18056 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE June 29, 198J tlon of whether or not the Unite<! too small t.o offset the Soviet threat. They lion.,;,." It notes that the Institute ror De, States should resume production of searched for evidence th.it binary we.apons. tense Analyses is- only no1,1,• attempting to lethaJ chemical weapons and end a 14. Which contain two nonlethal chemicals that. a.s.,ess the value of spe-citlc ctiernlcaJ weap­ year moratorium on such production. combine In mid-air to form a toxic g;i.s. are ons on the batUelltld, as wen a.s the most Members of the other body recently superior to existina. unitary weapon~. which appropriate mix oC chemical and conven• contain Just the toxic aas. Finally, they voted to continue this moratorlum, be· tional weapons. Again, Cold disagree,... Par, looked for e\'idence that t-hc Administra• ticularly over the ta-.t several year,, we have cause the majority of Members round tion·s plan will bring the Soviets to their been evolving several things that would fall · that proposals to resume chemical knees aL Geneva. where negotfa.Uons a.re under the description of doctrine:· he says. weapons production raised more ques­ under way to ban all chemcial weapans, In The OAO also Questions whether binary tions than answers. each lnst.a..ncc. they round little subst.a.ntla• weapons will ~ 5uperlor to exl:stlng. unitary Many of these Questions were out­ l-lon. weapons.. It points out that the bin11ry Representative Zablocki lined In a report from the General Ac­ Clement. <'D· Blaeye bomb. which is to be dropped from counting OCC!ce In April entitled Wis.>. who chair$ the Foreign Affairs Com• aircraft. wlH be difficult to control, tt mtt-t.ee-, says that the report ra.Lses "many as "Chemical Warfare: Many Unan­ must be acUvated while en route to a target dlsturbln1 Questions." and that. it "Under• and released within a few minutes ror maxi• swered Questions." The GAO report. scores the bnp,ortance or our pursuing a in tum, has prompted a broader chemical weapons arms control agreement, . mum effectiveness. U the releue me-cha• debate in other publications. including rather than initiating a chemical arms nism should fail, the Blgeye could overheat a recent article in Science magazine. race." He hopes that it.$ publication wm and detonate beneath the plane. Gold ac­ This article examined many of the Induce othe~ In the House to endorse H.R. knowledges that thls Is a problem. and say.s 822. 1,1,•hlch would delete an funds Cor binary tha.t the Administration wlll delay produc• findings of the GAO report. which tion of the Bigeye untll Its dr-slrn is im­ cast doubt on administration estimates weapon$ production without disrupting plans for enhanced defensive measures, As proved. of Soviet capabilities in this area. The CAO report a:oes on to imply that questioned the alleged benefits of re­ ot 5 May. the meuure had 79 CO·SPOJ'ISO1'3. La.st year. a istmllar mL•a.sure attracted 251 money fotended for binary production suming production of chemical weap­ ..·otes. might be better spent on dtfensive training • ons. and raised a host. of concerns asso­ The Pentagon is of course unhappy, Theo­ o.n area where. the Soviets 1enuinely appear ciated with potential dangers to civil• dore Gold. the deputy assistant secretary ol to be ahead. Only 14 hours of U.S. Army ian populations. defense Cor chemical mal-ters, says that the basic tralntna are now devoted to nuclear. The article highlights OAO's conclu• report ls ··absurd. and tilled ,1.-ith errors." He bioloatcal. and chemical warrare. Oetensh·e sion that " money intended for binary says thJt many of OAO's Quest.tons would eQutptnent a.I.so needs work. Although the production might better be spent on have been answered if only they had read standard U.S. chemical protection suit can defensive training," an area. of clear the most. appropriate material and spoken be worn consecutively for 14 da.ys. no to the mo:st appropriate olficiats, including S)'StC'm has been pro,•ided for the diSP0$8l Of U.S. deficiency, and on more effective himself. The OAO explains that. its research bodily wastes.. In addition. 1he mask partly and efficient defensive equipment. wa.s fini5hed la.st spring. before Gold was ap­ obstruct..s vision. The OAO noted that "&.11 In these and other points. Mr. Presi­ pointed, and that in ~y event. Gold de­ Lhc source.-. we re,•iewed agree that the sen-­ dent, the article presents a clear anal• cllned to rebut a d.ralt. of the report with ices have between zero and Umltecr abtuty" ysls or the independent GAO report. I specific Information. tor proteetion ot soldiers a.nd clvUian.s ln ask that It be printed In the RL'CORD The OAO concludes that the Administra.• groups. following my remarks. I urge my col• tion's estima.te.s or Soviet capa.bllilie-s are Finally, the CAO rep,ort says that the Ad­ leagues to consider these Questions se, hia:hly uncertain. "In some cases. the rea. minist.ration has failed to adeQuately study riously before abandoning our tong. sonfn11 seems to have been based on pre• the impact of binary weapons production on sumed knowtcdae or the Soviet chemical t he prospects tor arms control. "While it standing chemical weapons production wa.rrare invent.ory from World War n. lack seems that blnartes present new and possi• moratorium. of evidence that these weapons were ever bly greater verlflcatlon problems. little is The article follows: dt:s1royed. knowledge- or current Soviet known about what the spe-cltlc i,robkms are [From Science, May 20. 19831 weapons delivery systems, and as.,umptions or their possible solution:· the report says. CONCRESS QUESTIONS BINARY WEAPON$ that the SovJet.s would have updated their This conclusion, Hke the others. ls ob,dously Pt.Alf-A NEW REPORT BY t'IIE" GEN£ft.AL Ac• capability. The extent of this a:ucsswork can disputed by the Admln1stratlon. But. one COUNTINO 0FPICE POK!:$ HOLES IN THE A.o­ ~ seen in estimates that are 81\'en tor the thing Ls clear: If the Administration wants MlNIS"TMtlON'$ JUS"TtrlCATION FOR CHiMI• proportioos of Soviet shells, warhea..ds, and to win friends and lntluence people on the CAL M:trNITIO!fS bombs coni.a.lnln& lethal chemicals-they chemical warra.re wue, lt wut have to make range rrom lO to SO percen1:· a better public presentation ot the racts.e Opponents of the Reap.n Admlnlstra­ The implication is that by retying on old tton's plan to build new binary chemical 1.nforrnatton about weapon., and fresh data weapons recently received some fresh am• about Soviet deftn.:sive capabilities. the munition rrom the General Accountin1 United Stites might be overe-stimaUnr WHO NEEDS CHEMICAL Office <GAO>. The a.gency•.s auditors con­ soviet. offensive capabilities. Gold ad!Tllf.S WEAPONS? cluded. fn a report rele,a.sed on s May. that that ··we don·t know everything ""'e need to e Mr. MITCHEU.. Mr. President. t he the Administration ha.s ama.is.scd insufficient know. such a.s the size and mix or their evidence to support Its clafm that binary chemical ar$ena.l. but we know somethlnr Members or the House vote<! to contin­ wcapon.s a.re both needed and hlghlX useful. about their production capability, we know ue this country's moratorium on the "The aeneral pfcture Ls that the chemical they h&ve a stockpile. and we know the production of lethal chemical weapons weapon system Ls not perceived as a credible ag~nts and type of dellve,.-y systems they initiated. as you know. by President deterrent. little is known a.bout Its tunctton­ have. It adds up to a persuasive ca.se that Richard Nixon. Mr. President, the ball lt.s and ina or usefulness, a large amount of the Soviets have a formidable capability to money ls betna .sou.aht. for It. We a.re par­ ls now in our court, and I am pleased wage chemical warfare." to submit for the RECOR.D a. Washing• tlcula.rly concerned that so many Questions The OAO report says that even the size remain unanswered.." the GAO ttport ton Post editorial on the subject dated states.l and reliability- of the existing O.S. :stockpile ls May 25. 1983. ActJ.ng at the ttQut;!t of t he Houi.e For, hl&:hly uncertain, a claim that Oold also denies. '"Thl.s is a serious charge. and totally The editorial outlines succinctly the elgn Altairs Corrunjttee. OAO auditors ex• false:· he says. ''There lS a. valid Question major issues in the debate. It cogently a.mined open literat\lre and cla.s.slfltd docu­ about what the wefulness of the stockpile describes the problems that have menLs in search of evidence that the Sovfet wUI be at the e.nd of the decade. and we arisen wlth Blgeye bomb Which. it Union h.aS a. substantial oflensive capabllity have expert committee, chaired by John ln chemical wa.rtare, a.s t.he Administration an turns out. can explode while still In Ma.rcra,·e or Rice University, that is looking the its target. chlims. They also looked tor evidenc~ that into t hl.$ right now. 8ut we know. the size or aircraft heading- toward exbting U.S. stocks of chemical weapons are the stockpile today." It concludes that it is up to Congress The GAO also suaant.s that the United to continue this morat.orJum on pro­ '"Chemlc:e.l Warfare: Many Unanswered Qu.es.
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