THE BULLETIN OF THE KING & QUEEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF VIRGINIA ______________________________ This coin, minted in 1691, the year of the creation of the County, shows the profiles of King William III and Queen Mary of England for whom the County is named ______________________________ INDEX Issue Numbers 51-100 The Bulletin of the King and Queen County Historical Society Index to Numbers 51-100 (July 1981-January 2006) This index has been compiled for the Society by Adam F. Jewell, and was made possible by a generous gift from Charles H. Ryland. The work of Catharine R. Moser, member of the Society, in preparing the Index is also gratefully acknowledged by the Society. Members of the Society who have served as editors of the Bulletin covered by this Index are Elizabeth Johnson, 51-57; Julia Henley, 58-59; and Anne M. Ryland, 60-100. Notes: 1. The entries in this index refer to personal and place names, institutions, pertinent events, and genealogical subjects. The index is set up by Bulletin Number first, followed by the page of that issue. For example: Bulletin 55 Page 4 reads 55:4. 2. The Bulletin is published twice yearly, in January and July. January issues carry an even issue number and July issues an odd number. Issue Number 1 was July 1956. 3. An Index to Numbers 1-50 has been previously published in a separate document. October 2007 © King and Queen County Historical Society A AgricuRure Btlrerdwn Awdemy barnyard animals, 62:3, 63:2 boys serenade Greerr Mwnl girls, 1850 ensus, 78: 1 552 exampk at Farmin@onn98:2 Melville Walker, 60:2 Farm for sale advertisement, 89:4 Tavern Museum exhibit, 94:7 1850 fam goods, 77: I times with Green ~ounigirls seJlool, 1868 pmumexample, fi4:I 5512 at Pmw'dence, 991 :2 Abrahall, Col. Robert scientific shift, 78:l land in New Kent, 833 silk experiment, 78:l Abrams, Bland slave labor problems, 78: 1 son of Willie Sr., 642 slavery as linchpin, 92: 1 Abrams, Willie J. Sr. small grains over tobacco, 572 takes in Napoleon Stret, 642 Tavern Museum exhibit, 1800~~943, abrams, \Nillie Jr. 94:4 son of Willie Sr., 64:2 Tavem Museum exhibe farming, Account books IQOOs, 94:4 Andrew Motley's widow, 57:l Albemarle County Donald Robertson, 573 Virginia legislature meets during War J.D. Wise, 57:2 of Amerimn Independence, 53 :1 types of constru&on, 57:1 Alexander, Mr. - Acquisaions in Walker diary, 89:l 1988, 66:4 All Day Meeting 1989,67:4 description, 66:l 1991,72:4 Allen, Clay January 1984,56:3 trustee Mevv Mount Zion, 86:3 January 1986,60:6 Allen, Robbie McGeorge Januafy 1988, 64:1 with husband, Robert, 77:4 January 1991,70:4 Allen, Robert D. January 1978-July 1982, 543 purchases home frm William October 1989-July 1990, 69:4 Hoskins, 77:4 Acre, - Allen, Roland pol~miaffiliation, 59:3 lumber business, 60:s Acre, Garnett (Mrs.) Ma~nTavern, 85:3 store sign, 744 Allen House see Maain Tavern Acre, Virginia wrgie) AIkn Store organist at Bnrington, 66:1 anent use, 85:s AGf of Wlernent Kstory of, 85:3 in England, 96:4 Amblefs Store Acts of Association akin to Hillsbomugh in consmction, King and Qumn signers, 88:4 59: 1 Adams, Mrnund Amefimn R& Cros Chi& of MaMaponi"~,W:6 Richmond Ghapbr in First World Adams, Heniy War*65: 1 pumhass land from Edwrd Genklin, A-Mdel Ford 793 chasing a horse, 90:4 Adarns, William F. Ancient Planters land and Henry Wdams, 79:1 land from Gov. Bale, 834 1 Anderson, Beverly hanging ofs 94:s adjaiacent to "free Issue" hnd, 89:l land near Col. mnhall, 833 Anderson, Dr. Garrea of Hiflsbomughh59:2 house calls, 94:7 n to William Temple, 59:2 Antioch Baptist Church hold,Gen. Bendid additions to, 722, ?2:3 turncoat, 100: 1 Augltst revival, 72:3 Atkins, Lt. Alonzo cemetery, 72:3 24% \IA. Cavalry, M:4 Edvvard Hill Monument, 72:3 Atkins, John founding and history of, 72:2, 72:3 anic at Taylor B Caldvrejl, 8112 gets own land, 722 last sewice, 723 Chid of Western Ghickahominy location, 72:2 Tribe, 94:6 members and officers, 723 , William moving of buildings, 722 trade with England, 623,622 pat-tial history, 722, 723 August Revivals seating at, 72:3 Arttioch Baptist, 72:3 Antid Baptist Chum Cemetery see Bxoll, John Antid Baptist Chureh land grant, 83:2 Antioch Chum land patent, 83:3 see a!= Gmce Episcopal Church Aylett Rev. Latane establishes, 754 merchant mrdsdurina Apostique Creek Revolutionaty War, 51T2 see Mt&ell"s Hill C& Aylett, Col. - Apple Tree Chum in James Sate letter, 63:l listed in GageMason's book, 52:1 Avlett.*. William (see also St. Clement's) burgess eleGtion of 4774, 56:1 historim1 marker, 63:4 Aptus Post Officr, B history oF, 70:4 Bacon" Rebellion location, 70:4 poshnasters, 70:4 Royal iMuence mnes, 99:1 Archer, Anna Elimbeth Tavern Museurn exhiba, 94:s in fa*r"s (Howerton) Wvill, 77 :1 Tddlami@ in, 68:4 Archer, Lineas Bagby, Capt. kxander Fkt with Anna, 77:l Bwin@onCornminee to help black Archer, L.S. members, 72:2 political affilia%n, 59:3 uncle to Jrrsb Hen@, 783 Amistmd, &n. Lewis Addison Bagby, Jy,Alfred biwraphy, 63:1 not= on Daniel Wbster, 564 Pickem charge, 63: 1 Bagby, Rev. Amistd, Thomas Exol Church, 58:2 Revolwnaw War sewice, 51:2 muster roll War of 1812,85:2 Armisted, Gen. Wlker K. Bagby, BeW FaVIer of Ld,63:l with Albert Geham, 53:j Amista, Mlliam Bagby, Elizabeth (Lumpkin) Mdley land $0 Graa MR&ell, 69:2 miss Albeserl Gr~ham,53:l Arnold, many Bagby, Fanny Bacon" Rebellion, 59:2 as the "fair one." 78:4 2 Bagby, "Gus8' Banks, Tunstall nurses AIberjr Gresham, 53:2 AyHpurchase ortler, 5"13 Bagby, Jane Banks, Waker Atvyood Walker quil, 66:3 EIarn Toone recalmon of, 63:s Bagby, John phy vJith EIam Tmne, 7Q:3 assistant marshal for ansus, 91 :3 Barjtists Bunker Hifi mer,81 :4 churches in King and Queen County, raises AIkrt Gresham, 53.1 522, 58:2 starts Stevensville Academy, 81.4 contribution to Virginia Bill of Rights, Bagby, Gslpt. John R. 52:2 Bnrington GomrnW to help black early mmgng house descriplion, 58:2 members, 72.2 first King and Queen meeting, 70:l muster roil 4th VA. Mllery, @:3 first King and Queen meeting house, roll of Co. K 34& VA. tnfaniry, Wise 70:2. Brigade, 645, @:4 intolerance tmrds. 52:2 Bagby, buttrer bower King and ~udnpreachers, with Afkrt Gresham, 534 583, 58:2 Bagby, Nellie Mattaponi Chum, 521 baptized, 53:2 ministers jailed, 52:2 Bagby, Richard reason for grow, 52:2 momy to daughkr Maria, 73:1 Tavern Museurn exhibit, M:6 neighbor to Lmust Grow, 78.2 Barefoot, &&ley (and Janet) Bagby, Maj. robe^ house at Favor, 76:1 buys Oak Shade store, 53:l Barefoot, Edvtrard Bagby, Susan builds John Walker overseer house, with AIMGresham, 53:4 78-. -. 1 . Bagby, Mrginh A. Barefoot, J.T. [John Thomas) JF. baptkd, 53:2 biography, 76.1 Bagby, Hon. W.F. childhood pranks, 76:2 250th anniversay celebratjon, 72:2 corn mill, 76:2 Bagby, VVilliam F. deer, 76:3 baptized, 53:2 Favor, 76: 2 Bailey, VVirliam B. "loaf bread," 76:1 acquirvas Harte Tahavem land, 71.4 meets Gypsbes,76:2 Baldric Budrle NY Congmssman and horses, 76:s Camp Blake relic, 62:4 "'prescription for any illness," 76:2 Ball, Eli (pastor] reminisen- of, 76:1, 762, 76:3 on King and Queen &uq, 73:3 road problems, 76:2 Ball, Herbert at savvmill, 76: 1 in lumber business, 60:s Srnyma Church, 76:2 Ball, Lewis suney travel, i"Ei:-I ovemrat Chamam Hjji, 78: 1 telephone, 76:2 Ball, P BY^ Barefoot, J.T. (doh Thomas) Sr. scholamhip &om New Mount Zion, father of J.T. Jr., 76:1 86:4 names of wrkem, 752 Ballasbds purchases QaManrd; 76:I in wnsbudon of homes, 592 Barefoot, Mrs. J.P. Ballerrliw, Mm. John story of s&am purchaes Lk.ws~lIe,74:s 3 Barefoot, Susan Anna Ghggs Belgian Bullet grandparent of J.T. Jr., 7611 rel~at Camp Blake, 623 Barefoot, William mornas Ben Ha~e'sTavern grandparent of J.T. Jr., 76:l localion. 71:4 Barnes, Stephen 'tBen~am land to Garrett Post, 79:2 see bn~arninPollad Sale Bask&2 Polly Brovvn Bennett, GmTemple Post manies Reuben, 78:2 daughter of Garre8 and Mary, 79:2 Basket, Reuben Bennett, Dr. W.W. Locust Grow, 78:2 manies Gsnstance Post, 79:2 B Bent, Char4 land in Spotsylvania, 99:3 governor, 92:4 Bates, JawT. Bent, John Charles politi~alaffiliation, 59:3 Santa Fe Trail, 92:s Bates, Rasalee Bent, William hosts Cha* R*nd, 90:3 acquires bromers (Charley] lands, Baylor, Efhel 92:4 30M Rng and Qumn Anniversary, Berkeley, Gov. William 723 mmmissions John Lederer, 99:l Baylor, Fmnw Berryman, William J. with Humphrey Hill, 59:2 headmaster SevensGlle Aderny, Baylor, -1. Geow 81 :4 aide t~ Washin-, 100:1 Bethlehem Baptist Church Baylor, Jahn breaks from Bmingtm, 702 Betts, Capt. T.W. owner of Robe@E. Lm, 83:3 Eastern Vim projd, 972 helps at BeHky, 7514 taugM Rev. Ruffin and Martha Ruffn, Beverley, Robed 79:4 Park Chur& on land, 523 Baylor, Pol& Beverley, Robert Jr. J.G. Gmves Momurn, %:l camp named for, 99:2 Beane, Wiiliarn 6.Jr. hosts Knighb of Vie Golden Allen &E fm?, 85:3 Horseshoe, 99:2 lumber wrk, 60:s Knighls of the GoMen Horseshoe, Beane, W.S.
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