Emergence of Laricobius nigrinus (Fender) (Coleoptera: Derodontidae) in the North Georgia Mountains1 C.E. Jones2, J.L. Hanula3, and S. K. Braman4 Dept. of Entomology, University of Georgia, 41 3 Biological Sciences Building, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA J. Entomol. Sci. 49(4): 401-412 (October 2014} Abstract Hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsugae An nand, is currently found throughout most of the range of eastern hemlock, Tsuga canadensis (L. ) Carriere. Biological control agents have been released in attempts to control this pest, but how different climates influence the efficacy and survival of these agents has not been studied. One predatory beetle of A. tsugae, Laricobius nigrinus Fender, is native to the Pacific Northwest and, therefore, experiences a much different summer climate in the north Georgia mountains. To better understand survival of this predator as it aestivates in the soil, 5 mesh cages were set up at each of 16 sites with 4 sites located at an elevation below 549 m, 4 sites between 549 m - 732 m, 5 sites between 732 m - 914 m, and 3 sites over 914 m. At each site 30 larvae were placed inside one of the cages during March, April, or May on a bouquet of adelgid infested hemlock twigs, and emergence of adults was monitored in the fall . Of the 1440 larvae placed at the 16 sites, only 4 adult beetles emerged between 06 October 2012 and 05 November 2012. The overall success rate remains unknown, and more research is needed to assess the efficacy of L. nigrinus as a biological control agent in Georgia. Key Words Hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsugae, biological control, emergence Hemlock woolly adelgid, Ade/ges tsugae Annand (Hemiptera: Adelgidae), is an invasive, aphid-like insect that feeds on the sap of hemlock trees and is devastating eastern (Canadian) hemlock, Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carriere, and Carolina hem­ locks, Tsuga caroliniana Engelmann, in the eastern United States. Ade/ges tsugae can be found as far north as Maine, south to Georgia, and west into Tennessee and Kentucky. Hemlock mortality occurs in 4 - 6 years (Mayer et al. 2002, McClure 1991) and faster in the southern range due to other factors such as drought stress (Ward et al. 2004) and mild winters that favor A. tsugae survival (Trotter and Shields 2009). To save a portion of the mature hemlock trees in north Georgia, the U.S. Forest Service created 114 Hemlock Conservation Areas (HCAs) within the Chattahoochee National Forest to be treated either with biological controls and/or insecticides (Fig. 1). One of the major biological control agents reared and released in Georgia (since 2007) is Laricobius nigrinus (Fender) (Coleoptera: Derodontidae), a small black bee­ tle native to the Pacific Northwest where it feeds on A. tsugae (Zilahi-Balogh et al. 2002). It is univoltine, with winter-active adults laying eggs when overwintering 1 Received 14 March 2014; accepted for publication 23 June 2014. 2corresponding author (email cera@ uga.edu). 3USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, 320 Green Street, Athens, Georgia 30602-2044, USA. 4Dept. of Entomology, 1109 Experiment Street, University of Georgia, Griffin, Georgia 30223 USA. 401 402 J. Entomol. Sci. Vol. 49, No. 4 (2014) 10 legend D >3ooott Mle s D <1soott D HCAs D 1soo-24oo tt • 2011 Sites 0 24oo-3ooo tt * Blairsville, GA North c arollna Fig. 1. A map of L. nigrinus soil aestivation sites in north Georgia displaying 2011 sites, 2012 sites separated by elevation bracket, hemlock conserva­ tion areas (HCAs) in Georgia, and the location of Blairsville, GA where temperature data was compared with Seattle, WA. A. tsugae sisten egg-laying occurs. The beetle larvae feed on the adelgid eggs and, upon maturation, drop to the soil to pupate (Zilahi-Balogh et al. 2002). Whereas L. nigrinus has been studied for cold tolerance (Mausel et al. 2010, 2011) and north Georgia is comparable to Seattle, WA, in terms of cold hardiness zone, the effect of heat/moisture tolerance of pupae/adults in the soil has never been consid­ ered. The summer climate of Seattle (mean high of 23 ± 3°C in August 2012; source www.farmersalmanac.com/) is quite different from that of north Georgia (mean high of 28.3°C in Blairsville, GA [elevation 590 m] in August 2012; source www.georgiaweather. net) . Soil temperatures in a Douglas fir/western hemlock stand in southwestern Washington (elev. 300 m) did not rise above 16°C throughout the year (Devine and Harrington 2007). The annual precipitation also differs with the Pacific Northwest receiving an average annual precipitation of 988 ± 139 mm and Seattle receiving 918 mm with dry summers (monthly avg. 53.2 ± 27 mm , March through October) and wet winters (monthly avg. 123.1 ± 28 mm , November through February; source www. weatherdb.com/). North Georgia receives an average annual rainfall of 1426 ± 81 mm with Blairsville annual precipitation being 1510 mm distributed equally throughout the year with a monthly average of 120.5 ± 17 mm from March through October and 136.5.8 ± 14 mm from November through February (source www. weatherdb.com/). JONES ET AL.: Emergence of L. nigrinus in Georgia 403 The phenology of A. tsugae in Georgia varies from the Pacific Northwest in that sisten adults are found 2 months later, the occurrence of progredien adults and their sisten eggs ends 1 month earlier, and the end of the sisten generation aestivation period occurs a month later in Georgia (Joseph et al. 2011 , Zilahi-Balogh et al. 2003a). In a laboratory study, L. nigrinus prepupae were unable to complete devel­ opment when temperatures were higher than 21 ac (Zilahi-Balogh et al. 2003b). Based on average temperatures in Georgia, L. nigrinus would need to complete development by mid-April to avoid temperatures exceeding that. In Georgia, with their life cycle being synchronized with A. tsugae, adult L. nigrinus emerge when A. tsugae breaks its summer aestivation in October (Joseph et al. 2011 ). Thus, L. nigrinus must survive 2 months longer in Georgia than in its native range under soil mois­ ture and temperature conditions much different from where it evolved in the Pacific Northwest. In one study on factors influencing aestivation of L. nigrinus, fewer adults emerged when aestivating adult were stored at 20ac (26.7%) compared with 15°C (37.3%) and 10°C (44.4%) in a laboratory setting. Temperature had a significant influence on time spent in the soil, with those at higher temperatures remaining in the soil longer (Lamb et al. 2007). Thus, the objective of this study was to determine how timing of L. nigrinus pupation in the spring and soil temperatures during their soil aestivation period in Georgia affects their survival prior to adult emergence in the fall. Materials and Methods Preliminary study. During 201 0, air and soil temperatures were monitored at 5 sites ranging in elevation from 497 m to 919 musing HOBO® Micro Station Data Log­ gers (H21 - 002) with a temperature/relative humidity data logger (U23 - 002) and temperature sensor (U23 - 004)(0nset, Bourne, MA). Air temperature was recorded at a height of about 3 m near the bole of the tree and soil measurements were taken from a depth of 5 em. A trial of soil emergence boxes was set up in Dahlonega, GA (elv. 442 m) and Young Harris, GA (elv. 586 m) in 2011 . The trial consisted of 5 aluminum boxes, with no top or bottom {25.4 em x 18 em x 30.5 em ; L x W x H) placed in the ground 15 - 20 em deep at each location in January, because all Laricobius spp. should have emerged by that time, and the boxes were covered with no-see-um netting (Mosquito Curtains, Inc., Atlanta, GA) to prevent new larvae from dropping in. HOBO® Micro Station Data Loggers with temperature sensors attached were used at each site to record soil {depth 5 em) and air temperatures {height 2 m) from August through November. Boxes at each site were randomly assigned one of the following treatments: (1 ) no larvae (control); (2) 55 prepupae during mid-to-late March; (3) 55 prepupae dur­ ing early April ; (4) 55 prepupae during late April/early May; or (5) 55 prepupae dur­ ing late May. The prepupae were obtained from the University of North Georgia (Dahlonega, GA) rearing laboratory, where they were collected as they dropped from infested foliage using a similar funnel design as described in Salom et al. (2012). The containers were checked twice daily for prepupae which were immedi­ ately placed in a moist 1:1 peat/sand mixture and then placed in the field within 36 h. Once the larvae were placed in the soil boxes a rectangular lid made out of no-see­ um netting, over 1.27 em hardware cloth to support the netting, was attached (Fig. 2). Prior to emergence in the fall , an inner pyramid (Fig. 2) was created to direct emerging adults into a collection area. 404 J. Entomol. Sci . Vol. 49, No. 4 (2014) Fig. 2. 2011 L. nigrinus emergence cage design with an inner pyramid to fun­ nel beetles into the rectangular collection area. The containers were checked once a month until October. In October they were checked twice a month, weekly in November, and then twice a month again in December before the site was dismantled. 2012 emergence study. Sixteen sites in Hemlock Conservation Areas (HCAs) were selected with 4 located at an elevation below 549 m, 4 between 549- 732 m, 5 between 732 - 914 m, and 3 over 914 m (Fig . 1, Table 1). Areas that had previous re­ leases were selected to compare emergence data to recovery of the larval stage from hemlock foliage in the same areas (Jones 2013).
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