Table of Contents List of Acronyms and Abbreviations 5.4 Integrated sea floor habitat mapping on Browns Bank, Canada 106 Acknowledgements 5.5 Trends in seabed mapping in Norway, 1.0 Introduction 5 Portugal and Spain 111 1.1 Context 5 5.6 Airborne bathymetric LIDAR 1.2 Scope of the study 7 survey in Ireland 113 1.3 Approach 7 5.7 Water current mapping and modelling 115 1.4 Report structure 8 5.8 Quality assurance in areas of complex, shallow bathymetry 117 2.0 Irish Inshore Zone and Potential Mapping Requirements 9 5.9 Conclusions 119 2.1 Introduction 9 6.0 Costs of Inshore Mapping 121 2.2 Description of the inshore zone 11 6.1 Introduction 121 2.3 Coastal development and infrastructure 14 6.2 Costs of inshore mapping 121 2.4 Renewable resources 23 6.3 Conclusions 126 2.5 Non-renewable resources 35 7.0 Mapping Activity in the Irish 2.6 Heritage in the inshore zone 39 Inshore Zone 127 2.7 Coastal erosion 43 7.1 Introduction 127 2.8 Integrated coastal zone management 45 7.2 Methodology 127 2.9 Conclusions 47 7.3 Relevant data holdings 128 3.0 Legislative and Policy Requirements 7.4 Recent and present mapping activity 132 for Mapping 51 7.5 Conclusions 144 3.1 Introduction 51 8.0 Mapping Requirements and Priorities 3.2 Legislation and mapping requirements 51 for Irish Inshore Zone 145 3.3 Plans and policies 66 8.1 Introduction 145 3.4 Conclusions 76 8.2 Mapping requirements and priorities 146 4.0 Inshore Mapping Technologies 77 8.3 Conclusions 166 4.1 Introduction 77 9.0 Conclusions and Recommendations 167 4.2 Seabed mapping 77 9.1 Conclusions 167 4.3 Seabed sampling 87 9.2 Recommendations 171 4.4 Sub-seabed mapping 90 10.0 References 173 4.5 Water column mapping 93 4.6 Data warehousing and processing 96 11.0 Appendices 181 11.1 Appendix 1 182 4.7 Conclusions 97 11.2 Appendix 2 183 5.0 International Case Histories 11.3 Appendix 3 186 and Best Practice 99 11.4 Appendix 4 187 5.1 Introduction 99 11.5 Appendix 5 190 5.2 Seabed habitat mapping in Ireland and the U.K. 99 11.6 Appendix 6 192 5.3 DEFRA/CEFAS study 11.7 Appendix 7 209 in the English Channel 104 11.8 Appendix 8 219 NDP Marine RTDI Desk Study Series REFERENCE: DK/01/007 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations AGDS Acoustic Ground Discrimination System BDC OSPAR Biodiversity Committee BIM Bord Iascaigh Mhara BMAP Broad Scale Mapping Project CBMF Clew Bay Marine Forum CCMC Canadian Centre for Marine Communications CEC Council of the European Communities CEFAS Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (UK) CLC Civil Liability Convention CRC Coastal Resources Centre (UCC) cSAC Candidate Special Area of Conservation CSO Central Statistics Office CTD Conductivity Temperature Density CZM Coastal Zone Management DAHGI Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands DCMNR Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (UK) DGPS Differential Global Positioning System DIVAST Depth Integrated Velocities and Solute Transport DoEHLG Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government DoELG Department of Environment and Local Government DoMNR Department of the Marine and Natural Resources EC European Commission ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems EcoQO Ecological Quality Objective EDMED European Directory of Marine Environmental Data EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone EFH Essential Fish Habitat EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIS Environmental Impact Statement EPA Environmental Protection Agency ERS European Remote Sensing Satellite ESB Electricity Supply Board ETSU Energy Technology Support Unit (UK) EU European Union EUNIS European Nature Information System GIS Geographical Information System GPS Global Positioning System GSI Geological Survey of Ireland HAB Harmful Algal Bloom ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ICZM Integrated Coastal Zone Management IHO International Hydrographic Organisation IMO International Maritime Organisation IMDO Irish Maritime Development Office IMR Institute for Marine Research (Norway) IPCC Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change ISA Irish Shellfish Association ISGA Irish Salmon Growers Association ISIO Irish Seaweed Industry Organisation 2 JAMP OSPAR Joint Assessment and Monitoring Programme LADS Laser Airborne Depth Sounder NDP Marine RTDI Desk Study Series REFERENCE: DK/01/007 3 LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide LGCSB Local Government Computer Services Board LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging LINZ Land Information New Zealand MAROV Mapping of Marine Habitats of the Azores using Robotic Ocean Vehicles (Portugal) MI Marine Institute MLWS Mean Low Water Springs MPA Marine Protected Area MSMR Marine Sites and Monuments Record NDP National Development Programme NGU Norwegian Geological Survey NHA Natural Heritage Areas NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NPWS National Parks and Wildlife Service NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology NUIG National University of Ireland, Galway OSPAR Oslo–Paris Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the NE Atlantic OSI Ordnance Survey of Ireland QTC Quester Tangent Corporation PAD Petroleum Affairs Division (DCMNR) RBD River Basin Districts RBMP River Basin Management Plans ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle RTDI Research, Technology, Development and Innovation RTK Real Time Kinematic SAC Special Area of Conservation SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR Search and Rescue SCI Site of Community Importance (EU) SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SEAMAP Canadian Seabed Resource Mapping Program SHOALS Scanning Hydrographic Operational Airborne LIDAR Survey SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea SPA Special Protection Area SUSHIMAP Survey Strategy and Methodology for Marine Habitat Mapping (Norway) TAC Total Allowable Catch TCD Trinity College Dublin UCC University College Cork UCD University College Dublin UKHO United Kingdom Hydrographic Office UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea USACE US Army Corps of Engineers USGS United States Geological Survey UWTV Underwater Television WFD Water Framework Directive WMO World Meteorological Organisation NDP Marine RTDI Desk Study Series REFERENCE: DK/01/007 Acknowledgements A study of this scope could not have been completed without the co-operation of a large number of organisations and individuals, both in Ireland and overseas. We thank the consultees, listed in Appendix 1, and in addition those who attended the Stakeholders’ Workshop for their time and constructive advice. The rapporteurs at the Stakeholders’ Workshop, Dr Francis O’Beirn and Capt. Kieran O’Higgins are acknowledged for their succinct summary of the outcome of two breakout sessions. We thank all those organisations and individuals who have given us permission to publish images and diagrams in this report. We are grateful to the Tenix LADS Corporation for their assistance in providing a survey strategy and associated indicative costs for airborne LIDAR mapping. A special acknowledgement needs to be given to the staff of the Marine Institute and the Geological Survey of Ireland who contributed professional advice and assistance. We would particularly like to thank Yvonne Shields (Marine Institute) for co-ordinating the constructive comments received in drafting this report. Drs Dick Pickrill and Brian Todd of the Geological Survey of Canada provided invaluable advice on their experience of inshore mapping. Dr Matthew Service of Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Northern Ireland provided a welcome perspective on inshore mapping in Northern Ireland. We appreciate the advice and support of Dr Anthony Grehan of the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences at NUI, Galway. Finally, we extend our appreciation to Jenny O’Leary of the Marine Institute who organised the Stakeholders’ Workshop and facilitated effective communication amongst the many contributors to the process that has resulted in this report. 4 NDP Marine RTDI Desk Study Series REFERENCE: DK/01/007 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction 5 1.1 Context In 1999 the Irish Government allocated – €27 million to survey all of Ireland’s territorial waters. The National Seabed Survey involves the acquisition and processing of – 850,000 km2 of multibeam sonar swath bathymetry, sub-bottom seismic reflection, gravity, magnetic and ancillary geological and water column data in water depths of 50m to 4000m. The area is divided into Zone 3 (water depths 200m to 4000m), Zone 2 (50m to 200m) and Zone 1 (0m to 50m)1. By 2003, the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) had completed Zone 3 data acquisition and the Marine Institute had mapped a large area offshore northwest Ireland (especially Donegal Bay) as part of its Zone 2 responsibilities (Fig. 1.1). Mapping in Zone 2 will continue until 2006, by which time Ireland will be in possession of one of the most comprehensive seabed data sets in oceanic waters. Figure 1.1: National seabed survey zones. Courtesy of Geological Survey of Ireland. 1Although the commitment was to map the entire offshore territorial waters, the zoning was implemented subsequent to the allocation of funding to enable data acquisition on a phased basis. Zone 1 was not part of the initial funding allocation for the Seabed Survey. NDP Marine RTDI Desk Study Series REFERENCE: DK/01/007 1.0 INTRODUCTION During the planning of the National Seabed Survey, it was obvious that the mapping requirements for Zone 1 (0m to 50m) were more complex than those in deeper waters. This was because of the technical difficulties in mapping Ireland’s variable coastline, its economic importance and the diversity of potential stakeholder interests in Zone 1 waters. As a consequence, the Geological Survey of Ireland and the Marine Institute focused on mapping Zones 3 and 2 respectively, where data could be collected easily and rapidly in spite of the large area. In the meantime, the Marine Institute commissioned this feasibility study to cost and prioritise a comprehensive mapping programme for Zone 1 as the final phase in the Government’s commitment to map Ireland’s entire offshore resource.
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