Risks Antenatal depression - Search Strategy Page 1 of 71 Contents MEDLINE ................................................................................................................................... 1 EMBASE ...................................................................................................................................16 PsycINFO .................................................................................................................................34 CINAHL.....................................................................................................................................48 Cochrane CENTRAL .................................................................................................................59 Web of Science .........................................................................................................................69 MEDLINE # ▲ Searches 1 exp Psychotherapy/ 2 psychotherap*.mp. 3 (psychoeducational adj4 therap*).mp. 4 exp Cognitive Therapy/ 5 (cognitive adj4 therap*).mp. 6 (interpersonal adj4 therap*).mp. 7 counsel*.mp. 8 (Supportive adj4 interaction).mp. 9 (psychologic* adj4 therap*).mp. 10 (no* adj4 pharmac* adj4 therap*).mp. 11 (no* adj4 medic* adj4 therap*).mp. 12 exp Phototherapy/ 13 Phototherap*.mp. 14 "Photo therapy".mp. Risks Antenatal depression - Search Strategy Page 2 of 71 15 exp Exercise/ 16 exp Exercise Therapy/ 17 kinesiotherap*.mp. 18 exercise*.mp. 19 exp Yoga/ 20 yoga.mp. 21 exp Acupuncture Therapy/ 22 Acupuncture.mp. 23 exp Sleep Deprivation/ 24 (sleep* adj4 depriv*).mp. 25 exp Herbal Medicine/ 26 (herbal* adj4 medic*).mp. 27 (herbal* adj4 therap*).mp. 28 exp Complementary Therapies/ 29 (complement* adj4 medic*).mp. 30 (complement* adj4 therap*).mp. 31 (alternat* adj4 medic*).mp. 32 (alternat* adj4 therap*).mp. 33 (psychosocial* adj4 therap*).mp. 34 exp Mindfulness/ 35 mindful*.mp. 36 (accept* adj4 therap*).mp. 37 (commit* adj4 therap*).mp. 38 exp Behavior Therapy/ 39 (behavio* adj4 therap*).mp. 40 (problem adj4 solv* adj4 therap*).mp. 41 exp Psychoanalytic Therapy/ Risks Antenatal depression - Search Strategy Page 3 of 71 42 (psychoanal* adj4 therap*).mp. 43 (psychodynamic adj4 therap*).mp. 44 (dynamic adj4 therap*).mp. 45 bibliotherap*.mp. 46 (guided adj4 self adj4 help).mp. 47 (distract* adj4 therap*).mp. 48 (light adj4 therap*).mp. 49 exp Hydrotherapy/ 50 hydrotherap*.mp. 51 exp Meditation/ 52 meditat*.mp. 53 exp Music Therapy/ 54 music* therap*.mp. 55 exp Animal Assisted Therapy/ 56 ((animal or pet* or dog* or cat* or canine or equine or horse* or dolphin*) adj4 therap*).mp. 57 exp Equine-Assisted Therapy/ 58 hippotherap*.mp. 59 exp Massage/ 60 massag*.mp. 61 exp Therapeutic Touch/ 62 (therap* adj4 touch*).mp. 63 reiki.mp. 64 exp Amino Acids/ 65 amino acid*.mp. 66 exp Vitamins/ 67 vitamin*.mp. 68 exp Minerals/ Risks Antenatal depression - Search Strategy Page 4 of 71 69 mineral*.mp. 70 exp Inositol/ 71 Inositol.mp. 72 methyl-folate*.mp. 73 (omega-3 adj4 fatty adj4 acids).mp. 74 exp S-Adenosylmethionine/ 75 adenosylmethionine.mp. 76 "S-adenosyl-L-methionine".mp. 77 exp Hypericum/ 78 Hypericum.mp. 79 (John* adj4 wort).mp. 80 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22 or 23 or 24 or 25 or 26 or 27 or 28 or 29 or 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 36 or 37 or 38 or 39 or 40 or 41 or 42 or 43 or 44 or 45 or 46 or 47 or 48 or 49 or 50 or 51 or 52 or 53 or 54 or 55 or 56 or 57 or 58 or 59 or 60 or 61 or 62 or 63 or 64 or 65 or 66 or 67 or 68 or 69 or 70 or 71 or 72 or 73 or 74 or 75 or 76 or 77 or 78 or 79 81 exp pregnancy/ 82 exp pregnant woman/ 83 pregnan*.mp. 84 gestation*.mp. 85 exp Gravidity/ 86 gravid*.mp. 87 (expectant adj4 mother*).mp. 88 exp Pregnancy Complications/ 89 (pregnan* adj4 complication*).mp. 90 exp Pregnancy Outcome/ 91 (pregnan* adj4 outcome*).mp. Risks Antenatal depression - Search Strategy Page 5 of 71 92 81 or 82 or 83 or 84 or 85 or 86 or 87 or 88 or 89 or 90 or 91 93 exp Depression/ 94 exp Depressive Disorder/ 95 depres*.mp. 96 exp Mood Disorders/ 97 (mood adj4 disorder*).mp. 98 exp Dysthymic Disorder/ 99 dysthymi*.mp. 100 exp Depressive Disorder, Major/ 101 93 or 94 or 95 or 96 or 97 or 98 or 99 or 100 102 92 and 101 103 untreat*.mp. 104 ("not" adj4 treat*).mp. 105 (no adj4 treat*).mp. 106 (no adj4 therap*).mp. 107 (usual adj4 treat*).mp. 108 placebo.mp. 109 nonmedic*.mp. 110 ((no or "not" or non) adj4 (medic* or antipedres* or SSRI*)).mp. 111 103 or 104 or 105 or 106 or 107 or 108 or 109 or 110 112 exp Premature Birth/ 113 prematurit*.mp. 114 ((premature or "pre mature" or "preterm" or "pre term") adj4 (birth* or deliver* or labo*)).mp. 115 (premature adj4 birth*).mp. 116 ("pre mature" adj4 birth*).mp. 117 (preterm adj4 birth*).mp. 118 ("pre term" adj4 birth*).mp. Risks Antenatal depression - Search Strategy Page 6 of 71 119 exp Gestational Age/ 120 (gestational adj4 age*).mp. 121 exp Small for Gestational Age/ 122 exp Fetal Growth Retardation/ 123 (fetal adj4 grow*).mp. 124 exp Fetal Macrosomia/ 125 macrosomia.mp. 126 exp Birth Weight/ 127 (birth adj4 weight*).mp. 128 "birthweight".mp. 129 exp Low Birth Weight/ 130 (weight* adj4 newborn*).mp. 131 112 or 113 or 114 or 115 or 116 or 117 or 118 or 119 or 120 or 121 or 122 or 123 or 124 or 125 or 126 or 127 or 128 or 129 or 130 132 exp Antidepressive Agents/ 133 antidepress*.mp. 134 anti-depress*.mp. 135 exp Antidepressive Agents, Second-Generation/ 136 (psych* adj4 medic*).mp. 137 exp Drug Therapy/ 138 (drug* adj4 therap*).mp. 139 pharmacotherap*.mp. 140 pharmaco* therap*.mp. 141 pharmaco* treat*.mp. 142 SSRI*.mp. 143 exp Serotonin Uptake Inhibitors/ 144 (Serotonin adj4 Uptake adj4 Inhibitor*).mp. 145 (Serotonin adj4 reuptake adj4 Inhibitor*).mp. Risks Antenatal depression - Search Strategy Page 7 of 71 146 exp Citalopram/ 147 Citalopram.mp. 148 Escitalopram.mp. 149 exp Fluoxetine/ 150 Fluoxetine.mp. 151 exp Fluvoxamine/ 152 Fluvoxamine.mp. 153 exp Paroxetine/ 154 Paroxetin*.mp. 155 exp Sertraline/ 156 Sertralin*.mp. 157 exp Serotonin Antagonists/ 158 (Serotonin adj4 Antagonist*).mp. 159 Etoperidone.mp. 160 Nefazodone.mp. 161 exp Trazodone/ 162 Trazodone.mp. 163 ((norepinephrine or noradrenaline or neurotransmitt* or dopamin*) and (uptake or reuptake or re-uptake or "re uptake")).mp. 164 SNRI*.mp. 165 Desvenlafaxine.mp. 166 Desvenlafaxin*.mp. 167 Duloxetin*.mp. 168 Levomilnacipran.mp. 169 Milnacipran.mp. 170 Venlafaxin*.mp. 171 exp Adrenergic Uptake Inhibitors/ 172 (Adrenergic adj4 Uptake adj4 Inhibitors).mp. Risks Antenatal depression - Search Strategy Page 8 of 71 173 (Adrenergic adj4 reuptake adj4 Inhibitors).mp. 174 exp Bupropion/ 175 amfebutamon*.mp. 176 Bupropion.mp. 177 Atomoxetin*.mp. 178 Reboxetin*.mp. 179 exp Viloxazine/ 180 Viloxazin*.mp. 181 NDRI*.mp. 182 Amineptin*.mp. 183 exp Nomifensine/ 184 Nomifensin*.mp. 185 exp Antidepressive Agents, Tricyclic/ 186 tryciclic*.mp. 187 exp Amitriptyline/ 188 Amitriptylin*.mp. 189 Amitriptylinoxide.mp. 190 exp Amoxapine/ 191 Amoxapin*.mp. 192 Butriptylin*.mp. 193 exp Clomipramine/ 194 Clomipramin*.mp. 195 Chlomipramin*.mp. 196 Chlorimipramin*.mp. 197 Demexiptilin*.mp. 198 Dimetacrin*.mp. 199 exp Dothiepin/ Risks Antenatal depression - Search Strategy Page 9 of 71 200 Dothiepin*.mp. 201 dosulepin*.mp. 202 exp Doxepin/ 203 Doxepin*.mp. 204 exp Imipramine/ 205 Imipramin*.mp. 206 exp Iprindole/ 207 Iprindol*.mp. 208 exp Lofepramine/ 209 Lofepramin*.mp. 210 Melitracen.mp. 211 Metapramin*.mp. 212 Nitroxazepin*.mp. 213 exp Nortriptyline/ 214 Nortriptylin*.mp. 215 Noxiptilin*.mp. 216 exp Opipramol/ 217 Opipramol.mp. 218 Pipofezin*.mp. 219 Propizepin*.mp. 220 exp Protriptyline/ 221 Protriptylin*.mp. 222 Quinupramin*.mp. 223 Tianeptin*.mp. 224 exp Trimipramine/ 225 Trimipramin*.mp. 226 Agomelatin*.mp. Risks Antenatal depression - Search Strategy Page 10 of 71 227 Alaproclate.mp. 228 exp Perphenazine/ 229 Perphenazin*.mp. 230 Befloxaton*.mp. 231 exp Benactyzine/ 232 Benactyzin*.mp. 233 Binospiron*.mp. 234 Brofaromin*.mp. 235 exp Bupropion/ 236 Bupropion.mp. 237 Caroxazon*.mp. 238 Cianopramin*.mp. 239 Cilobamin*.mp. 240 Cimoxaton*.mp. 241 exp Clorgyline/ 242 Clorgylin*.mp. 243 Clovoxamin*.mp. 244 exp Desipramine/ 245 Desipramin*.mp. 246 Dibenzepin*.mp. 247 Diclofensin*.mp. 248 Edivoxetin*.mp. 249 Femoxetin*.mp. 250 Fluotracen.mp. 251 exp Iproniazid/ 252 Iproniazid.mp. 253 Ipsapiron*.mp. Risks Antenatal depression - Search Strategy Page 11 of 71 254 exp Isocarboxazid/ 255 Isocarboxazid.mp. 256 exp Maprotiline/ 257 Maprotilin*.mp. 258 exp Mianserin/ 259 Mianserin*.mp. 260 Minaprin*.mp. 261 mirtazapin*.mp. 262 exp Moclobemide/ 263 Moclobemid*.mp. 264 exp Monoamine Oxidase/ 265 Monoamine Oxidase.mp. 266 MAO*.mp. 267 RIMA*.mp. 268 exp Nialamide/ 269 Nialamid*.mp. 270 exp Norfenfluramine/ 271 Norfenfluramin*.mp. 272 Oxaflozan*.mp. 273 exp Phenelzine/ 274 Phenelzin*.mp. 275 Pheniprazin*.mp. 276 exp Pirenzepine/ 277 Pirenzepin*.mp. 278 Pirlindol*.mp. 279 Pivagabin*.mp. 280 exp Pizotyline/ Risks Antenatal depression - Search Strategy Page 12 of 71 281 Pizotylin*.mp. 282 pizotifen.mp. 283 exp Rolipram/ 284 Rolipram.mp. 285 exp Scopolamine Hydrobromide/ 286 Scopolamin*.mp. 287 exp Selegiline/ 288 Selegilin*.mp. 289 Setiptilin*.mp. 290 teciptilin*.mp. 291 Thozalinon*.mp. 292 Toloxaton*.mp. 293 exp Tranylcypromine/ 294 Tranylcypromin*.mp. 295 Vilazodon*.mp. 296 Viqualin*.mp. 297 Vortioxetin*.mp. 298 Zalospiron*.mp. 299 Amfebutamon*.mp. 300 Tyrima.mp. 301 Deprenyl.mp. 302 Pertrofan*.mp. 303 Dosulepin*.mp. 304 Teciptilin*.mp. 305 exp Anticonvulsants/ 306 Anticonvuls*.mp. 307 neurolep*.mp. Risks Antenatal depression - Search Strategy Page 13 of 71 308 exp Antipsychotic Agents/ 309 antipsychotic*.mp. 310 exp Benzodiazepines/ 311 Benzodiazepin*.mp. 312 exp Carbamazepine/ 313 Carbamazepin*.mp. 314 exp Clozapine/ 315 Clozapin*.mp. 316 exp Selegiline/ 317 Selegilin*.mp. 318 exp Haloperidol/ 319 Haloperidol*.mp. 320 lamotrigin*.mp. 321 exp Lithium/ 322 Lithium.mp. 323 olanzapin*.mp. 324 quetiapin*.mp. 325 exp Risperidone/ 326 Risperidon*.mp. 327 (tetracyclic adj4 therap*).mp. 328 exp Valproic Acid/ 329 Valproic Acid.mp.
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