
PRAISES Cures of Two Persons U.S. Strongest Support LOYALTY, At Lourdes Declared MANIFOLD Of Catholicity in World AaiVITIES Medically Inexplicable Says New Apostolic Delegate Vagnozzi on Arrival OF FAITHFUL I New York City.— Catholics of the United Supplement to the Denver Catholic Reg^ister Factory Worker, Benedictine Monk States, said Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, new Apos* Paris.—Two more cures at Lourdes have been declared “ medically un­ ' tolic Delegate, at his welcome here, “ are giving the explainable” by the International Medical Committee of the shrine. They con­ N ational N ational strongest support to the moral position of the Cath- cern a young woman injured in a factory accident and a Swiss monk suffer­ Section Section jolic Church in the whole world.” ing from multiple sclerosis. < With a promise to be a “faithful and objective THE interpreter of American Catholicism with the Holy The declaration on the cures was submitted to a recent international ronfproncc of physicians here in Fa^er,” Archbishop Vagnozzi took up his post at a which doctors from Belgium, tate her arm. ;victim of multiple Klerosss. ceremony held in SL Patrick’s' tiermany, England. Ireland. But in 1941 the crippled fac-jwhich resulted in impairment Cathedral here, formally wel tribution to many Ktivities Italy, Switzerland, and Prance tory worker was taken to theiof vision, speech, and equilib- coming him to the U S. On hand of the Holy See, p^cularly in participated. Marian shrine at Lourdes. Sheirium. He reached the point were some 50 members of the the miseion fields.” Yvonne Fournier, working in bathed in the walera near the,where he could not lake nour- REGISTER Hierarchy, including threi Car­ It will be hit duty, said Arch­ 1940 sn a factory in Montiucon. spot where the Blessed Virgin I ishmeni. and could walk only dinals. as well as thousands of bishop Vagnozzi, “to follow and tnduslrial town in the middle of api>eared to St. Bernadette, and with great difficulty, with the (Name Registered in the U. S. Patent Office) priests, religious, and laity. encourage all these manifold activities of American Catholi­ Prance, caught her arm in a was instantly and totally cured. use of canes. MSMBCa os AUDIT 8URKAU OF CIRCULATIONS The Apostolic Delegate was cism, to maintain the harmo­ transmission belt, and the arm The lasting nature of the cure ^ . iThli Paper la Connected »1ch NCWC Waahlnaton .Sews Headquarten by JU Own U a ^ responding to greetings ad­ nious unity existing among the was violently wrenched toward was verified 14 years later, on C U r c L Q S tfi ^ ISpecial r**w*~* Service, Rellgloin" Newa Service,••__ Inler-Cathollc _._kt/wil’d*' Preaa Asency, Hdea Service, MUaton bervlCM. Raligtoua dressed to him by Cardinal Newi Photof and NCWC Picture Service members of the Hierarchy, to Ihe floor. The nerve-crippling in­ Aug. 18.1954, during the French Seven Years Francis Spellman. Also on hand jury left the limb complexly naUonal pilgrimage to Lourdes. [ ^aken to Lourdes in 1952. the were Cai^lnals Richard Cush­ safeguard the loyalty, obedience, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1959 and love of CthhoUc Americans useless. The hand and forearm The second cure is that of i monk was exhausted by the trip. ing and John O'Hara, C.S.C. for the See of Peter and the were swollen as fa r as the elbow, Brother Leon Sebwager, 0 B .B .,!b u I following the traditional Cardinal Spellman, speaking person of the Vicar of Christ." But with this severe swelling the member of the Benedictine>bath, at Ihe moment when Bene- on behalf of U.S. Catholics, told “The function of the Apos­ hand was icy. Miss Fournier's CoD^gation of St. Ittilien for diction of the Blessed Sacra Racism U. S. Burden, Archbishop Vagnom that “we Survey Shoves shall find Pope John in Yonr tolic Delegate in the United pain was so intolerable that she Foreign Missions, and a native'meni w u imparted in front of States." Archbishop Vagnozzi begged the doctors treating of Switzerland. |the lofty Basilica, all the symp- Excellency, as we find Peter in John, and Christ in Peter.’’ said, “is, essentially and exclu­ her not to hesitate to ampu­ Brother, Scliwager became a!toms of the disease disappeared. Says Cabinet O f f i c e r Growth in Lay I d his reply Archbishop Vag sively, to be the living personal and he was able to stand by his nozzi said that “the United link l^tween the Apostolic See wheel chair. This cure has lasted New York—Racial discrimi-lpoinled to increasing strains in Rome and the Catholic seven years. nation is proving an intolerable upon our manpower supply. He States of America is today not Pornography 'Cancer' only one of the great powers on Church In the United States. Following the usual proced-jburden to the United States said (his country will need 50 Participation ure. the medical committee’s both ceonomically and morally, per cent more professional and Davenport, la. — Nearly half earth, but the great power of Faithful findings in the two cases will|said Secretary of Labor James!technical workers. 30 per cent of the parishes surveyed in this the western, democratic, Chris­ Interpreter tian free world. Is Threat to Country now be submitted to a canonical p. Mitchell at a dinner of the more craftsmen, and 30 per cent diocese have instituted some “It is my duty to be the faith­ I . A .k __ _ ... commission for further study,National Conference of Chris- more semi-skilled workers in the form of lay participation in the " A m e ric a today,” he con­ ful and objective interpreter of Washington.—Pornographic iT . determine whether they|tians and Jews. 1960s. Mitchell said every effort Mass, and some 40 per-.cent tinued. “is at the vanguard of American Catbolidsm with the literature is a "cancer" threat­ cause warped minds, hearts, might be called miraculous, Th.The iLabor .w «Secretary said a must be made to overcome job of those without a program piah every progress, and American Holy Father, antf to convey to ening this country with "de- and souls" among the nation’s (NCWC Radio and Wire] irecent study by his department barriers for Negroes. to have one in the near future. Catholicism is strongly active the Apostolic See the requests .struction from within." said A t­ children. Fifty-eight of the 126 parishes and growing, splendidly organ­ and wishes of those who may torney Charles H. Keating. Jr., It is unfortunate, he said, that and missions in the diocese were ized in its manifold activities, desire me to do so. I am here of Cincinnati, founder and direc­ the public is not aware of the studied. in the setup of the National to be, according to the very tor of Citizens for Decent Lit­ magnitude of the problem, be­ In 26 of the 58 parishes, the Catholic WeUare Conference, in words of His Holiness Pope erature. cause recent court decisions laity now either sing or recite its imposing school system, and John X X III when be was Apos­ show that, where citizens make The growing pornography in­ at least the simple Mass re­ in its charitable institutions. tolic Nuncio in Paris, the eyes, dustry. be told the annual con­ their will known, pornography sponses on a regular basis. In Laity Leaders the ean, and the heart of the vention of the M ilitary Chap- can be controlled. frequency, this lay participation Holy Father’.” ranges from twice a month to In World Aid The Apostolic Delegate as­ every day of the year. “The Catholics of the United sured his listeners that Pope Leaders in San Marino Thirty of the parishes sur­ States," he said, “intelligently John “loves the people of the veyed do not have a regular par­ and prudently led by their United States and baa a great ticipation program. Plans for Bishops and clergy, with the appreciation of American Ca­ such a program, however, are strongest co-operation of reli­ tholicism and of the great con­ Plan 1st Vatican Visit being formulated in 12 of these gious men and women, are giv­ tribution that the Catholics of San Marino. — Two Captains the country's history. Repre- parishes. Two pastors did not ing the strongest support to the thd United States are bringing Regent of this tiny republic sentatives from all local sec- answer any of the questions. moral position of the Catholic to the life and to the progress head a delegation making an tions of Catholic Action took Eighteen parishes, less than Church in the whole world, and of the Church throughout the official visit for the first time part in the program. one-third of those studied, have their generosity is the main con world.” I NCW C W irel in history to the Vatican. Com­ Bishop Antonio Bergamaschi no program and no plans for pletely surrounded by Italy, the of Montefeltrd, within whose one. republic has kept its independ­ diocese the country is situated, In St. Louis, Archbishop Jo­ Papal Delegate Greeted ence more than 16 centuries. had the seat of honor. He of­ seph E. Ritter called for the Honors accorded to heads of fered Pontifical Mass in the Ca­ introduction in every arcbdioce- state are to be. given the dele­ thedral of St. Martin. The flags esan parish of the practice of By State Dept. Officers gation. Pope John XXIII will a t San Marino and the Vatican congregational responses to the Washington. — Dignitaries a t of the United States Hier­ receive the group May 18.
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