I N !) E X A. Abbott, Amos, and others, (taken from files of last year,) Pet. 90 ; O. N. 144; Recommitted, 496 ; Bill, v. “ Andover." Abbott, Nathan, and others, Pet. 390 ; L. W. 1294. Abbott, John H., Pet. 460 ; L. W. 779. Abbott, Joshua, and others, Pet. 584. Abbott, John T., and others, Pet. 731. Abercrombie, David, and others, Pet. 664 ; Remon. 938. Academies, Bill in furtherance of the Discipline in, 718, (Pet. J. W. P. Jenksand others,) 867, 1011 ; Enacted, 1156. Accounts, Report of Committee on, 307. Accounts of Committees of the Legislature, Order, 1311; Bill, 137S, 1417, 1433; Enacted, 1591. Acuslmet River, in New Bedford, Bill to build a Bridge over, 1334, 1469, 1483 ; Enacted, 1541. “ Bill in addition to an Act to build a Bridge over, 1691 ; En’d, 1711. Ackley, A. J., and others, Remon. 535. Actions under the Statute of 1852, concerning Manufacture and Sale of Spiritu­ ous and Intoxicating Liquors, Order concerning, 482 ; Bill limiting time of bringing, 691, 845, 869, 970 ; Enacted, 1023. Adams, John, and others, Pet. 115. Adams, Owen, and others, Pet. 122; O. N. 213; Recommitted, 402; Bill, v. “ Quincy Point and Germantown Ferry Company." Adams, Seth, Pet. 143; O. N. 162 ; Recommitted, 254; L. W . 1353. Adams Bank, Pet. 243 ; Res. in favor of, 723, 847, 872 ; Enacted, 958. Adams, Nathaniel, Remon. 408. Adams, Joel, Pet. 601. Adams, Chester, and others, Pet. 701 ; Rep. inexpedient, 1118. Adams, J. G., Pet. 768. Adams, A. S., and others, Pet. 808 ; Bill, v. “ Boston and Worcester Railroad Mutual Benefit Association," 917, 943, 1012 ; Enacted, 1147. Adams, John B., and others, Pet. 899. Adams, B. P., Pet. 962. Adjutant-General, Report of, 91 ; Order relating to, 448; Estimate of Expendi­ tures for 1855, 1329 ; Res. v. “ Quartermaster-General’s Department." Adjournment, Order relating to, 734, 1095, 1306, 1423, 1457, 1474, 1511, 1545. Agricultural Improvement, Order relating to, 73 ; Rep. inexpedient, 1330. 1 INDEX. Agricultural Improvement, Order relating to, rejected, 93. Agricultural Meeting, Use of Hall granted for, 57. Agriculture, State Board of, Bet. 1-18 ; lies. v. “ To purchase Lands in Westboro’.” “ “ “ Order relating to Report of, 78. Agricultural Branch Railroad, Remon. of, 799. Agricultural Societies that receive the Bounty of the State, Bill concerning, 1041, 1136, 1168, 1264; Enacted, 1463. Agent for the Commonwealth to purchase Intoxicating Liquors, Order relating to, 211; Bill to create, 1374, 1458, 1464, 1480, 1613, 1614, 1616, 1638. Aldrich, Lydia R., and others, Bet. 396. Alexander, Hannah, and others, Bet. 373. Alien Passenger Commissioners, Order relating to, 70 ; Rep', of Com. 195. Aliens holding Real Estate, Order relating to, 109. Alien Passengers, Order relating to, 329 ; Ref. 671; Remon. 446, 478 ; Rep. 1083. “ “ Order relating to, 522 ; Rep. inexpedient, 1145. “ “ Rep. of Commissioners on, 590, 611, 641, 648 ; Bill, v. “ In ad­ dition to an Act to appoint a Board of Commissioners in relation to Alien Passengers and State Paupers,” 1543, 1621, 1677 ; Enacted, 1710. Alias and I’lures Executions, Order relating to, 160, 174; Rep. inexpedient, 193. Allen, Joseph, and others, Pet. 258. Allen, Joseph, and others, Pet. 314 ; O. N. 401 ; Recommitted, 929 ; Bill, v. “ South Plymouth." Allen, Jared, and others, 369. Allen, B. I,., and others, Pet. 616 ; Bill, v. “ Eaneuil Hall Insurance Company." Allen, T. Prentiss, and others, Pet. 639. Allen, Walter, and others, Pet. 886. Alger, Cyrus, Pet. 259; O. N . 488 ; Recommitted, 70S. Amendment to the Constitution, relating to Trial by Jury, 159. - “ “ “ relating to Districting the State for the choice of Senators and Representatives, 454, 591, 648, 883, 1103, 1124. «rxo « “ “ relating to Qualification of Voters, 398. 5 x 3 ? - “ “ “ relating to Imprisonment for Debt, 772, 940, 1024, 1171; Agreed to, 1180. “ “ “ relating to Eligibility to Office, 1199, 1264 ; Agreed to, 139S. “ “ “ Second, relating to Eligibility to Office, 1254, 1285, 1291; Agreed to, 1411; Reconsidered, 1418, 1425; Amended, 1442, 1447; 1451, 1468, 1469, 1520, 1586, 1623 ; Agreed to, 1624; Reconsidered and amended, 1691; Agreed to, 1692, 1714, 1715; New Draft, 1740 ; Agreed to, 1741. « “ “ relating to Representatives, 1451, 1514, 1613, 1648, 1656 ; Agreed to, 1657. ii “ “ relating to Right of Suffrage, 1198, 1265 ; New Draft, 1373, 1488, 1594; Substitute, 1595, lO-i 1631; Indefinitely postponed, 1633. Amendments to the Constitution, Order relating to, 74, 77, 91, 99, 298. *i ii ‘i Article relating to Councillors, 284, 337, 364, 454 ; Agreed to, 591. '[yrrvJ^s. 'S. T1? V1--fX:4 XcJ, .•u a -^s u :-. i INDEX. ui Amendments to the Constitution, relating to Secretary, Treasurer and Receiver- General, Auditor, and Attorney-General, 284, 337, 384, 454 ; Agreed to, 620.^ “ relating to Sheriffs, Registers of Probate and Coroners, 284, 337, 364, 454 ; Agreed to, 6 2 8 ./ “ relating to Civil Officers, 281, 337, 364, 454 ; Agreed to, ASflx 4 P ' '-..V, ■ ♦.-'VI p.-ad';:, relating to Annual Meeting for choice of State Officers, 285, 337, 364, 513 ; Agreed to, 571. “ relating to Sectarian Schools, 285, 337, 364, 454 ; Agreed to, 564. “ “ “ 610, 725, 744. relating to Representation, 744 ; Rep. inexpe­ dient, 1087. relating to Representation, 859 ; Rep. inexpe­ dient, 1071. “ “ relating to Judicial Officers, Rep. inexpedient, 1071. “ Articles of Proposed, Order relating to Submit­ ting to thePeople, 1055,1224; Enacted, 1333. “ “ Articles of Proposed, Order relating to Publish­ ing in Newspapers, 1233, 1242, 1285, 1344. “ “ Articles of Proposed, Res. concerning Notifica­ tion of Meetings to which are to be submit­ ted, 1467; Enacted, 14S6. “ Articles of Proposed, Res. concerning Meetings, 1681 ; Enacted, 16sH Amendment or Alteration of Existing Laws, Order relating to, 197. American Almanac, Order relating to, 71, 92; indefinitely postponed, 110. American Patriot, Order relating to, 159 ; Res. v. “ Boston Bee and American Patriot.” American Hall Company, Bill to incorp. 615, 679, 696, 780, 836, 923, 967, 1021; Enacted, 1060. (Pet. George B. Parrott.) American Institute of Instruction, 931; Res. 953, 1101, 1160 ; Enacted, 1319. American Insurance Company, (Pet. J. E. Bowly and others,) Bill, 831, 868, 935 ; Enacted, 1060. American Manufacturing Company, Bill, 1088, 1101, 1161; Enacted, 1215. American Inventors’ Association, (Pet. J. R. Howell and others,) Bill, 1123, 1159, 1241; Enacted, 1360. American Circular Plane Company, Bill, 1634 ; Indefinitely postponed, 1686. American Hospital and Home for Surgery, Bill, 1679, 1698 ; Enacted, 1708. American Patriot, Bill to incorp. 1711. American Crusader and Newspaper Corporation, Bill, 1715, 1717. Andrews, Malachi, Order relating to, 73 ; Rep. inexpedient, 264. Andrews, John A., Pet. 287 ; L. W . 1382. Andrews, Collin, and others, Pet. 465. Andover, Town of, Res. 530; Bill to divide Town of, 1138. j, Angell, H. C., and others, Pet. 740. Anthony, William, and others, Pet. 479. Appleton, J. P., and others, 666. Appleton, Edward, and others, Pet. 68 ; Enacted, 1276. IV INDEX. Appollonio, N . A., Pet. 759, 1221 ; Bill, v. “ Registration of Births,” &c. Apthorp, R. E., and others, Pet. 189, 285. Archer, Samuel, and others, Pet. 639 Arnold, John F., and others, Pet. 518. Arnold, Noah J., 818. Arnold, Oliver, and others, 1137. Ashby, Mrs. William, and others, Pet. 396. Ashcroft, E. A., and others, Pet. 801. Assistant Clerk, appointed, 13. Assessors, Overseers of the Poor and School Committees, Order relating to, 184 ; Rep. inexpedient, 242, 255. Assessors, Pay of, 857 ; Bill to establish, 916, 913. Assessors and Selectmen, Bill establishing the Pay of, 1224 ; Enacted, 1262. Assignment of Rooms in the State House, Bill, 956, 983, 1013 ; Enacted, 1074. Assessment of Taxes, Bill in addition to an Act concerning, 1349; Indefinitely postponed, 1408, 1495, 1507. Attendance of Children at School, Order relating to, 148 ; Bill concerning, 280, 335, 351, 780, 873, 880, 1332, 1366, 1398 ; Enacted, 1485. “ “ “ Order relating to, 60; Rep. inexpedient, 264. “ “ “ in adjoining Towns, Order relating to, 318, 780, 846, 872; Enacted, 958. Atlantic Mills, Overseers and Operatives in, Pet. 987. Atlantic Avenue and Harbor Insurance Company, Bill, 1646, 1680. Atlas Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Pet. 505 ; Bill, 644, 696; Indefinitely postponed, 839, 850. Atwell, Pickering, and others, 531. Atwood, Stephen, and others, 521. Atwood, G. B., and others, Pet. 709. Attleborough Bank, Pet. 532 ; Remission of Fine. Attorney-General’s Office, Res. concerning, Order relating to, 183, 212, 868, 945 ; Enacted, 1098. Auctioneers, Order relating to, 1016; Rep. inexpedient, 1177. Auctioneers, Order concerning, 1175 ; Ptep. inexpedient, 1312. Auditor of Accounts, Communication from, 13. “ “ Annual Report of, 112; Bill to assess Tax of $449,986.50, 1508, 1540 ; Enacted, 1708. “ Time assigned for choice of, 226, 242, 243. “ Communication from, 236. “ Communication from, 403. “ Annual Report of, 295, 307, 334, 386. “ Chosen, 403; Notified, 417 ; Accepted, 491. Avery, Eben, and others, Pet. 711. B. 'son, Gorham, and others, Pet. 981; Ref. 1234. Amei’Ib William P., and others, Pet. 1001. uT, John, and others, Pet. 1031. bert, and others, Pet. 664. INDEX. V Bailey, B. F., Pet. 86 ; O. N . 162; Recommitted, 254; Order relating to, 559 ; Pets, in aid, 668, 669. Bailey, 0 . S., and others, Pet. 358. Bailey, John, and others, Pet. 319. Bailey, John B., and others, Pet. 394. Bailey, John, and others, 605. Bailey, Kendall, and others, Pet. 533. “ “ “ Pet. 777. Bail in Criminal Cases, Bill concerning, 1259, 1299,1323, 1368 ; Enacted, 1428. Balter, Isaiah, and Ozias Baker, Pet. 937 ; L. W. 1008. Baker, Lemuel K-, and others, Pet. 937. Baker, Seth I!., and others, L. W. 689. Baker, A., and others, Pet. 177; O. N. 264 ; Recommitted, 676. Balch, William S., and others, 766. Balch, John, and others, Remon. 856. Balch, E. H., and others, Pet. 1317 ; L. W. 1382. Baldwin, John, and others, Pet. 424. Baldwin, John F., and others, Pet. 876. Ballou, Adin, and others, Pet. 518. “ “ “ another Pet. 1115. Ballou, Alexander, Jr., and others, Remon. 584. “ “ “ another Remon. 607. Baltic Insurance Company, Bill to incorp.
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