15876 CONGRESSIONAl: RECORD;;...:_ SENATE Novemb·er 8 ,Maj. Gen. · Wllltam· ·Evens · Hall,- 460A . Maj. Gen. Lee Bird--Washbourne, 810A - To· be -briga.dier generals- (brigadier general, Regular Air Force) , (colonel, Regular Air- Force), United States - Col; John Colt·Baumont Elliott, 271A, Reg- United States Air Force. · Air Force: · Ular Air Force. - Lt. Gen. Donald Leander Putt, 494A (brig­ Brig. Gen. Frederick Jensen Dau, 834A Col., Hoyt Leroy .Prindle, S34A, Regular· Air adier general, Regular Air Force) , United (colonel, Regular Air Force), United States Force:·· Air Force. States Air Force. Col. Robert Loyal Easton, 368A, Re~rular Maj. Gen. Norris Brown Harbold, 369A The-following-named officers for temporary Air Force. - · · (brigadier general, Regular Air · Force) , appointment in the United -states Air Force '. coi. Emmett Felix Yost, 389A, Regular Air United States Air Force. ... under the provisions of section 515, Officer Force; · · ·. - - · · . · Maj. Gen. Albert Boyd, .424A (brigad~er Personnel Act of 1947: general, Regular Air Force), -United States · - Col. "'Holl1ngsworth Franklin Gregory, 496A, Regular Air Force. · · - Air Force. To be majqr generals Maj. Gen. Manuel Jose Asensio, 324A Brig. Gen. Matthew Kemp Deichelmann, Col. Tom William Scott," 536A, Regular Air (brigadier general, Regular Air Force), 331A, Regular .Air Force. Force. -- . · United States Air Force. · Brig. Gen. Merrill Davis Burnside, 495A. Col. Harold -Lester Smith, 564A, Regular Maj. Gen. John Stewart Mills, 357A (briga­ Regular Air Force. Air Force.- . dier general, Regular Air . Force), United Brig. Gen. Daniel Francis Callahan, 579A, . Col. Wendell Washington Bowman,- 596A, States Air Force. Regular Air Force. Regular Air Force. - Brig. Gen. Samuel Russ Harris,, Jr., 272A To be brigadier generals Col. Milton Frederick Summerfelt, 653A, (colonel, Regular Air Force), Unit~d States Regular Air Force. Brig.· Gen. William Tell Hefley, 353A Air Force. Col. Charles Hoffman Pottenger, 661A, (colonel, Regular Air Force) ,· United_ States Brig. ·Gen. John Titcomb Sprague, 300A Regular Air Force. Air Force. (colonel, Regular A4' Force), United States Maj • . Gen. Howard Graham Bu~ker, 376A Col. Clinton William Davies, 778A, Regular Air Force. Air Force. · - (colonel, Regular Air :force), United States Brig. Gen. Burton Murdock· Hovey, 313A Air Force.· . (colonel, Regular Air Force), United States CQl. John Martin Breit, 1016A, Regular Maj. Gen. Frederic J,l:rnst Glantzl;>erg, 405A Air Force. Air Force. (colonel, Regular Air' Forc_e), UniteQ. States - Brig. Gen. · William Te~l Hefley, 353A Col. Richard Thomas King, Jr., 1021A, Air Force. (colonel, Regular .Air Force); United States Regular Air Force. Ma,L Gen. Dudley Durward .aa1e, 431A Air Force. Col. Daniel Edwin Hooks, 1166A, Regular (colonel, Regular Air Force}, United States Brig. Gen. Jack Weston Wood, 441A (colo­ Air Force. - ·. - · - Air Force. _nel, Regular JUr Force} , Vnited States Air - Col. Moody Rudolph Tidwell, Jr:, 1553A, Brig. Gen. Jack Weston Wood, 441A (colo­ Force. Regular Air Force. nel, Regular Air Force), United_ S~ates Air · Brig. Gen. Harold Huntley Bassett, 445A Col. Don Davis Flickinger, 19078A, Regular Force. (colonel, Regular Air Force), United States Air Force; Medical. · Brig. Gen. Harold Huntley Bassett, 445-A Air Force. Col. Benjamin. Oliver_ Davis, Jr., 1206A, (colonel~ Regula-r Air Force), United States Brig. Gen. Marshall Stanley Roth, 458A .Regular Air Force. Air Force. _ . (colonel, Regular Air Force), Uniteq S~a~es Col. Charles Berton Root, 1258A, Regular Maj~ .. G.en. Roger James Browne, 449A Air Force. ' Air Force . " (colonel~ Regular Air Force), United States · Brig. Gen. George Elston Price, 475A (col­ Air Force: - ·Col. Victor _Raym<:?nd Haugen, _1292A, Regu­ onel, Regular Air Force), United States' Air lar Air Force. Brig. ·Gen. Marshall Stanley Roth, .458A Force. · (colonel, Regular ..Air Force), United States Col.· Sam Wilkerson Agee, 1346A, Regular Brig. Gen. Stuart Philiips Wright, 510A Air Force. Air Force ~ . - (colonel, Regular. Air Force), United _States Maj. Gen. Harlan · Clyde Parks, 472A Air Force; ·· Col.· ·Edwin · Borden Broadhurst, 1350A, (colonel, Reg_ular Air. _Force) , United States Brig. Gen. Frank Arthur Bogart, 585A Regular Air Force. Air Force. (colonel, Regular Air Force), United States Col. Kenneth Oliver Sanborn,-1363A,-Regu­ Brig. Gen. · George Elston Price, 475A . Air Force. ,lar· Air Force. (colonel, :Regular Air Force), United States Brig. Gen. Royden Eugene Beebe, Jr., 587A CoL Don Richard Ostrander, 1343A, Regu- Air Force.. · (colonel, Regular Air Force) , United States lar Air Force. · - Maj. Gen. Floyd Bernard Wood, 500A Air Force. Col. Fred Murray Dean, 1450A, Regular Air (colonel, Regular Air Force), United Sta~es Brig. Gen. John Belvier Ackerman, 610A Force. J.Ur Force. - (colonel!. Regular Air Force), United States Col. Walter Erath Arnold, 1478A, Regular · Brig. Gen. Hugh Arthur Parker, 505A .Air Force. Air Force. · {colonel, Regular Air Force), United States Brig. Gen. William Henry Eowell, Jr., 684A Col. Arthur Jenkins Pierce, -1509A, Regular Air Force. · (colonel, Regular Air Force), United States · Ail: Force . Brig." -Gen. Stuart' Phillips Wright, 510A Air Force. Col.. ~a:_rcu~ ~le~~l!g _Cooper, 1543A, Regu­ (colonel, Regular Aii Force) ,· United States Brig. Gen. Frederlck Jensen Dim, 834A Air Force. - · ·· · · lar Air Force. (colonel, -Regular Air Force}, United States Qol. Cecil. Hampton Childre, 1551A, Regular · Maj. Gen.- Richard AugU.st Grussendorf, Air Force. ~ir ~or~e. _ _ 543A (colonel, Regular Air Force), United Brig. Gen. Albert M~ldrum Kuhfeld, 884A States Air -Force. (colonel, Regular Air Force), Uni't;ed States Col. Henry, Riggs Sullivan, Jr., 1655A, Maj. Gen. Thetus Cayce Odom, 554A (colo­ Air Force. Regular· Air · Force. · nel, ·Regular Air Force), United States Air · Brig. Gen. Kenneth Paul Bergquist, 1117A · · Col William Emanuel Eubank, Jr., 1741A, Force. (colonel, ·Regular Air Force) , United States Regular Air Force. Maj. Gen. Millard Lewis-, 66l:A -(colonel, Air Force. - Col. Beverly Howard Warren, 1768A, Regu­ Regular~ Force), United States Air Force_. Brig. Gen. James Clyde· Seiser, Jr.,- 1284A lar Air -For.ce. - Maj: Gen. Sory Smith, 573A (colonel, Reg­ (colonel, Regular Air Force), United States. Col. James Franklin Whisenand, 1945A, ular Air Force), United States Air Force. Air Force. Regular Air Force. -EXTENSIONS OF ·R·EMA·RKS Communist Party Line on Senato~ _ in ·the RECORD pages 1 to 19 of the booklet in. an -Anierlcan history has ever -been loaded McCarthy I riow send to the desk. 'With such a volume of subversive, seditious, There being no objection, the booklet 'and treas"onable utterance as · has this organ · of the American Communists." was ordered to be printed in· the RECORD, EXTENSION 'OF REMARKS · .. Telegraph agency· of instructions to all .as follows-: Communists." (Louis Budenz, former editor OF of the Daily Worker.) "'THRow THE BUM 0UT''--0FFICIAL COMMU­ HON. JOSEPH R. McCARTHY NIST PARTY LINE .ON SENATOR MCCARTHY OF WISCONSIN The House On-American Activities Com­ (From the Dally Worker, New York, N. Y., of September 28, 1954) IN THE ~ATE OF ~ UNITED STATES mit~ omcially cites :the DailY. Worker :as :follo:ws: THROW THE_ BUM' OU'1' , _Monq,aY_, November 8,_195~ •nany. Worker: . The. chief journalistic · Atnerica is catchmg: up with McCARTHY. - Mr." McCARTHY. Mr. Pr'esideiit, I mouthpiece of the Communist Party • • •. The six-man Senate committee has. -voted ask unanimous consent to have printed No other paper or publication of any kind unanimously in favor ~f a Senate censure 1954 - • r • ·CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--- SENATE 15877 of the- arch-conspirator· against the Ameri­ . -We urge all readers to .reach their-fellow­ to get away with .this shameful imposition can Constitution. workers and neighbors and the leaders of the upon the American people. McCARTHY must It is good news for America-for its free unions and other organizations they . might be driven out of American public life com­ speech, its right to speak out for peace, co­ belong to--urging them to take similar pletely. That would be an appetizer to a existence, and the abolition of H-bomb action. :real head-on attack upon the main body of war-that- McCarthyism is no longer the un­ They should also make their will known the threatening Fascist movement 1n this touchable sacred cow. The good sense of the to Senator LY!IDoN JOHNSON, Democratic ~ountry. people has won this important achievement. Senate .leader, who is dodging the issue on In.the coming November elections the labor However, the GOP, backed ·in this by the the excuse that this is an inner Republican and progressive forces s.hould defeat . every Democratic Party leader in the Senate, is squabble. ~cCarthyite who appears on. any ticket and trying to sweep ·the McCARTHY issue under elect strong anti-McCarthy candidates. the rug for "the elections. They have ordered [From the Daily Worker, New York, N. Y., of -Wllliam Faster is under indictment for the postponement of any Senate action till Communist actiYities ln violation of the after the elections. They thus hope to keep March 17, 1954) · Smith Act. the issue quiet. · · STAMP OUT MCCARTHYISM: But the country has seen enough of the (By William Z. Foster) UNITY CAN DEFEAT McCARTHYISM sordid McCARTHY conspiracy not to be con­ During · the past 10 days Senator Mc­ (By Philip Frankfeld, chairman of the Com- tent with this trick. In the first place, the CARTHY has received a number of resound­
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