NOTES AND STUDIES 433 THE MONTE CASSINO PSALTER.1 DOM AMELLI is indeed to be congratulated upon his interesting discovery, which is nothing less than a hitherto unknown revision of the Latin Psalter from Hexaplaric sources. It is a surprising 'find'. Downloaded from Cod. 557 of the ancient library at Monte Cassino is a twelfth-century Vulgate Bible written almost certainly at Monte Cassino itself by a monk named Ferro, who also wrote Cod. 264 in the same library. There are dozens of such codices in all the principal libraries of Western Europe, and a cursory inspection would hardly suggest that http://jts.oxfordjournals.org/ Cass. 557 contained anything of outstanding value. On examination, however, the Psalter is found to be given four times over: no. 1 is Jerome's new version from the Hebrew, no. 2 is the ordinary ' Gallican' text, no. 4 is the 'Roman'. No. 3, occupying pp. 217-238, is •the version edited by Amelli. A text like this, embedded in a mediaeval Latin Vulgate, has first of all to prove its claim to be derived from ancient sources. I shall therefore give a few examples where the evidence happens to be at RMIT University Library on July 29, 2015 particularly clear.3 (1) Renderings derived from Aqnila. Ps. liv 4 |1N inutilia Cass = awfytkUr A'. dvoju'av LXX ©' {iniguitatem, -Us, Latt), dxre/3fiav 2'. Ps. lxiv 2 rbnn rmrt "ji> Tibi tacita laus Cass = [crot triam-uxra olvt<rur\ A', o-ol irpom vixvoa- LXX (Te decet hymnus, -num, Latt). Note, that Jerome's Hebrew Psalter has Tibi silens laus, so that Cass is not derived from Jerome. Ps. lxv 7 nmiDn separantes se Cass = d</>iora/zevoi A'. wapairiKpaivovTca- LXX (ffu£ exacerbant, qui exasperant, qui in iram prouocant, Latt). 1 COLLECTANEA BIBLICA LATINA, cura ei studio Monachorum S. Benedidi, vol. i. Liber Psalmorum . nuncprimum ex Casinensi Cod. 557, curante D. AMBROSIO M. AMELLI, O.S.B., in lucent pro/ertur (F. Pustet, Rome, 1912). ' The numeration of the Psalms here given is that of the Greek, as in Field's Hexapla. Field's Greek reconstructions of the Syro-Hexaplaric.evidence are given in square brackets. VOL. XIV. F f 434 THE JOURNAL OF THEOLOGICAL STUDIES ita- 2' = qui increduli sunt Jerome. f.KK.\lvOVTt<T ©'. Ps. cxxxvi 6 VHTDt!> K>tn hv Super caput gaudii mei Cass = im Ke^aXf/v €v<f>pocruvr]<r fwv A LXX 2' ©' E' all have iv apxo • • •> the Latins have in principio. This is all that is reported from Aquila in this verse by our Hexaplaric authorities, but as the words in Cass which immedi- ately precede are nisi non preordinauero cunt hierusalem, it is evident that Aquila is the source of this clause also. In this Downloaded from single Psalm there are actually five instances of Aquila's <rvv=nts, cum sion (v. i), cant emus cum cantico (v. 4), cum hierusalem (v. 6), cum diem (v. 7), cum paruulis tuis (v. 9). Ps. cxxxviii 20 "p*iy Aemuli tui Cass =avri£rf\oi crov A'. http://jts.oxfordjournals.org/ Tocr 7TOA.«O- crov LXX (©'vid), ciuiiates tuas (suas) Lattre11 ol evovTtbi <rov 2' = aduersarii tut Jerome. (2) Renderings derived from Symmachus. Ps. xxvi 11 'ilin Reuela michi Cass = wr68a£6v /xoi 2'. vofiu>0eTr]<r6v fix LXX Latt <f>urrur6v fi£ A © at RMIT University Library on July 29, 2015 Jerome has ostende mihi. Ps. lxvii 28b Dnon ante pugnantes Cass = [•n-poiiaxovvrea- aviw] 2'. i/ye/xdvco" airwv LXX Latt in purpura sua Jerome. (Note, that in 28a Cass has breuior obtinens eos = A'.) Ps. cxii 8 D'pnx nri3< coronabuntur iusti Cass = (rrt^avaxrovrcu. Sixaioi 2' (and Jerome). xnrofi.h'ov<ri SiKatoi LXX, TrepL/ievov<7i 8. A'. (3) Renderings derived from Theodotion. Ps. xxiv 14 "ND Arcanum Cass = ^tucmjpiov ©' E', secretum Jerome Kpa.Ta.iwfM LXX Latt OLTropprqrov A bfuXCa 2'. Ps. xliii 13 DiWnD3 flUT vh\ et non erat incrementum in comniutatione eorum Cass = KOX OVK rjv 7rX(6vaxrfux. bf TZ aXaXdyfuiTi rj/xuiv (leg. aviw) ©'. NOTES AND STUDIES 435 Kal OVK rjv irkrjOocr tv TOUT aXaXayfiaaiv aviw LXX Latt (et non fuit multitudd) Kal ov TroXiAjv hroiq<TO.<T rip/ Tifirjv avrStv 2' Jerome. Ps. lxiii 7 B»K mp sensus uiri Cass = Sulvoui avSpbo- ©'. irpoa-eXeva-erai avOponroo- LXX Latt eyKarov dvSpocr A' c£ iyKarav [avroS] IICOOTOO- 2' Jerome. Ps. lxxiii 8 1S1B> Downloaded from comburemus Cass = e/iTrvptW/icv ©' («V ap. Hieron). KaTa7ravo-0)/xfi' LXX Latt kviirprqcrav A eveirvpurav 2'.1 Ps. lxxv s nnx -nto http://jts.oxfordjournals.org/ Timendus es tu Ca« = <t>o/3ep6<r e? ®'. (fxoTi&ur crv LXX Latt (tlluminans tu) <t>wrurfio<r ov A' Jerome iTri<f>avr]<T tl 2'. (Note that Cass retains the LXX ' eternal mountains' for 5j*itD mn at the end of the clause, where ©' has opiwv Ka/OTi/icuv.) Ps. cxviii 118 QiJlC bl D^D at RMIT University Library on July 29, 2015 Nullificasti omnes errantes Cass = c&uSevaxrao- iravrao- TOVO- Tr\avo>- /xevova- ©' E'. iiovSevoxracr irdvracr TOVKT dirotrraTOWTOtr LXX Latt (spreuisti. .) dire<ricoXo7rio-ao- ir. T. aTrooTpt<f>0(ievov<r A' Jerome a7n;A.eyfa(r ir. T. pefJLf3op.evov(T 2'. The above series of examples are surely enough to shew that the compiler of the Monte Cassino Psalter made use of Aquila, Symmachus and Theodotion in turn, and that his work is quite independent of Jerome's 'Hebrew' version of the Psalms. A couple of peculiar renderings of another kind now claim attention. It frequently happens that the rendering of Cass, while differing from that of the Latin Psalters, yet implies no difference in the underlying Greek. The first explana- tion that presents itself is that we have here an untouched reading of an ' Old Latin' Psalter, perhaps of an African text, as Amelli seems to suggest. But as a matter of fact, these readings do not agree to any marked extent with Cyprian's or Tertullian's quotations; indeed the cast of language strikes me as distinctly unbiblical, e.g. egregius 1 At the end of Field's Note to Ps. lxxiii 8 ' 2' is a slip for ' S', j. e. Sexta. Jerome's words are Sexta Karaxauaoijitv, id esl comburamus, quod tt LXX iuxta Hexaplorum ueritatem transtutisse perspicuum esl. Ffa 436 THE JOURNAL OF THEOLOGICAL STUDIES for Kparurroa- (xv 6, xxii 6), and amaricare for exacerbate (civ 28). We must therefore refer them to the compiler rather than to the Old Latin base which he was revising. This is clearly the case in the following : Ps. xxxi 4 (' my moisture is like the drought in summer') conuersasti in miseria in punctione spinarum Cass iaTpd<f>r]v cur TaXaarwpiav cv TG> f/xirayrjvax SLKOVOOV LXX conuersus sum in aerumna [mea] dutn configitur spina Latt (some Latin texts omit mea, others have confringitur, configeretur, infigitur, infixa est, but all have aerumna and the construction with duni) Downloaded from Aquila, Symmachus, Theodotion, Quinta, and Sexta are all extant and all differ entirely from LXX, interpreting pp 'summer1 or ' harvest'. Jerome's Hebrew Psalter is uersatus sum in miseria mea cum exardesceret messis. Other instances are Ps. lxxvi 5 anteuenerunt custodiam oculi mei, and http://jts.oxfordjournals.org/ Ps. cxviii 100 inuestigaui (= e^^n/cra LXX), where the other Latins have intellexi. In Ps. lxxiii i5b, lxxix i6b, clauses absent from the true Old Latin have been added in Cass, though of course it would be possible in these cases to put down the addition to the use of Theodotion. But in any case the example from Ps. xxxi 4 shews that the Greek Bible itself was occasionally used by the compiler of the Monte Cassino text as well as Aquila and his companions. The discoveries of the at RMIT University Library on July 29, 2015 last twenty years let us see that this was not quite so difficult a work as it might once have seemed, for fragments of two copies of Origen's Hexapla Psalter have come to light, one among the Genizah Fragments at Cambridge,1 the other in a palimpsest at Milan." In both these MSS the texts were arranged in six narrow parallel columns, as in the original Hexapla itself: any one with a knowledge of Greek, with such a codex before him, could make an eclectic revision of a Latin Psalter with the utmost ease, and the result would be just such a mixture as that of the Monte Cassino Psalter. As a specimen of the actual texts before the eyes of such a reviser I give the actual words of the Milan Palimpsest (O. 39 sup. ff. 68. 75, 74. 69) for Psalm xlv 2-4: in the original the texts are arranged in five narrow columns, making a synoptic comparison still more easy. (a) HEBREW TEXT IN GREEK LETTERS : 2 eAcoti/A Xavov | fiacre ouo£ | f£p (3<rapwO | vcfUTa- /JUOS | * aX-^cv | \wvipa I f3aa,fup \ aapa | oiySo/itor | apifi | /?Ae/3 | uxfu/i. | * icrt/ioii (sic) * | tffipov I fir/jjuxv I lepaxrovi \ apifi | fiyrjovaOio \ creX 1 C. Taylor Hebrtw-Grtek Cairo Genieah Palimpsests, Camb. 1900.. J Ceriani (and G. Mercati) in Rtndiconti del r. 1st. Lomb. disc, e left., Serie ii, vol. xxix, 1896. » Read IK/UW. NOTES AND STUDIES 437 (6) AQUILA: [6 6<r 17/wvj ttarto" KaX Kparoa fior}6tui iv OXtxffeaiv cvpe&rj[(r] o~<p68pa 3 im Tovrtoi ov (fio^ijOrja-OfieOa iv rail a.vTaXKauo~o-to-$ax yrjv Kal iv TU> trtpaXXeaOai opt] iv KapSia 0aXxuro~u>v * o)(\d.o~ovo~iv dmKp] vSara avrov o~tio-0yo-€Tcu opt) iv -nj mtpTj<pavCa ovrov d[o>ta] * (c) SYMMACHUS: * 6 60- r/fuv irerroW-qo-ur Kal urxyo- fio-qOua iv 6\fyto-w evp o-<f>6Spa * 8ut TOVTO ov <f>o/3r]6r)o~6iJ.t6a iv Tour {sic) o~vyx€io~9ai yrjv Kal VT av Ka K\IVCO-0(U opi) iv KapSla 6akao-o-u>v * y)x°^ ' ' 0o\ov/j.ev(av rZv iSdrmv Downloaded from Kal cruofiivoiv opiuiv iv Ttui iv8o£ao-fi5)jLVTOv Suuf/aX/jia (d) LXX: 8 6 6a r/ixuiv Karcufrvyr] (cat Bvvafiur flor/Obo- iv 0\uj/€o-i rciur fvpovaaxo- ^/xoo- <r<j)68pa.
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