The Zip C de Your want ad. ° is easy to place -Phone 686-7700 I Published Every Thursday by Trumar Publishing Corp. ave:; SiSHnofleld. N.J.;O7OfH -J6|6-77OO. ' Mailing Addroii: SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1969 Subfcrlptfbn Roto Second Class Postage VOL, 40 No. 36 P.O. Box 69, Springfield, N,J. 07081 $6.50 Yearly Paid at Springfield, N.J. 15 Cents Per Copy __&!«i#*TtfHCi',''••'•'• •••••' • • '•• Y .,... 4 • •: "Pi • <-• » •. _„_ •••• '•'' ••' ••''! r i j £*'- . '• ••• V^f" it-.,-.' "-I •?£•*•• >iis ja^r r-"'-> '7r' R ' . V.>(' • 1 9 W^ ""'' I.' •'•('•:;,• - .'• I.'"'. •$i'" • - ..-• l-Vii V. .By ABNER GOLD Canto A. Casale, board president presided, ''Possible consolidation of .school'districts, as the seven board members-present were a subject- which >ias given spme_ small com- barely outnumbered by the audience. ' '- m% munities' hallucinogenic dreams, snared the The prospects pf educational consolidation ^spotlight at Jhe Sprlnpleld Board of Edu- were jnentioned by SeymouFJulargulles, chaliv - cation mating Morvfoy nt t*1^F^r*Flf^* Gaudi— -man of the board's advisory school planning neer School7wlth discussion of programs to — committee,w]K>-Baid-thae-*he-t- —" -- -— explain' the~ashgers of drug, addiction...._1 Jl fully studying all aspects of. -:•- partmantotEducatio""- •*»""••« Ttiat_ flymmanf h'^'d' nrgpri that all Small districts^" "with less, than 3,500 -8tudentB-bo. merged—into larger-units. As - ode step, it '•' .'.:-v'.v,'|"ir/:; .• ', v.| Springfield i©zh suggeste^%at^regional hig" -"'-'-' -—— B HSU OTI.' •' *• •'• byl^sorWng their constituent sending dis- exchange studenfsi tricts,. Springfield has approximately 2,000" For.the third consecutive year, Springfield students in the local schools,'running up to will be host-tb a group of American Field the eighth grade, plus another 1,000 stu- -Service students who, after spending a year dents attending Jonathan Dayfort Regional High in this country,, are on their way home to school. ' \--lzz^. •" •••*•:•:"".•••> •'•;- .,':' .countries throughout the world; Springfield ; Although _many_experts have said that the . .-"AM "residents have been asked to provide a "warm MancusoReport, as such, will not beapproved welcome, bed, ancTBbard,'r jnost do believe that some field Chapter American Flel<j_Service has form of consolidation is inevitable,; mi '••'Jl -planned—a complete, ^program of activities ' Margulies commented--thflt-any -likelihood of fronrjuly 13 througtlftr—." , consolidation would affect the. local-board's' Anyone interested in extending the hos- attitude .toward proposals being considered pitality of his. home to one or two foreign' > by the Regional High School District Board of -studentt-durlng this five-day period, "thus Education to expand, and renovate, the high Wi'•••"' :^ii^5Si§^rnrilG---A few of the'pbygrbund directors brush' up on their >UimMhgrskllis;; Dqnna Quintoh; Mary-' A^MSa^Jfajfy AnnFerguson, :Bruce.Smith (top); making his own contribution to peace through schools..' . -i^|MBl(Sijition for the opening of the township playground program on Monday, Sbbwu-left'' Melissa Bachrach, Art Buehrer, Gortijite' So)azziir;Alexis Eisner and Peggy Kramer. international understanding," can call Mrs. 11 : •' •'•'•.-•. "••«!'! ',-•'>,-::. '- . (Photo by E;C."Cardihaiy- Seymour MarguUqsat 379-9132TMrs. Morpw "DRUG-ADDICTION and-the need for edu- '^•"--iA'.'iiiff' .,•-';'!'.,-W'*'••.-.-'-' i; ••'/ - •- •• ~""".' : ' .'•• — . '• " ••('..•' Parish ar579-2757 or Mrs. WUUamVanVran- cation In the lower grades were discussed 1 lcen at 379-3080. -r- — (Con>inu»d Wijiog* 5) f QQWP will ocven '."i, •—rh:;r,h:.;:.' ' .... - ' • •v* '.W-'t^1- "• • •*" t II l *&*$*. ichool boards in the Union"1 Opposing any plan that would split students Regional lnClark, and David Brearlev Regional in Kenllworth. Several other - local school iejfenal High School Distrfpt have between two" highSchools was Dr. Lwin-Br~ The Springfield Recreation Department tills the'foglonal Board of Education to Hanigan. superintendent of-scliools-in-Moun- board-mombers^-alsoi'voiced their opposition^ week announced tha t it • will offer -eight-weeks k. vwfa building prograih jhat 'wouldj_tainside. Mountainside nintbgradeTSuqwrattend ; of Supervised play this, summer 'at 11 play- ^OTflj»l^';.'^^:\^/ jijwfe*''lb atteiia_ . Jonatha'n^yton-R|gionaJ('i inSpringfield,With grpjinds );hr5ughbut the town. cd merfiber and - ^^p1|yfieUsto'tionerated uder supor- the local-fet avenue. Ir%yin. f: geiteiSJly K&xx K, ' Sa^auteleV>Scho(», r.- Regainu l Highi, that "Dr.- Rlssiett&*s^prole'cisd'.'enrollmeneclSa''enrollment Schifei, Denha'm'toad, Rlverside-at lh^ Bsetto in his pi Under Dr^ fy^set^s.;,.plan,-,„ . ^-j,- ClaflTstiident• . ... s figures were accurate.' . '••,•"• •- L 0tuls 0 —ton-art»nUe; Woodside at LaUrel drive~~Ruby Wffi£l0?\ . 'J . ?"--iQ!uentln' Groves of tfe BerKeloy,. Heights at ''Rose avenue, Smithfjeld drive,_Alvln ter- X!^mw,-wi ! ; ** ' board-sftltl-its-f igures show enrollment reach- ' race and High Pdlnt-drivo. "; •' "--^ . ing a peak In 1974, with a projected enrollment Registration will, be on'Monday^ at 1 p:m. mmmmmMm^s, of 1,385, as ugainst Dr. Rissetw's projection at the playground! of_ each child's choice. of i,478-for the same yeur.-^i. _... .7" The... planned program" ~wlll' "rnirnuiutflfAilg^" " Dr. Hagedorn said a supplementary study of 15^- Almou^h' attendance on the playground ehrollmentTproJectlons for Berkeloy Heights Is not conjipulsory, registration is necessary. •was being'made by pr.'Rissettoundthe results . All- plasgrpunds will be open daily, Mon- are expected this week. •.' — ~^-— day-thrjjngh, Friday, from 9 a.m. to-5 p,m. —The Regional boirtd said the • disparity-does In fhp r»vpnr thftrp la rain, the-day-s-pro- Caulfield, Elizabeth Dewey,, Laurie-Feldman, not change tlic fact that an expansion program gram will be cancelled. •'••'. — ~»pStudents at. Jo«man Dayton 1 Regional HJgh^School, Springfield, were hon- Lynn Fnlchter,—RobertGottlieb, Rutli I lutcli- Is" needed "to "relieve"overcrowding in the ••7 The age requirement for lise-of the~play- roTetTSt iffi^T'icW'4^awards assemblyion Tues- iSOn,.'Anne^Josephson, Aimee Kaplan, James district over the. next five years. •! groundft-is 6 tl\rough 15. Children under 6 i^_Dr._W.acrenJvLCavis, Regional superinten- -'iayr"'"''.',-''-V' ''jj*''';1''' '••••- ' ' '•'"'•\: / Kosnett, Hal Lewis, ;David Margulies, Helen-, years i of age musLbe accompanied by parents — _^j_The. .Cprnell^Eiub of Union Countytpup went Martin,—Gcrardo—Maurlz, Frances Moore, dent of schools, noted tliat classes are being or an'olSer brother or-sister,' capable of' tb Ian Stari:,' the Elizabethtown Chapter SAR Nancy Osbahr, Shelley Parishr-Jerry; Rabln- held in theatrical.dressing rooms at the Gov.^ looking after die younger~cmkL_Eor those" J , in Piavlri MnrmilTBa; DAR Good CitlZen.- owitz, Debra_Schwartz, Gatr ^>pector, Ian Livingston school, and that chemistry labs at children over-~T5~"whp will-use the play- the scliool can accommodate only 14 of the 19 - ship'AwartL-Marie_Tarantula; DaytonTeach- Stam;Debbie Steinhoff, Marie.Tarantula; Jane grounds, the Recreation Department recom* ^ers'c Association Swvtce Award- DavidLMar^ ThiiBerger, Karen -tlnterwalsl, Nancy. Van chemistry classes that are~schedyedj|ally.__Jrniended~the 'use of ^Regional High'-School;7 Vranken, .Debbie Waldtj -Jill7Williams and He' also. said that the'languago lab at the Irwin. street"" Sandmeier"•"School or; Rlver- , Bausch and Lomb Award for excellence in- Wood, seniors; . '"":•. Berkeley ilelghts-scliobl was being'used as a —- side pyplayfields. > •t^. science, David Margulies;-Rensselaer Poly-/ ! Also, Susan Baudi, Fred Gold, Carl Gold- classroom. Offered'as part of the"daily program at. "i—^ techiiic- Award for "achievement- ln-matlte-1 stein, Debbie- Goldstein, -Patricia Howarth^— — "People just don't-know how overcrowded each~playground will.-be arts and crafts. , " matics and science, Michael McCourt; Spring-" Katherlne Klohr, Joel Mtllman, Robert Stern- the-schools are," August Caprio, a member of • Specialized craft teachefs Will" play, super- field Association of Creative Arts Bond, Elie bach and Lisa Wasserman, juniors.-——-•- ;'' ''-' itheJocnl board-in Springfield, said, - ' Vise, and visit the playgrounds, ~r_ "DreyfUK'T.emp'Ie-BethAhm Sisterhood-Awards, Avery—W^Wardr-Region.il. board-president^ Robert Gottlieb and Jill .WiUlams; Ladies of FRENCH NATIONAL *Honor Society mem— said the board will continue to study the Unico Bond, Marie Tarantula; Elks-Club ire: Elizabeth Dewey, Lynn Fruchter, Rissetto reportrand coirurup with a suitable Margulies, Shelley Parish, Gail Spec- J" Regional board[• \ ??••. Agjy LaSota nnd .lerrJy RablnOwitz: . building program. He emphasized that the tbr, Ian Starr and Jill Williams, seniors,;" board has not as yet accepted or rejected all The next regular monthly business meeting Future Teachers of America Award, Deborah. Susan Baudi, Howard Dobin, Debbie Gold- ; or any portion of the recommendations. ~' of tlio Uhion_County' Regional High Scliool ritj-- • •-- ---:,-fl|. ' stein, Barbara Katz and Robertr~Sterribach, onoF:Sdcloty Medals for highest ' "We"have asked the residents of thedistrijjk District Board of Education, will be held -for-their opinions and.wehave^ou here {T^Tuesday att Goy. Livingston Regional High Honor Society members* seek'" your opinion," ho-told the Ioea4-board—r-School, Berkeley Heights. The meeting will (Continued on page 6)- .members. .-. ;'•.: — *,-'• '^.^^T-- • ~. begui_at:8Sp.m. -•'.-.'.. - •'._
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