SUPPLEMENT 2-2017 by Fillip Supplement Exclusion Zones Susanne Kriemann and Eva Wilson Fillip, Canada Kriemann & Wilson — 3 O sun, you middle- This was long before inception is effectively aged star. For the past organisms developed indistinguishable. 4.567 billion years, you the ability to break down The vast majority of have been embroiled in cellulose, which eventu- energy consumed on a process of continuous ally prevented organic Earth, however, is solar, nuclear reaction—one that remains from sinking stellar, as is the basis for will continue for about the deeper toward the Earth’s the chemical reaction same length of time, until core and fossilizing. that caused the mass the hydrogen fusion in extinctions of the Great your core has diminished, My coevals: we will never Oxygenation Event your outer layers expand, become fossils. (GOE) that initiated our and you swell to become current oxygen-based a Red Giant, and, in the Today, the mechanics ecosphere. The spec- process, swallow the plan- of extraction produced tral range of solar light ets closest to you, includ- under the rule of a con- visible to humans ap- ing, most likely, Earth. sumptive economy have proximately matches the excavated and brought range of photosyntheti- The sun’s radiation, the to light—to the same cally active radiation. Our symptom of its entropic nuclear light that formed eye responds to stimu- decay, is the source not them—the coal and oil lation by electromag- only of life, but also of and gas whose combus- netic radiation within this time on Earth. Spiralling tion sustains (and endan- spectrum as perception around our ageing star, gers) life on Earth. We of colour, while a plant’s we measure our lives live in a global economy pigments are able to in revolutions. Another of the sun, commodi- convert it into chemical ten or twenty revolu- ties’ creation running energy, releasing oxygen tions from now, fossil on radiation, burning up as a waste product: as fuels will be diminished time, millions of years, in the air that we breath, and spent to the point a century. but also as a toxic pol- of exhaustion. For the luter for the now extinct past few hundred million Nuclear reactor fuels pre-GOE organisms. Un- years, these fossils have have no solar source. derground, where there harboured the energy of They are the product is no light, colour does our sun deep under the of several supernovae, not exist. pressure of the Earth’s the input of explosive mantle and in the heat debris of Earth’s progeni- Some photosensitive of its core. These are the tor stars at the time of carriers can record radia- sediments of prehistoric the planet’s formation. tion beyond the limits of organic matter that at Whether the origin of the visible spectrum: this one time basked in the radioactive energy is is how the artist Susanne spectral range of light extraterrestrial, or rather Kriemann was able to re- that facil itates photo- forms the core of the cord autoradiographs of synthesis (between 400 planet itself, its astro- radioactive uranium from and 700 nanometres). nomical make-up and within a darkroom in a Kriemann & Wilson — 6 Kriemann & Wilson — 7 laboratory at the Ameri- in the Ore Mountains in ecosphere of the fields human consumption of carried great distances spans an epic transna- can Museum of Natural Thuringia and Saxony surrounding the mines groundwater, soil, and by the wind, reaching tional industrial circum- History in New York. in Germany as early as operated by the now air from the area will not the doors and windows ference, entangling stone Some of the first do- the fifteenth century. defunct mining company be possible for another of most of the taxpayers coal from Columbia, simeters—personal film At the time, the leady, SDAG Wismut (a Soviet- 100,000 years. who contributed to the Congolese coltan, Mon- badges used to monitor fatty black substance was German stock company) And yet nature here has 6 billion euros spent on golian europium, numer- cumulative radiation dos- deemed worthless and in the Ore Mountains of resumed its wild prolif- remediation processes ous other raw materials, es—were developed after only retrieved from mine the former GDR. Krie- erations. Oblivious local to date. and countless hours of scientists of the Manhat- dumps when its oxidized mann in turn was col- livestock continues to global labour, wrapped tan Project realized that colours were discovered lecting the contaminated ruminate the fresh grass Kriemann’s work Falsche- up in the complex theol- photographic film stored as useful in the produc- plants in order to use that grows on fields just Kamille, Wilde Möhre, Bit- ogy emanating from the near to radioactive ma- tion of olive-green, grey, them in her photograms. beyond the confines of terkraut (Zyklus I) (2016) heliocentre’s heart at terials had been exposed and ochre pigments. Apart from uranium, the the exclusion zone— consists of photograms 1 Infinite Loop, Cuper- (in both senses). The Painters in the seven- soil and vegetation from boundaries that are the of plants harvested in tino, California. image conjured from the teenth and eighteenth the former mining areas consequence of policies September 2016 from film indicated invisible centuries used concoc- contain traces of lantha- that choose to ignore the Gessenwiese. Back Printed captions accom- gamma rays, X-rays, and tions of oxidized urani- num, ittrium, gadolinium, the expansive nature of in her darkened studio, pany the final images. beta particles that were nite mixed with fresh- lead, copper, aluminum, industrial contamination Kriemann placed the Rather than functioning shooting through the egg tempera or oil made argentum, vanadium, and in favour of a fictional crop on photosensi- as a detached element, labs, through the scien- from local walnut crops other heavy metals and reality geared toward tive paper, weighted the the captions act as an in- tists, and through time. to produce paintings that rare earth elements. the doctrine of Strahlen- corners down with books herent component of the are radioactively contam- The long history of schutz (radiation protec- that were at hand (issues work, framed together Uranium-235 has a half- inated: look at them and extraction and global tion). The two monumen- of Camera Austria, After- with the photographs. life of 703.8 million years. they will look back at you, dissemination of natural tal cone-shaped slag all, and Texte zur Kunst, Like much of Kriemann’s Caesium-137’s half-life is not by means of the re- resources from the area piles of mining waste that Jonathan Crary’s 24/7, work, Falsche Kamille, approximately 30 years. fracted sunlight glisten- ended abruptly in 1990 for years dominated the and an Agatha Christie Wilde Möhre, Bitterkraut Both isotopes are in a ing off their varnish in all with the collapse of the horizon near Ronneburg novel), and exposed the operates in the fields state of constant insta- the colours of the visible nation states whose ter- as man-made Alps (“Alp” image by using the LED of photography and the bility, decaying continu- spectral range, but by ritorial and exterritorial also meaning “night- flashlight of her smart archive and their rela- ously into more stable el- the stealthy emanation claims to the land evapo- mare” in German) were phone. For a brief instant, tionship to time, and yet ements. At the end of its of their own energies, rated with them. Agricul- removed to make way for the rare earth minerals the work also tugs at the long process of entropy, radiating not just to your ture in the densely popu- the Bundesgartenschau— inside her mobile device temporal fabric of text. uranium becomes lead— eyes, but through your lated Wismut area has the German federal horti- illuminated the har- The paper caption sheets an element that, in an- clothes, your hair—and now made way for risky culture show of 2007. The vested plants and their contain the botanical other time, made up the all the cells of your body. recreation grounds, and current Wismut GmbH, sister elements, thereby denominations of the type metal that produced harvesting and extraction the federal successor of exposing the photosensi- plant matter and the typographic print. In 2016, Susanne Krie- on the Gessen wiese test the old SDAG, is currently tive paper. Charged with geographical locations Uraninite, or pitch- mann joined a group of field in in East Thuringia remediating 570 hectares a mixture of electricity and dates of the finding blende, is a radioactive researchers: geologists today serves the sole of sludge ponds con- generated mostly from and harvest, as well as mineral and ore that and biologists from purpose of attempting taining the tailings from coal, along with nuclear lists of heavy metals and can be used to recover the University of Jena to protect animals and the uranium refinement and renewable sources, other elements found uranium and radium. analyzing the quanti- humans from the dan- process. When left to dry the discharge of the in the plants, printed on Large deposits of ura- ties of toxic and radi- gers of its contamination. out, the radioactive dust phone’s flash completes top of and across colour ninite were discovered ating elements in the It is thought that safe of these tailings can be a Promethean loop that fields of earthy tones. Kriemann & Wilson — 8 The pigments used by archive. An exhibition Because of their Kriemann for the cap- usually lasts a month or chemical properties, tions, the lists, and two or three, a temporal the special pigments the colour fields were unit that corresponds used to produce Krie- manufactured using the to a human scale of mann’s captions will, crushed and ground- lived time, an extended in time, fade.
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