4 ‘ iiif . u WEDNESDAY, JUNE H 1964 ittanrlr^Btrr Sit^ttfno Utrald Sponsored By Rafail. Division MANCHESTER sanwB CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mandiutta r’ A Ciiy of yUlago Chmrm J f L . LXXXm, MO. m (TWSMtY-FOUR PA6E8-TW0 8ICTION8) M ANCHE^R. CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1904 ■■ Page m Massive Security Curtain Events ■ t Dpteoopsl Guild wlU hav* a picnic Hiunday SUMMER BUMMER noon at Uib horn* a t M n. Claude In State Porter, pacoeident, M Hyde 8 t LBJ Adds Marines M eoiben are reraliMled to bring Nettles Nikita in Sweden table MtUnga. bn the event of ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ tain the picnic win be held at R T O n K H O U f HwaHanostruck down tha arm and gnvafsnnda of ambittarad ratugaai Dancer Arrested at the Pariah Rouae at St him a Mack look. from behind the lla i7 *a Ctaurdi. (AP) — PwhiiIOr Khrush- Mo. unautborlssd parson is al­ livs in Sweden. In Topless Suit ^ev ia getting restless and lowed anywhere near the man At a banquet for Kbrusbctasv ________ J. Chokaa, aon from ttaa Kremlin, and even ac­ in Stockholm ’Tuesday night, 14 annoyed over the coloesal HARTFORD (AP) ~ H r. and ICra. John Chokaa, NOTHING HELD BACK! aecnrity wall the Swedish credited officials are somatlmaa detectlvsa ate with tbs guests at To Trio Searchers THame Dr., haa been prcmioted turned away. Five thousand po­ stratogtcally placed tables. An­ Miss Leona Bonaccolta of lb damage control petty offi- police have put around him. licemen and two companies of other 100 poUce surrounded the New York City waded ■ri ear tfaM cUuh in the u.S. Navy With thousands of patrolmsn l : army commandos are svsry- building and a doMn more pa­ ashore at Batterson Park & la awThig aboard the USS ENTIRE STOCK OF FAMOUS TROPICAL fristllng with sabsrs and pis­ wbe|:e—holding up traffic, block- trolled the wine cellars. WaiJralrai, atationed in New- tols, and hundrads of datactivaa ing sldewalkB, peering from Waitresses had to go through at 10:16 this morning— h eft, R. I. Itie ahip will leave In avary gulaa from cook to rooftops, searching paasersby, two police checks. looking more than some­ Fears M ount charwoman, Stockholm haa Jdigr S tor a aix-month tour of fussing through kitchens. Swiss chef Werner Voegeli, what like a South Seas duty In the Mediterranean. Cho baan Uks an armad camp alnoa Expressen, Scandinavia’s big­ who prepared the menu for a tbs Sovlat laadar arrivad thrae maiden seeking refuge on a kaa la a 1A01 graduate of Man- FINMT gest newspaper, complained on luncheon at the royal palace, Youths Dead; ohaatar High School, where he d iys aga Khrushchev’s behalf: "We are reported with some IndlgnaUon friendly shore. waa a member o f the track and or A Sovlat sourca said Khiu- Miss Bonaccolta — who ia Gets 2nd Award astonished at all these pallce, that he and eight waitresses awim teama. He recoitly com­ ahehav la beginning to raaant also known as an exotic dancer A id es Confer Miss Bonnie Minton, a 1964 OUALIIY and ao must Khrushchsv be. In were subjected to medical tests peted with the Flrat Naval Die the nuuaiva sacurlty curtain the united States he traveled in to insure that they had no com ­ by the name of Hope Diamond W et In Boaton, Mass., and re- honor graduats of Manchester uU kaeplng him from eontact with an open eSr, as he did in — was greeted with aome awe municable disease. WASHINGTON (AP)— eetved a trophy in the Javelin High School, was awarded her ttaa Swedlah paopla. France and also in Egypt.” by a crowd of pmhape 76. event She was also met by un­ President Johnson ordeind second $800 scholarship In leas ...a most important eltaranee of man'$ lummar $u7t$. I8a Impatlanea was dsmon- Another paper called Khru­ OXEL08UND, Sweden (AP) 200 Marines to Join the than a month on Sunday at atratod aurlng a visit to the shchev a "p r im e r of the Swed­ —Soviet Premier Khrushchev friendly, forces, represented by The Past Mistreaa Club, shipbuilding cantor a t Gotsborg ish security police.” told Swedish steelmen today the Hartford Police Depart­ search today for three civil Daughters of Liberty, No. 126, Vasa Park, Meriden. Thara't pUnty of sixzling waathor $till ahaad, $o hurry in. ment, who promptly charged One of ten similar scholar- Wednesday. Wban a poUesman But the Swedish government that if they lower the prices of rights workers miseinff in will tove a meeting and social thrust out an arm to guide him is taking no chance of any barm her with indecent exposure. Mississippi. tonight at 6 at the home of ahlpe given by Grand Lodge, Mias Bonaccolta was wear­ Vasa Order of America, Huga savings on cool, crisp suits to waar from now till Fail along Ms routs, Khruahetasv coming to Khrushchey. Thou- (See Page Huree) ’The President’s order was an* Mrs. Jamas Hasen, Tumble- ing one of the new topless throughout the U.S. and Can­ nounced by George B< Reedy, brook D r, Vernon. ada, Miss Minton’s prize was . .and for many a long, hot summar to coma! (well, there are straps) bath­ White House press secretary, the result of a contest In which ing suits. who said the MarinM were be* Members of the Lampliters Her appearance at Hartford’s ing moved into the search surea entrants were required to write Barry Seen Chapter of Uie Questers are research papers related to some Batteraon Park was the first near Philadelphia, Miss., from reminded to meet tomorrow at aspect of Swedish culture. Wracked Congo instance of someone showing tto Meridian, where hs said they 6:16 pjn. at Mott’s Supermar­ at a,public beach clothed (if Mias Minton , was presented Sure Loser had been baaed. ket. ‘The group will go to the her (dieck and a certificate by that’s the word) with one of the Asked how long the troopa Log Cabin, for dinner. Maurltz Gunneson; Vasa Grand GROUP I . Brand Names! Brand Nafhes! . , . topless suits. had been at Meridian, and Lodge deputy; and Mrs. Elvira Michael Stem, Clipper Craft, Cricketeef . entire stock Awaits Tshombe By Scranton Her appearance ia regarded whether they had been broufbt The Xipeer d u b wUl hold a Anderson, chairman of Scandla o f tropical suits. Beautifully cut in 55% dacron, 45% wool as a test case, to determine there on a standby baals, Reedy family picnic Sunday beginning Lodge 38, presented her with a — the best blend tor a tropical suit. Deluxe quality, good whether or not the unclad fe­ referred all inquirlM to the De­ at 11 am. at Chaves Acres, ooniage.. assortment of cool summer shades. Come in early while By ROBIN MANNOOK MIAMI, Fla. (AP)—Nomina­ male bosom constitutes indecent fense Department. Andover. To reach Chaves Barller this month, she was our stock is complete and make your selection! 34-46. LEOPOLDVILLE, the Congo tion of Sen. Barry Goldwater for exposure or not. In ad^tion to the 300 Ma­ Acnree, follow Rt. 44 past the ven'a $300 scholarrtiip by the Regular, shorts, longs. Reg. 65.00 to 69.95. NOW (AP)—Exiled Congolese leeders president would spell defesf for There was no doubt that when rines, Reedy said, eight mili­ blinker Hght then turn left at w e d i ■ h Junior Women’s 46 the Republican psurty this fall, tary helicopters will Join aa r may soon come flocking beck to she emerged from the water River Rd. and continue until League. UK^ldviUe as the Congo’s ma- says his chief rival. Gov. Wil­ (Miss Bonaccolta was nude in augmented force of FBI agents, the ptonle area la reached. The niece o f Mr. and kibe. r political facUons look for liam W. Scranton. that area. She made her appear­ federal marshals and atats pa- Jay Frank of 56 Conway Rd., £lip to and rahelllons wracking “ It is sound Judgment'that his ance swimrnmg toward shore trobnen. Itanbem of Bknanuel Choir of Miss Minton has enrolled at the country. candidacy would set up our shortly after the park (q>ened at The three youtha vanished party for a defeat of major Kmanuel Lutheran Ohuihh are Madison College, Harrisonburg, Molse Tshombe, former presi­ 10. At this time a small swarm Sunday night. ’Ibelr fire-gutted Va., where she ^^ll prepare for dent end secessionist leader of proportions,” the Pennsylvania reminded to meet in the church . A really select group a t tropical of early-birdB had entered the station wagon was found ’Tues­ a career in library sdence. GROUP II Katanga Province, ended,more ivemor told a news conference paridng lot at 6:30 today before worsted suits. The luxury look of fine tailoring in a light­ park gates. Some were mothers day on the edge of a swamp teavlag for a picnic to be held then a year of self-imposed ednesday. near Philadelphia, Miss. weight suit for city sununsrs. Retains .its trim appear­ “ But if Sen. Goldwater Is with small children. Others at the Anderson-Johneon cot­ ance. Refreshing summer shades. Compare at 49.96. Sizes exile fai Spain Wednesday and were teen-age boys or older Reedy said tha Marinas warn tage at Lake Amaton. In ease flkw to Brussels, en route ,to nominated, I will work for him ordered to make a complete 37-46. Short, regular, long. NOW and support him no matter visitors who seemed to be pres­ of ratat it will be held in Luther 27 DwpoldviUe. ent as sort of a welcoming so­ James Fanner, right, national director of CORE, chews on hamburger while and intensive a w a y and Ran.
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