HJS 'Global Britain – A Twenty-first Century Vision' Report (A4)_HJS 'Global Britain – A Twenty-first Century Vision' Report (A4).qxd 10/02/2019 16:29 Page 1 Global britain: a twenty-first Century Vision By BoB Seely MP and JaMeS RogeRS DEMOCRACY | FREEDOM | HUMAN RIGHTS February 2019 HJS 'Global Britain – A Twenty-first Century Vision' Report (A4)_HJS 'Global Britain – A Twenty-first Century Vision' Report (A4).qxd 10/02/2019 16:29 Page 2 Published in 2019 by The Henry Jackson Society The Henry Jackson Society Millbank Tower 21-24 Millbank london SW1P 4QP Registered charity no. 1140489 Tel: +44 (0)20 7340 4520 www.henryjacksonsociety.org © The Henry Jackson Society, 2019. all rights reserved. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and are not necessarily indicative of those of The Henry Jackson Society or its Trustees. Title: “gloBal BRiTain: a TWenTy-FiRST CenTuRy ViSion” By Bob Seely MP and James Rogers iSBn: 978-1-909035-51-5 £7.95 where sold Front Cover image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/world-map-global-network-connection- vector-752411719?src=Ks9cblta8ZyhsjTSyBBraQ-1-42 by Maxim gertsen. HJS 'Global Britain – A Twenty-first Century Vision' Report (A4)_HJS 'Global Britain – A Twenty-first Century Vision' Report (A4).qxd 10/02/2019 16:29 Page 3 Global britain: a twenty-first Century Vision By BoB Seely MP and JaMeS RogeRS DEMOCRACY | FREEDOM | HUMAN RIGHTS February 2019 HJS 'Global Britain – A Twenty-first Century Vision' Report (A4)_HJS 'Global Britain – A Twenty-first Century Vision' Report (A4).qxd 10/02/2019 16:29 Page 4 gloBal BRiTain: a TWenTy-FiRST CenTuRy ViSion about the authors bob seely is the Member of Parliament for the isle of Wight. He sits on the House of Commons Foreign affairs Select Committee and is a Parliamentary Private Secretary. Mr Seely has written academically and journalistically on strategic doctrine and foreign affairs as well as more generally on non-conventional and new forms of conflict. He has also been a research associate at the Changing Character of War Programme at the university of oxford. in 2018, Mr Seely wrote one of the few peer-reviewed definitions of Contemporary Russian Conflict Strategy available in the West. Prior to his election in June 2017, Mr Seely served on the afghanistan, iraq, libya and iSiS campaigns as a member of the armed Forces. He was awarded a Joint Commanders Commendation in 2009 and a Military MBe in the 2016 operational aw ards and Honours list. From 1990 to 1994, Mr Seely lived in the Soviet union and post-Soviet states, working as a foreign correspondent for The Times and as a special correspondent for The Washington Post. He tweets at: @iowbobseely, is on instagram: @BobSeelyMP, and is on Facebook at: ioWBobSeely. His web address is: https://www.bobseely.org.uk. His academic and foreign affairs writing is available onli ne at: https://kcl.academia.edu/RobertSeely. James rogers is director of the global Britain Programme at the Henry Jackson Society, of which he is a founding member. From 2012 to 2017 he held a range of positions at the Baltic defence College in estonia, including acting dean, director of the department of Political and Strategic Studies, and lecturer in strategic studies. he has been an associate Fellow (2013) and Visiting Fellow (2008) at the european union institute for Security Studies in Paris. he has also worked on projects for a range of organisations, including the development, Concepts and doctrine Centre, Rand europe, the european Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal institute for international Relations (egmont). He has given evidence to the Foreign affairs Committee in the Houses of Parliament, as well as the Subcommittee on Security and defence at the european Parliament. He holds a first-class BSc econ (hons) in international Politics and Strategic Studies from aberystwyth university and an MPhil in Contemporary european Studies from the university of Cambridge. 2 HJS 'Global Britain – A Twenty-first Century Vision' Report (A4)_HJS 'Global Britain – A Twenty-first Century Vision' Report (A4).qxd 10/02/2019 16:29 Page 5 gloBal BRiTain: a TWenTy-FiRST CenTuRy ViSion Contents FoReWoRd – dR alan MendoZa ..........................................................................................................................4 FoReWoRd – THe RT. Hon. BoRiS JoHnSon MP............................................................................................5 FoReWoRd – ian auSTin MP ......................................................................................................................................6 eXeCuTiVe SuMMaRy ..........................................................................................................................................7 1. gloBal BRiTain and “gRand STRaTegy”......................................................................................10 2. gloBal BRiTain and THe “THRee FReedoMS” ............................................................................11 3. an audiT oF THe uniTed KingdoM on THe WoRld STage ................................................13 4. WHaT Could CHange?..............................................................................................................................15 5. THe STaTe oF THe WoRld and THe RiSe oF auTHoRiTaRianiSM ....................................17 6. See THe WoRld THRougH ValueS and inTeReSTS ................................................................20 7. uSing STRaTegy To SuPPoRT THe inTegRaTion oF gloBal PoliCy ..........................22 7.1 a national Strategy Council ..............................................................................................................22 7.2 Rebalancing spending on global engagement ..........................................................................24 8. a gloBal STRaTegy FoR gloBal BRiTain ..................................................................................30 8.1 actions to promote Freedom for Trade ........................................................................................30 8.2 actions to ensure Freedom from oppression ............................................................................32 8.3 actions to protect and project Freedom of Thought ..............................................................33 9. ConCluSion....................................................................................................................................................37 endnoTeS ..............................................................................................................................................................38 3 HJS 'Global Britain – A Twenty-first Century Vision' Report (A4)_HJS 'Global Britain – A Twenty-first Century Vision' Report (A4).qxd 10/02/2019 16:29 Page 6 gloBal BRiTain: a TWenTy-FiRST CenTuRy ViSion foreworD – Dr alan MenDoZa i am delighted to launch this report as part of a long-running series of papers by the global Britain Programme at the Henry Jackson Society. While this programme does not pretend to have any monopoly on wisdom over the meaning and path of “global Britain”, it hopes to educate the public on some of the possibilities that lay ahead for the united Kingdom as it embarks on a new national project of change and renewal. Global Britain: A Twenty-First Century Vision – co-authored by Bob Seely MP and James Rogers – is the Henry Jackson Society’s latest offering. it presents a range of possibilities the united Kingdom could undertake to make the institutions and the instruments – military and diplomatic – of British state power more effective, particularly as the world enters a new age of flux and competition. as such, it is designed to provoke further discussion over the concept and realisation of “global Britain”. The vision Mr Seely and Mr Rogers provide in this report is of course their own, rather than a corporate one of the Henry Jackson Society. it has been extensively peer-reviewed and we hope it will start a conversation at the national level, and will lead to an educational ripple effect as the ideas contained within are debated vigorously in the months and years to come. as part of that process, we will be publishing other contributions on aspects of “global Britain” to reflect other views about our nation’s possible trajectory. any comments in relation to this paper will of course be most welcome; indeed, i consider them – positive or otherwise – to form part of this crucial national debate. Readers are welcome to submit them to me at [email protected]. – Dr alan Mendoza executive director, The Henry Jackson Society 4 HJS 'Global Britain – A Twenty-first Century Vision' Report (A4)_HJS 'Global Britain – A Twenty-first Century Vision' Report (A4).qxd 10/02/2019 16:29 Page 7 gloBal BRiTain: a TWenTy-FiRST CenTuRy ViSion foreworD – the rt. hon. boris Johnson MP it was only a few weeks after the Russian state attempted to murder Sergei and yulia Skripal in Salisbury that Putin received a response that i don’t believe he had for a minute expected. a total of 28 countries expelled 153 Russian spies – not just in protest at the use of chemical weapons in Wiltshire, but also out of sympathy for the uK. There has been nothing like it in recent diplomatic history. each expulsion represented a considerable diplomatic cost for the country concerned; and the mere fact that those countries were prepared to bear that cost, and incur inevitable Russian retaliation, was a tribute to the enormous influence of the uK. as
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