AROOSTOOK TIMES SHIRE TOWN r c April 13, 1860 AROOSTOOK CO- °*ry Ubnr? To December 27, 1916 _______________________l HOULTON TIMES VOL. LX HOULTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1920 No. 8 POTATOES LEAP YEAR BALL THE REASON WHY DOLTON PARK On account of the condition of the ANNUAL MEETING One of the finest and most enjoyable THURSDAY’S STORM There has been some comment since roads from the recertt blizzard and events, which has taken place in the successful meeting of the Chamber storms there are no potatoes being CHAMBER OF Houlton for many years, was the Leap of Commerce, r< .'ai ding the method ASSO. BOUND offered by the farmers. The price for 1 Year ball given by a number of ladies WORSTJN YEARS ^ of conducting the meetings of this stock if any was being hauled in at the Opera House on Tuesday body and in explanation of having ID SUCCEED would be $5.00 per barrel. COMMERCE evening last when seventy-live couples monthly meeting as they have done ' The Produce News says: j enjoyed the evening- with a fine dance Roads Blocked and Outlying 1 for the past three years, a few words The market was greatly upset this order and cards. Districts Cut Off From are necessary. Dr. Headersofl Has a Project week by the blizzard which delayed Large Attendance Despite the The Grand March was started For some time the calling of meet­ stock getting in, apd the impassable promptly at 8.30 and a program of a ings of the whole membership was to Own Park Land streets the first of the week which Blizzard—Most Interest­ tw'enty-four dunes was carried out in tried and those who attended besides made it impossible to haul potatoes true Leap Year style, the gentlemen the Directors were very few, and part The worst storm that has visited from the docks. This held up most having only one choice of dances dur­ of the time only the officers were From the short tkne that Dr. E. P. ing Meeting this section in years, reached Houl­ of the arrivals and the available, ing the evening, all the rest of the present. During the past three years, Hsnderson has been Secretary of the ton Thursday. Snow began to fall supply last week until the middle of dances were ladies choice and for when matters of great importance. Houlton Agrlultural Society, those who worst blizzard that early in the forenoon and by noon this week, when the supply was In Despite the once the ladies could select their I such as the Eastern Maine R. R. hare had their ear to th8 ground seen for many years when the wind began to rage it excess of the demand, and market Aroostook has partners,________ which___ _____ they made good use project, meetings of the entire mem- realise that In this position, they have idecuned 25<g)50c bag, closing weak. |with eighteen inches of snow blowing ;of an(J during p oetically every dance, developed into a fierce blizzard that , bership have been called, but where lasted vvell into the night. a Secretary who is a "Live Wire.” j geverai small shipments of Danish and drifting, sixty-five enthusiastic . there were no wall flowers. i nothing definite was to be brought up, Shortly after his election he commenc-1 potatoes arriVed and some are also | members of the Houlton Chamber of! f th , It is hard to estimate the snow fall 1 it was found more satisfactory to have but probably 18 inches of snow fell eS to lay out plans for the attractions | reported afloat from Holland, which j Commerce with their guests met a t ;elaborate whi h together with the meetings of the Directors only at a Which the.Association generally pulls |8old at $5.25<8>5.75 165 lb. bag. Many Watson Hall on Thursday evening for j decorations added verv much through the day. which was piled up 3pe;'lfled" tjm ,7 and''the 'outco“me dur 0<f and last week he called th e , of the f0reIgn potatoes were little their annual banquet and business; e al attractiveness of the m huge drifts as far as the eye could ;ing the past three years ha8 been th>t , reach. n n e to r . of th . AuocUUon together better than fleld run. Several agents ;meetlng. I gathering and the 11 Ivmem of E® every meeting has been attended by Train service was completely dis­ aad told them that the original debt|are here (rom the Netherlands offer- while the storm raged outside, th.- ,.venill,, At intermission, refresli- every member of the Board, and dur- • the land must be pald, that It could , k g potatoes, cabbage and other iadles of the Congregational church , ment were servert the ladles wait- rupted and all day Friday plough | ing the past month there was a m a t­ ho done and would ba done as it was|product8 and ,t now looks as l f ;worked insjde and when the doorsj on the gpntlem(>n and doj thp trains took the place of passenger ing every week, w hich had there been entirely feaalble rad practical. considerable of the surplus In that were opened and the boosters of the bo* ors * wav trains, no mail reaching from the west a membership meeting, the same The Dr. outlined the idea on Thurs- wm be directed to the United | Houlton Chamber of Commerce enter-1 until 3 A. M. Saturday, and it is the | result wrould have been accomplished 4ay evening at the banquet of the Those who did not care to dance first time in the history of he B. & States. One agent said they were j edt they sat down to a spread “fit for iviz: that only the Directors wou)d Chamber of Commerce at Watson Hall. enjoyed the evening at cards or in A. It. R. that mail trains had to be selling considerable of their surplus the Gods.” • have been there. It will be remtftnberet that when the pranCe> but as the exchange in the social intercourse, and expressions of cancelled. After partaking of all the good To justify the action of the Board fffopoflitlolk was first started for a Park | Unlted states is two and a half com- the success of the evening were heard During the storm Thursday night, . __, , _ . ... .. __ . things which had been provided, : of Directors of the past few years, on every hand. several near casualties occurred as . f UTw wa« that too I ^are<^ *° one in * rance they can rea cigars were lighted and President we have the authority of Carrol R. *>«buch for the project was toat toolze . ^ dcal more money here than Frank A peabody ca„ ed on |he Secty. Bryson’s Orchestra, although hamli- many were caught in the blizzard and Woods, a Commercial Organization capped by the illness of a number of were nearly exhausted being rescued, lu v e an efnou fh , H ; Ky selling in European countries. chas. H. Fogg* who read the records ! Secretary of Chicago, who has been in order to procure the land A few lot8 of Maine potatoes sold the ,as, annua, meeU a(ter which their members, furnished excellent A man living in or near Amity very successful in his work, who says: music during the evening. named McIntosh, having his team J * « L T T UP t0 *7'60 M°" day' bUt ° n,y ,n a " “ ‘ the president gave a resume of the “In the work of the modern a r theneed. ° ' ‘ “C\ “ t°r*a" “ ‘° ” , i t * way, and most of the available ; the past and what the Those having the affair in charge stuck in the drifts unhitched his commercial club, public meetings M thto «twmblln« b ock was soon „upp|y wa9 carried over. On Tuesday , >nd of the organizatlon were: Mrs. A. A. Hussey, chairman horses and he and his son each started seem to have but little use except rmoved when the late William A. $7 2g become extreme and sales Wed- for their inspirational value, and were. The report of the treasurer, of the tickets and music; Mrs. Harold for home on horse hack. After going Martin, than whom no man was ever j n0gday and yesterday were mainly at Chadwick, Chairman of the program some distance, the boy not seeing his in giving the individual members Arthur O. Putnam was read and it the chance to feel by their attend­ of ft booster for Houlton } g6.75<@)7. Late yesterday and today showed the Chamber to be in good committee: Mrs. James C. Madigan. father coming along, started back and ance that they really are an county, formulated a Plun;wben delayed stock got in, prices be- financial standing. This was followed 'Chalrmun ot "■« decoration committee found him in the snow dead, having integral part of the orga izatlon. The things accomplished at open WtNTOby the $10,000 which was j came very irregular, and as nearly by the report of the Secretary, after jand Mrs w ». Le'vin- overcome by the storm, to purchase the land for | every car was more or less affected by meetings make a poor showing on which a committee of five was appoint-lthB refreshment committee, each one George Carpenter a farmer living the annual reports ***** Real the paife was bought by fifteen of the , fr0gt, prices ranged $5@\ as to qual- ed to bring In a list of nine Directors ; l,avin« « number of assistants, and seven miles from Houlton started to things are not often promulgated Mtc wire* of the town, and a ; j^y withity, withan occa^onalan occa||onal lot oflot fancyof for the ensuing year.
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