 2.—(1) Any person to whom a licence has been granted to of address. practise pharmacy under section 6 of the Public Health (Pharma­ cy) Ordinance, 1921, shall once in every year notify his or her address to the Director of Medical Services : Provided that the first annual notification prescribed in this sub­ regulation shall be made not later than the 31st day of October, 1936. (2) Any such person who changes his or her address subsequent to the annual notification shall notify such change of address to the Director of Medical Services, and to the Senior Medical Officer of the district in which he or she resides, not later than seven days from the date on which such change takes place. — 1053 — 3. The notification referred to in regulations 2(1) and 2(2) of Vo1}" °[ these regulations shall be made in the form set out in the schedule 11 11C " hereto. THE SCHEDULE. FORM OF NOTIFICATION. (Regulation 2). To :— 1. Director of Medical Services, Jerusalem. 2. Senior Medical Officer, District Health Office Sir, Subject:—Notification of Address of a Pharmacist. I have to notify you that (*as from ) my address is *Delete if (date) " inapplicable. (*will be) as follows :— Name (block letters) Address (house number and name of street or quarter should be stated, if possible) Town Licence No Signature of Pharmacist. Date By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 26th August, 1936. Chief Secretary. (M/56/36) — 1054 — MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS ORDINANCE, 1934. BY-LAWS MADE BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF TEL AVIV UNDER SECTION 99. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 99 of the Municipal Corpora• tions Ordinance, 1934, and the second proviso to sub-section (3) of section 104 of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, the Municipal Council of Tel Aviv have made the following by-laws :— Citation. 1. These by-laws may be cited as the Tel Aviv (Rateable Value of Buildings) (Amendment) By-laws, 1936, and the Tel Aviv (Rateable Value of Buildings) By-laws, 1934, (hereinafter referred to as the principal by-laws), the Tel Aviv (Rateable Value of Buildings) (Amendment) By-laws, 1935, and these by-laws may together be cited as the Tel Aviv (Rateable Value of Buildings) By-laws, 1934-1936. Substitution of 2. The schedule to the principal by-laws shall be deleted and new schedule in the place of the the following schedule shall be substituted in the place thereof :— schedule to the principal by-laws. SCHEDULE Estimation Quarters and Streets according to zone Zone per room per mensem. LP. Mils Ahad Haam Street, from Nahmani Street to Ben- Zion Boulevard Bialik Street Bezalel-Yafe Street Hamagid Street 2.000 Ramhal Street Rothschild Boulevard to Ben-Zion Boulevard Sheinkin Street, from Melchett Street to Yehuda Halevy Street Shadal Street — 1055 — Estimation according to zone Zone Quarters and Streets per room per mensem.
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